Tag Archives: donald

Everywhere Doesn’t Belong To Everyone

Sangkrit is not invading America with immigrants but creating unlimited jobs for Americans in addition.

Sovereignty means monopolizing violence of a state but independent coercion takes its toll as so-called sovereign governments simply fail to protect their law and order in accordance. That is how Americans have shot dead many Indians by now. The government of India would only be able to speak by next week as Union Home Minister told to the parliament today.

“That door you just kicked in, was locked for your protection, not mine.”

“Trespassers will be shot and survivors will be shot again.”

Those western signboards now represent the globally local temperament as people are getting increasingly troubled with immigrants. Borders of a homeland, fences of a gated community and boundary walls of a private property are indeed made to secure trespassers from innocently getting troubled but immigration laws are misguiding them.

Coercive state nations still govern the planet earth while humankind is getting integrated also by the rise of internet age.  Everywhere still doesn’t belong to everyone. Going anywhere for a job is an outdated exercise. In this internet age, you can independently work from your place.

Becoming a personal outlet of the globally distributed order of Sangkrit is indeed the best choice to avoid all that since Sangkrit is not invading America with immigrants but creating unlimited independent jobs for Americans as well.

US President Is Mandated For His Glasnost And Perestroika

Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

Unfailingly Donald Trump is representing the political necessity for US majority. What happened to USSR post-Afghanistan has happened to USA post-Iraq. Unnecessary campaigns of coercion ultimately made them collapsible alike. Very precisely if Donald Trump fails, USA would be nowhere around.

There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

To save the situation, Trump is duly mandated about his role for openness and reorganization and this is unlike Gorbachev but NATO allies are equally alarmed as then WARSAW Treaty states and KGB were. There might be a possible threat for US President’s life from the most unexpected forces.

Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

Whether US President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as payback for many assassination attempts earlier made on Fidel Castro or for his inclination for rapprochement with him, nobody would come to know ever. KGB coup d’etat of 1991 is said to be failed but remains of former USSR are now absolutely governed by former KGB operatives. Things work like that within murderous menace of political status quo and Donald John Trump doesn’t belong to them.

WikiLeaks tweeted very well, “Killing hundreds of Muslims & destroying their states? OK. Stopping them going to the US? Not OK.” Donald John Trump is the US President now. Only political morons are surprised by his election and his Hillary-us opposition followed by that.

Gated Community Is Reality Everywhere

Preventing intrusions is praised everywhere by residents alike.

A gated community is made specifically to prevent any free access from outside and it is just like that with sovereign nations as well. You are not welcome if the residents do not want you in.

Donald Trump or Theresa May are not doing anything different. Not only America is failing as United States but Europe has already failed as Union. Whosoever is condemning them, would also prefer living in a gated community somewhere.

Speaking the same language and following the same religion, Arabs have historically failed to become one people. Now they are killing each-other and a plethora of their refugees have entered into Europe, threatening local values everywhere so preventing intrusions is praised everywhere by residents alike.

Morons May Not Be Sure About Many Things

Opposing the election of the constitutionally elected president of the United States of America amounts opposing the democratic mandate regarding that.

Donald Trump is lawfully elected by the majority of American people. His inauguration was opposed in unprecedented way without even waiting for any of his decisions. Such an outcry of a bygone era is left without credentials.

Opposing the election of the constitutionally elected president of the United States of America amounts opposing the democratic mandate regarding that. This disregards american public right of self-determination. Morons may not be sure about many things.