Tag Archives: Plugins

How To Select-Deselect All Terms Of Any Parent Taxonomy In WordPress?

You must have observed this type of feature on many websites. By default, WordPress allows you to select taxonomy terms one by one, even if you select any parent taxonomy, you have to select other child taxonomy terms one by one. This is good for most WordPress users but sometimes you need more options.

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Control WordPress Site Using Operating System Like App Launcher

Now you can add a fast and responsive launcher bar similar to application launcher buttons in various operating systems. WP Start bar automatically add a Windows like launcher bar with a start button you can use for visiting various sections of your website. This way you can control your website just like you control your operating system.

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New Easy Way Of Overriding Text Selection Color In WordPress

You can change text color of your WordPress site to whatever you like, few months back we discussed how you can change text selection color by editing style.css or by adding the css to Jetpack’s Edit CSS editor etc. But now you can do this more easy, without digging inside your theme files etc. Now you can do this with an easy to use WordPress plugin.

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Easily Disable WordPress 3.7+ Automatic Updater Without Any Plugin

WordPress 3.7 release is set to update its installation automatically without any user input. Soon after its release, many new plugins came in the free market and we have already discussed about them earlier:

  1. How To Extend WordPress Automatic Background Updates For Major Releases?
  2. Automatically Test Your WordPress Site Compatibility For New Updates
  3. How To Stop WordPress From Running Updates Automatically?

How to disable WordPress automatic updater?

This article explains you how you can turn-off WordPress automatic updater without using any plugin.

All what you have to do is open your website’s wp-config.php file and add the following code:


How to edit wp-config.php file?

wp-config.php file is located in your WordPress site’s root directory. This file cannot be accessed or edited from the admin area dashboard. For editing wp-config.php file you will need to visit your site’s file manager via cPanel or FTP.

Top 3 WordPress Admin Themes For Clean Stylish Dashboard Interface

There are many admin area themes but only a few gives your dashboard a clean classic style that can be used for a longer duration of time. This article list three WordPress plugin that enables a beautiful dashboard themes as soon you activate them. Following are the most popular and best admin area themes you must give try.

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Enhance Your Website Pages With WordPress Canvas Shortcodes

With brand new WordPress Canvas Shortcodes plugin you can quickly insert Accordion, Tabs, Toggle, Columns, Testimonials, Borders, Buttons, Full Width, Notifications, Google Maps, Social Icons, Progress Bars, Pricing, Highlights, Custom HTML, Code etc in your website pages using its fast shortcode generator.

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New WordPress jQuery Based Beautiful Tag Cloud Plugin

Muki Tag Cloud is the new new WordPress tag cloud plugin that allows you to display creative, beautiful and colourful tag cloud. Install and activate Muki Tag Cloud plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Muki Tag Cloud page.

Now from the options page you can set  you tag cloud widget’s width, height in percent or pixel. You can set Tag Cloud to display random or order them by article, you can set smallest & largest font size and color scheme. It shows you real time tag cloud preview.

Finally, you can add the widget to sidebar or any other widget area from Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page.

Virtual Posts: Show Any RSS Feed Content As Own Post In WordPress

You can display any feed content as your own post content in your WordPress site. Virtual Posts is the new plugin that can publish virtual posts from any feed and instead of creating post copies it creates it’s own “virtual” posts and shows the feed content as a post.

First install and activate Virtual Posts plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings->Virtual Posts and add your feeds. You can set maximum number of  items to show for each feed.

Virtual Posts

Virtaul Posts 2

From the ‘General’ tab you can set minutes between cron jobs to fetch feeds. Default fetch interval time is 20 minutes.The plugin also provides you a widget for displaying virtual posts in your sidebar.

Beautifully Create & Randomly Display Campaigns On Your WordPress Site

MFS Campaigns is the powerful, easy and till now best WordPress plugin for randomly displaying campaigns with custom links on the top of your WordPress site. It provides you the best way of creating multiple campaigns from admin area dashboard and that’s all. Rest is done buy the plugin itself. It will be displaying campaigns randomly on your website. It gives a neat display and is not at all disturbing, your visitors may hide the campaign box by clicking small x button. Just like old Wikipedia’s begging messages.

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Easiest Way For Displaying Downloadable Media File Button In WordPress

Easy Media Download provides you the easiest way to add downloadable media file buttons. This is the new WordPress plugin that activates an easy shortcode button that offers file download to your readers, your readers can download digital media files from your website. It instantly starts the download once the button is clicked.

