Tag Archives: Plugins

New Science Blog Helper WordPress App For Science Writers

Science Blog Helper is the new WordPress plugin designed specially for science blog writer. Currently it provides you functions like LaTeX supporting and post outline generation. Simply install and activate it. Upon activation the plugin adds a new menu in admin sidebar. Visit Dashboard ->  SciBloger and choose your configuration mode and other options.

LaTeX Support

This function is realised by importing copy of MathJax, an open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers, from their CDN Service.

Simply use \(…\) to wrap your in-line math or \[…\] to wrap your equations. For more info, please visit MathJax Homepage or Documents.

Outline Generation

Posts on science usually are long works. SciBloger will help you generate a useful outline as long as headers were set properly: making h3 the top level in your post; h4s, h5s, h6s follows by order.

Shortcode is also supported to generate outline more flexible:

[scibloger_outline show=”yes” right=”10px” top=”20%”]

How To Add Subtitles To Your WordPress Site Widgets?

Yes you can easily enable subtitles in all WordPress widgets like default WP widgets, widgets your theme provides you and widgets provided by plugins, hacks etc. Widget Subtitle is the new WordPress plugin that provides you easiest way of adding widget subtitles.

Simply install and activate the plugin. Upon activation the plugin automatically adds a new subtitle field in all widgets. Visit Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page and use subtitle text field and add subtitles to your widgets.

widgets subtitle

All your website widgets keeps working in old way, the plugin doesn’t adds any subtitle to any widget by itself upon activation.

Widget Subtitle

Easily Enable Selected Text Snippet Sharing In WordPress

DX Share Selection is the new fork of WP Selected Text Sharer which is not updated since long. DX Share Selection simply activates snippet sharing feature that allows your visitors to share/search selected text from your site. They may select a snippet, search for it or share it on various popular social networks.

Install and activate the plugin then visit Dashboard -> Settings -> DX Share Selection and select your options like you can add Widget Title, Share Items, add custom buttons,set Border Color, Background Color, Title Background color, Hover Color, Text Color, Extra Class, Grep Element and other options including Bitly Settings etc.

How selected sharing works?

As soon your reader selects a text snippet in your website’s content like a post, page or custom post type, a popup comes from where sharing is done. Shared snippet also includes to that page thus increases site visibility and traffic.

Apart from sharing buttons you can also add custom buttons and search engines like Google, Yahoo etc or simply your site’s to the popup.


  • Light weight, 4KB jquery plugin is required.
  • Various color/style and option arguments.
  • Automatic selected text truncation for Twitter.
  • Shorten the post link using Bitly.
  • Load the scripts either in header or footer.
  • Simple and light interface.
  • Template system for adding links to the popup.
  • No knowledge of coding required.
  • Integration with WP Socializer plugin

Moving Posts From One Category To Another In WordPress

Here’s a quick and handy style of moving your WordPress blog posts from one category to another. Move Posts is a very simple and lightweight plugin that lets you move all posts from one category to another. In other words we can say its like moving categories.

First of all install and activate Move Posts plugin and then follow the steps:

  1. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Move Posts page
  2. Use dropdown ‘From Category’ to choose the category you like to move
  3. Now use second dropdown ‘To Category’ and select category you like moving first category posts to.
  4. Finally click ‘Submit’ button and you are done.

News Headline Ticker With Typing Style Slider For WordPress

News Headline Ticker is the new typing style text slider for WordPress. It allows you to display your recent news headline as typing style slider on your website. The plugin is designed for online news websites. It adds a new post type you can use for creating news posts and then you can show them in a sliding typing style.

Install and activate the plugin then follow the given steps:

  1. Visit admin area dashboard and you will see a new post type is added.
  2. Click on the new menu item “News Headline” and create your head line news.
  3. Just copy and paste ” if(function_exists('newsHeadLineTkr')){headLinePost();} in the template code or [News-Ticker] in the post/page” where you want to display news head line.

Create Special Content With New WordPress Light Shortcode Generator

Light Shortcode is the new TinyMCE shortcode generator for WordPress sites. The plugin provides you shortcodes for Button, Icon, Box, Highlight, Divider, Toggle, Google Map, Accordion, Pricing Table, Tabs, and Grid etc.

light-shortcode screenshot 1Light Shortcode button

light-shortcode screenshot 2Example shortcode (Price Tables)

Simply install and activate Light Shortcode plugin. Upon activation it adds a new TinyMCE button in WordPress visual editor. You may use the button and insert special looking content while creating new or editing an old blog post, page or any other custom post type etc without painful of manual coding. Check out its Live Demo & Documentation.

