Category Archives: WordPress

Automatic Widget Toggle Plugin For WordPress Sites

You can hide widget content in WordPress and then enable your website users to toggle widgets, they can open and close them simply by clicking the widget title. This way you can add a number of widgets to your sidebar and enable your users to browse them.

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Easily Build Keyword Links In WordPress Without Overlinking Already Linked Text

Internal Link Building lets you build links for keywords. With this new plugin you can link any word to a external or internal URL and set parameters like you can define how you times you want you want the keyword link to appear, you can set whether you want the link to appear in Exact Match or not, you can enable Nofollow and set the links to open in new window etc. This way you can very easily link to your old articles, pages or if you have online stores and improve your sales, web ranking of other websites you have, better search engines and more clicks.  It also allows you to exclude post type for link to appear.

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New Guerrilla’s Social Sharing Buttons For WordPress

Guerrilla’s Social Sharing simply adds a simple and classic spot at the bottom of all single post pages of your WordPress site with social share icons for popular social media networks like Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Linkedin and Pinterest.

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New Awesome WordPress Events Calendar With Cool Amazing Features

X Calendar Express is the brand new WordPress plugin you can use for adding an events calendar into your WordPress based website with some cool amazing features. You can browse the events by month, year or by day. It provides you events in a customizable good looking calendar display.

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Changing Dashboard Post Labels To Articles With One Click In WordPress

There are already many plugins that provides admin area customizations so that webmasters can easily change admin section style and looks as per client requirements. Dashboard Posts Labels To Articles is the new WordPress plugin that automatically changes dashboard posts menu to articles. Thus creates great usability of WordPress dashboard Posts Menu and becomes useful for non-expert site members and for client websites.

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How To Insert Complete Sitemap Of Your WordPress Site Inside Any Post Or Page Etc?

Sitemap Shortcode is a sitemap plugin with feature to include total sitemap of your website inside a post, page, custom post type, widget or any other shortcode supported area.

To use this new plugin simply install and activate it. Upon activation use the shortcode

inside your post, page or other content type and see how it works by viewing the post in frontend.

Easily Show Tumblr Posts Via Ajax In Your WordPress Site

Tumblr Ajax is the new WordPress plugin that lest you display your Tumblr site posts in WordPress using an easy sidebar widget. The plugin shows posts using AJAX/Javascript / Client-side HTML requests and is very good for the web hosting servers that doesn’t allow external HTTP requests or where such are preferred to be minimal.

Using Tumblr Ajax PluginYou Can:

  • Display Tumblr posts, photos, videos and audios using a widget or inside a post or page.
  • It provides you styles to allow for customization.
  • Various useful widget options.

How To Use Tumblr Ajax Plugin?

  1. Install and activate Tumblr Ajax plugin.
  2. Now adding its widget to sidebar or any other widget area configuring it accordingly.
  3. You can play around with the various styles and options to find what works best for your site.
  4. For changing the CSS styles of Tumblr Posts, you can over-ride, using your own Stylesheet, the plugin’s default.css mark-up styles.

Portfolio Press: A Responsive WordPress Theme To Showcase Photography & Arts Etc

Portfolio Press is a responsive two column theme for showcasing your photography, art, websites or any other kinds of projects. You can also use it as a general blogging theme. It provides you one navigation area at the top of the website and an options panel where you can upload logos and change the layout etc. It support other WP features like support for the image, gallery and quote post formats.

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New WordPress Smooth Scroll Button With Easily Customizable Positions

WP-Smooth-Scroll is the new WordPress plugin that allows users to scroll smoothly back to the top of the page. It is beautiful, simple and you can set it up in seconds. Simply install and activate WP-Smooth-Scroll and the button is ready. You can set its position to bottom-left/right or centre from Dashboard -> WP-Smooth-Scroll admin page.

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New Responsive Media Gallery For WordPress

Responsive Media Gallery lets you replace the default WordPress gallery with a responsive, touch friendly Media slideshow and you can create beautiful responsive gallery slideshows in a few minutes. Leveraging the new built in gallery user interface in WordPress, you can now drag and drop images to create perfectly responsive gallery slideshows with ease. Check out its preview here.

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Enable Custom Skins For Contact Form 7 In WordPress

Custom Skins for Contact Form 7 simply enables you to to change skins of popular Contact Form plugin called Contact Form 7. It is an add-on plugin which is simple and flexible. The plugin manages multiple skins of contact forms, it lets you customize those skins.Each skin has its own settings which can be done manually as per user’s interest. You can quickly can easily edit the settings from form style, button style, background colors, fonts, border, box-shadow, text-box style, text-area style, drop-down style, gradient background for button and also it provides header and footer sections.

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WordPress Markdown Offline Editor For Chromebook Users

Platen, is beautifully designed WP Markdown Editor for Google Chrome users. It is a desktop app that lets you write and publish posts to any WordPress blog, you simply need to give your blog’s URL and login credentials. So what features it provides you? Using Platen you can create content, excerpt, tags, and categories. And the limitations are: you cannot define slugs, you cannot set featured images, you cannot use custom fields, you cannot change your privacy settings and many other things. But you are getting all basic features you need while creating new blog posts and about limitation, they keeps it light and fast. It’s just 1.83MB app with a beautiful layout and themes.

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Top 10 Plugins To Create Your Beautiful Portfolio Website Using WordPress

Using WordPress you easily create your own beautiful portfolio websites. You can easily start creating your online portfolio with galleries, pages, you can include your blog, e-store and videos etc. To start you should have WordPress installed on your hosting. You can try our world class WordPress hosting here, it automatically installs WordPress on your domains.

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How To Discourage Your Visitors From Blocking Ads While Browsing Your WordPress Site?

One one hand some programmers are creating Ad Blocker apps that disables all kinds of advertisements any visitor see while exploring websites and on other hand there are many programmers creating other apps that tries to block ad blockers. One thing is common, all are creating utilities. This tutorial is on new interesting WordPress plugin that simply displays a message if the visitor is using some kind of add blocker while accessing your website.

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How To Configure WordPress Updates Settings Through UI?

With new WP Updates Settings you can easily configure WordPress updates settings through UI (User Interface). The plugin provides you various useful options and lets you set your WordPress installation updates including automatic background updates through its settings panel.

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Quickly Display Flickr Photos In WordPress Without Following Any Authorization Process

Now you can easily display your Flickr account photos using a WordPress widget simply by adding your user ID. No authorization is required. Meks Simple Flickr Widget lets you do this in a very easy way. The plugin provides you a widget that can display your Flickr photos right by using your ID. You can set the thumbanil width and height in pixels.

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New Khush Captcha For Buddy Press Based Networks

New Khush Captcha For Buddy Press simply adds a new form of captcha to your Buddy Press registration and comment forms. With this new plugin you can easily solve the problem of spam bots registration and and prevent bots from spamming your website. The plugin also works for BuddyPress comment forms.

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WP Sticky Social: Display Sticky Bar Of Social Icons In WordPress

WP Sticky Social, new WordPress plugin lets you display sticky bar with social icons and links of your social media profiles. For icons is used Zurb Foundation Social Icons Font. The plugin lets you select from 22 icons, you can set position from top of screen, display sticky bar on right or left side, change text, icon and background color from administration etc.

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