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How To Set Custom Default Link For Images In WordPress?

You can select default link for images while uploading or inserting them inside your WordPress site, in posts or pages. You can select default link to None, Attachment Page, Media File or Custom URL. Default Image Link is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to do so.

Generally when you insert a image in any of your post or page by default,it always appear to be self-linked i.e. liked with its self file. But now by using Default Image Link plugin you can establish the link type by default for images without having to worry about selecting a different option on each occasion.

As said by the developers, For SEO & other reasons most website owners prefer images to have ‘none’ link. And there are many other who prefer images to be liked to their Attachment page or self file (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.)

Now if you use this new plugin then you can define link type for each image and then there will be no need of modifying image at the time you are using those images. Previously inserted image links are not modified.

Installation & Usage:

Instal and activate the plugin. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Default Image Link page and there you can select default image link option from:

  1. None
  2. Media File
  3. Attachment Page
  4. Custom URL (You must write custom URL for each image)

Great for multi-author WordPress sites where sometimes authors forget about selecting correct link for each image used in their post etc. Another good thing about thus plugin is that you can disable it after defining default image link and re-enable it for changing default image link again.

How To Disallow Commenters From Including Links In WordPress Comment Body?

Earlier we discussed how you can disable website field in WordPress comment form. Now this tutorial explains you how you can easily dis-allow your website commenter from including links in their main comment’s body.Automatic Comment SPAM Disable is the new WordPress plugin is the new WordPress plugin created for automatic deletion of comment spams and then delete them.

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How To Remove Original Image After Resizing To Save Server Space In WordPress?

Removing all useless things and saving server space is very very important, it makes your website run fast, keeps your database light and quick and also your backups becomes light weight. After you upload any big image in your WordPress media library for using it inside your post content etc, BY DEFAULT WordPress doesn’t removes the unused original size image, thus every time increases some size of your site’s upload directory.

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Extend WordPress Shortcodes Ultimate With Twitter Bootstrap 3 CSS

With Twitter’s Bootstrap Shortcodes Ultimate Add-on plugin you can extend popular Shortcodes Ultimate WordPress plugin by enabling shortcodes for Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 CSS and components.


In-case if you don’t know about Shortcodes Ultimate plugin, Shortcodes Ultimate is a powerful and very useful plugin that enables cool shortcodes in your WordPress installation. Using this plugin you can quickly create buttons, boxes, different sliders, quotes and more. It retrieves many premium themes features and allows you to present content in a more beautiful way. Also it includes a visual shortcode generator that use can use right from your post editor. We have already discussed about the plugin a few months back, now it is loaded with more cool features and is more easy to use.

Now lets come to new Twitter’s Bootstrap Shortcodes Ultimate Add-on, this plugin. Likewise we all know Bootstrap is a sleek, intuitive, and powerful mobile first front-end framework for faster and easier web development. This new Shortcode Ultimate add-on plugin gives you full power of Bootstrap by enabling shortcodes for Twitter’s Bootstrap 3 CSS and components.

Cream6: New User-friendly Responsive Admin Theme For WordPress

Cream6 is the new user-friendly WordPress admin area theme with responsive layout. It is available for download as a plugin at WordPress Plugin Repository.There are Screeno configuration options to set. Simply install and activate it and that’s all, your new admin section is ready to use.

Given screenshot shows its truly responsive layout in different widgets. It works much better than other admin themes and provides better display in different screen sizes.

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New Formilla Free Live Chat App For WordPress

Formilla.com provides you a free live chat widget plugin called Formilla Live Chat, it allows you to chat with your website visitors, your visitors can ask any questions if they have or when they need any support. It provides you a new clean and user-friendly interface. Core plugin features of the plugin allows you to:

