Category Archives: Free Press

Now Easily Create & Organize Documentation For Multiple Products In WordPress

Organized Docs is the brand new WordPress plugin you can use for creating beautifully organized documentation for multiple products organized by product and subsections within each product. After activation the plugin activates a new new post type ‘Docs’ in WordPress admin section. You can create documentation for multiple items like multiple software product and organize them neatly, by product. Its main admin section page (Dashboard -> Docs -> All Docs) lists all your products. Clicking on each product directs you to the docs only for that particular product. You can organize your products into subsections and they lists each individual article in that docs section.

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Some Common Web Browser Errors And Their Meanings

Phishing (Web Forgery) & Malware Warnings: No matter what web browser you are using, it regularly downloads a list of dangerous websites and when you try connecting to a website on this list, the error is displayed.

Phishing Error

Certificate Error: SSL certificate error or security certificate error indicates problem with HTTPS encryption. It comes only when you try accessing website using HTTPS.

SSL Error

404 Not Found: The error is displayed when you try accessing a web page which is not present anywhere. The error shows up on wrong URLs or when you type incorrect website address.


Unable to Connect: The error comes when your browser successfully contact its DNS servers and identifies that there should be a website but it did not get any response from the servers when it tries to connect. Usually happens when your internet connection is down.

unable to connect

Server Not Found: The message is dsplayed when your web browser could not find the website you’re trying to access. Sometimes when you mistype a web address or when you try to connect to any website which doesn’t exist, or when your DNS server is down, or may be your firewall, proxy, or due to some other misconfigured settings.

server not found

Top 5 Black & White Themes For Chrome & Chromebook

Here are some of the best Google chrome themes with mostly black and white color used in them but they all are beautiful and used by a vast number of Google chrome users world wide. Each theme provides you a different taste and style like Slinky Elegant is designed to be smart and simple, Charlotte Ronson looks classic, Vince is a unique concept in fashion, offers you a complete line of luxe staples with clean lines, rich fabrics, and intricate,Tiësto is one of the most well-known and biggest artists in electronic music.

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How To Use Underscores Instead Of Dashes In WordPress Permalinks ?

By default WordPress use dash (-) for separting words in permakinks (URL slugs) but you can easily change it to underscores (_). There are two methods. First you can do this by using a plugin or you have to paste some code you your site’s standard plugin or theme’s function.php file.

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How To Delete Multiple WordPress Themes At Once ?

It is possible to delete multiple plugins at once but by default WordPress doesn’t provides you any feature for deleting multiple theme at once. Bloggers and webmasters, they add multiple themes for testing purposes but it becomes very time consuming job to delete themes one by one from admin area dashboard, the only way of deleting all themes at once is deleting all times directing from wp-content/themes directory via FTP or cPanel.

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How To Extend WordPress Automatic Background Updates For Major Releases ?

From WordPress 3.7 updates are more reliable and secure with many different checks and safeguards. It comes with fine-grained update controls for developers and systems admins. Now WordPress runs updates automatically in background while and at the same time you can perform other tasks but as said by the developers you will be needing to update from 3.7 to 3.8. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin called Background Updates for Major Releases. The plugin extends WordPress automatic updates to major releases and you can keep them running automatically in background like other light updates.

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Automatically Test Your WordPress Site Compatibility For New Updates

Since WordPress 3.7 updates, most of the WordPress installations are able to run and apply all new updates in background. Background Update Tester is the new WordPress plugin that tests your WordPress site for compatibility issues and explains if problems are found.

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How To Stop WordPress From Running Updates Automatically ?

Since new WordPress 3.7 update, a typical WordPress site is able to automatically update itself. It runs update in background whenever there is any new minor/security release is available. But this might cause some problems for some site owners, there are many reasons. Site owners may wish to disable this new WordPress functionality. Here’s the solution.

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Powerful Multiple Gmail Account Checker For Chromebook

Earlier we discussed about Gmail Offline chrome app that allows you to automatically synchronize all you Gmail messages and then you can read, write, search and do more with your Gmail messages, all offline. We also discussed about popular Official Gmail App for chrome. Now this tutorial is on another cool chrome app called Multiple Account Checker for Gmail. As clear from its name, the app allows you to read all your Gmail and Google Apps emails from one tab so that you can reduce your tabs and save memory.

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WordPress 3.7, Now What New Plugins Should To Be Created ?

