Category Archives: Free Education

Saving Contact Form 7 Submissions As Posts In WordPress

Contact form 7 is the most popular contact form generator plugin for WordPress users. You can manage multiple contact forms, customize form and the mail contents flexibly with markup. It supports Ajax-powered submitting, CAPTCHA, Akismet spam filtering and more.  Continue reading Saving Contact Form 7 Submissions As Posts In WordPress

Set Limit For Maximum Number Of Tags In WordPress Posts

Tags in WordPress provides you an easy way for grouping related posts together in your blog or website. You can show it in menus, after posts, in a tag cloud widget etc. By default WordPress allows authors to add as many tags they want to add in their posts.

In this lesson we will show you how to easily set maximum number of tags for posts in your WordPress site.  Continue reading Set Limit For Maximum Number Of Tags In WordPress Posts

Limit Contributors Only To Their Posts In WordPress

It is possible in WordPress to limit authors, editors and contributers to only their posts on your WordPress website. This removes all unnecessary content clatter from all posts admin screen and allows your authors to see only their posts in admin area.  Continue reading Limit Contributors Only To Their Posts In WordPress

Set Link Relationship To No-referrer In WordPress Based Website

Earlier we have discussed about a service that hides referrers to anonymize all external links in your WordPress website. The service works by prefixing its own domain address before your domain name and hence all tracking services counts that service as referrer instead of counting your website.

In this lesson you will learn about doing same thing with link relationship technique. This is also a good option as it doesn’t take any work from external services.

A link relation is a descriptive attribute added to any hyperlink in order to define the type of the link i.e. the the relationship between the source and destination resources.  Continue reading Set Link Relationship To No-referrer In WordPress Based Website

Auto Generate Images For Retina (High DPI) Devices In WordPress

WP Retina 2x is a WordPress plugin that creates the image files required by the Retina (High DPI) devices and then displays them to your website users and visitors accordingly. Also compatible with multisite WordPress installations.  Continue reading Auto Generate Images For Retina (High DPI) Devices In WordPress

Creating One Click Select All Text Boxes For Frontend Display In WordPress

You might have noticed ‘Link to Us’ text boxes having text and link content in them, some websites also provides you video embed code, image embed code and advertisement codes inside boxes which when clicked automatically selects all text inside them so that user can copy and make use of it.  Continue reading Creating One Click Select All Text Boxes For Frontend Display In WordPress

Starting A Reddit & Hacker News Type Website In Minutes At

Reddit is a social news website where users can submit links or text content under various categories whereas others can read content, comment and can vote on submissions “up” or “down” to organize the posts and determine their position on site’s pages.

On the other hand Hacker News is another popular news submission website with same type of functionality but mainly focuses on computer science and entrepreneurship.

In this lesson you will learn how to start such type of website easily on your domain name.  Continue reading Starting A Reddit & Hacker News Type Website In Minutes At

Prevent New Slug Conflicts With Trash In WordPress

When a post is deleted, it it not completely removed from your website. It goes to trash. You can access trash content by visiting your admin area dashboard Posts -> All Posts then by clicking the ‘Trash’ filter. Same can be done for pages and other custom post types.  Continue reading Prevent New Slug Conflicts With Trash In WordPress

Starting Up OpenCart Based eCommerce Website At

OpenCart is a free eCommerce site builder application that installs on any domain and provides you a designed feature rich, easy to use, search engine friendly and visually appealing webstore i.e. e-commerce website in minutes.

In this lesson you will learn about installing OpenCart on your web-hosting space via cPanel.  Continue reading Starting Up OpenCart Based eCommerce Website At

WebCards – Start An E-Cards Designer Website From cPanel At

WebCards is an advanced, feature-packed e-card system you can install on your domain to start an e-card website and keep your visitors engaged. Read what other WebCards users say about this app.

In this lesson you will learn how to easily install this application on your domain at Here is full WebCards Feature Tour you may take to know about its key features. Continue reading WebCards – Start An E-Cards Designer Website From cPanel At

Export & Sync Comments Between WordPress And Disqus Comment System

Earlier we have discussed about installing and configuring Disqus comment system in your WordPress site. We have also discussed about resolving the width and CSS issue that shows up on some WordPress themes when used with Disqus.

Now the next big issue experienced by new Disqus users is exporting old WordPress comments made with native WordPress comment functionality to Disqus commenting system.

