Category Archives: Homeschool

PHP Was Never Written In Perl

Morons keep assuming that PHP was written in Perl. Wikipedia is spreading this false notion. Wikipedians take words of Rasmus Lerdorf less reliable. It is visible on Wikipedia page history that many tried to correct this mistake but its bureaucratic approach had undone all that.

Even the creator of PHP Rasmus Lerdorf  himself says that PHP was never witten in Perl and real world doesn’t require any other source not even Wikipedia to confirm the truth. Simply learn PHP and it is not Perl. Actually Wikipedia was using the Wiki written in Pearl before Magnus Manske actually recreated Wikipedia in PHP. That very stuff is named by Wiki Media Foundation  as MediaWiki.

Know what PHP is: PHP is one of the most popular and widely used server side scripting language which used for creating dynamic webcontent and applications that interact with the user offering customized information. PHP originally stood for Personal Home Pages but somewhere the acronym get changed to Hypertext Pre-processor.

PHP has given new dimensions to the lives of Jimmy Wales, Mark Zuckerberg and many others. Where Jimmy Wales started from Bomis.Com providing free to premium access of users to X-rated content. Later-on he gained huge amount of credibility after founding Wikipedia. And Mark Zuckerberg, who had almost no friends created Facebook which is now the largest social networking system.

Wikipedia and Facebook are different frameworks but they both run on PHP. WordPress is also PHP programmed most popular blogging platform. So better don’t take any wrong idea about this dominant web-technology. PHP was never written in Perl and in this regard Wikipedia is less reliable than Rasmus Lerdorf.

Virtual Shopping Stores In Korea Combine Drawbacks Of Online Shopping With Brick And Mortar Stores

Korean Virtual Shopping Stores, where all the Shelves are just LCD Screens. You choose your items by touching the LCD and get everything packed at the counter when you finish shopping.

Although you can easily shop from home and it is a much better option already available. These virtual shopping stores use the same thing that you use while shopping from home i.e., smartphones, cards and codes and this proves that these stores are using an idiotic concept which wastes more resources including heavy waste of electricity and creates more complex jobs and you cannot say it a Virtual Shopping Store as it combines the drawbacks of online shopping with brick and mortar stores.

The only advantage of this is that it makes the store prone to shoplifting. But, looking into consumer’s side, it has big disadvatage, since you can’t touch nor smell the real product (unless you’ll go there with all the things you needed to buy already in your mind).

This system is not made to help customers. Yes, and that was a big mistakes. They must take into consideration if it really help the consumers since we are the end users here.

__Lliorka Bomberouge

If its virtual, why would you still make people walk around to find things(besides to buy more things)?

__Corban Anderson

How do you sell food through the LCD? How do I know I won’t get anything rotten?

__John Daniel

Russia adopted a law to shut web sites…

Russia adopted a law to shut web sites if they are “harmful to children“.

I think the site does not get a trial before it is shut. Of course, they won’t shut the web sites that do harm large numbers of children, by selling them toys and candy. But they might stretch this to shut political web sites. This is not as bad as SOPA, which was rejected in the US, but it is still unacceptable. Richard Matthew Stallman

French Supreme Court May Order Google To Censor Few Terms

Google suffered setback in its case against SNEP the music industry group. French Supreme Court ruled that Google may be asked for censoring search terms like ‘Torrent’, ‘RapidShare’ and ‘Megaupload’ from its Instant and Auto-complete services. Court argued that Google indirectly facilitates copyright infringement by not filtering these terms.

This new attempt from another court wouldn’t get rid of pirate sites. Pirate sites would just change their addresses in order to continue sharing activities.

YouTube Launched New Feature That Allows You To Blur Faces In Your Videos

YouTube has launched a new feature. Using this feature you can easily blur faces in your videos. It easily recognizes all faces in a video and you can blur them all in a single button click.

