Category Archives: Healthcare

Despite All Divisions

It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be (so should be) of an Indian origin. 

Democracy doesn’t disintegrate a country but actually integrates as gradually happened in America since a long time back and in India since not so ling time back. Whereas initiating into a totalitarianism actually disintegrates instead of integrating any nation as happened in China a long time back and gradually happening in Turkey now a days. Democratically adhering to a constitutional process helps forming the actual public unity.

Furthermore the Internet has a potential even for integrating different peoples beyond all political or superstitious divisions including that of any countries, constitutions or any set of beliefs. America and India are the best of examples of such a course and are capable of setting the best example furthering a common course as well. It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be of an Indian origin.

The oldest and the largest of all concurrent democracies can do a lot together by collaborating themselves in furthering cooperation among democracies. Healthcare, software and warfare are concurrently relevant industrial avenues for enhancing diplomatic cooperation among democracies.

Furthering Cooperation

The scope of furthering cooperation doesn’t end anywhere. Any wiser people always avail this.

If India and America stand solidly together, Taiwan can help Tibet and Hong Kong in furthering its democratic objective in China, completing all parties’ unfinished business.

Altogether they might help Tibet in restoring its sovereign borders with both its neighbours China & India. Altogether they might help Hong Kong in shedding any separatism for liberating a Bastille of democracy within China, where the Chinese people are politically imprisoned for more than half a century after a military occupation by the Communist Party of China.

Behaving Business-wise

Different worlds remain different despite unnecessary efforts of assimilating them altogether. Only business binds them together. Without that their crossing paths cause only ill-wills and accidents. China, Europe & Arab need help amicably.

Randomly killing people cannot be called any religion the way hurting the faith of any people is no freedom of expression and the forces forcing their people to migrate, must not get recognised as the governments.

This cannot be done without resolving the conflict of interests between Russia and America. India can help the US in resolving any mutual doubts with Russia that can even facilitate a fruitful cooperation in defence production within India at least. The US can further collaborate with Russia in enhancing a repairing recourse of political integration between Arab and China covering the whole of the Indian Ocean making India lead at its core. 

Together India, Russia and America can facilitate training in diplomacy & warfare for democracies at every other place. 

Staying Battle-ready

Staying battle-ready is a necessary constant for the soverigns alike. There is no variable for that. That is how any peace offensive never worked well in statecraft.

Contrary to Doklam standoff of 2017 in Bhutan, India’s prior leaderships historically failed to move forward for helping out any neighbours -such as Tibet, Persia and Gandhar- upon any foreign aggression, invasion and occupation so India suffered severly in the long run. India’s own unfinished battles also fated to bleed forever because the leaders mandated to lead were averse to war.

Tibet was occupied but not Taiwan. Even a successful warlord like Mao did not adventure to attack Taiwan although occupied Tibet. Saddam Hussein was toppled but not Kim Jong Un. The outgoing US President Donald Trump even befriended Kim Jong Un.

Behaving business-wise while staying battle ready is essential for saving humankind from all ill-will and violence. Thus; despite all divisions; India, America and every other responsible people can better be doing altogether.

What To Do With WHO?

Instead of globally taking care of only human health by preventing any pandemic, the World Health Organization was said to have been busy taking care of business concerns of the Chinese Communist Party that include even unreasonable ones up to the extent of causing a global havoc on humanity. US President angrily resorted to stop its funding.

What COVID-19 means for common people? It doesn’t inspire any reasonable public response. People understand only Wuhan virus, Chinese epidemic and global pandemic. Geo-tagging in naming the virus helps common people in understanding the need of due social distancing but the way, (unlike MERS or Japanese Encephalitis) WHO refrained from naming Wuhan virus and prior to that Guangdong (SARS) virus without including the geo-origin epicenter, also proves the allegations made by US President Donald Trump as quite reasonable.

Instead of reasonably responding to these allegations, the World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus defended himself by threatening the humankind by making rhetorics like “…don’t politicise this virus… It’s like playing with fire.” and said “If you want to have many more body bags, then you do it”.

WHO itself played with fire by unnecessarily appeasing the business insecurities of Chinese establishment so that the whole world is getting packed into the body bags today. Innocent peoples, across all the countries alike (including in China as well), are unprecedentedly suffering and helplessly dying due to this lapse in the duty designed for WHO.

