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Reasons Why Your Website Displays ‘Not Secure’ SSL Warning

A “Not Secure” warning on your website typically appears when the website does not have an SSL, the SSL is invalid, or is not properly configured. This lesson lists various reasons why your website may show such types of warnings on certain web browsers.

You Have No SSL Certificate

If you have not yet subscribed to an SSL certificate and your website is using HTTP instead of HTTPS then most browsers will show a “Not Secure” warning on your website. The main reason behind this is HTTP connections are not encrypted, leaving data vulnerable to interception.

How To Fix It? Subscribe and install an SSL certificate on your website.

Your SSL Certificate Is Expired

If your SSL certificate has expired, the browser will treat the website as insecure and show the warning, even though you had HTTPS enabled before.

How To Fix It? Renew expired SSL certificates promptly.

Mismatched Domain SSL Certificate

If your SSL certificate is not properly configured to match your domain (e.g., you installed the certificate for but visitors are accessing, a warning will be triggered.

How To Fix It? You may either subscribe to a multi-domain wildcard SSL certificate or force all traffic to the correct version of your website and set up a redirect using .htaccess or server configuration.

If you realize that your SSL certificate was issued for the wrong version of your domain, request a reissue from your Certificate Authority (CA).

Mixed Content

Even if your site uses HTTPS, if some elements like images, scripts, or stylesheets are loaded over HTTP, browsers will show a “Not Secure” warning due to the mixed content.

How To Fix It? Ensure all links, images, and scripts on the site are loaded over HTTPS to avoid mixed content warnings. Use a plugin such as Really Simple SSL to fix insecure content warnings.

Untrusted Certificate Authority (CA)

If your SSL certificate was issued by a Certificate Authority (CA) that is not trusted by major browsers, or if it’s self-signed, the website will be flagged as “Not Secure.”

How To Fix It? Subscribe your SSL certificate from a trusted authority.

How To Enforce HTTPS (SSL) URLs On Your Website?

SSL securely transforms data from the client to the server by adding encryptions. Before it was used to protect transactions and customer data, but now it has become Google’s official Internet ranking factor.

Once you subscribe and install SSL on your website, the website starts using both HTTP and HTTPS URLs which means visitors landing on HTTP from old links such as old search archives or links on other websites will continue to land on HTTP. Whereas visitors using the new HTTPS will get HTTPS. Here you will need to make sure that all visitors must land on secure HTTPS URLs of your website and that can only be done by enforcing SSL all over your website.

To force your website to use HTTPS on all links you will need to redirect HTTP to HTTPS and there are various methods of doing this.

Redirecting HTTP To HTTPS Via cPanel

  1. Simply log in to your hosting account and open cPanel.
  2. In cPanel, navigate to ‘Domains’ and toggle the “Force HTTPS Redirect” option for your domain.

Redirecting HTTP To HTTPS Via .htaccess File

Another way of enforcing SSL is by adding a few lines of code in .htaccess file which is located in the root directory of your website.

  1. Log in to your hosting account and open cPanel.
  2. Navigate to cPanel -> File Manager
  3. Open Public_HTML and then the directory where your website is located. If your website is on the main domain i.e. then it would be located in the Public_HTML directory itself.
  4. Add the following code and save the file.

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

Or, for forcing SSL over one specific domain name use this code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

Or, for forcing SSL over some such as First, create a new .htaccess file in that specific directory and then add the following code:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} subdir
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

If you see some existing code in your .htacess file then add these lines on the top where rules start with similar prefixes.

By default .htaccess is kept as a hidden file so if don’t find it on your cPanel hosting’s file manager then click the ‘Settings’ icon (visible on the top right corner of the file manager) and tick ‘Display hidden files’ option.

And if you don’t find any .htaccess file in the file manager then probably your website is not using such .htaccess file. In that case, simply create one by naming it .htaccess and then open it for editing.

Don’t forget to change with your own domain name and SUBDIR with the name of the sub directory where you want to force an HTTPS connection.

Redirecting HTTP to HTTPS In WordPress

WordPress users may simply use a plugin called Easy HTTPS Redirection (SSL). The plugin lets you automatically set up a redirection to the HTTPS version of a URL when anyone tries to access the old HTTP version.

How To Use Remote SSL On Your Website?

Remote SSL allows you to manage SSL certificates for domains or websites that are hosted remotely, meaning outside of your current cPanel hosting environment. It offers the ability to install an SSL certificate on a website that is hosted on a different server from where the SSL certificate was generated or managed.

How Does Remote SSL Work?

Normally, SSL certificates are generated and installed on the same server where the domain is hosted. But with Remote SSL, you can generate the certificate in your cPanel environment and then transfer it to a different server where the website is hosted.

Remote SSL management can be useful if you’re handling multiple hosting environments or need to install SSL certificates on servers that don’t have direct integration with cPanel.

How To Use Remote SSL On cPanel?

  1. Access SSL/TLS Manager: Log in to your cPanel dashboard and navigate to the “SSL/TLS” section.
  2. Generate SSL Certificate: Use the cPanel interface to generate a new SSL certificate or import an existing one.
  3. Transfer to Remote Server: After generating the SSL certificate, download the necessary files (certificate, private key, and CA bundle) and manually upload them to the remote server where your website is hosted. Use the appropriate SSL installation method depending on the remote server’s software (e.g., Apache, Nginx).
  4. Remote Installation: On the remote server, follow the usual procedure for installing an SSL certificate.

This approach allows you to secure websites hosted elsewhere while managing your SSL certificates centrally from your cPanel.

How To Use Internationalized Domain Names?

A domain name that is in your local language or doesn’t use English alphabets or has some special characters is called Internationalized domain name. Earlier you learned about registering domain names in your local language. Once you do that, you will need to add it to your hosting so you can make a website over it.

