Category Archives: Disrupt

Domains’ Demographics Determine WorldWideWeb Dominance

Numbers of domain registrants and developers matter most.

How many domains are registered across your country? How many programmers are there, who might help developing any domains? No other data is more relevant for the progress of your people. Numbers of domain registrants and developers matter most. Signing-up for free account to work as personal outlet resolves for both via your free personal business account.

Privately owned domains need to become publicly useful for enhancing individual worth with increasing income. Life gets made of necessity and utility determining evolution in a routine. Your ecosystem governs the genesis of any necessity and utility for you. Following that paves the way for your prosperity.

Women must own domains. Men must know programming them. Children could be practicing any necessary languages for developing their own domains. does that everywhere. People are encouraged by personal outlets. They register/transfer domains at as it paves the simplest way for developing business with online support and global exposure and domains’ demographics determine WorldWideWeb dominance.

US President Is Mandated For His Glasnost And Perestroika

Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

Unfailingly Donald Trump is representing the political necessity for US majority. What happened to USSR post-Afghanistan has happened to USA post-Iraq. Unnecessary campaigns of coercion ultimately made them collapsible alike. Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

To save the situation, Trump is duly mandated about his role for openness and reorganization and this is unlike Gorbachev but NATO allies are equally alarmed as then WARSAW Treaty states and KGB were. There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

Whether US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as payback for many assassination attempts earlier made on Fidel Castro or for his inclination for rapprochement with him, nobody would come to know ever. KGB coup d’etat of 1991 is said to be failed but remains of former USSR are now absolutely governed by former KGB operatives. Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

WikiLeaks tweeted very well, “Killing hundreds of Muslims & destroying their states? OK. Stopping them going to the US? Not OK.” Donald John Trump is the US President now. Only political morons are surprised by his election and his Hillary-us opposition followed by that.

Murderous Menace Of Politics Has Been Universal

US President, heading the oldest consistent democracy finally acknowledges all that.

“Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” said George Orwell. Murderous menace of politics has always been universal.

Killers are everywhere, who kill for political gains and the United States is not innocent in this regard. Newest US President, heading the oldest consistent democracy now acknowledges that.

In an exclusive interview when O’Reilly branded Putin as killer, Trump intervened emphatically by saying “There are a lot of killers… what you think our country is so innocent?”

Every Neighborhood Refuses Any Untoward Elements

Since jihadism is muslim-borne social trouble caused by pseudo-arabism so naturally a government has to be vigilant about entrants with arabic names or attire.

Donald Trump is trying just that. The very first opposition to his discrimination with Muslims had come by the most dominant hindus and jews in America such as Sunder Pichai and Mark Zuckerberg followed by a plethora of Trump-baiters. People dislike discrimination through this internet age.

Still every neighborhood refuses any untoward entrants. So is the case with the United States of America. You just cannot take a sovereign country for granted. Donald Trump is duty bound for doing whatever he promised for getting democratically elected as US President.

Morons May Not Be Sure About Many Things

Opposing the election of the constitutionally elected president of the United States of America amounts opposing the democratic mandate regarding that.

Donald Trump is lawfully elected by the majority of American people. His inauguration was opposed in unprecedented way without even waiting for any of his decisions. Such an outcry of a bygone era is left without credentials.

Opposing the election of the constitutionally elected president of the United States of America amounts opposing the democratic mandate regarding that. This disregards american public right of self-determination. Morons may not be sure about many things.

Complete Your Quantum Revolution

Now you need no one else to make a revolution because you may yourself make it by completing your quantum portion so you must make your quantum revolution. Just say hello to world from home to homepage before to assert your individual worth via your personal app as through the internet age that determines your being in the world. System at has made it simple as that.

Regularly clean your place, make your meals, program your world and blog your mind in a routine of developing your domestic entrepreneurship so that you may homeschool your children to let them inherit this as your parenting that being the most reasonably responsible romance, remains the core faith of your children when you train them for following their free will as only revered revelation other than practicing necessary programming languages for developing their domains as publicly useful private properties in a course of changing the world by building family net worth.

Family as unit of society forms a string in the social stream of whole history. Humankind is made for making family and a world hosting that.