Easily Add Expand & Collapse Functionality To Any WordPress Theme

Expand + Collapse Funk is the brand new WordPress application the allows you to easily add expand and collapse functionality to any WordPress theme. The plugin is beautifully simple UI. It simply saves your space by generating hidden content.


  1. Beautifully simple UI
  2. Easily integrate images and YouTube video
  3. Direct link to images/YouTube videos
  4. Quick placement of expand+collapse items
  5. Use on pages or posts (or copy and paste the code to use in theme templates)
  6. Use HTML markup inside the hidden content area

With this new plugin you can easily place hidden content and a link that reveals the content. The functionality is widely used across world wide web to free up space on a page or to place semi-important content into posts. There is no limit to the length of the hidden content. You can include images, YouTube & Vimeo videos or anything else you like.

expandcollapse-funk screenshot 1Expand+Collapse Funk creates a custom tinyMCE icon in the visual editor for very easy use.

expandcollapse-funk screenshot 2The Expand+Collapse Funk modal

expandcollapse-funk screenshot 3Example of very simple YouTube video integration

expandcollapse-funk screenshot 4Example of generated links on a page

expandcollapse-funk screenshot 5Example of expandedl inks showing hidden content.

Simply install and activate the plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds a new TinyMCE button in WordPress visual editor. You may create or edit a page or post to access the ‘Expand Collapse Funk’ tinyMCE button then input the necessary fields, click insert and you are done.

Exporting Jetpack’s Contact Form Feedback Data To CSV File

By default WordPress doesn’t provides you option to export Jetpack’s feedback data to CSV. Butby using Jetpack Feedback Exporter you can export Jetpack Contact Form Feedback data to a csv file. It enables you to select the form you like exporting, then click export, that’s all. The plugin is addon for Jetpack by WordPress.com plugin.

Plugin Features:

  • Export all data
  • Export into CSV
  • Opens easily in excel
  • Contains header tags
  • Optional Date

Exporting FeedBack Forms:

For exporting your Jetpack Feedback forms visit your admin area Dashboard -> Tools -> Feedback Exporter and choose desired form to export, you can include date, then finally click export and you are done.

Bring Facebook POKE Feature To Your BuddyPress Network

You must have observed this feature on Facebook. Facebook Poke is an old feature of Facebook. Now you can enable Poke in your BuddyPress site too. BuddyPress Poke is the new plugin by Anu Sharma. The plugin simply activates Poke in BuddyPress that enables your community members to poke other members, just like Facebook.

bp-poke screenshot 1Other user profile

bp-poke screenshot 2Poke screen

bp-poke screenshot 3Error message

bp-poke screenshot 4Poke back screen

Simply install and activate the plugin. Upon activate your logged in members will be able to poke by visiting other users profile and using poke button.

New Quick Way Of WordPress Admin Area Post Navigation

Quick Navigation provides you new fast and easy way of admin section post navigation. There many ways of editing your blog posts by generally bloggers use Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts page. Now what this new plugin does is it add a filter on ‘All posts’ list admin page and  you can open any post for editing by using this dropdown showing all post on that admin page list.

Quick Post Navigation

Second thing Quick Navigation does is it also adds a dropdown box is edit post page from where you can directly open any post for editing soon after editing or publishing content.

Easily Turn Any WordPress Page InTo A Beautiful Resume

You can turn any simple WordPress page into a Resume Page by using the new easy WordPress plugin called Resume Page. The plugin provides you all inbuilt basics for all what a resume page needs. The plugin follows traditional resume layout and is completely customizable with in-built design options and also you can add your custom CSS.

It provides you power to turn any page of your website into a different resume page. It also has a smart templating feature that enables developers to easily override the template simply by dropping it into child theme.

resume-page screenshot 1

Resume Page with stacked corners.

resume-page screenshot 2

Resume page with flat view and background image

resume-page screenshot 3

Github and Portfolio integration

How to use Resume Page Plugin?

Install and activate Resume Page. Upon activation the plugin automatically adds various metaboxes in Add New/Edit Pages. For creating a new resume page all you have to do is create a new page from Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New and tick ‘Make this page a Resume Page’ option in Resume Page metabox, you can also select your resume page theme, layout and manage its sections right from the page admin section.

See it live working here.

Main Features:

  1. Portfolio:Integrated lightbox portfolio
  2. Github: Integrated Github activity stream
  3. Themes: Choose from a flat setup or stacked paper corners with CSS3
  4. Reusable: Use it on every page of your site and each resume can be completely different
  5. Templating: Themers can copy the template from /templates/resume-page-template.php into a child theme and mod away safely

Github Style Easy Headline Parser For WordPress Blogs

If you like writing long articles with multiple headings, ONet Auto Headline Anchor will allows you to add a link next to your headings so that your readers can easily share posts pointing to specific parts, you might have noticed this feature in GitHub and on some websites running on Mediawiki. The feature is also loaded with a smooth scroll script.

