Tag Archives: Domains

Exploring The New Frontier Of Domain Extensions

Domain extensions play a pivotal role in shaping online identities. While “.com” has long been the gold standard, a new era of domain extensions has emerged, offering businesses and individuals a wealth of opportunities to express their brand and connect with audiences. This article delves into the exciting world of new domain extensions and how they can enhance your online presence.

The Rise of New Domain Extensions

With the introduction of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) new generic top-level domains (gTLDs) program, the internet witnessed an explosion of new domain extensions. Previously dominated by familiar endings like “.com,” “.net,” and “.org,” the domain space now boasts thousands of options, including niche-specific and location-based extensions.

From “.tech” and “.design” to “.store” and “.blog,” these new extensions allow businesses and individuals to choose a domain that aligns perfectly with their brand and industry. The availability of these extensions means that businesses can secure a relevant and memorable domain name that reflects their identity.

Here’s a list of some popular new domain extensions (also known as generic top-level domains or gTLDs) that have emerged in recent years:

General Domain Extensions

  1. .app
  2. .blog
  3. .design
  4. .shop
  5. .tech
  6. .online
  7. .site
  8. .store
  9. .space
  10. .club

Industry-Specific Domain Extensions

  1. .photography
  2. .marketing
  3. .financial
  4. .health
  5. .law
  6. .travel
  7. .restaurant
  8. .games
  9. .fashion
  10. .construction

Location-Based Domain Extensions

  1. .nyc (New York City)
  2. .london
  3. .berlin
  4. .paris
  5. .tokyo
  6. .boston
  7. .vegas (Las Vegas)
  8. .miami
  9. .sydney
  10. .barcelona

Community-Based Domain Extensions

  1. .community
  2. .family
  3. .friends
  4. .network
  5. .club
  6. .voting
  7. .ngo (Non-Governmental Organizations)
  8. .social
  9. .events
  10. .fund

Niche and Creative Domain Extensions

  1. .guru
  2. .ninja
  3. .life
  4. .love
  5. .news
  6. .wiki
  7. .fun
  8. .mobi (Mobile)
  9. .xyz
  10. .tokyo

Technology and Innovation Domain Extensions

  1. .ai (Artificial Intelligence)
  2. .cloud
  3. .dev (Developers)
  4. .io (Indian Ocean, also popular in tech)
  5. .app
  6. .game
  7. .software
  8. .data
  9. .robot
  10. .security

Personal Domain Extensions

  1. .me
  2. .name
  3. .email
  4. .person
  5. .family

This list is not exhaustive, as new domain extensions continue to be introduced regularly. It’s essential to research and choose the one that best fits your brand, audience, and goals.

The Benefits of Using New Domain Extensions

  1. Enhanced Brand Identity: New domain extensions provide an opportunity to craft a unique online identity. A domain name that closely aligns with your business can create a stronger impression and be more memorable for visitors. For instance, a tech startup may choose “.tech” to signal its innovation, while a local bakery might opt for “.bakery” to enhance its community appeal.
  2. SEO Advantages: While “.com” domains have traditionally held a strong position in search engine rankings, newer extensions also contribute positively to SEO efforts. A relevant domain extension can improve click-through rates as users may feel more inclined to click on a domain that appears tailored to their interests.
  3. Availability of Desirable Names: The demand for “.com” domains has led to a scarcity of available names. However, the vast array of new extensions means that businesses are more likely to find a domain name that aligns with their brand without resorting to complicated variations or creative spellings.
  4. Niche Targeting: With new domain extensions, businesses can better target specific audiences or industries. For example, “.health” can attract users interested in health-related content, while “.travel” may appeal to avid travelers. This specificity can enhance marketing efforts and foster a more targeted customer base.
  5. Innovation & Creativity: New domain extensions encourage creativity in branding and marketing strategies. Businesses can create memorable campaigns by incorporating their domain extension into their branding. For instance, a digital marketing agency could use a domain like “innovative.agency” to reinforce its modern approach.

Considerations When Choosing a Domain Extension

While the benefits of new domain extensions are clear, there are several factors to consider when selecting the right one for your business:

  1. Audience Perception: Consider how your target audience may perceive different extensions. While some extensions may convey professionalism, others might appear less credible. Conduct market research to gauge audience sentiment toward various domain endings.
  2. Branding Consistency: Ensure that your chosen domain extension aligns with your overall branding strategy. Consistency in messaging and visual identity will help reinforce your brand’s values and vision.
  3. Future Trends: Stay informed about emerging trends in the digital landscape. As technology evolves, new domain extensions may become more popular, making it essential to keep an eye on industry shifts.

The opportunities presented by new domain extensions are boundless. Businesses and individuals can leverage these extensions to create a distinct online identity, improve SEO efforts, and connect more effectively with their target audience. By moving beyond the traditional “.com” and exploring the vast landscape of domain options, you can position your brand for success in an increasingly competitive online world.

How To Register These Domain Extensions?

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to register new domain extensions at Sangkrit.net:

Step 1: Visit Sangkrit.net

Go to the Sangkrit.net Domain Registration page where you can register new domain extensions along with other web services.

Step 2: Search for Your Desired Domain Name

Use the domain search bar on the homepage to enter your desired domain name along with the new extension. For example, you might type “yourbrand.tech” or “youridea.shop.” Click on the “Search” button to see if the domain name is available.

Step 3: Choose Your Domain Extension

If the entered domain name is not available, Sangkrit.net will suggest similar available domain names with different extensions. Select the domain extension that fits your needs, whether it’s “.tech,” “.online,” “.shop,” or any other new gTLD.

Step 4: Add to Cart

Once you have found an available domain name, click “Add to Cart” to begin the registration process. You can add multiple domain names to your cart if you wish to register several.

Step 5: Choose Domain Registration Duration

Select the number of years you want to register the domain for (typically from 1 to 10 years). You can also enable auto-renewal to ensure your domain name doesn’t expire.

Step 6: Configure Additional Domain Settings (Optional)

You may choose to add domain privacy protection to hide your personal information from the WHOIS database. You can also select other services like email hosting or web hosting if needed.

Step 7: Proceed to Checkout

Review the items in your cart and then click “Proceed to Checkout.” You’ll be prompted to create an account or log in if you already have one.

Step 8: Complete the Payment

Enter your billing information and complete the payment using the available payment methods. Once the payment is confirmed, your domain name will be registered.

Step 9: Manage Your Domain

After registration, you can manage your domain settings, such as DNS configuration, domain forwarding, and renewal preferences, through the Sangkrit.net control panel.

That’s it! Your new domain name is now registered and ready for use.

In this exciting frontier, your domain name is not just an address but a powerful tool for storytelling, engagement, and growth. Embrace the possibilities, and let your domain reflect the unique essence of your brand.

How To Redirect Users By Their Country In WordPress?

The IP2Location Redirection plugin is a powerful WordPress tool that allows website owners to manage redirection tasks based on visitors’ geolocation, identified through their IP address. It supports country and region-based redirection to a specified URL or custom page, making it ideal for handling 301 and 302 redirects without needing expertise in server configurations like Apache .htaccess.

Common Features:

  • You can set up multiple redirection rules as needed for different countries or regions.
  • It supports IPv4 and IPv6, making it flexible for all IP addresses.
  • It helps improve SEO by reducing old or broken links.
  • You may configure logging and display custom messages for blocked visitors.

The plugin supports both IPv4 and IPv6, utilizes IP2Location’s IP geolocation data, and offers flexible redirection rules, helping improve SEO by managing old or broken links effectively.

Step 1: Install and Activate the Plugin

Start by installing the IP2Location Redirection plugin. In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to Plugins > Add New, search for the plugin by name, and click Install Now. Once installed, activate it. This plugin is highly recommended for handling redirection based on country or region using IP address geolocation.