Corporations Cannot Write Poetry

Everybody must come to know that why no company has ever made any domain universally useful although any successful domain acquires a caliber of making many corporations.

To get a painting made, no civilized person would ever hire a company because any artist independently does that kind of a work most wonderfully. Writing code for your web or app is also such a thing even more than that. Still fools think that a company does any better in this regard. Corporations cannot ever acquire a caliber of writing poetry and that is the case for code as well. Only the hackers have that kind of caliber.

Consistently  practicing a programming language is the core education of Sangkrit, developing the ablest kind of coders in abundance. Changing many complicated ways of doing things by innovating any way easier is their religion. Doing independent jobs like coding webs and apps to get paid on hourly per terminal basis, they become professionals. This is going to disrupt the business of software companies in the long run as the Core Programmer at leads such a patronage network of professional programmers via system at that is the truly sustainable hacktivist movement in making.

The hacktivist movement has to make people aware of everything. Everybody must come to know that why no company has ever made any domain universally useful although any successful domain acquires a caliber of making many corporations.

You should simply email to to make your domain commercially useful.

What Is Sangkrit?

Having an algorithm that works, a program successfully reigns in its framework. Primarily being a program, Sangkrit reigns respecting the very human nature as made explicit here definitely in this single sentence.

  • Regularly clean your place, make your meals, program your world and blog your mind in a routine of developing your domestic entrepreneurship

  • so that you may homeschool your children to let them inherit this as your parenting that being the most reasonably responsible romance, remains the core faith of your children

  • when you train them for following their free will as only revered revelation other than practicing necessary programming languages for developing their domains as publicly useful private properties in a course of changing the world by building family net worth.

If you believe this, you must behave thus. Make your quantum revolution from home to homepage. 

To startup now, signup for your free account.

This makes the hacktivist movement that is going to govern the globalization through internet age, is literally called Sangkrit as it means for ‘all-inclusive execution’. Following Sangkrit, your time and attention remain intact for your family like all your assets that you create from your home to homepage.

A New Vocation Is Open To Everyone

Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

You create a complete ecosystem from home to homepage by following a simple routine of cleaning your space, making your meals, programming your world and blog only public interest. This new routine makes you a new humankind and you inspire everybody else as well by transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. This new vocation is open to everyone. Sangkrit leads you into that. Simply signup for your free account to startup now.

As new humankind, your children deserve a new education. Practicing a programming language for developing your domain, is the core curriculum with everything else. Developing private properties of public importance as top level domains, builds the new civilization.

Domain is the new private property whereas code under GPL is the new public property. At people build own net worth for changing the world. Transporting humankind into internet age with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure is the new vocation, open to everyone.

Everyday Is Equally Important

Even the last day of life should be just another day in a routine.

Sangkrit has further simplified the hacktivist routine.

  1. Clean your space
  2. Make your meals
  3. Program your world
  4. Blog only public interest

Followers follow nothing but independently one routine.

Sangkrit is a program personified that protects the free will of humankind. Only the caliber worth following a free will makes anyone a follower.

Above routine is configured for fortifying that. Anyone can be following this from anywhere. Following this works wonderfully. Following this, you could consistently be upgrading your life standards by earning better. You earn better by becoming more helpful to others. Transporting humankind into internet age is the immediate task given by Sangkrit. This unleashes limitless prospects to prosperity for everybody involved.

You need not following anyone but your free will. Revelations relevant to you reach only through that. Let your curiosity determine your education to let your interest become your vocation.

Every moment is the unit time allocated to your life. You must configure each wisely for exploring utmost so that the last day of life should also be just another day in a routine. Everyday is equally important for human being. Everyday we must clean our space, make our meals, program our world and blog our mind till we are around.

Make 2017 The Year Of Hacktivism

Signup for your free account to startup.

The new humankind is a smart phone user. He is dressed comfortably having a comfortable hair style. He doesn’t unnecessarily talk on phone but uses it for living better. What he may not necessarily has, is his domain. So let him be that comfortably developing his domain as his global property on the go. Helping him, in developing a new domain with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure, is the way of hacktivism in 2017.

