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How Email Subscription Option Lets You Build And Nurture Your Website Audience?

Email Marketing gives you control of bringing a user back to your website or reminding him of your business, whenever you feel the need. The internet data states that it is 40 times more effective than social media marketing.

It is a powerful tool with numerous benefits for both your website and your audience:

  1. Building and Nurturing an Audience: Email subscriptions enable you to build a dedicated audience of individuals who are genuinely interested in your content, products, or services. These subscribers have voluntarily expressed their interest and are more likely to engage with your brand.
  2. Direct Communication Channel: Email is a direct and personal communication channel between you and your audience. When someone subscribes, they grant you permission to contact them directly, making it an effective way to deliver important messages and updates.
  3. Driving Website Traffic: Regularly sending emails to subscribers can drive traffic to your website. When you publish new blog posts, release products, or run promotions, email notifications can encourage subscribers to visit your site, increasing its visibility and engagement.
  4. Increasing User Engagement: Email subscriptions can help boost user engagement. Subscribers are more likely to interact with your content, leave comments, and share your posts with their networks, fostering a sense of community around your website.
  5. Marketing and Promotions: Email marketing is an efficient way to promote products, services, events, or special offers. You can segment your email list and send targeted messages to specific subscriber groups, increasing the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.
  6. Revenue Generation: For businesses, email subscriptions can directly impact revenue. By promoting products or services to a receptive audience, you can drive sales and conversions. Email marketing consistently ranks as one of the highest ROI (Return on Investment) marketing channels.
  7. Establishing Authority and Trust: Consistent, valuable email content can help establish your authority and expertise in your niche. When subscribers find your content informative and trustworthy, they are more likely to turn to you as a reliable source.
  8. Data Collection and Insights: Subscriptions provide an opportunity to collect valuable user data, such as demographics and interests, which can inform your content strategy and marketing campaigns. Analyzing email engagement metrics allows you to refine your approach over time.
  9. Strengthening Brand Loyalty: Regularly communicating with subscribers and providing them with relevant, valuable content helps build brand loyalty. Loyal subscribers are more likely to become long-term customers and advocates for your brand.
  10. Adapting to Algorithm Changes: Relying solely on social media or search engine algorithms to reach your audience can be risky, as these platforms can change their rules and algorithms. Email subscriptions provide a stable and predictable means of reaching your audience.
  11. Crisis Communication: In times of crisis, such as service interruptions or product recalls, email is a crucial channel for quickly communicating with your audience and addressing concerns.
  12. Compliance with Regulations: Having a clear and compliant email subscription process ensures that you adhere to privacy and anti-spam regulations, such as GDPR or CAN-SPAM, reducing the risk of legal issues.

How To Add Email Subscription Option On Your Website?

To make your website traffic subscribe to your email list, you first need to subscribe to an Email Marketing plan of your choice and then add its form to your website. To do so, simply login to your account then follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘My Products’ page from the menu
  2. Open ‘Email Marketing’
  3. Click the ‘SignUp Forms’ option on the top of the page
  4. Click the ‘Edit’ option on the form you want to use
  5. On the top of the editing page, click the ‘Embed’ option
  6. Select one option from the Styled Embed, Plain Embed, or Embed as a Side tab
  7. Select the code and copy it
  8. Paste it on your website, wherever you want to show it
  9. You may also get help from an expert by calling customer service

In comparison to other marketing options, Email Marketing has the highest return on investment. It gives you the power to be present at the place where your customers visit every day, their inbox. That is why it really worth your investment.

How To Stay Legal In Email Marketing Campaigns?

Staying legal in email marketing is essential to maintain a positive reputation, avoid legal issues, and protect your subscribers’ privacy. The easiest way and one-line solution to stay legal is to only send emails to the people who have subscribed to your email list and also provide them an easy option to unsubscribe to your list whenever they want.

If you are marketing thoroughly by maintaining huge mailing lists then you would have to familiarize yourself with email marketing laws and regulations in your region or the region where your subscribers are located:

  1. In the United States, the primary regulation is the CAN-SPAM Act.
  2. In the European Union (EU), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a critical regulation to consider.

Many countries don’t have any laws regarding email marketing. But still, if people spam and report you, the email service providers like Google may blacklist the address or domain name you are using to send emails.

To overcome this issue, you should always obtain explicit consent from individuals before sending them marketing emails. This consent should be clear, specific, and freely given. Use opt-in forms that clearly explain what subscribers are signing up for and how often they can expect to receive emails.