Step 2: Configure the Basic Settings

Navigate to IP2Location Redirection > Settings in the dashboard. Here, you will configure the initial settings:

  • Default Redirection Behavior: Choose the default action, such as redirecting to a specified URL or blocking access for certain countries.
  • Geolocation Data Setup: The plugin supports both IP2Location IP geolocation BIN data and web service for geolocation lookup. If you choose to use the BIN data, download the file from the IP2Location website and upload it to your server. Make sure to update the BIN data monthly via the settings page for accurate results.

Step 3: Add Redirection Rules

Go to IP2Location Redirection > Rules and click Add New Rule to create a country or region-based redirection rule:

  • Rule Name: Give a descriptive name for easy management.
  • Country or Region: Select the country or region you want to target for redirection.
  • Redirection URL: Specify the destination URL for visitors from the selected location.
  • Redirection Type: Choose between 301 Permanent or 302 Temporary redirection.
  • Source URL: Leave it empty to apply site-wide redirection, or specify a specific page.
  • Additional Conditions: Configure optional conditions, such as user agent, referrer, or URL parameters.

Step 4: Save and Activate the Rule

After setting up the parameters, click Save Rule to activate it. This rule will now redirect users to the specified URL based on their IP geolocation.

Step 5: Testing and Verification

To verify that the redirection is functioning correctly, simulate visits from the selected country using a VPN or proxy. Ensure the visitors are redirected according to the configured rules.

The IP2Location Redirection plugin is powerful yet simple, allowing website owners to manage redirections without needing to be familiar with Apache .htaccess configurations.

How To Redirect HTTP URLs to HTTPS Via .htaccesss File?

After the SSL is installed on your domain name, you will need to redirect all non-secure HTTP links to their secure HTTPS connection for several important reasons.

For any website to work over SSL, there are some modifications you will need to make to your .htaccess file, and then it will redirect your visitors to the HTTPS version of your website. To start with the process of HTTP redirection simply login to your Sangkrit.net account and follow these steps:

  1. Go to your product page.
  2. Under the Server, click Manage for cPanel
  3. In the Account Dashboard, click File Manager.
  4. In the cPanel File Manager, click Settings.
  5. Make sure that Show Hidden Files (dotfiles) is checked, and click Save.
  6. Click on public_html, and open your .htaccess if you already have one. If not, click File+, name the file .htaccess and click Create New File.
  7. Select the .htaccess file, and click Edit.
    • If you just created your .htaccess file, use this code:
      RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?coolexample\.com RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://www.coolexample.com/$1 [R,L]
    • If your .htaccess file already exists, insert the lines that begin with ReWriteCond and RewriteRule directly after the already existing ReWriteEngine On.
    • Click Save Changes and Close. 

That’s it. Visit your website and you’ll be re-directed to the HTTPS version.

How To Redirect HTTP To HTTPS In WordPress?

  1. Log into your WordPress Dashboard.
  2. Visit Settings, click General.
  3. Locate the following fields:
    • WordPress Address (URL)
    • Site Address (URL)
  4. In each field, update your URLs from http to https
  5. Scroll down and click Save Changes.
  6. Open your current .htaccess file in the /public_html/ folder with the cPanel file manager for editing. If you don’t already have a .htaccess file, you’ll need to create one.
  7. Insert the following code at the top of your .htaccess file:
  8. Click Save Changes at the top-right corner of the screen.

In some cases, you will need to edit your .htaccess file, if you don’t want that then use a WordPress plugin like Really Simple SSL. This saves you from the technical steps edit file editing on the server.

How To Quickly Start A Website On Your Domain Name?

Here are the simple steps to register a domain name, subscribe to cPanel hosting, install WordPress, and manage your site on Sangkrit.net:

  1. Register Domain: Visit Sangkrit.net, search for your desired domain name, and complete the purchase.
  2. Subscribe to cPanel Hosting: Subscribe to a cPanel hosting plan during domain registration when the system prompts you to add hosting.
  3. Access Your Hosting: Navigate to your account’s ‘My Products’ section and click ‘Setup’ next to your hosting to enter your domain name. Next, click ‘Manage’ to access your hosting’s cPanel.
  4. Install WordPress via Installatron: On cPanel, navigate to Installatron, select WordPress, and install it.
  5. Manage Website from WordPress Admin: After WordPress installation, click the admin URL to access the admin dashboard and manage your website content.

You can access your WordPress dashboard by visiting yourdomain.com/wp-admin, and logging in with the credentials you created during installation. From the WordPress admin area, you can customize your site, install themes, add plugins, and create content.

How To Use Internationalized Domain Names?

A domain name that is in your local language or doesn’t use English alphabets or has some special characters is called Internationalized domain name. Earlier you learned about registering domain names in your local language. Once you do that, you will need to add it to your hosting so you can make a website over it.

The process of adding an Internationalized Domain Name is different from adding a general domain name. This lesson gives you an easy step-by-step process of adding such domains to your cPanel hosting.

To add a domain with international characters (IDN – Internationalized Domain Name) in cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the domain to Punycode: International domains with non-ASCII characters need to be converted into a format called “Punycode” to be compatible with the Domain Name System (DNS).
  2. Use Punycode Converter: Use an online converter like Punycoder or any other tool to convert your international domain (e.g., täst.com) into its Punycode equivalent (e.g., xn--tst-qla.com).
  3. Log in to cPanel: Access your cPanel dashboard by logging in through your hosting provider.
  4. Navigate to Domains Section: In cPanel, go to the “Domains” section and click on Addon Domains or Aliases, depending on how you want to manage the domain.
  5. Enter the Punycode Version of the Domain: In the “New Domain Name” field, enter the Punycode version of the domain (e.g., xn--tst-qla.com). cPanel will handle the domain using its ASCII representation.
  6. Complete the Process: Fill in the necessary details, such as the subdomain or document root, and click Add Domain.
  7. DNS Configuration: Make sure your domain’s DNS is pointed correctly to your hosting server by updating your domain’s DNS settings at your domain registrar.

Once you’ve added the domain, you’ll be able to manage it just like any other domain in cPanel. The international version of the domain (with the special characters) will still function properly, even though cPanel recognizes it in Punycode.

How To Subscribe A Hosting Plan For Your Website?

After registering your domain name, you will need a hosting plan for your website. A hosting plan provides the necessary server space and resources for your website to be accessible on the internet. It stores your website’s files, databases, and content, ensuring that it is available to users 24/7.

Depending on the type of plan, such as shared hosting or VPS, you get varying levels of performance, security, and control. Hosting plans often come with essential features like SSL certificates, backups, and technical support, making it easier to manage your website efficiently and securely. The right hosting plan ensures your website runs smoothly, handles traffic, and performs optimally. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to purchase hosting on Sangkrit.net:

Step 1 Select & Add Hosting To Your Cart

First, visit Sangkrit.net and log into your account if you have one, or create a new account if you’re a new user.

Once logged in, navigate to the web hosting section by hovering over the “Hosting & Domains” menu and selecting “Web Hosting.” This page presents several hosting plans, including Shared Hosting, Managed WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Servers.

Choose the plan that best meets your needs by clicking on the “Add to Cart” or “Get Started” option for your preferred hosting plan.

Step 2 Proceed & Choose The Duration

Next, you’ll be asked to choose the duration of your hosting plan. Sangkrit.net offers various term lengths, and selecting a longer-term plan often provides better value.

After selecting the duration, click “Continue” to move forward with the purchase process.

Step 3 Select Your Domain Name

At this stage, you’ll be prompted to either register a new domain name or use an existing one. If you don’t have a domain yet, you can register a new one through Sangkrit.net. If you already own a domain, simply enter it to associate it with your new hosting plan.

Sangkrit.net may offer additional features such as SSL certificates, website security, or automatic backups. These optional features can be added to enhance your hosting package, but you can skip these extras if you do not need them at this time.

Step 4 Review Your Cart & Proceed To Checkout

Before proceeding to checkout, review your shopping cart to ensure everything is accurate, including the selected hosting plan, domain name, and any additional features. If you have a promo code, this is where you can apply it to receive a discount.

Proceed to checkout by clicking the appropriate button. You will then need to enter your billing and payment information. Sangkrit.net accepts a range of payment methods, including credit cards, wallets, and PayPal.