  • Begin live chat immediately. Live chat button appears on your WordPress site upon installation/activation of this plugin.
  • You can use your favorite live chat client as long as it works with Google Talk (e.g. Pidgin, Trillian, IMO, etc.) or Skype
  • You can respond to chats on the go using your iPhone, Android, or any smart phone live chat client supporting Google Talk or Skype.
  • Enable proactive chat, provides you multiple customizations, ability to setup your hours of operation, appear available or unavailable.
  •  You can add multiple users and support incoming live chats from your customers, displays an ‘Email us’ button on your site when you’re offline. And you can manage offline messages through customer inbox.
  • Keep chat history and offline emails, search from your live chat history or offline emails by customer email address, priority, status (new, read, pending, complete), flagged vs. unflagged, and also assign an item to another user of your Formilla.com Live Chat account.
  • Export your customers’ live chat email addresses to construct email marketing campaigns via your preferred tool.
  • Respond to offline email submissions directly from the Formilla.com Live Chat customer inbox.
  • Forward offline email submissions from your customers to other departments or staff directly from the Formilla.com Live Chat customer inbox.
  • Add private comments to any live chat historical record in your Formilla.com Live Chat customer inbox
  • Inbox includes the customer’s technical details such as operating system, browser, screen resolution, custom variables, etc.

How To SetUp Formilla Live Chat Plugin In WordPress?

Start by installing and activating Formilla Live Chat plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Formilla Chat and SignUp using the form given there. It just takes some minutes to setup your first live chat widget and get it on and running. After you finish registration process, your live chat widget is instantly generated and becomes available on your website for your customers to chat with you.

Formilla Live Chat page integrated within wordpress where you’ll receive and respond to chats.

Chat widget installed on your wordpress site upon activation of Formilla.com Live Chat plugin.

Chat Customer Inbox. View chat history, search and respond to offline email submissions, etc.

Configure options for your chat widget such as proactive chat, hours of operation, and email notifications.

For further usage questions refer to this link.

Enhance WordPress Multisite Network Administration

You can make your multisite management better by adding more useful functions for super admins. Multisite Enhancements is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to enhance the network admin area by adding some new useful functions to it like the plugin adds several useful items to the multisite ‘Network Admin’ admin bar, it enables ‘Add New’ link under the Plugins menu only for Network admins (super admins), shows which blogs have which plugin and theme active and much more.

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How To Enable Google+ Authorship On Per Post Basis In A Multi Authored WordPress Site?

GooglePlus Multi-Authorship provides a straightforward solution to WordPress users, it allows you to properly add Google+ Authorship markup to the head of each post & page on a multi-authored website.

The plugin follows recommended use of rel=”author” tag and points author name to its Google+ profile in search results

  1. The appropriate author’s Google+ profile is used for each single post and page.
  2. The plugin adds both the rel=”author” and rel=”publisher” on single posts and pages.
  3. The plugin adds only the rel=”publisher” link tag on the home page, front page and archive pages
  4. You can set a default Google+ profile to be used as a fallback if there’s no Google+ profile specified for an author in his WP user profile settings.

GooglePlus Multi-Authorship Plugin

How to use GooglePlus Multi-Authorship?

Install and activate GooglePlus Multi-Authorship plugin.

After activation each author should add their Google+ profile URL in their WP user profile settings.

Visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> G+ Multi-Authorship admin page and here you can provide a default Google+ author profile below. This will be used when an author has not added a Google Plus profile in his/her WP user profile settings. Leave it blank if you don’t want to use a default.

New AJAX Powered Search Keyword Analyzer & Tracker For WordPress

With new Ajaxy Search Keyword Analyzer & Tracker, webmasters can track live searches happening on their website, they can track the search keyword and can easily get to know what website visitors are looking for in their website. You can easily get started, simply install and activate Ajaxy Search Keyword Analyzer & Tracker plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds a dashboard widgets showing you all search stats and reports.

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Enable Members To Vote For Several Topics In Your P2 Based WordPress Blog

P2 Post Feedback is the new WordPress plugin for P2 Theme users. The plugin enables all registered users in your website to vote for several topics. All you need to do is install and activate this new P2 Addon plugin in your WordPress based website and you are done. See the following screenshot.

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Easily Integrate Superb Vimeo Or YouTube Video Quality In WordPress Widget Position

Vimeo Master

Vimeo Master is a powerful and outstanding WordPress plugin that allows you to integrate superb Vimeo Video Sharing Network into your WordPress site. The plugin uses minimal html5 code (with no javascipt or Ajax) for fast page load times and gives a completely professional look. Great for professional video presentations for business, design, arts, etc. Looks great inside WordPress content like pages, posts and other custom post types with its shortcode framework implementation. Provides you full control over Auto-Play, Video Loop, Video Color and Video Size to match your template. Demo.

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