So monitor the performance of your email campaigns and address any issues promptly. Pay attention to bounce rates, spam complaints, and open rates. Use Email Marketing Service at, it offers you all important features.

Segment your email list based on subscribers’ interests and preferences. This allows you to send targeted, relevant content, reducing the likelihood of recipients marking your emails as spam.

It is also important to safeguard the personal data of your subscribers. If you collect and store subscriber information, implement robust security measures to protect that data from breaches. Remove inactive and disengaged subscribers from your list periodically. Because high bounce rates and low engagement can negatively impact the sender’s reputation.

By following these guidelines and staying informed about evolving email marketing regulations, you can maintain a legal and ethical approach to email marketing while building and nurturing a valuable subscriber base.

How To Update Installatron Web Applications On Your Hosting Or Server?

The one-click website installer at makes it easy for you to build, enhance, and manage any kind of website on your own.

In previous lessons, you learned about installing new web apps on your domain to start any kind of website without any technical skills. Now, this lesson explains how you can upgrade installed applications to keep your website updated with new security releases, the latest features, and the current World Wide Web consortium.

Log in to your account, visit your products page, and follow these steps:

  1. Next, to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage
  2. Open the cPanel or control panel of the web hosting or server
  3. In the Software section, click Installatron Applications Installer
  4. Next, to the application you want to use, click (update)
  5. Scroll down, and then click Update

In case you are using Windows hosting then visit the products page and next to the hosting account you want to use, click Manage.

Now Go to the Applications tab, click Manage My Applications, and in the Name column for the application, you want to use, click Update Available. Finally, scroll down and then click the Update Now button.

Restoring Database Grants On WHM Server & cPanel

When a database user loses his access to configured databases, you may need to restore that user’s grants to the database using the restoregrants utility on WHM.

The first step you need to make is to access your command line and then use restore grants to restore the user’s database access:

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/restoregrants –cpuser=$cpuser –db={mysql, pg} –dbuser=$dbuser

/usr/local/cpanel/bin/restoregrants –cpuser=$cpuser –db={mysql, pg} –all


  • $cpuser – is the cPanel username that has lost access to databases.
  • {mysql, pg} –  is the type of database: mysql for MySQL or pg for PostgreSQL.
  • $dbuser – is a database user whose privileges you wish to restore. If you use –dbuser, the $dbuser variable will consist of the database user’s name. If you use –all, the script will restore grants for all of the database users that belong to the cPanel account.

How to update the user’s password to restore database access on cPanel?

In certain circumstances, the restoregrants script may fail to restore access to the database.

In such a case, either the cPanel or the WHM  account owner can reset the cPanel account’s password in order to restore grants by following the given steps.

For restoring grants from cPanel:

  1. Navigate to cPanel > Change Password.
  2. Select Allow MySQL password change.
  3. Change the password and click Change your password now.

Steps for server administrator i.e. the owner of the WHM account:

  1. Navigate to WHM > List Accounts.
  2. Click + next to the appropriate account.
  3. Select Sync MySQL password with the account password.
  4. Enter a new password into the Change Password box and click Change.

How To Recover A VPS Or Dedicated Server With Rescue Mode?

Rescue mode is a valuable tool for server administrators and system administrators because it provides a means to troubleshoot and recover a server in various scenarios.

Accessing your server by using the recovery console especially when you lose access to your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server is one thing. But, sometimes logging in through the recovery console doesn’t help or it doesn’t work for you then, in that case, you need to boot your server in ‘Rescue Mode‘.

In rescue mode, you are given temporary login credentials that you use to get into your server via SSH to resolve your server-related issues.

Login to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your ‘Products‘ page
  2. On your ‘My Products‘ page, click ‘Manage
  3. Select ‘Rescue Mode‘ from the ‘Server Actions‘ option
  4. Click ‘Confirm

A progress message will appear, and in a few minutes, your server will reboot to rescue mode. Your server dashboard will now show that your server is running in ‘Rescue Mode‘. This message appears next to your server name.

Now you can use those temporary login credentials to access your server via SSH and you will be able to access all files available on your server.

Complete your work and when you are done, click ‘Exit Rescue Mode‘ present in your server’s Dashboard. Your server will now reboot to the active mode i.e. normal mode.