The process of adding an Internationalized Domain Name is different from adding a general domain name. This lesson gives you an easy step-by-step process of adding such domains to your cPanel hosting.

To add a domain with international characters (IDN – Internationalized Domain Name) in cPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Convert the domain to Punycode: International domains with non-ASCII characters need to be converted into a format called “Punycode” to be compatible with the Domain Name System (DNS).
  2. Use Punycode Converter: Use an online converter like Punycoder or any other tool to convert your international domain (e.g., tä into its Punycode equivalent (e.g.,
  3. Log in to cPanel: Access your cPanel dashboard by logging in through your hosting provider.
  4. Navigate to Domains Section: In cPanel, go to the “Domains” section and click on Addon Domains or Aliases, depending on how you want to manage the domain.
  5. Enter the Punycode Version of the Domain: In the “New Domain Name” field, enter the Punycode version of the domain (e.g., cPanel will handle the domain using its ASCII representation.
  6. Complete the Process: Fill in the necessary details, such as the subdomain or document root, and click Add Domain.
  7. DNS Configuration: Make sure your domain’s DNS is pointed correctly to your hosting server by updating your domain’s DNS settings at your domain registrar.

Once you’ve added the domain, you’ll be able to manage it just like any other domain in cPanel. The international version of the domain (with the special characters) will still function properly, even though cPanel recognizes it in Punycode.

How To Auto Repair Any MySQL Database?

Repairing a MySQL database is important when you’re facing issues like database corruption or errors on your WordPress or any other website using MySQL.

There are many options to repair a broken MySQL database and each option depends solely on your issue with your database. This lesson explains to you the easy and automatic option you can use on your web hosting at

How To Fix Database Using Database Repair Function On cPanel?

The easiest option is to use a database repair feature called Repair DB on the cPanel of your hosting account.

Step-1 Access it by logging into your hosting’s cPanel and then navigating MySQL Databases under the databases section.

Step-2 Here you will find another section called “Modify Databases”. From the “Repair DB” option there is a drop-down menu containing all the databases associated with your account.

Step-3 Choose the database you need to repair and then click on the “Repair DB” button.

Step-4 Now the system will examine your database by processing simple checks and if it finds any errors it will fix them automatically.

Step-5 After completion, check your website or application to ensure that the issues have been resolved and everything is functioning correctly.

How To Fix Database Using phpMyAdmin?

Login to hosting’s cPanel, navigate to databases section, click phpMyAdmin and follow the steps:

Step-1On phpMyAdmin administration page’s left pane, click the name of the database that you want to repair.

Step-2 In the right pane, tick the check boxes for the tables you want to repair.

Step-3 Finally, using the selected list box, select Repair table.

    After completion, phpMyAdmin will show you the success notification on the database repairing process.

    Repairing your MySQL database using cPanel is a quick and efficient way to resolve database-related errors and keep your website running smoothly.

    Improve Website Speed & Performance With Leverage Browser Caching

    Leverage Browser Caching is a factor responsible for the browsing speed of your website. Fetching resources over the network can be slow and expensive as some downloads need multiple roundtrips between the client (where the website is requested) and the server i.e. where the website is being hosted. This delays the processing, may block the rendering of webpage content, and sometimes also incurs data costs for the visitor.

    Specifying a server caching policy helps the client determine when it can use the previously fetched response. Google Page Insights also uses this in counting the performance of your website.

    So, Leverage Browser Caching is a website performance optimization technique that involves specifying how long web browsers should store certain resources, such as images, CSS files, JavaScript, and other static assets, locally on the user’s device. By doing so, the browser can reuse these resources for future visits to the site, rather than downloading them again from the server.

    This type of browser catching can be activated either by using some plugin like Leverage Browser Caching or by manually setting up an expiry date or maximum age for static resources such as images etc in the HTTP headers which can be done with the following code:


    ExpiresActive On
    ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
    ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
    ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
    ExpiresDefault “access 2 days”


    Simply open your .htaccess file located in your website’s root directory and paste the given code.

    Key Aspects:

    • Caching Duration: The website owner or developer sets a cache expiration time (e.g., days, weeks, or months) for specific resources through HTTP headers.
    • Reduced Load Time: Once cached, resources are loaded from the user’s local storage, significantly reducing page load times during repeat visits.
    • Lower Server Load: Since resources don’t need to be downloaded repeatedly, server requests are minimized, improving server performance and reducing bandwidth usage.

    WordPress Plugin for Leverage Browser Caching

    Leverage Browser Caching plugin fixes the leverage browser caching issues on your website improving the page speed score on website testing tools like Pingdom, GTmetrix, PageSpeed, Google PageSpeed Insights, YSlow, etc.

    Simply find, install, and activate this plugin from Plugins -> Add New page on your website’s admin area dashboard. It does not have any option. It will start working as soon as you activate it.

    The plugin works for the Apache server simply by adding browser caching code inside the htaccess file. To remove the code you just need to deactivate the plugin.

    How Leverage Browser Caching Works?

    When a visitor first accesses a website, the browser downloads the necessary resources. With browser caching enabled, these resources are stored locally and remain available for a set period, so they don’t need to be downloaded again unless the cache expires or is cleared.

    It improves user experience and search engine rankings by speeding up website performance.

    Reasons Hostings Offer Installatron For Hassle-Free Website Management

    Offering Installatron enhances the overall power of the hosting plans, making them easier for users to manage their online presence efficiently and effectively. It supports a wide range of applications, catering to various needs—from blogs to eCommerce sites.

    Using Installatron offers several benefits for managing applications on your hosting account:

    1. One-Click Installations

    Installatron simplifies the installation process for various web applications, allowing users to install software like WordPress, Joomla, and MediaWiki with just a single click. This eliminates the need for manual setup, saving time and effort.

    2. Automatic Application Updates

    It automatically checks for updates for installed applications and can update them with a click, ensuring that your software is always up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

    3. Easy Backups & Restores

    Installatron provides an easy way to create manual as well as automatic backups of your applications. If anything goes wrong, you can easily restore your site to a previous state without hassle.

