Category Archives: WordPress

Backup Each WordPress Post Automatically To Email As Soon It Gets Published

There are many different ways of backing up WordPress like you can use backup plugins, your can do it from cPanel by manually downloading your content directory, config file and exporting database tables etc. But it is not possible to run backup wizard everytime you publish a new blog post, especially if you are having a lot of content to backup.

Suppose you/your service takes backup weekly and in-case your website gets hacked, attacked by malware etc then in that case you will be loosing all those posts published in between the two backups.

This tutorial is on a new WordPress plugin called New Post Automatic XML Backup by Email. This simple WordPress plugin automatically sends backup of the post content as soon the post is published

Backup is mailed in XML export file which can be imported and used from Dashboard -> Tools -> Import admin page. The backup file is automatically emailed to the admin’s email address as soon any new post is published.

Installation & Usage: Simply install and activate the plugin. That’s all, you are done.

How To Enable Smartphone Support For WordPress Admin Area Dashboard ?

There are many different themes that automatically makes the frontend of your WordPress site mobile compatible but the problem comes with backend i.e., while accessing admin area dashboard from a smartphone device. This tutorial is on a simple plugin called Juiz Smart Mobile Admin, it offers you a smartphone support for your admin area dashboard.

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How To Add A Quick Admin Sidebar Menu With Custom Links In WordPress ?

WordPress Admin Quick Menu plugin allows you to add quick admin area sidebar menu with user defines custom links. The plugin is designed to help webmasters have an easy access to external links such as Analytics and shopping carts in their WordPress admin panel.

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How To Create Affiliate Marketing Links In Seconds Into Your WordPress Site ?

With WP Auto Affiliate Links you can easily add Affiliate URLs to keywords in your WordPress site content. The plugin is easy to use and you can set up Affiliate keywords in seconds.

Installation & Usage: First install and activate the plugin WP Auto Affiliate Links then follow the given steps:

How to add new Affiliate Links ?

  1. Visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Auto Affiliate Links admin page
  2. Click the tab Add Affiliate Links, Now type the Keywords and their Affiliate URLs in their fields.
  3. Now click Submit button and your Affiliate link will be added to the list

How to exclude certain posts and pages from showing Affiliate links ?

  1. Visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> WP Auto Affiliate Links admin page
  2. Click the tab Exclude Posts and enter the post & page IDs you like to exclude.
  3. You can find your post IDs by using WP Show IDs plugin
  4. Now simply type your post ID and click Exclude Post button

The plugin also allows you to open posts in a new tab or use the same window, you can add no-follow or do-follow link relation, you can enable Affiliate links in home page and there are various more useful features.

How To Activate ‘Scroll To Top’ Button In Just A Click In WordPress ?

There are many different WordPress plugins and code snippets you can use for adding a ‘scroll to top’ button in your WordPress site. A ‘scroll top top’ button simply allows your readers to instantly move back to the top of the site (header) as soon they click it, it uses JavaScript s the page doesn’t get refreshed every time.

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How To Make WordPress Admin Sidebar Follow Your Scroll ?

Sometimes especially while editing long articles it becomes very irritating for bloggers to scroll again and again to top of the page just for clicking Update, Preview or Publish buttons etc. But no worries! because now by using the new WordPress plugin called Follow Me Sidebar you can make your Add New/Edit post’s page right sidebar float with you as your scroll down the page which you generally do in long post edit screens.

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Enhance WordPress Tag Archive Pages By Showing Related Excerpts From Wikipedia

With new WordPress plugin called Wikipedia for tag pages you can display tag related excerpts direct from Wikipedia to your blog’s tag archive pages. For Example: If you are using ‘WordPress’ as tag then the plugin will show a small description on WordPress (in specified language) on a sidebar widget by searching it on Wikipedia.

You can specify multiple languages for the widget to query using the Wikipedia’s API. The language that has an article that matches the tag has its article displayed.

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How To Display Featured Image Via URL In WordPress ?

Earlier we discussed about auto-posting thumbnails from the first image present inside your blog post. Now this tutorial explains you how you can set post’s featured image simply by entering an image URL.

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Popular Social Media Sharing Buttons By ‘Add To Any’ For WordPress

Share Buttons by AddToAny is a popular social media sharing kit with more than 2 million digital downloads. It is a free plugin which you can download from WordPress plugin repository, make a few easy configuration settings and easly display sharing icons for popular social networking websites like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, StumbleUpon and there are many many more.

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Replace WordPress “Right Now” Widget With Ghost Platform Inspired “Right Here Right Now” Widget

Now you can replace default WordPress “Right Now” dashboard widget (that shows total posts, drafts, comments, trash etc) with beautiful Ghost blogging platform inspired “Right Here Right Now” widget. The plugin uses HTML5 canvas feature for displaying a more beautiful widget, see the given screenshot.

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How To Display Icons With Widget Titles In WordPress ?

Rather than displaying simple text widget title you can easily add related icons to it. You can enhance your website with 530+ icons specially designed for Twitter Bootstrap simply by using Widget Icon plugin.   Continue reading How To Display Icons With Widget Titles In WordPress ?

Good Writer Checkify: A Useful Blog Entry Coach For WordPress Users

This tutorial explains you how you can create a simple checklist reminding you of things you should do before posting an article in your WordPress site. For example: You can create a checkpoint list of adding Affiliate links, adding a post thumbnail i.e. featured image, inserting internal links etc according to your requirements.

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Display Fade Out Welcome Message, Announcement, Events, Offers Etc In WordPress

WP Welcome Message is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to create message using visual or HTML editor then display them automatically in a fade out or slide up view.

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New, Easy To Use, Responsive, AJAX Powered Contact Form For WordPress

WordPress plugin repository has a new contact form plugin called Responsive Contact Form. This is the easiest among all contact form plugins and allows you to insert beautiful AJAX powered contact form anywhere in your WordPress site.

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How To Place ‘Bookmark This Page’ Button In Your WordPress Site ?

You can enable direct bookmarking feature in your WordPress site and allow your visitors to bookmark pages quickly and easily. DBWD Bookmark Page is a free WordPress plugin you can use for encouraging your visitors to directly bookmark your website pages. The plugin adds a “Bookmark this Page” button to your website’s header WITHOUT editing any of your theme file and as soon the button is clicked, add bookmark function is opened for the user.

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