Additionally, exercise caution when making changes in rescue mode, as improper actions can potentially cause data loss or system instability.

How To Login To SSH Server Without Password?

SSH key authentication is a secure method of logging into an SSH server without needing to enter a password. It relies on the use of a pair of cryptographic keys: a private key (kept secret) and a public key (shared with the server). This lesson guides you on how to set up SSH key authentication and login to the server without password.

Generate SSH Key Pair

First, you need to generate an SSH key pair if you don’t already have one. Open your terminal and run the following command to generate a new SSH key pair:bashCopy codessh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa

-t rsa: Specifies the type of key to create (RSA).-b 2048: Sets the key length to 2048 bits (you can use higher values for stronger security).

-f ~/.ssh/id_rsa: Specifies the file name for the generated key pair (the default location is ~/.ssh/id_rsa).

During key generation, you can choose to set a passphrase for added security, but it’s optional. A passphrase adds an extra layer of protection to your private key.

Copy the Public Key to the Server

Next, you need to copy your public key to the server you want to access via SSH. You can do this manually or by using the ssh-copy-id command.

Replace <username> and <hostname> with your server’s username and hostname:bashCopy codessh-copy-id <username>@<hostname>

If you prefer to do it manually, you can append the contents of your public key (~/.ssh/ to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file on the remote server:bashCopy codecat ~/.ssh/ | ssh <username>@<hostname> 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Make sure the ~/.ssh directory on the remote server has proper permissions (usually 700), and the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file should have permissions set to 600.

Test SSH Key Authentication

You can now test SSH key authentication by attempting to SSH into the remote server:bashCopy codessh <username>@<hostname> If you set a passphrase for your private key, you’ll be prompted to enter it. Otherwise, you should be logged in without being asked for a password.

Disabling Password Authentication

For enhanced security, it’s a good practice to disable password-based authentication once you’ve confirmed that SSH key authentication is working. You can do this by modifying the SSH server’s configuration (typically located in /etc/ssh/sshd_config).

Set PasswordAuthentication to no.Reload the SSH server: sudo service ssh reload or sudo systemctl reload ssh.This ensures that SSH access can only be obtained using the authorized SSH key.

SSH key authentication is a secure and convenient way to access remote servers, and it’s widely used for server administration and secure file transfers. Just remember to protect your private key and use passphrases for added security.

The lesson guides you on the Linux server environment. If you’re using Windows, you can use an SSH client like PuTTY or Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) to follow similar steps.

How To Use Secure Shell SSH On Your VPS Or Dedicated Server?

Secure Shell (SSH) is a more secure and popular network protocol that delivers secure communication over an unsecured network, such as the Internet. SSH is primarily used for remote login and command-line execution on remote machines but it can also be used for securely transferring files from one system to another just like FTP. So in this case you can say that SSH is a more secure version of FTP.

After you subscribe to a VPS or Dedicated Server, you can transfer files and backup using SSH and for that, you will need to follow a few general steps to connect your server via SSH Secure Shell using a local client. This is needed to transfer, backup, or upload your web/app files, etc.

SSH is a cryptographic network protocol for operating network services securely. Since it is a method for doing a secure remote login from one device to another, here, the two devices are your local machine i.e. your computer, and your server i.e. your VPS or Dedicated Server.

Now following are the exact steps to make a connection via SSH but a few things may depend on the SSH client you use. If you don’t use Linux Terminal then you may use PuTTy for Windows, or Terminal on a MacOS machine.

​​Before you start with the SSH login you will need to obtain this info:

  • Your domain name or IP address
  • Your primary FTP username
  • Your primary FTP password

In case you don’t know where to find these things, you may search their tutorials or simply email or call the online support team to get help.

For security reasons, your dedicated server is provisioned with disabled admin/root access. But you can enable it by following these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. ​​Navigate to your My Products page
  3. Click Servers
  4. Next to the Generation 4 server, click Manage
  5. Select Settings from the top of the page in your account dashboard
  6. In the access section, next to the admin access, click Manage
  7. Select Enable Admin Access (this is actually root account sudo access) 
  8. Now click Save
  9. Admin access is now enabled

Next, Establish a connection:

Launch your SSH client, enter the host i.e. your domain name or IP address, and your SSH port number (which by default is 22) to establish the SSH connection.

Now you will be asked to enter the FTP details. As prompted for that, enter your primary FTP username and password and click GO or whatever action button is there in your client. That’s it. Your client will now make a connection.