    4. User-Friendly Interface

    The interface is intuitive and easy to navigate, making it accessible even for those who are not tech-savvy. Users can manage their applications without needing extensive technical knowledge.

    5. Application Management

    Installatron allows users to manage multiple applications from a single dashboard. You can update, uninstall, and configure settings for all your applications in one place.

    6. Cloning and Migration

    With Installatron, you can easily clone your applications for testing or development purposes. It also facilitates the migration of applications between different servers or domains.

    7. Support for Multiple Applications

    Installatron supports a wide range of applications beyond just content management systems, including e-commerce platforms, forums, and customer relationship management tools.

    8. Customizable Options

    Users have the flexibility to customize installation settings, including database name, admin username, and more, allowing for tailored setups based on individual preferences.

    By leveraging these advantages, Installatron enhances the efficiency of managing web applications, making it a valuable tool for website owners and developers alike.

    How Lets You Automatically Update Mediawiki Website?

    Automatic updation of Mediawiki is only possible in a few specific cases, you can update your Mediawiki website automatically if you are hosting it on, as it offers you ‘Installatron’ that provides you options for both automatic installation and upgradation of Mediawiki.

    Installatron allows you to automatically update Mediawiki by providing a simple, automated process for managing software installations. After you install Mediawiki using Installatron, you can enable automatic updates to ensure that your Mediawiki site remains secure and up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

    To enable automatic updates for Mediawiki through Installatron begin by logging into your cPanel account where your Mediawiki installation is hosted then follow these steps:

    1. Access your hosting control panel.
    2. Find and open Installatron.
    3. Locate your Mediawiki installation under “My Applications” and click on it.
    4. Visit the settings or management area of your Mediawiki installation
    5. Find the option for automatic updates.
    6. Enable automatic core updates for Mediawiki.
    7. If desired, you can also choose to update extensions or skins automatically.

    Once enabled, Installatron will regularly check for new Mediawiki updates and apply them automatically, reducing the need for manual intervention and keeping your site safe and functional.

    if you don’t want to turn on automatic updates, you can also update Mediawiki with one-click via Installatron. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Log in to Your cPanel: Begin by logging into your cPanel account where your Mediawiki installation is hosted. Once logged in, locate the “Installatron Applications Installer.”
    2. Access Your Installed Applications: In Installatron, go to the “My Applications” tab. This tab shows all the applications you have installed, including Mediawiki.
    3. Locate Mediawiki Installation: Find the Mediawiki installation you want to update from the list. You’ll see various details about the installation, including the version you are currently running.
    4. Check for Updates: If a new version of Mediawiki is available, Installatron will display an update option. Click on the “Update” button next to your Mediawiki installation to begin the process.
    5. Backup Your Data (Optional): Before starting the update, Installatron will give you the option to create a backup of your current Mediawiki installation. It’s highly recommended to create a backup to ensure you can restore your website in case of any issues during the update.
    6. Start the Update Process: Once the backup is completed (if you opted for one), Installatron will automatically download the latest version of Mediawiki and begin the update. You don’t need to manually download or upload files, as Installatron handles it all.
    7. Verify the Update: After the update finishes, you will receive a confirmation. Visit your Mediawiki site to ensure everything is working correctly and that the new version has been successfully applied.

    By following these steps, Installatron will keep your Mediawiki installation up-to-date with the latest features and security patches.

    How To Install Mediawiki Using Installatron On cPanel?

    MediaWiki is a free software coded in PHP. It is among the most popular wiki applications. The cPanel of hosting allows you to install this useful software on your domain, subdomain, or subdirectory within a few clicks.

    To start, make sure you own a domain name and have a web hosting account.

    Step-1 First, log in to your account and launch your hosting cPanel. From the cPanel home screen, scroll down to the ‘Software/Services’ section and click ‘Installatron’.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 1

    Step-2 Click ‘Application Browser‘ tab.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 2

    Step-3 From the list of website building applications scroll to ‘Mediawiki’ and click it.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 3

    Step-4 It directs you to a page showing information about Mediawiki, click ‘+ install this application‘ button.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 4

    Step-5 Use the dropdown for selecting domain/subdomain wherever you like installing the Mediawiki system. If you want you can also install it on subdirectory.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 5

    For example: Let say you are already running a website on your main domain and you want to run Mediawiki website from a sub-directory like address, then simply type the name of the sub-directory.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 8

    Step-6 Now scroll a little bit down and select a language for your Mediawiki website. Type a username, and password, and give your wiki website a title.

    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 6
    How To Start A Mediawiki Website From cPanel? 7

    Step-7 Choose your update and backup options, then finally click the ‘+Install‘ button. Installation takes a few seconds and then you can access your Mediawiki website.

    At hosting, it will take less than a minute to put your Mediawiki website online.

    How To Subscribe A Hosting Plan For Your Website?

    After registering your domain name, you will need a hosting plan for your website. A hosting plan provides the necessary server space and resources for your website to be accessible on the internet. It stores your website’s files, databases, and content, ensuring that it is available to users 24/7.

    Depending on the type of plan, such as shared hosting or VPS, you get varying levels of performance, security, and control. Hosting plans often come with essential features like SSL certificates, backups, and technical support, making it easier to manage your website efficiently and securely. The right hosting plan ensures your website runs smoothly, handles traffic, and performs optimally. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to purchase hosting on

    Step 1 Select & Add Hosting To Your Cart

    First, visit and log into your account if you have one, or create a new account if you’re a new user.

    Once logged in, navigate to the web hosting section by hovering over the “Hosting & Domains” menu and selecting “Web Hosting.” This page presents several hosting plans, including Shared Hosting, Managed WordPress Hosting, VPS Hosting, and Dedicated Servers.