So in this lesson we will show you how to export WordPress comments to Discus comment systeom. We will also talk about snycing comments between Disqus and WordPress so that you can download your Disqus comments and store them locally in WordPress.  Continue reading Export & Sync Comments Between WordPress And Disqus Comment System

Fixing Up Disqus Comment Form Width On Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme

Disqus, the popular comment system we have discussed about sometimes causes a common display issue. Sometimes on some WordPress themes Disqus comment form appear wider than rest of the content. This can easily be fixed by inserting custom CSS under ‘disqus_thread’ CSS id.

First, you will be needing to figure out the width of the content area of your WordPress theme and then use custom CSS

How to insert custom CSS? One can insert custom CSS with some custom CSS inserter plugin or with Jetpack by’s edit CSS module that shows up on Appearance -> Edit CSS screen or by overriding custom CSS on your website’s child theme.

disques comment

In this lesson we will show you how you can align your Discus comment box on Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme.  Continue reading Fixing Up Disqus Comment Form Width On Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme

Installing & Configuring Disqus Comment System In WordPress

Disqus is a third party featurefull commenting system for WordPress and other website frameworks. WordPress already provides you a built-in commenting system and it has its own commenting network which anyone can activate with Jetpack by plugin.  Continue reading Installing & Configuring Disqus Comment System In WordPress

Finding VaultPress Registartion Key & Connecting WordPress To VaultPress Backup Service

VaultPress is a real-time backup and security scanning service designed by Automattic, the WordPress company. The most common problem experienced by VaultPress users is finding registration key.

Sometimes after new updates etc, VaultPress plugin gets automatically disconnected to the service website. And then it shows you following error message:

Vaultpress Message

Even the official VaultPress documentation as on 12-05-2015 doesn’t tells you where exactly to copy registration key from. It is easy, simply login to your VaultPress account, click ‘Subscription & Billing’ link on the top navigation menu and it will show you the registration key with all your account detailsContinue reading Finding VaultPress Registartion Key & Connecting WordPress To VaultPress Backup Service

New WordPress Quick FrontEnd Editor With AJAX Based Process

WP Quick FrontEnd Editor is the new WordPress plugin that lets you edit all website contents containing posts, pages and other custom post types using an AJAX based interface from front end, without going to the admin area dashboard.

You may also use this plugin in addition with ‘Remove Dashboard Access‘ to completely hide dashboard from your website users. Great for static client websites when you just want to allow your client to update content without accessing the admin section.  Continue reading New WordPress Quick FrontEnd Editor With AJAX Based Process

Easily Insert Smilies From TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG) In WordPress

Smileys, also known as “emoticons,” are glyphs used to convey facial emotions in your text. WordPress provides you option to create smilies inside your text content.

You can easily enable smilies option by visiting your admin area dashboard Settings -> Writing screen and ticking ‘Convert emoticons like :-) and :-P to graphics on display’ under formatting section. When this option is enabled, you may start creating smilies with traditional way of typing two or more punctuation marks.

Some examples are;-) is equivalent to smile emoticon :-) is equivalent to smile emoticon :( is equivalent to sad emoticon :-? is equivalent to confused emoticon

But not everyone knows all emoticons & smilies, it is hard to remember smilies like ragg, roll, oops, evil etc. Hence, by adding a smiley inserter TinyMCE button, you will sure be making things easy for yourself and for other users on your website.  Continue reading Easily Insert Smilies From TinyMCE Visual Editor (WYSIWYG) In WordPress

Display Notification To Whitelist Your WordPress Site On Adblock Plus Browser Extension

Adblock Pus is a popular web browser extension used by over 50 millions of Internet users for blocking ads and tracking on websites to get fast and annoyance free web browsing.

Earlier we have discussed about blocking Adblock users from accessing your WordPress site and discouraging your visitors from using Adblock extension. Now today, this lesson on displaying a message to whitellist website on Adblock plus extension. Continue reading Display Notification To Whitelist Your WordPress Site On Adblock Plus Browser Extension

Easily Set Expiration Date For Sticky Posts In WordPress

By default you have to manually make posts unsticky by unchecking the sticky posts check box from WordPress admin screen. Wouldn’t it be easier if sticky posts i.e. featured posts go automatically unsticky after a set interval of time?

Before to start, first thing you should know is what actually a sticky post is? Sticky Post is a WordPress feature introduced in 2.7 update, the features allows you to make any post featured by sticking it to the top of the page. It is a check box option on WordPress admin area dashboard Posts -> Add New screen (In the Publish panel under Visibility).

When checked, the post is placed on the top of the front page of posts, it gets fixed there, no matter how many new posts are published.

Earlier we have discussed about turning posts sticky and creating sticky posts for category pages in WordPress. Now today, in this lesson you will learn about automatically expiring sticky posts after a set interval of time.  Continue reading Easily Set Expiration Date For Sticky Posts In WordPress