The new humankind is not anonymous. He signs to transact. He doesn’t go out for occupying wall street as he buys stocks for that but he would certainly prefer occupying webspace.

He knows that the real romance is in responsible parenting so the new humankind is never wasting time and attention in pleasing others like he doesn’t dress-up to show-off. He lives his real self very naturally. That is why he deliberately needs his way of connecting with his world and that should become his domain. It is now your business to prepare him like that.

Signup for your free account to startup as personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit. The collaborative measure of Sangkrit lives like a humankind with his System Administrator for ruling his subjects and his Core Programmer for determining his objects.

You should be selling the whole life-style of the new humankind. That is fashionably better way of transporting humanity into internet age. This could become your starting point that is actually going to change the world by becoming the biggest business on planet earth.

Liberate Humankind Into Internet Age

Practicing a programming language and developing a domain completes the new education for pursuing the most advanced life-style into internet age.

Sangkrit literally means an “all-inclusive-execution” so teaches an inclusive way of education and vocation into hacktivism. Hacktivism holds a future for humanity in a direct democracy of digital dictatorship.

New Education

Programming teaches inclusive way of thinking and developing a domain is like letting your private property becoming useful to others as well. So practicing a programming language and developing a domain completes the new education for pursuing the most advanced life style into internet age. That builds the core of Sangkrit. Besides everyone can become a personal outlet of a globally distributed order of liberating humankind into internet age i.e. practicing hacktivism and building its vanguard.

New Vocation

Hacktivism helps everyone in developing their own individual domains with complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure. Hacktivism encourages everyone build own net worth by upgrading public life standards to change the world. Hacktivism makes people learn living in social privacy with public cooperation by freeing the software and opening the government. Hacktivism makes your home a complete ecosystem of all that.

Thus Sangkrit systematically liberates humankind into internet age by establishing another way of life as hacktivism.

India Validates Thumb Impression As Sole thing To Transact

Evolving Aadhaar into internet of everything, India now validates your thumb impression as sole thing to transact.

For the first time, India got a government without any politics of appeasement that works and now this government has finally enforced the country into internet age to curb the parallel black money economy by eliminating black money as this has been mandated for by the people of India.

For centuries, thumb impression has been the signature of the illiterate. Now it is made most modern way of making payments. Evolving its Aadhaar base into internet of everything, India now validates your thumb impression as sole thing to transact financially.

With its ease of usage, anyone may just walk into any store without carrying any cards or cash and buy things by transacting any of the linked bank accounts by own thumb impression without bearing any additional charges.

Governments Should Digitally Tax All Transactions By Deducting Taxes

People bothering about paying taxes is neither business-wise nor up-to-date as per the internet age.

Killing the cash, by digitizing all transactions, is not a complete remedy. Black money is generated by avoiding taxes but who in fact is facilitating all that? The government does that by unnecessarily transferring all responsibility of taxes upon its people. People bothering about paying taxes is neither business-wise nor up-to-date as per the internet age.

Why should people bother about paying taxes? Why not governments themselves tax all transactions automatically by deducting taxes? So that the people bother about their own business and the governments get utmost taxes.

Distributing Code Under GPL Must Not Get Taxed

Sangkrit insists that professional programmers distributing their code under GPL must not get taxed because their business upgrades civilization in a fast forward way.

Software engineers, following the ‘four freedoms’ as taught by Richard Stallman, are free software programmers. Free software programmers, who earn livelihood as taught by Sangkrit, by serving their code to domain registrants under GPL upon getting paid in hourly per terminal basis, are professional programmers. Such source code is eternally left open for further evolution.

Sangkrit insists that professional programmers, distributing their code under GPL, must not get taxed because their business upgrades civilization in a fast forward way. Like Linux kernel under GPL, has built the modern framework of internet age by running most successful operating systems such as GNU and android.

Smart governments should be inventing smarter incentives for freeing the software within their countries since this can improve public life standards without any government investments.

Winning The War On Mosquitoes Is A Ceaseless Battle For Humankind

Do not shelter yourselves within mosquito nets at all but wage a war of annihilation against mosquitoes for freeing your environs from them forever. It is all about fighting or not fighting intrusions so you must be fight very fiercely.