    Choose the plan that best meets your needs by clicking on the “Add to Cart” or “Get Started” option for your preferred hosting plan.

    Step 2 Proceed & Choose The Duration

    Next, you’ll be asked to choose the duration of your hosting plan. offers various term lengths, and selecting a longer-term plan often provides better value.

    After selecting the duration, click “Continue” to move forward with the purchase process.

    Step 3 Select Your Domain Name

    At this stage, you’ll be prompted to either register a new domain name or use an existing one. If you don’t have a domain yet, you can register a new one through If you already own a domain, simply enter it to associate it with your new hosting plan. may offer additional features such as SSL certificates, website security, or automatic backups. These optional features can be added to enhance your hosting package, but you can skip these extras if you do not need them at this time.

    Step 4 Review Your Cart & Proceed To Checkout

    Before proceeding to checkout, review your shopping cart to ensure everything is accurate, including the selected hosting plan, domain name, and any additional features. If you have a promo code, this is where you can apply it to receive a discount.

    Proceed to checkout by clicking the appropriate button. You will then need to enter your billing and payment information. accepts a range of payment methods, including credit cards, wallets, and PayPal.

    Step 5 Complete The Purchase

    Once you’ve entered all the necessary details, review your order one final time, then click the “Complete Purchase” or “Place Your Order” button to finalize the transaction. After completing the purchase, you’ll receive an email confirmation from

    Step 6 Access & Manage Your Hosting

    You can now access your hosting account by logging into your account and visiting the “My Products” section. From here, you can begin setting up your hosting plan, either by installing WordPress automatically or manually uploading your website files.

    Your hosting is now set up, and you’re ready to start building your website on’s reliable hosting platform.

    How To Launch Your Website On WordPress Hosting?

    WordPress hosting refers to web hosting specifically optimized to run WordPress websites. It provides a platform that enhances the performance, security, and easy use of WordPress sites.

    The hosting typically includes specialized features such as pre-configured WordPress installation, automatic updates, and security enhancements, ensuring that WordPress sites run efficiently without the need for manual maintenance.

    To create a website on’s Managed WordPress Hosting, follow these steps:

    1. Purchase a Managed WordPress Hosting Plan: First, log in to your account. Navigate to the “Hosting” section and select a WordPress plan that meets your needs. Complete the purchase process.
    2. Set Up Your WordPress Website: After purchasing the hosting plan, go to your dashboard. Select “WordPress” under the hosting section and click “Setup.” Choose whether to create a new website or migrate an existing one.
    3. Choose a Domain: You will be prompted to choose a domain name for your website. You can select one from your account or register a new domain.
    4. Install WordPress: will automatically install WordPress for you once you choose the domain. This installation process takes only a few moments.
    5. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: After the installation is complete, you can access your WordPress dashboard by clicking the “Manage” button next to your WordPress installation in the dashboard. The WordPress dashboard URL will be something like “”
    6. Choose a Theme: In your WordPress dashboard, go to Appearance -> Themes and browse or upload a theme that fits your website’s goals.
    7. Install Essential Plugins: The WordPress hosting on often comes pre-installed with essential plugins, but you can also add more by going to the “Plugins” section in your WordPress dashboard. Consider adding SEO tools, caching plugins, and security solutions.
    8. Customize Your Website: Customize your website by adding content to pages and posts, adjusting menus, and configuring your theme settings.
    9. Set Up Backups and Security:’s WordPress Hosting includes automated backups and robust security features. Review these settings and enable any additional options as necessary.
    10. Launch Your Website: Once you’re satisfied with your website’s design and content, make it live by ensuring your domain is properly connected, and start promoting your website!

    Your site is now live and running on’s WordPress Hosting, optimized for speed, security, and ease of use.

    How To Choose The Right Title For Your Website?

    In the previous lesson, you learned about adding or changing the title of your WordPress site. Choosing the right title for your website depends on the purpose of your site, the business name you have, and the audience you’re targeting.

    In this lesson, there are some factors to consider and suggestions based on different types of websites. These will help you understand how you can give a title to your website.

    Website Title for Personal Blog:

    Focus on your name or niche

    If it’s a personal blog, the title could include your name or the topic you’re writing about.

    For Example: “John’s Travel Adventures”, “Healthy Living with Sarah”

    Website Title for Business or Portfolio Site:

    Use your business name or service description

    The website title should reflect your business name or what you offer.

    For Example: “Smith Design Studio”, “Tech Solutions Hub”

    Website Title for E-commerce Site:

    Focus on products or services

    Highlight what your store sells.

    For Example: “Stylish Home Decor”, “Gourmet Coffee Shop”

    Website Title for Educational/Informational Site:

    Highlight the subject or expertise

    The website title should reflect on the knowledge or service you’re offering.

    For Example: “Learn Digital Marketing Today”, “Fitness Mastery”

    Website Title for Community or Non-Profit:

    Focus on your mission or objective

    Highlight your cause or community.

    For Example: “Green Earth Initiative”, “Tech for All”

    For A Good Website Title,

    • You must keep it concise and relevant: A short and clear title works best.
    • You should make it memorable: Choose a name that is easy to remember.
    • You may include keywords: For SEO, you may consider using keywords related to your site’s niche or purpose.

    Your website title should be clear, concise, and descriptive, accurately reflecting the content or purpose of your website while incorporating relevant keywords for SEO and at the same time ensuring it is memorable and easy to spell.

    How To Add/Change The Title & Tagline Of Your WordPress Site?

    Giving a title to your WordPress site defines your identity on the Internet and helps with search engine optimization. Here’s how to do it:

    1. Log into your WordPress admin area and navigate to the General -> Settings section.
    2. Enter a title in the “Site Title” field, simply type the name you want for your website. This will appear in the browser tab, search results, and often in the website’s header and footer depending on your theme.
    3. You may add a tagline in the tagline field present below the site title. The tagline is a brief description or slogan that tells visitors what your site is about.
    4. Once you’ve entered the title and tagline, click “Save Changes” at the bottom of the page.