How To Map Domain Names When Name Servers Don’t Work?

Domain mapping is a process that allows you to use a domain name on your website or web service on any hosting option such as cPanel WebhostingPlesk Windows HostingWebhosting PlusVPS, or Dedicated Server. It is generally done by updating the name servers on domain names to point to the server where you are hosting or planning to host your website.

Sometimes on self-managed servers and advanced hostings, the nameserver needs complex configurations to work, these settings might not be easy for general users. If adding custom name servers doesn’t work for you, you can set your domain name to work simply by editing its DNS zone.

In this case, you don’t need to edit or use custom name servers but make some changes in the DNS zone file and it will start working with default nameservers provided during the time of registration.

The first thing you need to do is log in to your VPS or Dedicated Server and copy its IP address which you will find on the My Products -> Servers -> Manage page. If you have a hosting, the IP address would be visible on the cPanel’s information page.

Once you have the IP address the next step is to log in to your domain account and click the ‘Manage‘ button to open up domain details.


Select the DNS Zone File tab to edit your domain’s zone information. Click the ‘Add Record‘ button present in the zone file section and add records as shown in the following screenshot.


The examples:

  • Hostname – www, record type – A address, ***.***.***.*** (IP)
  • Hostname – @, record type – A Address, ***.***.***.*** (IP)
  • Hostname – *, record type – A Address, ***.***.***.*** (IP)

Don’t forget to replace the ***.***.***.*** with your server’s IP address. You can add records one by one by clicking the ‘Add Another’ button. Once DNS records are added, save changes, log out, and wait for the DNS propagation.

DNS propagation refers to the process by which changes made to Domain Name System (DNS) records are distributed and adopted across the internet. When you make changes to your DNS records, such as updating the IP address associated with a domain or adding new records, these changes need to be propagated to DNS servers worldwide to ensure that internet users can reach your website or services using the updated information.

This might take up to 24 hours to complete but generally at, it starts working for you in a few minutes.

Automatically Cleanup Attached Media Files When WordPress Post Is Deleted

WordPress allows you to upload and display a variety of media file types like images, music, and videos. But when you delete the post, all of the files attached to that specific post are left orphaned in your media library causing an undeserved load on your website. Since these files are of no more use, you may use a plugin for automatically deleting such images.

Earlier, you have learned about deleting unattached images from your WordPress media library. Now in this lesson, you will learn about automatically deleting attached files when their post, page, or post type is removed.

How To Automatically Delete Image Attachments When Any Post Is Deleted In WordPress?

Autoremove Attachments plugin keeps your media library clean by removing all media files attached as attachments to a post, page, or custom post type when the parent post is deleted. Hence, you don’t have to manually track down and remove orphaned files that remain on the server.

To start using the plugin simply log in to your WordPress site and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Plugins -> Add New section
  2. Search and install the ‘Autoremove Attachments’ plugin

There are no configuration options to set. Upon activation, the plugin automatically starts working and it automatically removes child attachments when a parent post, page, or custom post type is deleted.

The Compatibility With Other Plugins

The ‘Autoremove Attachments’ plugin is compatible with WooCommerce i.e. WordPress Ecommerce plugin, Easy Digital Downloads plugin, and all plugins that work within the WordPress system.

Make Sure

That you are not using the same media files in multiple posts or you will end up missing images from other posts on your WordPress website. If you need to use the same images in addition to this plugin then you must re-upload such images for reusing them on other posts.

Another important thing you should know is files are deleted when the parent post, page, or custom post type is permanently deleted so a soft delete that moves the content to the trash does not trigger attachment deletion. Hence, in order to delete the attached media files, you will have to permanently delete the post from the trash bin.

Resolving PHP Version Compatibility Issues On cPanel Hosting & Servers

PHP version is displayed on your cPanel’s account home page. An unsupported PHP version is one reason why your website goes down, and displays a blank white page or error 500. This could happen when your website doesn’t support the PHP version active on your hosting account.

In this lesson, you will learn about fixing such PHP compatibility issues on your website hosted at any plan such as cPanel WebhostingWebhosting PlusVPS, or Dedicated Server.

You may also check the documentation for the software you’re using such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, etc. to determine PHP compatibility requirements. Look for specific PHP versions or extensions that your software recommends or requires.