Install and activate ONet Auto Headline Anchor then follow the given steps:

  1. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Reading
  2. Scroll down to ONet Auto Headline Anchor settings section and select your settings
  3. It allows you to set the options like Enable parse, Choose Linkify style, Linkify style, Smooth scroll, Use cache, Select Tags to parse from H1 to H6, Add support for posts & pages

Also you can get a TOC of content by using ONetAutoHeadlineAnchor::get_toc([content],[optional: return hierarchical or raw list]).

The plugin contains a predefined style for Git-like link display but it is hardly recommend to change the style to fit your needs (and your design).

Improve WordPress Pagination With Extra Input (Jump To) Number

You can improve your WordPress site pagination by adding enabling extra input number that simply allows users to jump to any (x) page. There are various pagination plugins that changes default ‘Older Posts’ & ‘Newer Posts’ option to page number, now this tutorial explains you to add one extra function that enables users to jump to some page number directly.

Continue reading Improve WordPress Pagination With Extra Input (Jump To) Number

Creating Beautiful & Responsive YouTube Video Albums In WordPress

You can fetch yours or someone else’s YouTube video (uploads or favorites) from YouTube channels to create beautiful albums with retrieved info into your WordPress site. Srizon Responsive Youtube Album is the new WordPress plugin by srizon.com. Using this new plugin you can create video albums, the play video on a responsive lightbox, you can add as many albums as you want and display them using shortcodes which are generated automatically, you can copy/paste them into your blog post, page or any other custom post type etc.

Install and activate Srizon Responsive Youtube Album. Upon activation the plugin adds a new menu ‘YouTube Album’ in WordPress admin area. Follow the given steps:

  1. From Dashboard -> YouTube Albums menu click on the Albums submenu
  2. Click “Add New” button to add a new album. (or click on an existing album title to edit that)
  3. Fill-up or modify the form and save that
  4. Your albums will be listed along with the shortcodes. Use the shortcodes into your page/post to show the video album
  5. Try out different options to suit your need
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 1Thumb with description layout – wide view
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 2Thumb Grid layout – wide view
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 3Video in responsive lightbox – wide view
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 4Video in responsive lightbox – small screen
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 5Thumb Grid layout – small screen
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 6Admin View – Adding album – basic
srizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 7Admin View – Adding album – layout related optionssrizon-responsive-youtube-album screenshot 8
Admin View – Album list with shortcodes

Pro Version:

There is also a pro version of this plugin having following more features:

  • you can sync as many videos as you want (assuming that your connection and server’s memory can handle the data)
  • playlist is also supported besides channel uploads and favorites
  • 3 layouts available (one additional responsive slider besides 2 free layouts)
  • pagination is available for 2 layouts

Generate Favicon From Any Image In One Click From WordPress Admin Section

FavHero – Favicon Generator is a quick one-click favicon generator for WordPress sites. With this new plugin you can instantly in just one click generate favion from any image you have in your WordPress media library. Install and activate FavHero – Favicon Generator plugin, after activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> FavHero Favicons page, click ‘Select Faviocn‘ button to select an image from your media library to make it your website’s favicon. Also you can upload any image from your local hardrive and make it your site’s favicon.

Continue reading Generate Favicon From Any Image In One Click From WordPress Admin Section

Use Jetpack Sharing Feature Without Installing Whole Jetpack Package In WordPress

Jetpack is a popular WordPress plugin that provides you a package of various cool features designed by WordPress.Com. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin that installs only sharing module of Jetpack into your WordPress site. Useful for the users interested in only sharing feature of Jetpack, now there is no need of installing whole package.

Jetpack Sharing is the new WordPress plugin by Anas H. Sulaiman. The plugin contains Jetpack’s sharing module and activates it in your WordPress site. Simply install and activate it the visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Sharing page and set the options.

Features: All what you get in Official Jetpack’s Sharing Module:

  • Choose social networks buttons you’d like to add.
  • Drag and drop style for button selection.
  • Hide some buttons behind a share button.
  • Add your own custom buttons.
  • Choose from 4 different buttons styles: icon only, text only, icon + text, or official buttons.
  • Custom sharing label. (displayed next to sharing buttons)
  • Open links in the same window, or in a new one.
  • Choose where the buttons show up.
  • Preview how the buttons will be appear on your website, right from the settings page.

How To Disable WordPress Comments By Referers?