    Alternatively, same can also be done by navigating to Appearance -> Customize page using the ‘Site Identity’ section.

    Make sure your site title is concise and reflects your business, brand, or purpose, as it impacts your site’s visibility and user experience.

    How To Write Blog Posts In WordPress?

    Posts are the content entries used for showing articles and news content on your website. They are generally displayed in reverse chronological order on your home page or blog page. In contrast to pages, posts are un-hierarchical content types included in your website’s RSS feed.

    As soon you install WordPress, you will notice a post with the title ‘Hello World!’. It is a sample WordPress post that you can edit or delete from the Dashboard -> Posts -> All Posts page. In the same way you can write new posts from Posts -> Add New page. In this lesson, you will learn how to create your first post in WordPress.

    Step-1 Login To Your WordPress Site

    First, log in to your website by visiting page in your web-browser.

    Step-2 Visit ‘Add New’ Post Screen

    As soon you log in to the WordPress admin area, you see the dashboard’s home screen (Dashboard -> Home). Now navigate to Posts -> Add New screen as shown on the given screenshot:

    Step-3 Start Writing

    Add a title and start writing your content. Use the ‘+’ button to insert custom blocks for adding images inside your posts. For instance, To insert any image from your computer:

    1. Click the ‘+‘ button
    2. Click the ‘Image‘ icon
    3. Click ‘Upload Files‘ to upload the image and click insert image.
    4. You can also add a custom link to the image, set its alignment, or choose a custom size.

    The image is inserted on the location of your cursor.

    On the right hand side you will be noticing a ‘Categories‘ metabox, from there you can select a category for your post. If this is your first blog post, you will need to create a new category, simply click ‘Add New Category‘ link, give a name to your category and add it.

    Similarly ‘Tags‘ metabox enables you to add keywords related to your post. Tags and Categories are for grouping similar posts together. The main difference between tags and categories is categories are hierarchical taxonomies where you can create child or subcategories whereas tags are given by simply typing keywords and your post gets un-hierarchical grouped in the given tag.

    Post Excerpts is another metabox present at the bottom of post content box. Post excerpts are the small summaries of posts showing up on the multipost pages like home page, the blog post, tags & category archives pages, and on the search engine result pages. Adding an excerpt is an optional thing to do, if you don’t give post excerpts then it will be automatically taken from the beginning lines of your post.

    Step-4 Publish Your Post

    Finally, when you are done writing your post click the ‘Publish‘ button and your post will go visible to your website visitors. You may also use the ‘Save Draft‘ button to save your post as a draft in Posts -> All Posts -> Drafts (Link) for completing and publishing it in the future.

    Some other options of the right admin sidebar include Status which shows whether your post is a draft, under review or published, Visibility option lets you control post visibility i.e. you can make your post public (default) or private (only for logged in users) or password protected (you can lock it with a custom password) and the ‘Move to Trash‘ option that deletes your blog post.

    How To Easily Install Mediawiki On Your Domain?

    To manually install MediaWiki on your hosting, follow these steps:

    Step-1 Download MediaWiki

    Visit the official MediaWiki website and download the latest stable version of the software. After downloading, extract the .tar.gz or .zip file on your local computer to prepare it for uploading to your server.

    Step-2 Upload MediaWiki to Your Server

    Log in to your hosting account’s cPanel or an alternative control panel. From there, access the ‘Public HTML’ or sub-directory (wherever you want to install the wiki) on File Manager.

    Alternatively, you may use an FTP client such as FileZilla to upload the extracted MediaWiki files to your server. Choose the directory where you want MediaWiki to be installed (such as the public_html folder if it will be on your main domain).

    Step-3 Create a Database

    In cPanel, locate the section labeled MySQL Databases or something similar. Create a new database, and remember the database name. Then, create a new MySQL user and assign it to the database with full privileges. Make sure to save the database name, username, and password for later use in the installation process. You may use ‘MySQL Wizard’ option on your cPanel.

    Step-4 Run the MediaWiki Installer

    Open a web browser and visit the URL where you uploaded the MediaWiki files, for example, This will lead you to the MediaWiki installation wizard. Select your preferred language and proceed by clicking Continue.

    Step-5 Database Configuration

    When you reach the database configuration page, enter the required details. Choose MySQL as the database type, provide the name of the database you created earlier, and input the username and password associated with it. Typically, the database host is localhost, but you should confirm this with your hosting provider.

    Step-6 Configure Wiki Settings

    At this stage, name your wiki, as this will be the title that appears on your site. You will also need to create an administrative account by specifying the admin username, password, and email. Adjust other settings like email notifications or file uploads as needed.

    Step-7 Complete Installation

    Once the installation finishes, you will be prompted to download the LocalSettings.php file. Upload this file back to the root directory of your MediaWiki installation, which is the same location where you uploaded the MediaWiki files earlier.

    Step-8 Verify Installation

    Finally, visit your site’s URL to check your newly installed MediaWiki. You can log in using the admin credentials that you created during the setup process, allowing you to start customizing your wiki by adding content, extensions, and themes.

      By following these steps, your MediaWiki installation will be fully functional and ready for use.

      Automatic Installation of Mediawiki

      Installing MediaWiki via Installatron on cPanel hosting is an easy process. Installatron is a popular auto-installer available in cPanel hosting, that simplifies the installation of web applications like MediaWiki and WordPress. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process.

      Step 1. Log in to cPanel

      Begin by logging into your cPanel account, To log into your Sangkrit account, visit and click the Sign In button in the top-right corner. From the dropdown, select Sign In again, then enter your email or username and password in the login fields.

      If you’ve enabled two-step verification, you’ll need to enter the code sent to your phone or email.

      Once signed in, you’ll be directed to your account dashboard where you can manage your domains and other services.