You must be thoroughly cleaning your environs everyday at morning. Moreover you will have to disallow any objects crawling or flying through that thereafter as well.

Interiors of your home has to become no-fly zones to all of them lacking all possible hiding places as well. Winning the war on mosquitoes is a ceaseless battle for humankind.

Freeing The Software And Opening The Government Make The Hacktivism Win Election As Well


Richard Stallman campaigned to free the software. Linus Torvalds made it free by mastering its kernel code. Julian Assange used this for opening the governments. Birgitta Jónsdóttir won elections upon all that. Freeing the software and opening the government make the hacktivism win election as well.

Opening the government is the hacktivist kind of opposition and free software protects the privacy of individual humankind. This becomes politically befitting with netizens.

Enhancing the concept of private property in registering, developing and transferring a domain has the key to new age of humanity i.e. internet age. Owning the domain makes one a real entity of internet age. Netizenship is truly availed by owning your domain.

Domain registrants do require fighting for freedom. Using only GPL software is the universal weapon in this regard.

Sangkrit has shown a way of mastering the code. Professional programmers should be selling online support to domain registrants. Independent developers developing domains as only private class of global property is a decent way of building the castles of internet age.

You will have to bring your people into internet age for winning their support. Many things might not be available in your country but you may still access, use and distribute everything. Signup for your free account to become a personal outlet of its globally distributed order for selling worry-free web/app packages to your people.

Extending Asylum To Edward Snowden Made Vladimir Putin The Most Powerful Person

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

USA historically failed to tackle the Snowden affair. The best way left to then US President Barack Obama was to let the former CIA agent Edward Snowden go calmly but his acknowledging him by ordering an overt chase resulted into another far greater intelligence failure. Thereafter extending asylum to Edward Snowden ignited another cold war that finally made former KGB agent Vladimir Putin the most influential man on planet earth.

The man who prevented Russia from becoming finally a failed state, has been consistently influential within his nation but has become globally influential since then. Immediately after the Snowden affair, he was declared the Forbes’ world’s most powerful person and is still running so for four years.

In January 2015, Last Soviet leader Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev in an interview told about the Russian leader Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin to Der Spiegel, “When Putin moved into the Kremlin, he inherited a difficult legacy. There was chaos everywhere. The economy was crippled, entire regions wanted to secede. There was a threat of Russia disintegrating. Putin stopped this process and that will remain the greatest achievement of his time in office. Even if Putin hadn’t managed to achieve anything else, he will always be credited with that.”

Still saving Snowden was a substantial move by Putin. Not only Wikileakers but all sorts of hacktivists from worldwide deeply desired that he is to be saved from falling in the hands of USA. Saving Snowden then suddenly promoted Putin amiably among that invincible force. That is how, now Putin is said to have turned hacks in Trump’s triumph.

Hacked emails damaging the public image of Hillary Clinton were strategically leaked throughout the US presidential campaign to dominate the global news agenda although the hacktivists did little to nothing with the information they found about the Republicans. Evidently they did so to avenge on the Democrats in power, who messed with the hacktivism.

India’s Expanded Role In The Changing World Order Is To Get Determined By The Success Of Its Digital Drive

India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once.

₹ 1000 currency note is no more a valid tender and India is no longer same after complete state control over cash transactions so going back is now politically impossible. India’s digitization is a task quite comparable with Soviet industrialization not because Stalin did that ruthlessly but because Russia was otherwise unprepared to play that kind of role through the second world war and thereafter.

Concurrently India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once. It is being made feasible with a complete focus upon it. Such an immediate future would certainly emerge with a force of disrupt. Incidentally India is emerging with real force of disrupt as the top-most leaders of business and politics such as Mukesh Ambani and Narendra Modi are adequately disrupting their areas of operations.

Disrupting the parallel economies has been a core challenge to the governments but doing that in India made Modi the man of moment. He led the Time’s person of the year although the US business, ignoring Indian public opinion, decided to declare their elected president Trump as winner of their title.

