Category Archives: Free Press

Responsive (Tablet & Mobile) Post Preview Feature For WordPress

Default WordPress ‘Preview’ option simply allows you to preview post in your screen but now you can add a simple cool feature and preview posts on mobile and tablets view.

Responsive Post Preview is the new WordPress plugin that simply adds mobile and tablet preview feature in your WordPress site.

How To Use Responsive Post Preview Plugin?

Install and activate Responsive Post Preview plugin in your WordPress site. Upon activation the plugin adds new mobile and tablet preview button in publish metabox present in WordPress add new & edit content pages.

How To Use Custom Background Images In Google Plus?

Now you know Using Custom Background Image On Your Google’s Home Page In Chrome. This tutorial is on a similar Google Chrome extension that enables you to use a custom background in your Google Plus page and this is not just limited to Google Plus home but with this cool extension you can set images for G+ background, +1 button, share button, notification and also the bell.

How to start? Simply add Custom Google Plus Background in your Google Chrome browser or Chromium. Now after installation you can use it from the extension drop down menu added next to address bar.

Easily Make WordPress Admin Area’s ‘Visit Site’ Link Open In New Tab

You can easily in just one click make your admin area’s ‘Visit Site’ link open in a new tab, best for the theme developers and web designers working on client sites. Visit Site In New Tab is the new very light weight WordPress plugin that automatically Makes “Visit Site” Link in “wp-admin” open in new tab.

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How To Use Custom Background Image On Your Google’s Home Page In Chrome?

Instead of seeing that white background on Google, you can use your own background image. Custom Google™ Background is a Google Chrome extension that lets you do this very easily. The extension lets you select any image for the background of Google. You can do this simply by uploading your image from local drive, by entering an image URL or by searching 500px.

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How To Bulk Set, Replace Or Remove Featured Images In WordPress?

Now you can set, manage thumbnail in bulk for your posts, pages and other custom post types in bulk. Quick Featured Images is the new awesome WordPress plugin allows you to do so. It simply saves your time and you can run it over all your posts or narrow down to posts by using its flexible filters. The implemented filters allows you to narrow down the action to only the posts and pages you want to modify.

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New Counter Less Social Sharing Buttons For WordPress

Lightweight Social Sharing Buttons lets you add social media sharing buttons to single posts and pages of your WordPress site without using any external scripts, without any additional settings, even the plugin doesn’t displays any sharing counters, best for newbie blogger who are getting less likes and shares on social media sites.

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Transform Your WordPress Admin Area Into Backend Of Your Tumblr Site

You can transform your WordPress site into backend for your Tumblr and then control everything from your WordPress admin area, keeping your WordPress & Tumblr completely in sync. Tumblr Crosspostr is the new WordPress plugins that lets you cross-post published WP posts to your Tumblr, even the changes made to your WordPress posts also get reflected to your Tumblr posts.

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One Click To Enable Single Sign In For WordPress Self Hosted & WordPress.Com Blogs

Single Sign On is an awesome Jetpack plugin module that allows you to enable you and your users to login/register to your self-hosted WordPress site using WordPress.Com login credentials. If you have Jetpack plugin activated in your WordPress site, you can enable single sign on feature in just one click and unlike to other same purpose plugins, there’s no need of creating any app and get API etc. One click and login will automatically come visible in your WP login page.

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Enable Better View For Media Library Fields In WordPress Admin Area

By default WordPress Media Library admin archive page shows Title, author, uploaded to, comment number and date columns. Now this tutorial explains you how you can enable it to display extra columns for Alternative Text, Caption, Description, Permalink and File URL  in the media library view.

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Easily Generate Multiple Pages Using Dynamic Content In WordPress

When creating a new website or when working client website you need to create multiple pages like About, Contact, News etc. By default WordPress only allows you to create pages one by one but now by installing a simple lightweight plugin you can generate multiple Pages and each page with their own variation of a base content template.

Variations can easily be produced by using keywords, with multiple words or phrases which are then cycled through for each generated page. While generating multiple pages you can define Page Title, Page Slug / Permalink, Content, Publish status (Draft or Publish), Number of Pages to generate, Author.

How To Feature Or Bury Comments In WordPress?