      Step 2. Access Installatron

      Once you’re logged into cPanel, scroll down to the Software or Web Applications section. Here, you’ll find Installatron, click its icon.

      Step 3. Search for MediaWiki

      In the Installatron dashboard, you’ll see a variety of applications that can be installed. Either search for MediaWiki in the search bar or scroll down until you find it listed under the Content Management section. Once you locate MediaWiki, click on it.

      Step 4. Start the Installation

      On the MediaWiki page in Installatron, click the Install this application button. This will open the installation configuration options.

      Step 5. Configure the Installation

      You will now be presented with several configuration options for your MediaWiki installation:

      • Domain: Choose the domain or subdomain where you want MediaWiki installed. You can select a subfolder if you want to install it at, for example.
      • Version: Ensure the latest version of MediaWiki is selected.
      • Directory: If you want to install MediaWiki in a specific directory (e.g.,, enter the directory name here. If you leave it blank, MediaWiki will be installed on the root domain (e.g.,
      • Administrator Username & Password: Set the username, password, and email address for the admin account of your MediaWiki site.
      • Website Title: Enter the name of your wiki.
      • Database Settings: You don’t need to worry about creating the database manually unless you prefer to do so, Installatron will handle this automatically.

      Step 6. Advanced Settings (Optional)

      If you want more control, you can expand the Advanced settings to configure things like automatic updates, backups, and language preferences. However, the default settings should work for most users.

      Step 7. Process the Installation

      After filling in the required details, click the Install button at the bottom of the page. Installatron will begin the installation process, which may take a few minutes.

      Step 8. Access Your MediaWiki Website

      Once the installation is complete, Installatron will provide a link to your new MediaWiki site, along with login details for the admin account. You can now visit your site and start customizing your wiki.

      This way, you can manage and update your MediaWiki installation easily through Installatron, including setting up automatic backups and updates.

      By following these steps, you’ll have MediaWiki installed and running on your cPanel hosting account in no time. Comment below if you need any additional help.

      How To Edit Mediawiki Sidebar ?

      You can edit the MediaWiki sidebar from front-end without opening any PHP file on the c-panel. For this, you will need to modify the MediaWiki:Sidebar page, that controls the navigation links on the left-hand side of your MediaWiki website.

      Only the users having administrator access have permission to make these changes by following these steps:

      1. Open your wiki.
      2. Log in to your account.
      3. In the search box type: Mediawiki:Sidebar
      4. Press Enter.
      5. Click Edit.

      Alternatively, you may visit the URL to open the Mediawiki sidebar page. Once the page is visible click the ‘Edit’ option.

      On this page, you’ll find a structure that controls how the sidebar is displayed. Here you can add new links and dropdown menus. The format includes section headings and individual links, where an asterisk indicates each section (*), and links are represented by double asterisks (**). For example, * navigation defines a section and ** mainpage|Main Page represents a link, where mainpage is the internal page, and “Main Page” is the display text.

      Everything you add here will be displayed on the sidebar. Suppose you would like to add Sangkrit as a dropdown and Domains, Hosting, WordPress, and Email as sub-menus then do it like this:






      In the above text, remember that the menu options you have added must have their pages on your Mediawiki website. Else you can add external links other than internal pages:






      After making your changes, click “Save page” to apply them. If the sidebar doesn’t update immediately, you might need to clear the cache. This can be done by visiting or adding ?action=purge to your URL. Alternatively, you can run a purge command on the server to refresh the cache manually.

      The MediaWiki:Sidebar page offers a simple way to customize your site’s sidebar navigation by allowing you to edit, add, or remove links as needed.

      Finding Your Hosting Or Server’s IP Address: cPanel, Plesk & More

      When you need to manually update the DNS for your domain to point it to your website or when you don’t want to change the name servers as you are using some custom MX records for email or whatever may be the reason you will need to find the IP address of your website’s hosting or server to use it on DNS settings of your domain.

      To find the IP address, simply log in to your hosting account then visit the ‘My Products’ page and follow the steps:

      Finding IP Address On Managed WordPress

      1. On Managed WordPress, click the Settings button.
      2. Click the DNS tab. Your IP address is located under Value.

      Finding IP Address On cPanel Hosting

      1. Visit your cPanel Hosting.
      2. Click Server Information from the right sidebar.
      3. You will find the hosting’s IP address.

      The above process works for cPanel Hosting’s paper lantern view, if you are using classic view then you will find your hosting’s IP address on the left sidebar.

      In case it is not there then at the bottom of the sidebar, click the ‘More Stats’ option and it will open a group of other server information and statistics where you will find the IP address.

      Finding The IP Address On Plesk Hosting

      If you are using Plesk hosting, you can find your server’s IP address there.

      1. Log in to your Plesk control panel.
      2. On the dashboard, navigate to Websites & Domains.
      3. Click on Hosting & DNS and then go to Web Hosting Access. You’ll find the IP address listed there.

      Finding The IP Address On Hosting’s Client Area

      Most hosting options have a client area or dashboard where the server’s IP address is listed.

      1. Log in to your hosting’s client area.
      2. Look for a section that provides hosting details.

      The IP address is often listed under DNS Settings, Server Details, or Account Information.

      Finding The IP Address Via SSH (Especially for Self Managed Dedicated & VPS Servers)

      If you have SSH access to your server, you can use the terminal or command prompt to find the IP address.

      Open the Command Prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Mac/Linux) and use the command to access your server via SSH:


      After login type:



      ip a

      The output will show your server’s IP address under the inet section.

      By Contacting Online Support

      If you’re unable to find your server’s IP address through the methods above, you can always contact your support team, and they will provide you with the necessary details.

      This way you would be able to locate your hosting or server’s IP address with ease.

      How To Update ‘A’ Record IP Address On Domain Name?