You can disable your website comments by referers which means you can ban visitors from some websites from viewing or adding comments to your website’s posts, pages etc.

How to disable comments by referer?

Disable Comments By Referer is the new WordPress plugin that lets you selectively disable comments for visitors coming from certain websites (e.g. reddit).

Install and activate the plugin then follow the given steps:

  1. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Discussion page
  2. Scroll down to ‘Referer Blacklist for Comments’ section (added at the very bottom of the page).
  3. Type the a comma-separated bare hostnames, (ex: www.reddit.com, news.ycombinator.com.) in the given text area as shown in following given screenshot:

That’s all. Save your settings and you are done. How it works?

If a visitor’s HTTP referer matches to one of the hosts you’ve blacklisted then the your post will look like as comments have been disabled on your website, neither existing comments nor the new comment form is displayed.

How To Show/Hide Title On Per Post-Page Basis In WordPress?

You can very easily show or hide on your WordPress site post, page or any other custom post type etc on per post basis. You can decide on what post/page you like to show title and on what post/page you like to hide. This way you can hide selected post/page titles on single pages. Hide Title is a handy WordPress plugin that allows you to do so. [Also read: Hiding Selective Widgets Title]

So first install and activate Hide Title plugin. Upon activation the plugin automatically adds Hide Title meta box on edit content page. Now what you have to do is tick the checkbox for showing/hiding title in single i.e. pages.

Title on archive pages show as it is but when the title is clicked and single page is opened, the title goes off itself. The plugin doesn’t disturbs your old posts, pages etc. By default ‘Hide the title on singular page views’ option is unchecked.

How To Add Custom CSS Classes To Individual WordPress Widgets?

By default most WordPress themes uses same style for all sidebar and other widget areas. This tutorial is on how you can make selected widgets on your website look differently in some custom style given by you.

First of all install and activate the WordPress plugin called Widget CSS Classes. This is a well known WP plugin that allows you to add custom classes and ids plus first, last, even, odd, and numbered classes to your widgets. Not only this much but it also adds some additional classes to help you style your widgets more easily:

  • widget-first: added to the first widget in a sidebar
  • widget-last: added to the last widget in a sidebar
  • widget-odd: added to odd numbered widgets in a sidebar
  • widget-even: added to even numbered widgets in a sidebar
  • widget-#: added to every widget, such as widget-1, widget-2

After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page and you will see a new CSS class field is added under each widget. Now all you have to do is write custom CSS and add its class to individual widgets.

Screenshot showing basic widget after the plugin is activated:

Screenshot showing widget with ID field and Dropdown option enabled:

Widget Options & Features:

There are some more options this widgets provides you (Settings -> Widget CSS Classes) like you can enable Widget Number Classes, First/Last Classes, Even/Odd Classes, Show Additional Field for ID, Class Field Type Text Dropdown Hide etc. Also you can define Classes for Dropdown from the options page.


  • Adds a text field to a widget for defining a class
  • You can specify multiple classes by putting a space between them
  • Optionally adds a dropdown menu with predefined classes instead of a text field
  • Optionally adds a text field to add an id to a widget
  • Adds first and last classes to the first and last widget instances in a sidebar
  • Adds even/odd classes to widgets
  • Adds number classes to widgets
  • Fully translatable
  • Multi-site compatible
  • Compatible with Widget Logic and Widget Context plugins
  • Has filters and hooks for customizing output including class names

Easily Add Search Box On Your WordPress Navigation Menu Bar

You can easily, in just one click add a search box in your WordPress site’s main navigation menu bar. Search box on Navigation Menu lets you do this in a very easy way. All will be needing to do is install and activate it.

Upon activation the plugin adds the default search box on main navigation menu that will save the space and flexibly fit with the menu.

New WordPress Sliding Contact Form By FormGet

Sliding Contact Form By FormGet is is a powerful form builder tool with lots of form building features. Using this new plugin you can capture your site visitors information, you can build unlimited contact forms in some seconds. It provides you a beautiful AJAX powered contact form builder with drag and drop interface.

The plugin is easy to use. Simply install and activate Sliding Contact Form By FormGet. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Contact Form page and from there you can start creating your contact forms. Its admin area interface is intuitive & easy. Contact Us button can be set in at any of the given direction(left, right or bottom) you set, you can show it on every page on your website or you can display form on individually on pages, post, widgets and sidebar.

The good thing about this new contact form plugin is that it flawlessly redeems FormGet to your website, now no more swapping between your website to edit contact forms, you can view submission and copy code. It lets you manage your FormGet account from your wordpress dashboard, so can take advantage of all FormGet great feature without leaving your editor.