Step 5 Complete The Purchase

Once you’ve entered all the necessary details, review your order one final time, then click the “Complete Purchase” or “Place Your Order” button to finalize the transaction. After completing the purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation from Sangkrit.net.

Step 6 Access & Manage Your Hosting

You can now access your hosting account by logging into your Sangkrit.net account and visiting the “My Products” section. From here, you can begin setting up your hosting plan, either by installing WordPress automatically or manually uploading your website files.

Your hosting is now set up, and you’re ready to start building your website on Sangkrit.net’s reliable hosting platform.

Protecting Your Online Future: Essential Domain Name Strategies

Today, your domain name is more than just an address on the internet—it’s a critical component of your identity, credibility, and overall online success. A well-thought-out domain name strategy can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace, improve your search engine rankings, and protect your business from competitors and cyber threats.

In this lesson, we’ll explore essential domain name strategies to help you secure your online future and establish a strong, lasting presence on the web.

Choose a Memorable Domain Name

Keep It Short and Simple

  • Conciseness Matters: Shorter domain names are easier to remember, type, and share. Aim for domains that are concise and straightforward.
  • Avoid Complexity: Steer clear of hyphens, numbers, and unusual spellings that confuse users and make your domain harder to recall.

Reflect on Your Business Identity

  • Consistency is Key: Your domain name should align with your business name and messaging to create a cohesive and recognizable identity.
  • Unique and Distinctive: Choose a name that sets you apart from competitors and resonates with your target audience.

Make It Easy to Pronounce and Spell

  • Enhance Word-of-Mouth Sharing: Easily pronounceable domains are more likely to be shared verbally and remembered.
  • Prevent Misspellings: Simple and clear spelling reduces the risk of users landing on the wrong website due to typos.

Use Relevant Keywords

  • Improve SEO: Incorporating relevant keywords can boost your search engine visibility and help users understand what your website is about.
  • Balance is Important: Avoid stuffing keywords unnaturally; prioritize readability and brand-ability over excessive keyword use.

Select the Appropriate Domain Extension

Choose the Right Top-Level Domain (TLD)

  • .com Dominance: The .com extension remains the most recognized and trusted TLD, making it a preferred choice for businesses aiming for a global audience.
  • Consider Alternatives: If .com is unavailable, consider other reputable TLDs like .net, .org, or industry-specific extensions such as .tech, .store, or .io.

Utilize Country-Code TLDs (ccTLDs)

  • Target Local Audiences: ccTLDs like .us, .uk, or .ca can help you connect with users in specific countries and improve local search rankings.
  • Build Trust: Local extensions can enhance credibility among regional audiences by signaling a localized presence.

Protect Your Brand Across Multiple Extensions

  • Prevent Competitor Use: Registering your domain across various TLDs safeguards your business name from being used by competitors or malicious actors.
  • Redirect Traffic: Point additional domains to your primary website to capture users who may use different extensions.

Register Multiple Domain Variations

Cover Common Misspellings and Typos

  • Capture Misdirected Traffic: Register domains that account for common misspellings or typing errors related to your primary domain.
  • Enhance User Experience: Redirecting these domains to your main site ensures users reach you even if they make mistakes.

Secure Similar and Related Names

  • Expand Your Reach: Owning related domain names can help you control more of the digital landscape relevant to your brand or industry.
  • Protect Against Imitation: Prevent others from creating similar domains that could confuse customers or dilute your brand.

Consider Domain Hacks and Creative Alternatives

  • Innovative Branding: Domain hacks (using parts of the domain and extension to form words, like instagr.am) can create memorable and unique web addresses.
  • Assess Clarity: Ensure that creative domains remain clear and understandable to your audience.

Prioritize Early Registration and Renewal Management

Register Domains Early

  • Beat the Competition: Securing your desired domain names early prevents others from claiming them first.
  • Future-Proofing: Even if you don’t plan to use certain domains immediately, owning them allows for future expansion and projects.

Manage Renewals Proactively

  • Avoid Lapses: Set up automatic renewals and keep payment information current to prevent accidental expiration.
  • Monitor Expiration Dates: Regularly check renewal dates and consider renewing for multiple years to ensure continuity.

Utilize Backordering Services

  • Acquire Taken Domains: If your desired domain is currently registered, back-ordering services can help you attempt to secure it if it becomes available.

Ensure Domain Security and Privacy

Enable Domain Privacy Protection

  • Protect Personal Information: Domain privacy services hide your details from public WHOIS databases, reducing spam and potential harassment.
  • Enhance Security: Keeping registrant information private can prevent social engineering attacks to gain control over your domain.

Lock Your Domain

  • Prevent Unauthorized Transfers: Domain locking adds an extra layer of security by preventing your domain from being transferred without your explicit authorization.

Use Secure Registrars

  • Choose Trusted Providers: Register your domains with Sangkrit.net, which offers robust security measures and reliable support.
  • Monitor for Suspicious Activity: Regularly review your domain account for any unauthorized changes or access attempts.

Integrate Domains with Overall Marketing Strategy

Align with SEO Efforts

  • Optimize for Search Engines: Choose domain names that complement your SEO strategy, helping improve rankings and visibility.
  • Create Targeted Landing Pages: Use different domains for specific marketing campaigns or product lines to drive targeted traffic.

Consistency Across Platforms

  • Unified Branding: Ensure your domain name aligns with your social media handles and other online profiles for cohesive branding.
  • Cross-Promotion: Utilize your domain in all marketing materials, both online and offline, to reinforce brand recognition.

Leverage Subdomains and Subdirectories

  • Organize Content Effectively: Use subdomains (blog.yourdomain.com) or subdirectories (yourdomain.com/blog) to structure your website content strategically.
  • Support Marketing Initiatives: Create dedicated spaces for different aspects of your business, such as blogs, stores, or support centers.

Evaluate and Adapt Your Domain Strategy Over Time

Regularly Review Domain Portfolio

  • Assess Relevance: Periodically evaluate your owned domains to ensure they still align with your business objectives.
  • Consolidate as Needed: Let go of domains that are no longer necessary and acquire new ones that support evolving goals.

Monitor Industry Trends

  • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on emerging domain trends and new TLD releases that could benefit your brand.
  • Adapt Strategically: Be prepared to adjust your domain strategy to leverage new opportunities and maintain competitiveness.

Analyze Performance Metrics

  • Track Traffic and Engagement: Use analytics tools to understand how different domains and URLs are performing and contributing to your goals.
  • Optimize Accordingly: Make data-driven decisions to refine your domain usage and improve overall effectiveness.

Developing a robust domain name strategy is essential for securing your online future and establishing a strong, resilient presence in the digital world. By carefully selecting and managing your domain names, protecting your brand, and integrating your domains into your broader marketing efforts, you can enhance your visibility, credibility, and success online.

Sangkrit.net offers comprehensive domain registration and management services, along with expert support to help you implement these strategies effectively. With the right approach and resources, you can build a solid foundation for your online endeavors and ensure lasting impact and growth.

Secure your online future by exploring domain options with Sangkrit.net and put these strategies into action.

How Sangkrit.net Offers The Best Value In Domain-Hosting With Technical Support?

In the ever-evolving Internet landscape, having a reliable and efficient web presence is essential for individuals and businesses alike. Selecting the right hosting option can make all the difference in ensuring your website runs smoothly, remains secure, and delivers an excellent user experience. Sangkrit.net stands out as a premier that offers comprehensive domain and hosting services, backed by expert technical support. Here’s why choosing Sangkrit.net can keep you worry-free from software and hardware conflicts, website management challenges, and troubleshooting headaches.

Comprehensive Domain & Hosting Services

One-Stop Solution: Sangkrit.net provides a seamless, all-in-one platform where you can register your domain, set up your hosting services, and carry on with your website with the help of experts. This integration simplifies the process, allowing you to manage your domain, hosting, email, and security from a single dashboard without the need to juggle multiple accounts or providers.