      An A (Address) record is a type of DNS (Domain Name System) record that links a domain name to a specific numerical address of the server where the website or service is hosted, this is called IPv4 address.

      So when you copy the shared or dedicated IP address of your hosting and paste it in the A record of your DNS, it will ensure that when someone types your domain name in the web browser, it will open your website by resolving to the correct IP address of the server that is hosting your website.

      To update your domain name’s IP address in the A record on, you will need to follow these steps:

      Step 1. Log In to

      • Visit
      • Click “Sign In” at the top-right corner and enter your account credentials.

      Step 2. Access Your Domain Settings

      • Once logged in, click on your username and select “My Products” from the dropdown menu.
      • Scroll down to the “Domains” section.
      • Locate the domain you want to update and click on “DNS” next to it to manage the DNS settings.

      Step 3. Find the A Record

      • On the DNS Management page, scroll down to the “Records” section.
      • Look for the A (Host) record, which should have a value like “@” under the Host column and your current IP address under the Points to column.

      Step 4. Edit the A Record

      • Next to the A record, click on the pencil icon to edit the entry.
      • In the “Points to” field, enter the new IP address you want to assign to your domain.

      Step 5. Save Changes

      • After updating the IP address, click Save to apply the changes.

      Now allow DNS propagation time as changes can take some time to propagate across the internet, usually within a few minutes to 48 hours.

      Following these steps, you can easily update your domain’s IP address in the A record on

      How To Convert Accent Character Images Into SEO Friendly File Names In WordPress?

      Bad filenames unrelated to the image are also not good for SEO. The reason is; that search engines like descriptive and meaningful filenames.

      Another drawback of bad filenames is that they sometimes break your images in a web browser. The problem arises when you host many media files on a multi-author WordPress installation and you cannot monitor everyone to upload pictures with good and meaningful names.

      These issues can be easily resolved by using a WordPress plugin called Clean Image Filenames.

      The plugin works by auto-enforcing clean filenames on images and other media files you upload to the WordPress media library. Thus, it improves your website’s search engine optimization. The plugin works while you upload new files, it doesn’t work on old files uploaded on your media library.

      How Does It Work?

      Bad image filenames such as Château de Ferrières.jpg or Smörgåsbord.png are changed to good and clean filenames like chateau-de-ferrieres.jpg and smargasbord.png.

      The plugin simply replaces accents and special characters, like Swedish or German umlauts, in the filename uploaded to your media library.

      • It converts accent characters to non-accent, Latin equivalents in Swedish, Danish, German, and more.
      • It removes special characters such as exclamation marks, periods, hashtags, and more.

      You should also know that the range of files can be extended using a filter in your theme or plugin.

      How To Use It?

      Install and activate Clean Image Filenames plugin on your WordPress site. Upon activation visit your admin area dashboard Media -> Add New page and upload a new image file with accent characters like Smörgåsbord.png

      On the plugin settings page, you can set whether the plugin should work only on images or all file types.

      As soon the image is uploaded, the filename will be filtered by the plugin to smargasbord.png. That’s what this plugin does for you.

      Renaming Filename Based On Post Title

      File Renaming on Upload is another good plugin that provides you with more powerful controls and options.

      Unlike the Clean Image Filenames plugin which works automatically and has one manual setting to make, File Renaming on upload allows you to select various options on how to rename an individual filename after upload.

      For example: You can auto-add your site name in the image file, remove strings and accents, rename the file based on the post title, and more.

      How To Keep Your WooCommerce Inventory & Stock Levels Up-to-Date?

      Regularly synchronizing your stock levels on your eCommerce website is essential for ensuring that your inventory is accurate, preventing overselling, and maintaining a smooth customer experience.

      Previously you learned about enabling and disabling inventory in WooCommerce. Now, this lesson guides you on how you can manage it and keep it up-to-date.

      1. Enable Stock Management in WooCommerce

      1. Go to your WordPress dashboard.
      2. Click on “WooCommerce” > “Settings” > “Products” > “Inventory.”
      3. Check the box next to “Enable stock management” if it’s not already enabled.
      4. Set up options like low stock and out-of-stock thresholds, and choose whether to enable notifications for low stock levels.

      2. Update Stock Levels Manually

      1. Edit Individual Products by navigating to “Products” > “All Products” in your WordPress dashboard.
      2. Find the product you want to update and click “Edit.”
      3. Scroll down to the “Inventory” section under the “Product Data” meta box.
      4. Enter the correct stock quantity in the “Stock quantity” field.
      5. Click “Update” to save the changes.
      6. Or use Bulk Edit by selecting multiple products from the “All Products” list.
      7. Choose “Edit” from the “Bulk Actions” dropdown and click “Apply.”
      8. Update the stock quantities for multiple products at once, then click “Update.”

      3. Regularly Review Inventory Reports

      1. Check WooCommerce Reports by navigating to “WooCommerce” > “Reports” > “Stock” to view your current stock levels, low stock, and out-of-stock products.
      2. Schedule Regular Reviews by making it a habit to review these reports regularly to ensure that your stock levels are accurate and up to date.

      This way you can keep your WooCommerce stock levels synchronized, minimizing the risk of overselling and ensuring a smooth customer experience.

      Protecting Your Online Future: Essential Domain Name Strategies

      Today, your domain name is more than just an address on the internet—it’s a critical component of your identity, credibility, and overall online success. A well-thought-out domain name strategy can help you stand out in a crowded marketplace, improve your search engine rankings, and protect your business from competitors and cyber threats.

      In this lesson, we’ll explore essential domain name strategies to help you secure your online future and establish a strong, lasting presence on the web.

      Choose a Memorable Domain Name

      Keep It Short and Simple

      • Conciseness Matters: Shorter domain names are easier to remember, type, and share. Aim for domains that are concise and straightforward.
      • Avoid Complexity: Steer clear of hyphens, numbers, and unusual spellings that confuse users and make your domain harder to recall.