You can highlight some good comments and feature them and that helps in encouraging your site visitors to comment and take part in ongoing discussions and at the same time it also enables you to discourage unwanted and useless comments, the comments which are not giving any value addition. This tutorial is on a cool WordPress plugin called Featured Comments, the plugin enables you to add “featured” or “buried” CSS class to some selected comments and you can very easily highlight comments which are adding some value to your blog post.

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New Easy & Effective Color Recognition Box For Fighting WordPress Spams

Matriphe Colorspam provides you a new easy and effective style of fighting spams coming to your WordPress site. The plugin fights spams in registration and login forms by showing color in a box and asking user to type the name of color. It includes main colors like red, green, blue, yellow, black, white, pink, orange, purple, grey and uses CSS coloring for generating colors. Spam Bots cannot read this color name.

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How To Easily Tag Images With Creative Commons License In WordPress?

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With Creative Commons Tagger plugin youcan easily enable feature for tagging your website images with creative commons license. The plugin simply provides licensing information for media library images and enable you to input Creative Commons licensing information in custom fields in the media post. Finally the license is displayed under the image in wp-caption element.

Beautiful Accordion Menu Widget For WordPress

Nextend Accordion Menu provides you a beautiful menu widget with accordion feature. The menu is user-friendly and highly customizable and provides you complete control over menu levels, colors, animation effects and more (DEMO). To start simply install and activate Nextend Accordion Menu plugin. After activation you can create and customize accordion menus from Dashboard -> Accordion Menus page then you can display them using its widget or shortcode. For step by step usage instructions follow its online official documentation here.

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Building Custom Page Layouts With New Content Manager Light For WordPress

Content Manager Light is the new awesome WordPress plugin that allows you to create beautiful custom page layouts. You can create as many rows and columns as you need, you can use its shortcodes to fill in content in your columns. All settings are done in a nice and easy interface. It also provides you shortcodes for inserting Buttons, Info boxes, Dropcaps, Quotes, Unordered Lists, Ordered Lists, Tabs, Toggles, Dividers (Horizontal rules), HTML editor.

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Flogger: WordPress Taxonomy For Tagging Your Exercises Within Your Blog Posts

Flogger is the new interesting WordPress plugin that simply allows you to tag your posts with exercises you did that day including all how much time you spend and how many steps & reps, etc you made. The plugin adds a new taxonomy for your posts and you can manage it like tags but it is little bit different than default WordPress tags.

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How To Get Rid From Disadvantages Of Large Number Of Links On Your Website?

So many links simply wastes your Google Page Rank because the page rank of any web page is equally distributed among all links that exist on that particular page and hence, if you have 10 links on any web page whose PageRank is 5 then each of those links is passed 0.5 PageRank and if you decrease their number from 10 to 5 then each links will be awarded with a PageRank of 1.

This article explains you how you can automatically make all links below the “ tag include the rel=”nofollow” attribute. This is evil sometimes because others will not be benefited for having a link on your website but at the same time it becomes ideal for blog posts organizing untrusted links after the <!--more--> tag and this has become very important thing to do since the recent update of Google penguin and panda search algorithm.

So for turning all links no-follow after read more tag, simply install and activate the new WordPress plugin Do More and you are done. This will automatically turn all links below the <!--more--> tag include the rel=”nofollow” attribute.

CWP Mega Responsive WordPress Theme With Inbuilt Infinite Scroll & Three Menu Locations

CWP MegaResponsive is the brand new WordPress theme with Primary Menu, Footer Menu & Left Sidebar menu locations, Inbuilt AJAX Powered Infinite Scroll feature.

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How To Display Latest Instagram Feed By Tag Or Username In WordPress?

New Instafeed widget lets you display recent Instagram feed by specifying a username or by typing a tag and it will automatically be streaming photos from Instagram to your WordPress site. To start simply install and activate Instafeed plugin then visit your admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page, drag its widget to sidebar and configure it by entering a username or tag.

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How To Show Banner Ads Randomly In WordPress?

The new Random Banner plugin allows you to display random banner ads of any size using a widget. With this plugin you can upload or simply add banner image URL links and the use its widget for displaying your ad banners randomly in your WordPress site. The plugin allows you to specify 10 different size of banners with custom URLs and you can manage them all from its admin page then show them through out their website using its easy widget.

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