Seamless Integration: By offering both domain registration and hosting services, Sangkrit.net ensures that your domain and hosting settings are perfectly aligned. This reduces the risk of configuration errors and ensures optimal performance and security for your website.

Expert Technical Support

Access to WordPress & Web Hosting Experts: Sangkrit.net’s support system comprises seasoned professionals with deep expertise in WordPress, web hosting, and related technologies. Whether you’re a beginner setting up your first website or an experienced developer managing a complex site, their experts are equipped to assist you.

Comprehensive Assistance: From initial setup and configuration to ongoing optimization and maintenance, Sangkrit.net’s technical support covers all aspects of website management. This includes help with installing themes and plugins, optimizing site performance, and ensuring security best practices are followed.

Multiple Support Channels: Sangkrit.net offers various support channels, including homeschooling, email, and phone support, ensuring that you can reach out for help in the way that’s most convenient for you. Their prompt and knowledgeable responses help resolve issues quickly, minimizing downtime and frustration.

Worry-Free Experience

Managing Software and Hardware Conflicts: Technical issues such as software incompatibilities or hardware malfunctions can disrupt your website’s performance. Sangkrit.net’s expert system proactively manages these potential conflicts, ensuring that your website runs smoothly without interruptions.

Regular Updates and Maintenance: Sangkrit.net takes care of routine maintenance tasks, including software updates, security patches, and performance optimizations. This proactive approach helps prevent issues before they arise, allowing you to focus on your content and business without worrying about the technical details.

Reliable Infrastructure: With robust server infrastructure, Sangkrit.net ensures high uptime and fast load times for your website. Their state-of-the-art data centers are optimized for performance and reliability, reducing the risk of downtime and ensuring your site remains accessible to visitors around the clock.

Simplified Website Management

User-Friendly Control Panel: Sangkrit.net provides an intuitive control panel that makes managing your website straightforward, even for those with limited technical knowledge. Tasks such as managing domains, setting up email accounts, and accessing hosting features are simplified through an easy-to-navigate interface.

One-Click Installations: Setting up a website is hassle-free with Sangkrit.net’s one-click installation options for popular content management systems like WordPress and others in the queue. This feature allows you to quickly get your site up and running without the need for complex configurations.

Automatic Updates: Sangkrit.net handles automatic updates for critical software components, ensuring that your website stays secure and up-to-date with the latest features and improvements. This reduces the risk of security vulnerabilities and ensures optimal performance.

Proactive Troubleshooting & Error Resolution

Quick Issue Identification: Sangkrit.net’s monitoring tools continuously track your website’s performance and security. This proactive monitoring allows their support team to identify and address issues before they escalate, ensuring minimal disruption to your site.

Effective Error Resolution: The experts are ready to troubleshoot and resolve issues promptly. Their deep understanding of web technologies means they can quickly diagnose problems and implement effective solutions, keeping your website running smoothly.

Comprehensive Security Measures: Sangkrit.net prioritizes the security of your website with advanced measures such as SSL certificates, firewalls, malware scanning, and regular backups. These protections help prevent security breaches and ensure that your data remains safe.

Time & Cost Efficiency

Saving Time: By handling the technical aspects of domain registration, hosting setup, maintenance, and troubleshooting, Sangkrit.net allows you to focus on what matters most—creating content, growing your business, and engaging with your audience.

Cost-Effective Solutions: Sangkrit.net offers competitive pricing for its domain and hosting services, providing excellent value without compromising on quality. Their bundled packages often include essential features that would otherwise require additional costs with other providers.

Value-Added Services: Beyond basic hosting, Sangkrit.net offers a range of additional services such as SEO optimization, performance enhancements, and security features. These value-added services help you get the most out of your hosting plan and support your website’s success.

Choosing Sangkrit.net for your domain and hosting means getting into a system that is dedicated to your website’s success. Their comprehensive services, expert technical support, and commitment to reliability and performance ensure that you can manage your website with confidence and ease. By eliminating the worries associated with software and hardware conflicts, website management, and troubleshooting errors, Sangkrit.net allows you to focus on what you do best—creating and sharing content, running your business, and connecting with your audience.

Experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your website is supported by professionals who care. Choose Sangkrit.net today and enjoy the perfect blend of affordability, expertise, and exceptional support for all your domain and hosting needs.

How To Register Your Domain Name At Sangkrit.net For Optimal Results?

Registering your domain name at Sangkrit.net offers unparalleled advantages that set you up for online success. With Sangkrit.net, you get a seamless registration process, exceptional customer support, and robust security features. You enjoy easy-to-use management tools, and the flexibility to scale as your business grows. Sangkrit.net’s intuitive system ensures you have everything you need to thrive in the internet world.

Registering a domain name at Sangkrit.net involves searching for your desired domain, selecting it, and completing the registration process. This way you can easily secure your domain name and manage it effectively through your Sangkrit.net account.

Finding and registering a perfect domain name is the first crucial step in building your online business. Whether you want to bring your business online and earn money from your website or you want to secure your name on the Internet, registering your domain name is important before someone else holds it.

How To Register A Domain Name?

  1. Visit http://system.sangkrit.net
  2. Type the name you wish to register
  3. Click the select button next to the domain you wish to register
  4. Click the Proceed to Cart button
  5. Checkout to own your domain

During the process of registration, the system may offer you additional services like domain privacy protection, email hosting, or website builders. You can choose to add these services or proceed without them.

In between the process, you will be asked to enter the necessary contact information for domain registration. This typically includes your name, address, phone number, and email address.

Confirming Your Domain Registration

  1. Check Your Email: Sangkrit.net will send a confirmation email to the address you provided. Follow the instructions in the email to verify your domain registration.
  2. Access Your Domain: Once verified, you can manage your domain through your Sangkrit.net account dashboard.

Managing Your Domains

  1. Log In to Sangkrit.net: Access your domain management page by logging in to your Sangkrit account, navigating to the ‘My Products’ page, and clicking ‘Domains’.
  2. Update Settings: From this page, you can update domain settings, configure DNS records, set up domain forwarding, and manage any additional services you purchased.

What domain name you should register? In one line, you may simply register your full name as your domain name. Or, if you already have a business then you may register your business name as your domain.

Choosing the right domain name is crucial for establishing a strong online presence. When selecting a domain name, consider a few key factors: relevance, simplicity, and memorability. Your domain should reflect your business or personal identity, your domain name can make it easy for your visitors to understand what your website is all about or it can define your business after you successfully build a strong online presence.

Opt for a simple domain name, avoiding complex spellings or hyphens, which can lead to confusion or misspellings. A memorable domain name will stick with users and make it easier for them to return to your site.

Additionally, keep your target audience in mind; incorporating relevant keywords can improve your site’s search engine visibility. Finally, choose a domain extension that suits your purpose, such as .com for commercial sites or .org for organizations. Ensuring that your domain name is unique and aligns with your business identity will set a solid foundation for your online success.

    What domain extension to choose? The most popular domain extension on the internet is .com and then there are .net and .org but now there are hundreds of other domain extensions available that make it easy for you to get a domain name with an extension that represents your business.

    These extensions include .constructions .contractors .enterprises . graphics .cab .institue .boutique .foundation .consulting .events .actor .media .university .college .healthcare .cooking .business .wedding .dentist and many-many more.

    There are also country-specific domain extensions such as .us for USA .in for India .eu for Europe etc.

    What to do if your domain name has already been registered? You may opt for other available domain extensions or you may use the domain backordering option that shows up on domains that have been already registered by someone else.

    How To Backorder a Domain?

    1. Search for the domain name
    2. Click the backorder button
    3. Follow screen instructions

    This enables you to watch the status of any currently registered domain name and secures your chance to register that domain as soon it becomes available.

    You have registered your domain name, now what is next?

    Based on your requirements, you may either subscribe to Managed WordPress or go for a hosting option such as cPanel, Cloud, or VPS to bring your website online.

    How To Transfer Your Domain Name To Sangkrit.net For Optimal Performance?

    Transferring your domain name to Sangkrit.net offers a strategic advantage for achieving optimal performance and streamlined management. With Sangkrit.net’s robust infrastructure and dedicated support team, your domain will benefit from enhanced speed, reliability, and security.