The Republic of India doesn’t depend anymore on Nehruvian dynasty heading INC as only sustainable political option since BJP as the political configuration of RSS has successfully shown the political sustenance through Indian democracy.  For the first time all the politics of appeasement politically collapsed through last Lok Sabha elections.

Irrespective of any religions, people of India were considered as Hindu by the foreigners living beyond Indus river. Hindu is the name of humane integrity that keeps the humankind peacefully together despite their believing differently in different things. Still Hindus and Muslims naturally live in India altogether exposing pseudo-Arabism of Pakistan that claimed it as impossible but finally failed even to keep its Muslims’ population altogether. That is the historic proof that Pakistan has finally failed as a nation. It is quite clear everywhere that religion is no more a cementing force to keep the humankind altogether but technology has exactly that kind of caliber.

Making people understand is the only troublesome task as most of them are tended to settle down dead as data in history. They are generally afraid of going into complete details and that primary fear keeps them away from making their own decisions. Making decisions makes you awesome.

India’s expanded role in the changing world order is to get determined by the success of its digital drive so that must not get diluted for political reasons as now India’s democracy is destined to get strengthened by the success of its digital drive and not by the success of its political opposition.

Help People With Facts To Improve Their Fiction

Whenever data is worldly unavailable, it is supplied by humane imagination.

Stalin helped people invent a whole world by inventing almost everything. He invented his name, nationality, state, religion, god and public mindset as well for inventing the world’s greatest-ever empire as Soviet Union. So much imagination might have led anyone else into a mental asylum but Stalin, because of his unparalleled efforts in consistency with reality, emerged as the greatest-ever statesman.

Humankind are curious animals. Fact or fiction, they just want to know anything. Whenever data is worldly unavailable, it is supplied by humane imagination. They simply fill the blanks by inventing information. That is the way, humanity is used to work.

Therefore don’t ever hesitate in helping people with facts to improve their fiction. Signup for your free account to become a personal outlet of its globally distributed order for doing that wherever you are so that now humankind get worldwide upgraded into its internet age.

Business is the best behavior yet known and internet industry paves the best way of doing that. Ignorant people are mostly afraid of making decisions. They will come to know when you will let them know.

State And Politics Won’t Ever Deliver More Than Stalin

Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Anyone could get straightened through any untoward situation but give someone power and see his real self coming out in open. Stalin was time-tested both ways fully well while grown into the greatest-ever statesman, history has ever registered. Still his honesty and modesty is unseen in any of the politicians anywhere at any point of time.

Indeed he was obsessed with establishing political order at any humane cost but he didn’t amass any material wealth for himself or his family. He has been mere the maximum manifestation of state. State and politics won’t ever deliver more than Stalin.

Humankind would have to move beyond politics to get served better, the way once they historically moved beyond religion. Respectively after religion and politics that next thing is technology. Promising the paradise to the people of planet earth, there have been the icons of illusions in politics and religion. Technology has to finally bury all those forgotten promises that never came to be. Future finally emerges with a force to disrupt.

Resolving many problems altogether by replacing old ways of doing things forever is the key to startup your own business into internet age. Facilitating that everywhere hacktivists get ready to rule the world.

Respecting Richard Stallman’s free software effect up on the beginning of internet age and living without disrespecting that makes the hacktivist out of any professional programmer, startup entrepreneur or venture investor. Sangkrit is all about getting civilized like that.

Hacktivists help others in registering their domains for developing their business online and create own wealth as net worth. Hacktivists respect the private property of domain registration and consider its webspace otherwise inviolable. Hacktivists work as professional programmers, startup entrepreneurs and venture investors. Hacktivists help any startup disrupting adequately by investing into it. Hacktivists change the world by helping humankind build own net worth.

Sangkrit depends on its people in accordance with their success in encouraging peoples of all countries for registering their domains as the newest kind of private properties. That is the parameter of measuring trustworthiness. Free will, mutual respect and cooperation to create humane usefulness make this a globally distributed order well integrated within internet industry.

Thus humankind make their quantum revolutions to finally change the world as whole. The most civilized humankind is the hacktivist and Sangkrit literally means as the whole of civilized humanity.