      Reflect on Your Business Identity

      • Consistency is Key: Your domain name should align with your business name and messaging to create a cohesive and recognizable identity.
      • Unique and Distinctive: Choose a name that sets you apart from competitors and resonates with your target audience.

      Make It Easy to Pronounce and Spell

      • Enhance Word-of-Mouth Sharing: Easily pronounceable domains are more likely to be shared verbally and remembered.
      • Prevent Misspellings: Simple and clear spelling reduces the risk of users landing on the wrong website due to typos.

      Use Relevant Keywords

      • Improve SEO: Incorporating relevant keywords can boost your search engine visibility and help users understand what your website is about.
      • Balance is Important: Avoid stuffing keywords unnaturally; prioritize readability and brand-ability over excessive keyword use.

      Select the Appropriate Domain Extension

      Choose the Right Top-Level Domain (TLD)

      • .com Dominance: The .com extension remains the most recognized and trusted TLD, making it a preferred choice for businesses aiming for a global audience.
      • Consider Alternatives: If .com is unavailable, consider other reputable TLDs like .net, .org, or industry-specific extensions such as .tech, .store, or .io.

      Utilize Country-Code TLDs (ccTLDs)

      • Target Local Audiences: ccTLDs like .us, .uk, or .ca can help you connect with users in specific countries and improve local search rankings.
      • Build Trust: Local extensions can enhance credibility among regional audiences by signaling a localized presence.

      Protect Your Brand Across Multiple Extensions

      • Prevent Competitor Use: Registering your domain across various TLDs safeguards your business name from being used by competitors or malicious actors.
      • Redirect Traffic: Point additional domains to your primary website to capture users who may use different extensions.

      Register Multiple Domain Variations

      Cover Common Misspellings and Typos

      • Capture Misdirected Traffic: Register domains that account for common misspellings or typing errors related to your primary domain.
      • Enhance User Experience: Redirecting these domains to your main site ensures users reach you even if they make mistakes.

      Secure Similar and Related Names

      • Expand Your Reach: Owning related domain names can help you control more of the digital landscape relevant to your brand or industry.
      • Protect Against Imitation: Prevent others from creating similar domains that could confuse customers or dilute your brand.

      Consider Domain Hacks and Creative Alternatives

      • Innovative Branding: Domain hacks (using parts of the domain and extension to form words, like can create memorable and unique web addresses.
      • Assess Clarity: Ensure that creative domains remain clear and understandable to your audience.

      Prioritize Early Registration and Renewal Management

      Register Domains Early

      • Beat the Competition: Securing your desired domain names early prevents others from claiming them first.
      • Future-Proofing: Even if you don’t plan to use certain domains immediately, owning them allows for future expansion and projects.

      Manage Renewals Proactively

      • Avoid Lapses: Set up automatic renewals and keep payment information current to prevent accidental expiration.
      • Monitor Expiration Dates: Regularly check renewal dates and consider renewing for multiple years to ensure continuity.

      Utilize Backordering Services

      • Acquire Taken Domains: If your desired domain is currently registered, back-ordering services can help you attempt to secure it if it becomes available.

      Ensure Domain Security and Privacy

      Enable Domain Privacy Protection

      • Protect Personal Information: Domain privacy services hide your details from public WHOIS databases, reducing spam and potential harassment.
      • Enhance Security: Keeping registrant information private can prevent social engineering attacks to gain control over your domain.

      Lock Your Domain

      • Prevent Unauthorized Transfers: Domain locking adds an extra layer of security by preventing your domain from being transferred without your explicit authorization.

      Use Secure Registrars

      • Choose Trusted Providers: Register your domains with, which offers robust security measures and reliable support.
      • Monitor for Suspicious Activity: Regularly review your domain account for any unauthorized changes or access attempts.

      Integrate Domains with Overall Marketing Strategy

      Align with SEO Efforts

      • Optimize for Search Engines: Choose domain names that complement your SEO strategy, helping improve rankings and visibility.
      • Create Targeted Landing Pages: Use different domains for specific marketing campaigns or product lines to drive targeted traffic.

      Consistency Across Platforms

      • Unified Branding: Ensure your domain name aligns with your social media handles and other online profiles for cohesive branding.
      • Cross-Promotion: Utilize your domain in all marketing materials, both online and offline, to reinforce brand recognition.

      Leverage Subdomains and Subdirectories

      • Organize Content Effectively: Use subdomains ( or subdirectories ( to structure your website content strategically.
      • Support Marketing Initiatives: Create dedicated spaces for different aspects of your business, such as blogs, stores, or support centers.

      Evaluate and Adapt Your Domain Strategy Over Time

      Regularly Review Domain Portfolio

      • Assess Relevance: Periodically evaluate your owned domains to ensure they still align with your business objectives.
      • Consolidate as Needed: Let go of domains that are no longer necessary and acquire new ones that support evolving goals.

      Monitor Industry Trends

      • Stay Updated: Keep an eye on emerging domain trends and new TLD releases that could benefit your brand.
      • Adapt Strategically: Be prepared to adjust your domain strategy to leverage new opportunities and maintain competitiveness.

      Analyze Performance Metrics

      • Track Traffic and Engagement: Use analytics tools to understand how different domains and URLs are performing and contributing to your goals.
      • Optimize Accordingly: Make data-driven decisions to refine your domain usage and improve overall effectiveness.

      Developing a robust domain name strategy is essential for securing your online future and establishing a strong, resilient presence in the digital world. By carefully selecting and managing your domain names, protecting your brand, and integrating your domains into your broader marketing efforts, you can enhance your visibility, credibility, and success online. offers comprehensive domain registration and management services, along with expert support to help you implement these strategies effectively. With the right approach and resources, you can build a solid foundation for your online endeavors and ensure lasting impact and growth.

      Secure your online future by exploring domain options with and put these strategies into action.