    The advanced hosting solutions are tailored to maximize the performance of your website, ensuring faster load times and minimal downtime. Additionally, Sangkrit.net provides seamless domain management tools, making it easier to configure settings, monitor performance, and make updates.

    By moving your domain to Sangkrit.net, you not only gain access to top-tier technical support and cutting-edge technology but also position your website for improved overall efficiency and user experience.

    Transferring your domain name to Sangkrit.net involves several steps to ensure a smooth transition.

    Quick Overview Of Key Steps

    1. Visit the domain transfer page, if you are transferring more than one domain then use the bulk transfer option
    2. Search for the domain name you wish to transfer to Sangkrit.net
    3. Confirm that your domain name is unlocked. This you can do by seeing a green color tick mark next to the Unlock the Domain message (In case it is not green, then you will need to confirm it with your current registrar).
    4. Now enter your authorization code in the given field and proceed. In general, you get your domain authorization key emailed to you
    5. You will be asked to select domain privacy options which means whether you want your contact information to be visible on the whois record or you want to keep it private
    6. Finally, select a payment option and checkout

    Following is an in-depth step-by-step guide on performing your domain name transfer to Sangkrit.net:

    Preparing Your Domain Name For Transfer

    Before transferring your domain name you might need to complete a few steps with your current domain registrar.

    1. Make sure your domain is Unlocked, you may need to contact your domain registrar
    2. Cancel any private or protected registration if you have, because the authentication key is emailed to the domain owner’s email address
    3. Next, Get an authorization code called an EPP code or the transfer key, ask for it from your current registrar
    4. Now Verify the contact information on your domain name

    How To Unlock Your Domain? Log in to your current domain registrar’s account and unlock your domain. Domain locks are in place to prevent unauthorized transfers.

    How To Obtain The Authorization Code? Request the authorization code (also known as an EPP code or transfer key) from your current registrar. This code is needed to authorize the transfer.

    Check Domain Eligibility

    1. Verify Domain Status: Ensure that your domain is eligible for transfer. Domains that have been registered or transferred within the last 60 days are usually not eligible.
    2. Update Domain Information: Ensure your domain’s contact information is up-to-date, as Sangkrit.net will send transfer-related emails to the registrant’s email address.

    Initiate the Transfer on Sangkrit.net

    1. Visit Sangkrit.net’s Domain Transfer Page: Go to Sangkrit.net’s domain transfer page.
    2. Enter Your Domain Name: Type the domain name you wish to transfer into the search box and click “Continue.”
    3. Enter Authorization Code: Enter the authorization code you have obtained from your current registrar when prompted.

    Confirm the Transfer

    1. Review Transfer Details: Sangkrit.net will display a summary of your transfer details. Review the information to ensure everything is correct.
    2. Add Domain to Cart: Add the domain transfer to your cart and proceed to checkout.
    3. Complete Payment: Pay for the domain transfer. Sangkrit.net often includes a one-year extension of your domain registration as part of the transfer fee.

    Approve the Transfer

    1. Check Your Email: Sangkrit.net will send an email to the registrant’s email address. Open the email and follow the instructions to approve the transfer.
    2. Authorize Transfer: Confirm the transfer request by clicking the link provided in the email. This step is crucial for the transfer to proceed.

    Wait for Transfer Completion

    1. Transfer Time: Domain transfers typically take 5-7 days to complete. During this period, you will receive notifications about the transfer status.
    2. Monitor Transfer Status: You can check the status of your domain transfer from your Sangkrit.net account under the “Domains” section.

    Verify Transfer

    1. Confirm Transfer Completion: Once the transfer is complete, you will receive a confirmation email from Sangkrit.net. Verify that your domain is now listed in your Sangkrit.net account.
    2. Update Domain Settings: If needed, update your domain’s DNS settings, contact information, and renewal preferences from your Sangkrit.net account.

    How To Initiate The Bulk Domain Transfer?

    Alternatively, bulk domain name transfer is the process of moving multiple domain names from one registrar to another in a single operation. This is somewhat similar to single domain name transfer but in its case multiple domains are transferred in one go, let’s see how.

    Bulk domain transfer is done by unlocking the domains at the current registrar, obtaining authorization codes for each domain, and then initiating the transfer process as explained in the following steps:

    1. Access Domain Transfer Page: Go to Sangkrit.net’s bulk domain transfer page.
    2. Bulk Transfer Option: Look for the text area to perform a bulk transfer or manage multiple domain transfers. This is typically found under the heading “Transfer domains to Sangkrit.net”.
    3. Enter Domain Names: Enter the domain names you wish to transfer, one per line, or upload a CSV file if Sangkrit.net supports this option for bulk transfers. You can enter up to 500 domain names for transfer.
    4. Review Transfer Details: Sangkrit.net will display a summary of the domains you are transferring. Verify that all information is correct before proceeding.
    5. Add Domains to Cart: Add the domains to your cart and proceed to checkout.
    6. Complete Payment: Pay for the domain transfer. Sangkrit.net often includes a one-year extension of your domain registration as part of the transfer fee.
    7. Check Your Email: Sangkrit.net will send confirmation emails to the registrant’s email addresses for each domain. Open these emails and follow the instructions to approve the transfers.
    8. Authorize Transfer Requests: Confirm the transfer requests by clicking the links provided in the emails. This step is crucial for the transfers to proceed.
    9. Domain transfers typically take 5-7 days to complete. During this period, you will receive updates on the status of your transfers.
    10. Monitor your Sangkrit.net account and keep track of your email to see when the domains have been successfully transferred.

    Contact Support If Needed

    If you encounter any issues or have questions during the transfer process, contact Sangkrit.net’s customer support for assistance.

    If you face a problem or your transfer is denied, you can check for the issue and restart your domain transfer. You may also contact the 24/7 online support anytime you need it.

    Transferring your domain to Sangkrit.net is an easy process that involves unlocking of your domain, obtaining its authorization code, and completing the transfer request through Sangkrit.net’s website. By following these steps, you can successfully migrate your domain and benefit from Sangkrit.net’s hosting and domain management services.

    Unlock Your Website’s Full Potential By Registering Or Transferring Your Domain Name To Sangkrit.net

    Registering or Transferring your domain name to Sangkrit.net, offers many significant advantages. Whether you are managing a single domain or a large portfolio, Sangkrit.net’s comprehensive services and global presence make it a strong choice for your domain management.

    Comprehensive Domain Management Tools

    Easy Domain Management: Sangkrit.net provides a user-friendly interface for managing your domains. With features like bulk domain management, DNS control, and auto-renewal settings, you can efficiently oversee all aspects of your domains from one centralized dashboard.

    Domain Locking: Sangkrit.net offers domain locking to prevent unauthorized domain transfers, adding an extra layer of security to your domain management.

    Expert WordPress Support

    Highlight Specialized Support: Sangkrit.net is managed by a system of WordPress experts and programmers who understand the platform inside and out. Whether it’s optimizing site performance, troubleshooting plugins, or securing your site, Sangkrit.net’s specialized support system can handle it all.

    Emphasize Peace of Mind: Knowing that your hosting is managed by WordPress professionals means you can focus on your content and growth without worrying about the technicalities.

    Expert cPanel & WHM Support

    Specialized cPanel & WHM Management: The system of Sangkrit.net has cPanel experts who know the control panel inside and out. Whether it’s optimizing server settings, troubleshooting issues, or customizing configurations, Sangkrit.net’s system ensures your website runs smoothly.

    Tailored Assistance: With experts who specialize in cPanel, you’ll receive targeted support that’s customized to your needs, making it easier to manage your website with confidence.

    Best Pricing Structure & More Features

    Affordable Transfer Fees: Sangkrit.net often offers the best pricing for domain transfers with so many services and features that make the process more cost-effective.

    Bulk Transfer Discounts: If you’re transferring multiple domains, Sangkrit.net provides bulk transfer discounts, making it an economical choice for managing large domain portfolios.

