Translating whole page is not good everytime. Sometime your visitors only wants to know the meaning of an individual word and for that either they search it on Google or use a translator for translating that word in their own language. You can make things easy for your website visitors by allowing them to know the definition of any word inside your post, pages and other custom post types just by double clicking over them, further they can browse more information about that certain word by clicking ‘More info’ in the tool tips.
Category Archives: Free Press
How To Calculate Payment For Authors In WordPress?
A few days back we have discussed about counting profits generated by individual posts in WordPress. If you are running a multi-author WordPress blog then you can also set up calculations for paying your authors on the basis of the number of posts they have published, number of words they have used, visits, images and also comments. Post Pay Counter lets you easily handle authors’ payment on a multi-author website by computing posts’ remuneration basing on admin defined rules.
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Awesome Progress Bars For Showing Progress Of Anything In WordPress
It can be used for showing anything using a percentage progress meter inside your posts, pages, widgets and even theme files etc. Awesome Progress Bar is the new WordPress plugin you can use for showing progress of your website, your products, you can compare things and more. The plugin provides you various shortcodes for adding progress bars in WordPress. See it live working here.
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Top 5 Plugins For Simplifying WordPress Admin UI
A few days back we have discussed about designing an easy admin area interface on your client websites. Today in this tutorial we are sharing some more good plugins that lets you simplify your admin area’s user interface. For example: Posts is a popular word in blogosphere but website owners who just migrated from old days 5 or 6 or whatever pages websites to WordPress and who don’t know the difference between posts and pages find it very confusing. Hence you can make things easy by changing the term ‘Posts’ to ‘Articles’ or ‘Blog’. Similarly there are various other plugin you can use to simplify WordPress admin UI.
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How To Instantly Live Preview & Customize Posts In WordPress?
Default WordPres post editor has a preview button on publish metabox but that opens up the post in a new tab. You can make this thing instant and then preview, edit or customize post very easily from an awesome preview screen that shows up on post admin page with a close button. Everything works very fast, you simply write your content then click ‘Preview’ button and it opens up a preview screen (without any page refresh) very much like WordPress theme customizer. It allows you to set featured image, add excerpt, edit your post content, use visual formatting buttons, all from its live post customizer screen.
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How To Count Individual Post Profit In WordPress?
If you are running a professional weblog or if you pay your authors for page views of if you write about your own products and you want to know what posts are performing better then here a good solution for you. You can now automatically get calculated amount on per post view and you can know the totals by date.
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Display Team Members Using Awesome Grid & Modal Layout In WordPress
There are many ways of displaying your website authors, staff or team members in WordPress and we have discussed about them earlier also. Grid and modal layout is a cool new style of displaying your team/staff members. Great if you have a big team working for you and you want to display all members in a single page.
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Top 5 Quiz Plugins For WordPress
Now you know how to run chained quizes in your WordPress site. We have also talked about WPQuiz plugin which lets you create a quiz of one or more questions/answers and then display it on a post/page via shortcode. Still you can do much more, there are various other free quiz plugin in WordPress plugins repository which lets you run various other kinds of quizes from your website.
How To Use Windows 8 Metro Design On Chromebook?
Metro design is a special user interface consists largely of a start screen made up of dynamic tiles showing links to applications, features and extensions. The design was specially made for touch phones, tablets and laptops but now many software programs use it for styling their UI. In this article we will show you how you can easily manipulate your Google Chromebook or traditional Google Chrome browser into Windows 8 style metro design.
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How To Create Pages In WordPress?
Now you know the difference between WordPress posts and pages. And we have already posted tutorial on writing your first blog post. Now let us create pages for showing up your timeless content. Just think what you want your visitors to know and access easily anywhere from your website, what static information you have. A page can be used for publishing your biography, your life story, about your website, information about the authors of your blogging site, contact information, résumé or CV, links to other websites you own etc.
How To Auto Share WordPress Posts With Custom Hashtags & Message?
