Category Archives: WordPress

Give Professional Look To Embedded YouTube Videos In Your WordPress Site

Using WP YouTube Player Customizer you can customize the appearance of any embedded video in your WordPress site very easily, just with a few clicks. You can give a professional look to embedded video by removing YouTube link, title, description and the related videos that YouTube shows after the video completes. You can make video auto play as soon you open its page without clicking the play button and also you can add your own title and description in any YouTube video which you choose for embedding in your site.

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How To Add Custom CSS to WordPress Admin Bar Without Disturbing Core Or Using Hack ?

You can customize WordPress admin bar. You can change its color, size and other style  by adding some custom CSS. Generally this is done by adding a function to your theme’s function.php file. Second method includes editing siteroot-> wp-includes->css-> admin-bar.css file but I would not recommend you changing the core css files. As far I know there are no plugins available that allows you add custom color to wp admin bar.  Here I am discussing another method which easily customizes your wp admin bar without disturbing anything on your site.

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How To Add TechCrunch Type Retweet Button In WordPress And Allow Tweets As Individual Comments ?

Add a Twitter retweet button (similar to techcrunch) for your WordPress posts and archives that shows all tweets and enables retweeting. If you want you can also add adds tweets as comments and trackbacks.

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Allow WordPress Commenters To Select Comment Avatar Manually Or Use Custom Avatars Stored In Your Website

Some people don’t use Gravatar, some don’t use Twitter and there are some who don’t use Facebook also and when they leave comment on your blog they leave a mystery man image (or your site’s default avatar) in their comment which sometimes does’t look nice. But you can allow them to choose their comment avatars manually by selecting a avatar from their social profile, email or choosing it from a list of your site’s custom avatars. I know about few plugins that allows you to do so.

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Bring More Traffic With More Comments By Auto-Syncing Your WordPress Blog Posts To Newsgrape

Newsgrape Sync, a WP Plugin automatically syncs your WordPress posts to your account. Editing or deleting of any post also replicated and it also allows you to crosspost all existing posts to, Not only this much but the best part of this plugin is it also integrates the Newsgrape comments inside your WordPress posts.

Connecting to Newsgrape is good, it drives more traffic and engagement to your blog. It provides smart filtering and helps to find better content to its readers through charts, social media observation and subscriptions.

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Give Better Look To Your Food Recipes In WordPress. Automatically Create Google Recipe View

If you are running a recipe blog, posting your food recipes in WordPress is easy now. You can get them automatically formatted in a better recipe and as per Google Recipe View.

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How You Can Hide Theme Editor From WordPress Dashboard ?

If you like hiding WordPress theme editor from dashboard then all you need to is add a function in your theme function file.  Copy and paste the following code in your theme’s function.php file editing the username given in the following code to you own. Changing the username in the following code will make theme editor visible to that admin who’s username is written in the code:

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Best WordPress Plugins For Maximizing Your Blog’s SEO

SEO plays crucial role for online business websites as well blogs. SEO helps to get more traffic. Here are the best plugins for improving WordPress blog’s SEO. Other ways include like link exchange, subscribe RSS Feed that are more crucial parts under SEO. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a key tool to get more website visitors. The main goal for blog owner & SEO is to get traffic and appear in the first 5 pages of the search engine and maintain online posting and also repetitive visitors.

Check out the following WordPress plugins for improving your blog’s SEO. If you also know about any good SEO plugin for WordPress then feel free to mention it here.

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How To Display A ThankYou Button With Counter After Your WordPress Blog Posts ?

Allow your readers to say thank you for your posts. You can add a ‘Thank You’ button to each of your post/page, counts and shows a total number of visitors ‘thanks’ (i.e. thank you counter) for post/page.

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Finally You Can Add WordPress.Com’s Like Button In Your Self Hosted WordPress Blog


You might have noticed a content like feature at the bottom of most’s blog posts. There is a “Like” button, which when clicked, displays a Gravatar image of the bloggers who liked that post. JetPack by WordPress doesn’t provide you with this feature but still you can have it for your self hosted WordPress blog.

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Encourage Comments By Rewarding Commenters To Build Backlinks More Effectively In Your WordPress Site

Reward your WordPress site commenters by automatically adding a link to their latest post at the end of the comment they have posted. It Encourages a community and discover new posts.

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Free Ultimate Mobile Pack Plugins For Your WordPress Site

Make your WordPress site mobile friendly so that your visitors from most popular mobile devices like iPhone, iPod touch, Android, Palm Pre/Pixi and BlackBerry OS6 etc browse your site easily on their devices. Now no need to check each mobile plugin present in the WordPress Plugin Repository because here are the best plugins that convert your normal WordPress site in to a handset friendly site. Each plugin mentioned here has its own importance and unique features. If you also know about any cool mobile plugin for WordPress then feel free to mention it here.

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5 Best AuthorBox WordPress Plugins For Displaying Author’s Bio, Custom & Social Links After Posts

Author box plugins expands user profile page by adding social media fields and makes it easier for readers to follow author on social media networks. Here is a list of top 5 WordPress plugins for displaying Author Box after posts, pages, widget areas etc wherever you like. If you only want to add a perfect cool author box after your posts then try Fancier Author Box by ThematoSoup or read this tutorial for knowing about more plugins providing different types of customization.

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Now Display Google’s Verified Authorship Using WordPress Plugin

In one of my post, I discussed about how you can display your image and Google+ profile link in Google’s search results using WordPress hack. Here also I am discussing the same but suggesting you a more easy option for that, yes you can do same by using a plugin now.

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How To Build Multilingual Websites With WordPress Multisite Install ?

Now it is much easier to build multilingual WordPress sites and run them with WordPress multisite install using Multilingual Press. You simply write your posts in your language and it automatically creates its duplication in the other sites and these new posts get interlinked and become easily accessible from the post/page editor screen – you can switch back and forth to translate them! Multilingual-Press is WordPress conform. This plugin doesn’t make any changes to the WordPress core and it doesn’t harm your website’s performance.

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Easiest Way For Displaying Ads In WordPress, Wherever You Like & Without Editing Any Theme File

There are many plugins in WordPress Plugin Repository that allows you to display Adsense and other ads in your blog but sometimes you like to display add on your header and footer areas, you install a plugin for that then you change your mind to sidebar and inside your post, you install another plugin and when you get tired of checking plugins one by one then you start editing your theme files but now reading this tutorial you can show ads anywhere you want in your blog without using any extra plugin and without editing and theme file.

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