    Enhanced Security Features

    Two-Factor Authentication: Sangkrit.net supports two-factor authentication (2FA), adding a security layer to your account and helping protect your domains from unauthorized access.

    Privacy Protection: Sangkrit.net offers WHOIS privacy protection as an add-on service, which helps keep your personal information private and reduces the risk of spam and identity theft.

    24/7 Customer Support

    Expert Assistance: Sangkrit.net provides round-the-clock customer support via phone, chat, and email. Sangkrit.net’s support team is knowledgeable and can assist with any issues related to domain management, including transfers.

    Comprehensive Resources: Sangkrit.net has an extensive homeschool with a library of tutorials, guides, and FAQs to help you navigate domain transfers and other domain and website-related tasks.

    Integration with Other Sangkrit.net Services

    Seamless Hosting Integration: If you also use Sangkrit.net for web hosting, having your domain registered with the same provider simplifies the management process. It allows for easier DNS setup and reduces the risk of misconfigurations.

    Email Hosting and SSL Certificates: Sangkrit.net offers additional services like professional email hosting and SSL certificates, which can be easily integrated with your domain, providing an all-in-one solution for your website needs.

    Domain Portfolio Management

    Portfolio Management Tools: For those managing multiple domains, Sangkrit.net provides tools to simplify the process. You can categorize and organize your domains, set up bulk actions, and monitor the status of each domain.

    Reliable and Trusted Brand

    Global Presence: As a globally recognized system, Sangkrit.net has built a strong reputation. Its reliability and secure services provide peace of mind that your domain is well-managed.

    • Track Record of Reliability: Sangkrit.net has a history of delivering dependable services, including secure domain transfers and responsive customer support.

    Automatic Domain Renewals

    Auto-Renewal Feature: Sangkrit.net allows you to set up automatic renewals for your domains, ensuring that you don’t accidentally lose ownership due to a missed renewal deadline. This is particularly useful for critical business domains.

    Simplified Register/Transfer Process

    Streamlined Registration & Transfers: Sangkrit.net has a straightforward register/transfer process that minimizes downtime and reduces the complexity of moving your domain name. Sangkrit.net provides clear instructions and support to guide you through each step.

    So, Registering or Transferring your domain to Sangkrit.net offers a range of benefits, from robust domain management tools and enhanced security features to competitive pricing and reliable customer support from the experts.

    Why You Need Domain Privacy Protection?

    When you register a domain name, your personal information, including your name, address, phone number, and email address, becomes publicly available through the WHOIS database. While essential for maintaining domain ownership records, this transparency can expose you to various risks.

    Domain privacy protection, or WHOIS privacy, is a service to safeguard your personal information. Let’s explore what domain privacy protection is, how it works, and why it might be essential for your online presence.

    What is Domain Privacy Protection?

    Domain privacy protection is a service that replaces your personal information in the WHOIS database with the contact information of a forwarding service. This ensures that your actual contact details remain confidential and are not accessible to the public.

    How Does Domain Privacy Protection Work?

    When you enable domain privacy protection, the system replaces your personal WHOIS information with generic placeholder details. For example:

    Without Privacy Protection:

    • Name: Your-Name
    • Address: Your-Address
    • Phone: +Your-Contact-Number
    • Email: Your-Email

    With Privacy Protection:

    • Name: Domain-Privacy-Service-Name
    • Address: Domain-Privacy-Service-Address
    • Phone: Domain-Privacy-Service-Contact
    • Email: Domain-Privacy-Service-Email

    Any legitimate inquiries or communications are forwarded to you without revealing your personal information.

    Why You Need Domain Privacy Protection

    Protect Your Personal Information

    • Prevent Identity Theft: Keeping your personal details private reduces the risk of identity theft, where someone might use your information for fraudulent activities.
    • Maintain Privacy: Avoid unsolicited contacts from strangers, including spammers, telemarketers, and other unwanted solicitations.

    Reduce Spam and Unwanted Communications

    • Email Spam: Publicly available email addresses in the WHOIS database are prime targets for spammers. Domain privacy protection helps shield you from receiving excessive spam emails.
    • Phone Calls and Mail: Protecting your phone number and address helps prevent unwanted telemarketing calls and junk mail.

    Avoid Domain-Related Scams

    • Domain Hijacking: Public WHOIS information can be exploited by cybercriminals attempting to hijack your domain. Privacy protection adds an extra layer of security.
    • Phishing Attacks: Scammers often use WHOIS information to craft targeted phishing attacks. Keeping your details private can reduce this risk.

    Maintain Professionalism

    • Business Privacy: For businesses, domain privacy protection can help maintain a professional image by keeping internal contact details confidential.
    • Personal Branding: Individuals running personal blogs or portfolios can keep their personal lives separate from their online presence.

    Compliance with Regulations

    • Data Protection Laws: With increasing emphasis on data protection regulations like GDPR, ensuring your personal information is not publicly exposed can help with compliance.

    Domain privacy protection is a valuable service that helps safeguard your personal information, reduces the risk of spam and scams, and maintains your professional image. While there is a small cost involved, the benefits of protecting your privacy and security often outweigh the expense. By understanding how domain privacy protection works and why it is important, you can make an informed decision to enhance the security and professionalism of your online presence.

    How To Get Domain Privacy Protection?

    Domain Privacy is offered to you while you register your domain name. Alternatively, you can add privacy to any of your pre-registered domain names anytime simply by visiting the ‘Domains’ section on the ‘My Products’ page of your Sangkrit.net account.

      How cPanel Accounts Are Created On WHM Of VPS & Dedicated Server?

      cPanel equips you with an easy interface to manage your domains and websites. The cPanel account at Sangkrit.net gives you access to several free applications to let you easily make different types of websites in a very short interval of time and that too without any technical skills.

      But do you know you can also create separate cPanel hosting accounts on your Sangkrit.net VPS or Dedicated Server by using the WHM interface? Each cPanel account can have its primary domain and each can be given the privilege to host multiple domains. You can also set resource limits over new cPanel accounts. This includes disk space, bandwidth, email accounts, and more. You can either use the package defaults or customize these limits as per your requirements.

      To create a new cPanel account you will need to set the following things:

      1. Domain: The domain name for the new cPanel account.
      2. Username: A username for the new account.
      3. Password: A strong password for the new account or you may also use the password generator.
      4. Email: An email address associated with the account.
      5. Package: The hosting package or resource allocation for the account. If needed, you can create custom packages in WHM.
      6. Settings: You may also configure any additional settings such as selecting a theme, enabling or disabling DNS clustering, and more.

      Then simply follow these steps to create a new cPanel account:

      1. Login to your Sangkrit.net Account
      2. Click the Servers tab
      3. Click Manage button
      4. You will be directed to your server’s admin panel
      5. Click Account Functions or use the search box to find it
      6. Click Create a New Account
      7. Fill up the mandatory fields and click Create

      Now the Web Host Manager will display you a results page outlining your new Account. Next, you will see Account Creation Complete!!! at the bottom of the screen. Simply repeat the steps to create more cPanel accounts.

      The accounts you create are accessible from the Servers tab on your Sangkrit.net products page. Go back to step no. 1, and you will see all your cPanel accounts are listed there. The new account holders would be able to log in to cPanel with the provided username and password to manage their website, email, and other hosting-related services.

      How To Create A cPanel Account To Host Domain On Your Dedicated Server?

      For hosting your domain names, you are required to create at least one cPanel account on your dedicated server.

      What is cPanel?

      A cPanel offers you a user-friendly interface for hosting your domains, managing your website files, as well as installing web-building applications like WordPress, etc.

      The cPanel at Sangkrit.net offers you more than a hundred website maker apps as well as free backup solutions.

      First, complete the basic setup of your dedicated server, and then you will be able to create multiple cPanel hosting accounts and associate them with specific domain names of yours.

