Tag Archives: message

You Must Be Completely Comprehensible And Comprehensibly Complete

The power of a sentence comes in its being completely comprehensible the way it becomes comprehensibly complete. That makes the message loud and clear.

Use that as your first sentence formula for talking to the people. That can guarantee your complete success in communicating your meassage.

Talking to the people is the greatest ever task. At all times you must be completely comprehensible and comprehensibly complete.

Display Fade Out Welcome Message, Announcement, Events, Offers Etc In WordPress

WP Welcome Message is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to create message using visual or HTML editor then display them automatically in a fade out or slide up view.

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How To Easily Add A Customizable Splash Page In Your WordPress Site ?

Splash pages are those pages that comes visible when a new visitor visits your website, generally a splash page contains information about the site, age verification or welcome message including an ENTER button which when clicked directs your visitors to the home page of your website. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin that easily allows you to create your own splash pages and display them with in a few clicks.

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Automatically Send Welcome Message, Group Invitation Or Friend Request To Newly Registered Members Of Your BuddyPress Community

Whenever someone registers on your BuddyPress site you can automatically send a welcome message, friend request, group invitation and also you can redirect to a custom page using Welcome Pack plugin for BuddyPress. You can do a lot more, go through this tutorial.

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