Since humankind were globally left up to themselves to make their decision so their decision could only become democratic in due course including in China as well. It is indeed to be decided in near future that what is to be done to WHO also and that too very politically without a doubt.

The World Health Organization cannot ever shed its responsiblity of letting a Chinese epidemic become a global pandemic and not doing enough that timely to prevent that.

Adapt Indian Gamchha And Namaste Universally

To greet anyone with due social distancing, Indian namastey works better than any other way of social greeting. Seeing that this has universally been adapted. From Israel to Iran, from America to France, Indian way of greeting has become the new norm of socially greeting. Now international diplomatic meetings also begin with only Indian way of greeting.

Likewise traditional Indian gamchha around the neck covering full face except eyes in at least triple layers could also become functional for universal public masking around the world. After every single use the khadi cotton gamchha can be washed with soap and water and left to dry in sunlight for few hours. Thus this becomes really ready to reuse.

So peoples across all the countries may now unhesitatingly adapt Indian traditional countryside skarf along with traditional Indian way of socially greeting.

Break The Line Before It’s Late

Peoples of all the countries are compelled to fully cut-off from each-other just because their governments didn’t stop doing any business with China before it’s gone late. Now the whole world is facing its worst. Just because a Wuhan virus was not stopped then and there before its becoming a full-fledged Chinese epidemic while the world didn’t cut-off all ties that timely with China to not let it become a global pandemic. Such a social distancing was immediately necessary.

India is gone under a complete lockdown to not lose through impending pandemic times. Still India’s imposing the world’s biggest ever lockdown is not enough to save humanity but a global lockdown alongwith massive medical identification and treatment in isolation of all the persons exposed to it is awaited. That must not get delayed. Asia is endangered. Europe and America are under unprecedented attack. Break the line before it is late.

Nothing Unnecessary! Nowhere! Never!

It is essential to continue with a lockdown in place. Wherever it is not yet mandatory, let it become voluntary.

Affirm your solidarity in this battle of humankind on COVID-19 by blogging from within your homes for preparing the most of people into this. Not going out for anything non-essential must now become a good habit of everyone around. Logistics of internet age already facilitate for that.

Sangkrit is the saviour system for humankind as per the internet age. Practising its principles of cleaning your private space, cooking your vegetarian meals, programming your world and blogging your business adequately prepares you for staying at home with necessary soial distancing not only through these Corona times but thereafter as well.

There is no other way out left for the survival of humanity. Humankind facing COVID-19 ought to be following the working principle of Sangkrit that says since eternity NOTHING UNNECESSARY! NOWHERE! NEVER!

Too Late, Too Little But Laudable

Finally China has acknowledged its initial coverup at Wuhan and apologized to the family of Late Dr Li Wenliang but blamed this blunder upon two local policemen although official CCTV also broadcasted the police reprimand to Dr Li for rumourmongering in Wuhan, which was impossible without the Communist Party’s diktat into this.

Still this is laudable that the martyr of Wuhan whistleblowing is posthumously honoured after all the adversity.

Although simply taking his observation in official account then and there might have saved thousands of innocent lives in China and in the world because then the great Chinese endeavours would have contained the virus at Wuhan very timely without causing an epidemic in China and the global pandemic would not have happened as havoc upon humanity.

Avoid Any Public Gathering

A public gathering under any pretext whether social, commercial, political or religious must be avoided better.

In this smartphone stage of internet age, public gatherings are technically not necessary. Gathering communally is a very primitive kind of animal expression. Contemporarily that has become unsophisticated in terms of human comfort and convenience. In case of any argument, you may very well make that online. Otherwise COVID-19 might also join your choice of public gathering to not let you make any arguments anymore.

You may comfortably pray at home to keep your life peaceful.

Occupy Hotels As Isolation Wards

Governments should take over the luxury hotels within their respective domains to facilitate for increasing demand of isolation wards for COVID-19 since through these pandemic times of complete lockdown there must not be any tourist traffic anywhere. Hotel staff can be allowed to continue working there as usual under able guidance of healthcare professionals deputed by respective governments.

Train COVID-19 Survivors As Healthcare Volunteers

COVID_19 survivors must consider making themsleves available as healthcare support to COVID-19 infected patients.