      Creating a cPanel Hosting Account:

      1. Login to your Sangkrit.net Account
      2. Click the Servers tab
      3. Click Manage button

      You will be directed to your server’s admin panel, here –

      Use the left-side search box to find List Accounts

      1. Click List Accounts
      2. Click Create a New Account button

      It will present you with a form where you can type in your domain name and select options for the cPanel account you are creating. Finally, click the ‘Create’ button to create a new cPanel account for your domain.

      After you have created a cPanel account, you can access it by following these steps:

      1. Visit your Sangkrit.net Account
      2. Click the Servers tab

      And, you will see that your cPanel account is listed in the Servers tab.

      Note: Some operating systems don’t support cPanel. So, while filling the cPanel setup form (as shown in step five), make sure to check for any possible warnings in the operating system field.

      Make sure that your domain name is pointed towards your dedicated server. Read these lessons:

      1. How to point a domain name to a dedicated server
      2. What is my dedicated server’s IP address?

      To add more domains, you might need to enable the remote domains on your dedicated server:

      The same steps also work on all virtual private servers.

      How To Host Multiple Domains & Websites On VPS & Dedicated Server?

      After you have subscribed to a dedicated server, the first thing you need to do is set it up for your main domain. Afterward, you can add multiple domains to your server or create other cPanel hosting accounts on your server to add domains.

      For Hosting Multiple Domains From Server’s Admin Panel

      This option lets you create different cPanel accounts for each of your domain names.

      While creating any new cPanel account you can allow it to host multiple domains or simply keep it limited to only one domain. You can do this at your discretion by following these steps:

      1. Login to your Sangkrit.net Account
      2. Click the Servers tab
      3. Click Manage button
      4. You will be directed to your server’s admin panel
      5. Use the left-side search box to find the List Accounts page
      6. Click List Accounts
      7. Click Create a New Account button

      It will present you with a form where you can type in your domain name and select options for the new cPanel account you are creating.

      Finally, click the ‘Create’ button.

      Follow the same steps for creating separate accounts for your domains.

      For Hosting Multiple Domains On A cPanel Account

      You can allow any cPanel account on your dedicated server to host multiple domains. This thing is done while creating new cPanel accounts (as we have done above) or you can edit any old account.

      To edit any old cPanel account simply visit the ‘List Accounts’ page (as shown in step no. 6 above).

      To host multiple domains on cPanel:

      1. Log in to Account Manager 
      2. Click the Servers tab
      3. Next to the cPanel account, which you want to use, click Launch

      Next, on the cPanel home page:

      1. Scroll down to the Domains section
      2. Click ‘Addon Domains
      3. Type in the domain name
      4. Click the ‘Add Domain‘ button

      Each domain added by you will have its directory where you can upload your website or install WordPress. The web directory of your domains can be accessed from your cPanel’s home page -> File Manager option, present in the Files section.

      Make sure you update your domain name servers to make it point to your dedicated server.

      How To Get Helped?

      In case you need any kind of assistance in hosting your domain names on your dedicated server, simply comment below or use the Helpline number.

      How To Use Subdomains On Different Hosting Accounts And Different Nameservers?

      Just like domains you can use custom name servers on subdomains too for domain names registered at Sangkrit.net. This way you can use subdomains the same way you use domains for hosting new websites, as addon domains on any web hosting option or server.

      You can use these subdomains on any VPS, Dedicated Server, or any Shared Hosting plan just like the regular domain names.

      How To Point Subdomains To Custom Name Servers?

      Login to your Sangkrit.net account and follow the given steps:

      1. Access your Sangkrit.net domain manager, the one you see on MY ACCOUNTS page
      2. Select your domain and click the Manage button
      3. On the DNS configuration page scroll down and click the “Add Record” button
      4. Select a new “Nameserver” entry on the Record Type field where the “host” will be your subdomain name which you want to point to custom name servers. Use the proper nameserver naming format or Sangkrit.net will kick an error. “Points to” will be the name server such as NS1.SANGKRIT.net dns-subdomain
      5. Then you can add a new record with the same host and this will point to NS2.SANGKRIT.net (if required).

      That’s all. DNS propagation takes some time and then you would be able to use this subdomain on your hosting or server by adding it as ADDON DOMAIN on cPanel or wherever you like.

      Alternative Method: Alternatively you can add A record (instead of NS Record Type) pointing to your server’s or hosting’s shared IP address.

      How Nameservers Are Configured On Dedicated Server & VPS?

      Nameservers are used for masking IP addresses to domain names.

      However, you can directly mask an IP address to different records of your domain name to make it functional. But doing a nameserver setup lets you enlist all domain records in your nameservers to use them on your domain (website & email, etc).

      Configuring Nameservers On Dedicated Server (Via WHM):

      1. Log in to your Sangkrit.net account
      2. Open the Products page and click the Servers tab
      3. Click Launch (Next to the account, you want to use)
      4. Click Manage Server (WHM) 
      5. Click Proceed

      Once, you are logged in to your server, follow these steps:

      1. Navigate to WHM’s Nameserver Selection interface via WHM -> Home -> Service Configuration -> Nameserver Selection
      2. Select the desired nameserver software
      3. Click Save

      To configure your default nameservers:

      1. Navigate to WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface via WHM -> Home -> Server Configuration -> Basic WebHost Manager Setup
      2. Enter the desired nameserver names in the text boxes
      3. Click Save

      Remember, the name must prefix, a dot (.), and your domain. For instance: ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com.

      Next, you will need to add the IP address to your nameservers:

      1. Navigate to WHM’s Add a New IP Address interface via WHM -> Home -> IP Functions -> Add a New IP Address
      2. Here you may either enter the main IP address or the IP address range (if you have one) in the New IP or IP range to add a text box
      3. Enter the subnet mask in the Select a subnet mask for the IP or IPs above to use the text box
      4. Enter any IP addresses that you wish to exclude in the IPs and IP ranges to exclude from the range of new IPs text box
      5. Click Submit

      Creating A or AAAA entries on your nameservers:

      1. Access WHM’s Basic WebHost Manager Setup interface via WHM -> Home -> Server Configuration -> Basic WebHost Manager Setup
      2. In the Nameservers text box, click Configure Address Records
      3. Update the IP addresses in the appropriate text boxes
      4. Click Configure Address Records
      5. Click Close

      Repeat the same steps for each of your nameservers.

      For creating entries of your hostname:

      1. Again, move to WHM’s Add an A Entry for Your Hostname interface via WHM -> Home -> DNS Functions -> Add an A Entry for Your Hostname
      2. Enter your server’s IP address in the text box
      3. Click Add Entry

      Next, you will need to register the same nameservers on your Sangkrit.net account from your domain management section. You will need to change the nameservers of your domain to use these new domain nameservers.

      Simply log in to your Sangkrit.net account and follow these steps:

      1. Visit your products page, in the Domains heading, click Manage
      2. Locate the domain for which you wish to set up your nameservers
      3. Click the settings icon and select Manage DNS.
      4. Click the Settings tab and click Manage under the Host Names setting
      5. Click Add Hostname and enter the primary nameserver’s name (for example, ns1)
      6. Enter the primary nameserver’s IP address in the IP Address text box and click Add.
      7. Now, repeat the same steps for your secondary nameserver, this time use another nameserver such as ns2
      8. Click Save. Then, click Edit Nameservers and select Custom option
      9. Enter the full names of your two nameservers. (For instance: ns1.example.com and ns2.example.com)
      10. Click OK and then Save your changes

      That’s it. The DNS propagation takes some time to spread the domain’s new DNS records across the internet. So, allow it twenty-four hours and your settings will start to work.

      How To Restart Domain Name Transfer In Case It Fails?

      If you are trying to transfer your domain name to Sangkrit.net and your current registrar has rejected your request because of failed verification, pending payment, or any other reason, you can resolve it easily yourself.

      The cause or the type of error with your domain transfer to Sangkrit.net is displayed as a status on the Transfers-In page of your Domain Manager in your Sangkrit.net account.

      Now what you have to do is first resolve the error so that it won’t trouble you in the future and then revisit the Transfers-In page to restart your domain name transfer.

      All domain name transfers stay active until they get complete, or until they expire which is 30 days from the transfer date.

      How to check the domain transfer status?