There are many auto-sharing WordPress plugins but Jetpack plugin works best in auto-sharing your posts to all popular social networks. The best thing about the plugin is enables you to add custom hashtags and customize sharing text for each post you write. Publicize feature of Jetpack allows you to connect your website to your social accounts like Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn and Path. Let us see how it works.
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What Is The Difference Between WordPress Posts & Pages?
Suppose if we take a newspaper or magazine as a website then all of its articles are blog posts, advertisements are the Google Adsense, date & classified ads are the widgets where as editor’s note, table of contents and cover pages are the static WordPress pages. WordPress provides you both posts and pages you can publish from admin dashboard.
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How To Run A Chained Quiz In Your WordPress Site?
Chained Quiz means a quiz where the next question depends on the given answer to the previous question. You can run it into your WordPress site, you can chain the questions together in your style using Chained Quiz WordPress plugin. For Example: Suppose, Option-A is the right answer to a given question. So if the user selects Option-A, then you can set the next question of higher level. And if the user selects Option-B which is the wrong answer then you can set the next question of same level.
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How To Give Personal Touch To Your New WordPress Website?
After installing WordPress and creating your first website, second step is to select a good WordPress theme. Default WordPress theme is good for starting your website, it is responsive, nicely coded and contains all important features a website owner needs. After picking a good WordPress theme, your next step should be its customization.
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How To More Easily Assign Categories To Your Posts In WordPress?
WordPress post editing screen provides you a category metabox showing a hierarchy list of your website categories. But when you have a large number of categories then it it becomes very difficult to scroll and assign categories in post edit screen. In this tutorial we will show you how to make make this process more easy by adding some useful features to category selection metabox present in ADD NEW/ EDIT post pages.
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How To Add An Undo Button In WordPress Post Editor?
Earlier we have discussed about restoring posts using WordPress posts revisions and now today will will show you how to quickly restore those revisions with an undo button. Default WordPress installation doesn’t provides you any undo button, it only provides you the saved/auto-saved revisions which are the backup copies of your posts, they get automatically saved and also everytime you click ‘Save Draft’ or ‘Update’ buttons. Using post revisions you will be able to look back at the recent changes you’ve made and revert to an earlier version if required.
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How To Design Easy WordPress Admin Environ For Your Client Websites?
Default WordPress admin area is user-friendly but it turns complicated when you start installing plugins and it becomes very complicated and messy when you try to add all wired features you client has asked you to put into his website. In this tutorial we will show you how to provide an easy and user-friendly admin area i.e. dashboard environ to your clients and make site management easy for them.
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How To Find WordPress Content IDs?
From 2.5 version of WordPress, the content IDs on all admin area screens have been removed but there are various plugins, widgets and themes that requires post IDs for some specific features. For Example: Some WordPress themes like Atahualpa enables you to show/hide sidebars on specific pages and for that they asks you to enter page IDs.
How To Hide Specific WordPress Plugins From Logged In Users?
In general all WordPress plugins are visible for all logged-in users and they can see it from admin area’s plugin page. This tutorial is about new WordPress plugin (by that simply lets you hide a particular plugin from logged-in users of your website. After activation the plugin allows you to select and hide individual plugins. It doesn’t affects the plugin’s functionality.
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How To Quickly SetUp WP Super Cache In WordPress?
WP Super Cache is the most popular and fast caching engine for WordPress sites. But new users sometimes find it difficult to setup, in this post we will provide you a quick tutorial on how to setup this plugin in your WordPress site. The plugin produces static HTML files of your website’s pages like posts and custom post types. After the HTML files are generated, your webserver starts serving those files on client requests instead of processing heavier PHP scripts and database queries everytime. Hence it makes your website fast and less resources are used.
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How To Display Your Team/Staff Members In WordPress?
With WordPress Team Manager you will be able to display team or staff members via shortcodes on WordPress pages. You can display your staff/team members with their pictures, social links, vcard etc without registering them on your website. The plugin enables a new post type from where you can add new team members, their details and social media links etc.
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