For using this feature: Select Video >> Enchantments >> Additional Features

Google Chrome Partnered With Tate Modern For Creating A Collaborative Art Project “This Exquisite Forest”

Google Chrome partnered with Tate Modern for creating an online collaborative art project “This Exquisite Forest” It uses modern web technologies like HTML5 Canvas and WebAudio API. You can create short animations, connect it with different others and this way you develop a collection of animated stories. Tate Modern Gallery would be displaying some of these selected stories through out the year.

Your WordPress P2 Blog Can Now Be A Full-Blown Issue Tracker

You can now have your WordPress blog as a full-blown issue tracker with Recently updated Resolved/Unresolved Posts Plugin. Test it live here in this post. Check Resolved/Unresolved button at the top right corner of this post.

  • Green posts are resolved issues.
  • Red posts are unresolved issues.

You also get a sidebar widget for quick overview of resolved and unresolved posts.


Today Google Is Launching Updates To Google Maps

Google is launching updates to Google Maps with more detailed information on parks, coastlines, water bodied etc. These maps would be having accurate names, known locations with clearly labelled ferry routes. Updates to +Google Maps would be available for:

  1. Croatia
  2. Czech Republic
  3. Greece
  4. Ireland
  5. Italy
  6. Lesotho
  7. Macau
  8. Portugal
  9. San Marino
  10. Singapore
  11. Vatican City

Check Google Blog- More detailed maps in parts of Europe, Africa and Asia

Ubuntu – Find Your IP Address

Sometimes you need IP address to solve some problems with your internet connection. May be you don’t know that you have two IP addresses:

  • First IP address is of computer on the internal network. and
  • Second IP address is of your computer on Internet.

Finding your internal IP address:

  1. Click the network menu on the top panel.
  2. Select Connection information.
  3. Note your internal IP address.

Finding your external internet IP address:

  1. Visit
  2. Note your external IP address

Browsing Files On Server Or Network Share In Ubuntu

For browsing files on a server you need to connect to that particular server/network share. After connecting to server/network share present on your local machine or in any external device you can easily download-upload and share different files with different users on your local network.

Browsing files over the network:

  • Open File Manager
  • Click Network in the side pane
  • Now File manager will find all machines on your local area network which are having ability to serve files.

If you are connecting to an Internet server or in-case the machine you are looking for is not visible then you can manually connect to a server. Follow these steps:

  • Open File Manager
  • click File
  • Connect to Server
  • Enter address of the server
  • select server type
  • enter other information if required
  • Click Connect

Details on server types are listed here:
Servers on internet usually use domain name
Computers on your local area network use the machine’s numeric IP address.
If any othe machine is running Ubuntu use machine’s internal IP address. Otherwise, check the help on that computer.

This will show you the files on the server.  Now you are free to browse those files and folders easily.

Dell Has Announced Its Re-entry In Linux Based Laptops

Today Dell announced its re-entry in Linux based laptops. These laptops would be coming  pre-loaded with Ubuntu Linux and the good thing is that there is no dual boot of Windows which increases the speed of your machine and you work in the best operating system. If you require dual booting then you would have to buy Windows version laptop and install Linux manually. The configuration of XPS13 Laptop has 4GB of RAM with Intel Core i7 processor and 256GB solid state hard drive.

Google+ Increased At The Rate Of 43.1% Reaches To 31.9 Million Unique Visitors

The June social network traffic numbers from Compete.Com confirms that Google+ got huge traffic increase in June. It got 31.9 million visitors in June whereas 22.3 million visitors in May, Increased at the rate of 43.1%. Google+ gained 14.2 million visitors this year. According to Experian Hitwise Google+ had 0.85% of the visits to US social networks in June, compared to 0.63% in May.

Since the year started, Google+ has gained 14,2 million visitors, from 17,6 million visitors in December to 31,9 million visitors in June. For the first time, according to Compete statistics, Google+ is now larger than Linkedin, who had 24,6 million visitors in June. Linkedin had a 6,5% decrease in visitors in June compared to May.