Since the treatment of COVID-19 is only symptomic so fast training a surplus force to cope with its outbreaks is not that difficult. Survivors volunteering into this can create a veteran vanguard like that.

That could become a sure way of defeating this virus once forever by enhancing human immunity as resistance is the key to survival.

Healthy Households Isolate!

Adequately isolate your healthy household if none from your house is exposed to COVID-19. Disallow any visitors to enter your house and do not visit others’ houses either. Learn living a lockdown in advance.

First of all stock a household supply sufficient for a few weeks to prepare your family for living at home without any outgoing essentials involved anymore.

Start everyday by cleaning your home. Make every member of the household do this work. Following that freshly cook your vegetarian meals. Again make every member of the household independently prepare at least a dish of choice. Enjoy family meals together by discussing your opportunities of domestic entrepreneurship.

Register a domain name each for every member of the family by visiting and install WordPress to responsibly start blogging and business. Simply by homeschooling your children into this domestic entrepreneurship for working from home you become a Sangkrit household to proudly say “hello world!”

Prepare Free General Wards Everywhere

If any poor people are not being properly tested and treated for COVID-19, this is going to kill all the rich people as well so subsidize their treatment fully well for now and forever. All the countries need to prepare free general wards with beds at one meter distance from each other fully subsidized by paid private wards in luxury and make this practice mandatory by every hospital for not to discriminate any people in healthcare.

It is an universal emergency and emergency response must not be discriminating against the poor people in healthcare. Sangkrit insists for immediate implementation of a simple policy that whatever cost comes for enforcing an universal healthcare in general wards for free of cost, make the paid treatment in luxurious private wards that much costly without a hitch.

This is not going to happen without your insistance. People of all the countries will have to insist for that. Such an arrangement should continue forever covering every treatment other than COVID-19 as well.

If China’s Claim Of Having Controlled Their Epidemic Is Also A Cover-up?

China’s said success story of containing their epidemic, seems not that credible because of its being silent about silencing any initial alarms by a few doctors at Wuhan.

Endangering entire humanity, it is going to be very disastrous for the whole world if China’s claim of having controlled the Chinese epidemic is also a cover-up just like pretending earlier that there has not been any Wuhan virus.

It is very much possible if China doesn’t come forward voluntarily with verifiable details of properly prosecuting the real culprits of Wuhan, who are indeed responsible for making the local epidemic a global pandemic by a criminal cover up.

Till now China has failed even in accepting that.

Free People Face It Differently

With Italy reporting 250 more dead by the Chinese epidemic COVID-19 in just 24 hours; people, facing a nationwide lockdown that began this week, appeared in their balconies singing songs together to boost the public morale all over, while Europe is said to have become the new epicenter of COVID-19 disaster. It is the worst thing happening after a century of Spanish flu.

Italy is the worst-hit country in Europe so far with 17,750 declared infected and 1441 dead due to this. Still the Italians have shown a great will to fight the pandemic as free people.

Independent countries are closing borders and declaring national emergencies without hindering a free flow of information whereas Iran is said to be suppressing the reality about situation there as satellites have images indicating mass burials of possible COVID-19 victims in very big mass graves clearly visible from space.

Award DR Li Wenliang Posthumously

Dr Li Wenliang (who wrote about Wuhan epidemic in an online chat group on 30 December 2019, was silenced immediately thereafter before he himself died of the disease), deserves a posthumous award to correct all that by commemorating him as a martyr.

Moreover it is globally established that the governments’ not interfering with public interactions via internet is a must for public security everywhere.

Initial Inaction At Wuhan Made COVID-19 A Pandemic

Mistakes must get registered as mistakes so as not to get repeated again. “If I had known what was to happen, I would not have cared about the reprimand. I would have fucking talked about it to whoever, where ever I could,” Dr Ai Fen said in the interview with the Chinese magazine ‘Renwu’ that means ‘People’. Dr Ai Fen is Director of Emergency at Wuhan Central Hospital, where she was reprimanded by higher-ups at the hospital in December after alerting her colleagues and superiors about a SAARS like virus seen in the patients. To err is only human and realising that eases evolution.