      1. Log in to your account, visit the My Products tab, and click Manage All
      2. From the Domains menu, select Transfers-In

      Now if there is an issue with your transfer, you will see clear messaging about it on this page. Once you resolve the issue, you’ll need to revisit the Transfers-In page and click Restart Transfer.

      After you restart a transfer, you must authorize it – read this tutorial.

      When you transfer a domain name to Sangkrit.net to get full control over it and benefit from the free extras, the step-by-step process guides you in everything.

      Troubleshooting Domain Transfer Errors

      1. Error: Domain locked – You must unlock your domain name at your current registrar, and then click Restart transfer on the Transfers-In page.
      2. Error: Protected Registration enabled – If you have protected registration, you must cancel this protection at your current registrar and change your administrative (admin) contact’s email address (if necessary). If you have a .au domain name, you should update your registrar contact’s email address. Then, click Restart transfer.
      3. Error: Invalid authorization code – You entered an invalid authorization code for your domain name transfer. Click the Update authorization code to re-enter it.
      4. Error: Transfer rejected – Your current registrar rejected your domain name transfer. Contact your current registrar to resolve outstanding issues, and then repurchase the transfer in your account with Sangkrit.net.

      If your domain name is stuck in No action required: Initializing status, it means that the system is initiating your domain name transfer. However, if you have registered or transferred the domain name in the past 60 days, then ICANN policy says that you cannot transfer it in between. But that is not a problem for you as the system will automatically re-initiate your domain transfer when the domain name becomes eligible for it.

      What Is Domain Privacy?

      Domain Privacy at Sangkrit.net keeps personal information safely locked, protects it against identity theft, and saves contact details from email harvesters and spammers who purchase whois databases. Hence, it prevents domain-related spam and deters domain hacking.

      It can easily be added to any domain you register from Sangkrit.net, the system prompts you to add it during the domain registration process and you can also add it later from your account section by clicking the ADD PRIVACY option visible next to the domain name.

      How Domain Privacy Works? When you register a domain name, your personal information is automatically entered into a public directory called WHOIS record which can often accessed by hackers, spammers, and marketers to compile mailing lists and steal domains.

      Sangkrit.net offers two privacy options to keep your personal details safely hidden.

      While Privacy Protection simply locks your identity keeping your personal information hidden on the Internet, Privacy & Business has some extras such as:

      • It provides deadbolt transfer protection
      • It provides an online business card visible in the WhoIs directory
      • It prevents accidental loss of domain due to expired credit card information
      • Certified Domain Seal proves to visitors that your website’s ownership is valid

      Thus, you easily keep complete control of the domain, including the rights to sell, renew, cancel, or transfer it.

      If you consider revealing your business information so that more people can know about your business then you can make use of a virtual business card that you get with Privacy and business protection. It is made to drive more traffic to your website and increase the reach of your existing efforts without surrendering your privacy.

      If you want to know more about domain privacy, you can find more information about it in your Account Area -> Domains -> Privacy option next to the domain name option. If you don’t have a domain you can register it now and the system will guide you in getting privacy and launching your website.

      What You Can Do If Your Domain Name Transfer Is Denied?

      Sometimes the transfer of your domain name gets denied and it generally happens due to some technical issues such as when the domain name is locked, invalid authentication code, domain name is under dispute, etc. it’s important to understand why it happened and how you can address the issue. Here are some common reasons for domain transfer denials and what you can do in each case.

      Domain Name Is Locked – Your domain name is locked by you for security reasons. This issue can be easily resolved by logging into your domain account and unlocking your domain.

      Sixty-Day Lock Period Is Active – Your domain was registered or transferred less than 60 days ago. ICANN doesn’t allow registrars to process domain transfers within sixty days of those events. This is no problem as your domain transfer is automatically processed as soon as your 60-day lock is lifted.

      Missing Authorization Code – Your transferred domain is missing the authorization code. You can get your auth code from your current registrar, generally, it is emailed to you to your email address. Get it and then enter it into your Sangkrit.net account –

      1. Log in to your Sangkrit.net 
      2. Select Transfers In
      3. Select the Finalize Transfer tab
      4. Find the domain by using the search box
      5. Enter your authorization code(s) in the new window
      6. Select Enter Auth Codes above the list of your domains, OR
      7. Or, select Enter in the Auth Code column for an individual domain
      8. Select Submit to save your changes

      You’ll see confirmation that your changes have been accepted. Domain transfers usually take 5 to 7 days to complete.

      Invalid Auth Code – This happens when the authorization code you have entered for your domain transfer is invalid. Simply verify the correct auth code with your current registrar and enter it into your Sangkrit.net account following the same steps that are given above.

      Registrant Eligibility Is Unverified – Some domain names have special eligibility requirements for registration and transfers. Contact the online support of Sangkrit.net to get help in this regard.

      Registry Is Lock: Your domain name is locked at the registry level. Here, your present domain registrar will need to remove the lock for you.

      So review your domain transfer issue, check it with your registrar to resolve any problems, and then restart your domain name transfer again by following these steps –

      1. Log in to your Sangkrit.net 
      2. Select Transfers In
      3. Select the Restart Transfer tab
      4. Find a specific domain by using the search option
      5. Check the box next to the domain you’re restarting, Or
      6. Select the checkmark icon to Select All domains
      7. Select Restart Transfer visible above your domain list

      You’ll see a confirmation that your transfer has been restarted. Domain name transfers usually take from five to seven days to complete. You receive an email notification once your domain name transfer is successful. Next, you can start managing your domain name from your Sangkrit.net account. You can make your website with Managed WordPress or an online store with WordPress Ecommerce, etc.

      How To Recover An Expired Domain Name?

      Every domain name has a specified registration period, generally one year but sometimes longer if you have registered it for a longer time. As the expiration date approaches, domain registrants receive multiple notifications reminding them to renew the domain.

      Still, if the registrant fails, the system may provide a grace period after the official expiration date. During this period, the domain owner can still renew the domain without losing ownership. The length of the grace period may vary but is often around 30 days.

      Sometimes it is possible to recover an expired domain name. If you have registered or transferred your domain at Sangkrit.net, you can attempt to recover your expired top-level domain names (TLDs) during the renewal grace and registry redemption periods. Many times it can be successfully recovered even if you have missed the renewal grace period and the domain is no longer visible on your account.

      Log in to your Sangkrit.net account and follow the steps:

      1. Visit My Products page and click Manage All
      2. From the top menu, click the Domains tab, and select Expired Domains.
      3. Select the domain names you want to recover.
      4. Click Recover.
      5. Select the renewal length for the domain names, and then click Next.
      6. Optionally you can select the registration and website options you want to apply to your domain name renewals.
      7. Complete the checkout process.

      Renewal lengths for multiple domain names can vary depending upon the maximum renewal lengths allowed by each domain name registry.

      If the domain is no longer visible for registration then contact the support team by calling the number given in the footer of the system’s page and share your problem, the executive will help you regain access to the expired domain name.

      How Control Can Still Be Gained Over An Expired Domain Name That Has Also Missed Its Grace Period?

      If the domain is not renewed within the grace period, it enters a redemption period. During this phase, the domain is no longer active, and the original registrant may need to pay a redemption fee, which is often significantly higher than a standard renewal fee, to reclaim the domain. The length of the redemption period varies but is typically between 30-60 days.

      After the redemption period, the domain goes into a “Pending Deletion” status, and it is no longer available for renewal. During this phase, it is queued for deletion by the registry, and it’s generally inaccessible. But still, at this point, the registrant may gain control over the domain name by contacting the support and they help him to re-register the domain name if is still not deleted and queued for the registry.

      After the deletion period, the domain is typically released to the public and becomes available for registration by anyone on a first-come, first-served basis. But many times it goes for the auction and sometimes especially popular domains are backordered by people and are resold at a higher price.

      So how to save yourself from missing the renewal period? Simply turn on the auto-renew option. It automatically renews the domain for the registrant, typically using the payment method on account. If you have auto-renewal enabled, your domain will automatically renew on time.