As we have already discussed about the new features of WordPress 3.7. This new update is loaded with new cool features but at the same time it will create some problems for some webmasters and site owners. Likewise now in WordPress 3.7 there is no need to lift a finger for making maintenance and other security updates as it automatically updates itself, similar to Chrome. This feature is good for most of the bloggers running their personal blogs. But at the same time it might cause big problems for webmasters who edited WP core or theme or working on some php code of their website as they might loose some important edits without prior any notification etc. So first of all a plugin should be created for disabling these automatic updates, as that would be very useful for probloggers and webmasters working on their client websites etc.

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Popular Racing Games For Google Chrome & Chromebook

Here are a few popular games you can play in Chrome. The post includes various popular car racing games, popular motocross, skating and truck wars etc.

Downhill Jam

You can ride your skateboard down the busy streets of the city avoiding obstacles and collecting bonus on your way.

Motocross Nitro

American Racing 2 3D

Traffic Talent

Need for Speed World

SKiD Racer


WordPress 3.7, Now It Updates Automatically In Background, Just Like Chrome

WordPress 3.7 is ready for update. This new update provides you various new cool features like , now there is no need to lift a finger for making maintenance and other security updates. Now most sites cam automatically apply these kinds of updates in background just like Chrome & Chromebook. But some configurations may not allow this thing to happen.

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Best Google Chrome Desktop Apps That Works Offline, Outside From Your Web Browser

Here are some of the best chrome apps from various categories like office, weather, cloud, sharing, bookmarklets, games etc. All these chrome apps can work offline and/or right from your desktop area, outside from your Google Chorme web browser.

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Listen To Google Play Music Instantly From Anywhere Using Any Device

Google Play Music is Chrome app by This application allows you to play your music instantly anytime from anywhere. You can keep up to 20,000 songs on Google Play and you can listen to them easily using web or any android phone or tablet even when you’re not connected and all for free.

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Easily Make Your WordPress Site Header Navigation Sticky

Sticky Header by ThematoSoup is the powerful WordPress plugin which provides you an easiest way to make your header navigation menu sticky i.e. visible all the time even when you scroll to very bottom of any web page. Just like Facebook & Twitter top navigation, visible all the time.

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How To Read Google Play Store Books Offline On Chromebook & Other Devices?

Google Play Books is a chrome app by This app allows you to select from over 4 million books vailable on Google Play Store and you can take away your favorite ones with you and read them offline on your Chromebook.

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Turn Off Screen Lights While Watching Videos On Chromebook

Turn Off the Lights is an amazing chrome app, works both on Google Chrome & Chrome OS. This app increases automatic focus on video you are watching and gives you better experience by turning off the screen lights i.e. it darkens all screen areas excluding video thus provides you better video watching experience in just one click. Clicking again returns the page to normal.

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Some Of The Best Google Chromebook Apps That Works Offline

Here are some good chrome applications which you can use on chrome and chrome os even without an Internet connection. Using these cool apps you can do some useful tasks like transcribing any audio, access your windows desktop remotely, customize images, manage your emails offline, play your old desktop games like solitaire and more.

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Quickly & Easily Setup A Professional Celebrity Website With Integrated Blogging

If you are a celebrity, may be musician, film maker, model, actor or whatever you can very easily set up your own celebrity blog in less than $23 without any trouble or need or any social media ninza, webmaster or website designing agency etc.

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Brand New WordPress Social Sharing & Analytics Plugin From AddShoppers.Com

Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers is the brand new WordPress plugin that adds social sharing buttons in WordPress, track all social sharing activity and identifies the networks sending you traffic.

Step-1 Showing Social Sharing Buttons

Install and activate Sharing Buttons & Analytics by AddShoppers then visit your admin area dashboard -> settings -> add shoppers page and select the networks that you want in your sharing button set  like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus, Wanelo, StumbleUpon, Tumblr, Polyvore etc.

Step-2 Enable Analytics for Sharing Activity (Optional)

Optionally you may also enter shop ID to enable tracking & analytics for your your social sharing buttons. You can get your shop ID or sign up for one here. Once you’ve created your account, visit dashboard -> settings -> add shoppers page and paste your Shop ID for your shop into the given field above.

Step-3 View Sharing Stats & Analytic Report

After you get connected with Shop ID, you will be able to see your dashboard and social analytics on dashboard -> settings -> add shoppers page under its dashboard tab.