Despite the commendable work by XI Jinping government in controlling the pandemic in China, whoever arrogantly silenced the voice of doctors at Wuhan, when initially warned about the epidemic, must be brought to book by the Chinese Government and the International Court of Justice as well since their this typical bureaucratic behaviour allowed Wuhan virus getting globally spread. It is not only condemnable but is globally culpable.

People are dying in every other country since they were not timely warned for staying away from Wuhan virus. Thus nothing else but initial inaction at Wuhan made COVID-19 a worldwide pandemic because initially and idiotically the local authorities preferred a coverup till the Wuhan virus gained a globally tenacious hold the way humankind are suffering this everywhere.

Avoid All Foreign Travels For The Time Being

India is appropriately geared up to avoid all foreign contacts for the time being. Other countries might also follow the suit since all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.

To cope with the escalation in domestic and international situation, the Government of India notified the cancellation of all non-official visas till 15th of April in 2020 while closes its Myanmar border as well along with advising its people against any non-essential travel abroad.

A few hours after the decision made in a high powered Group of Ministers meeting yesterday, the Bureau of Immigration under the Ministry of Home Affairs today notified the new norms as follows:-


In supersession of all earlier advisories issued on this subject the following visa restrictions are issued for implementation –

i.    All existing visas issued to nationals of any country except those issued to Diplomats, Officials, UN/International organizations, Employment, Project visas stand suspended till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
ii.    Visas of all foreigners already in India remain valid. They may contact the nearest FRRO/FRO through e-FRRO module for extension/conversion of their visa or grant of any consular service if they choose to do so.
iii.    Visa free travel facility granted to OCI card holders shall be kept in abeyance till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
iv.    Any foreign national who intends to travel to India for compelling reasons may contact the nearest Indian Mission for fresh visa.
v.    All incoming travelers, including Indian nationals arriving from any destination and having visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain and Germany on or after February 15, 2020 shall be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of such travelers.
vi.    International traffic through land borders will be restricted to designated Immigration Checkposts with robust medical screening facilities. These will be notified separately by Ministry of Home Affairs.

2.     In addition to the above visa restrictions the following travel advisory is hereby issued in accordance with instructions of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare –

i.    Indian nationals presently abroad are advised to avoid non-essential travel. They are hereby informed that they can be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days on their arrival in India.
ii.    All Indian nationals are strongly advised to avoid all non-essential travel abroad. On their return they can be subjected to quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days.

WHO Declares COVID-19 A Pandemic

Today the World Health Organaization, anticipating to see the number of cases, deaths and affected countries climb even higher, has finally declared the COVID-19 outbreak from Wuhan in China a pandemic.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus cautiously said in Geneva “We are deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity and by alarming levels of inaction. We have therefore made the assessment that COVID-19 can be characterized as a pandemic. This is the first pandemic caused by a coronavirus. And we have never before seen a pandemic that can be controlled at the same time. We cannot say this loudly enough, or clearly enough: all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.”

Algorithms Govern Better

Chinese Wuhan virus might globally cause an outbreak of a pandemic disease in more countries than covered in Chinese Belt and Road Initiative just because the local Chinese administration initially tried to cover up the matter.

Chernobyl and Wuhan disasters had a common genesis in their outbreaks. It is not that both were Communist Party controlled totalitarian states but a bureaucratic failure in timely taking necessary measures, due to their administrative denial mode in governance, actually made both the disasters occur in this world.

Sangkrit advocates for an algorithm run administration everywhere to get rid of all the corruption, negligence and ignorance in governance. Technology is readily available to take over like that. Sooner or later this has to happen after all, since agorithms govern a lot better, wherever bureaucratic wisdom lacks any necessary proficiency.

Do Not Eat Any Meat

Chinese authorities have appropriately warned in areas affected by Coronavirus outbreak to not eat any meat and feed on vegetables instead other than not shaking hands for greeting anyone. Following this is wiser indeed globally as well.

Necessary measures are made to keep the vegetables supply adequate in such areas. People ought to refrain themselves from the harmful habit of eating meats. Eating meat is neither good for health nor safe from uncontrollable epidemic outbreaks.

Meat eating habit of humankind is a reason of global warming other than the outbreaks of uncontrollable epidemics. This is equally dangerous to both the humanity and its only abode the planet earth.