To fix PHP version compatibility issues on cPanel hosting, you need to ensure that your website’s PHP version is compatible with the scripts, themes, and plugins you are using. Once you are sure about the version your website requires, you can easily change the PHP version from your cPanel and make it compatible with your website or app.

How To Change PHP Version On cPanel?

Log in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the ‘My Products’
  2. Select the ‘Web Hosting’ option
  3. Next to the cPanel account you want to use, click Manage.
  4. Click cPanel Admin and then scroll to the Software section.
  5. Click Select PHP Version, this displays your current PHP version which can be changed from the drop-down.
  6. Click the “Set as current” or “Save” button to apply the selected PHP version.

You may have multiple PHP versions to choose from. If your software specifies a particular PHP version, choose that version. Otherwise, you can typically select the latest stable version.

If you encounter difficulties or errors that you cannot resolve yourself, simply reach out to the support team. They will assist you with all troubleshooting and configuration settings.

How To Use PHP-Fast CGI Process Manager On WHM & cPanel Servers?

PHP-FPM (FastCGI Process Manager) is a PHP undertaking that provides an alternative way to run PHP scripts on web servers. The cPanel webhosting VPS, and Dedicated Servers at gives you the option to use PHP-FPM on your websites.

It is programmed to improve the performance and efficiency of PHP execution, particularly in the context of serving web applications. In the traditional way of executing PHP scripts, such as the web server like Apache uses a separate process to handle each PHP request which sometimes leads to high memory consumption and inefficiencies, especially while handling multiple concurrent requests. PHP-FPM addresses these issues by managing PHP processes more efficiently.

It offers several benefits over traditional PHP execution:

  1. Performance: PHP-FPM is designed for better performance and resource utilization, making it particularly effective for high-traffic websites or applications.
  2. Resource Efficiency: PHP-FPM pools can be configured to allocate resources more effectively, reducing memory usage and improving server responsiveness.
  3. Process Management: PHP-FPM can manage PHP processes dynamically based on the number of incoming requests. It helps prevent server overload and ensures smooth operation during traffic spikes.
  4. Isolation: PHP-FPM pools isolate each website’s PHP processes, providing better security and stability.
  5. Customization: You can configure PHP-FPM settings, such as the number of child processes, to suit your website’s requirements.

How To Use PHP-FPM On cPanel?

The cPanel webhosting environment at gives you the option to enable and configure PHP-FPM for your websites. Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Log in to cPanel: Access your cPanel account using your login credentials.
  2. Find PHP Configuration: In the cPanel dashboard, look for the “MultiPHP Manager” or “Select PHP Version” option. This is where you can manage PHP settings for your domains.
  3. Select PHP-FPM: In the PHP version manager, you’ll see a list of your domains and the currently used PHP version. You can select “PHP-FPM” from the dropdown menu for the domains you want to enable it for.
  4. Configure PHP-FPM: Depending on the cPanel version and your hosting provider’s settings, you might have the option to configure PHP-FPM settings. This could include adjusting the number of child processes, the PHP-FPM version, and other options.
  5. Save Changes: After enabling PHP-FPM and making any necessary configurations, save your changes.
  6. Test: You can now test your website to ensure that PHP-FPM is working as expected. Observe the performance and resource usage.

Keep in mind that PHP-FPM configurations might vary based on the new updates, policies, and the cPanel version being used. So for any kind of online support or specific instructions on enabling and configuring PHP-FPM for your domains simply contact the support team.

Creating Custom Email Addresses Without Web Hosting Or Email Service

When anyone registers his domain name at, the system gives the credit of a hundred free email addresses for forwarding, which means you can create 100 custom email addresses @ your domain name with a catch-all email address that will deliver all the emails sent to that custom address to your email box.

Email forwarding is a feature that allows you to automatically send incoming emails from one email address to another. It’s a convenient way to manage multiple email accounts without having to constantly check each account separately. With email forwarding, you can consolidate your emails in one central inbox and receive messages from different addresses in a single location.

How Email Forwarding Works?

  1. Setting Up Forwarding: To set up email forwarding, you need access to the email account you want to forward messages from. It offers options to set up forwarding in the account settings.
  2. Choosing Forwarding Address: You’ll need to specify the email address to which you want to forward the incoming emails. This could be another email account you own or a colleague’s email address, for example.
  3. Configuring Forwarding Rules: It gives you the option to configure rules for forwarding. For instance, you can choose to forward all incoming emails, only specific emails, or emails that match certain criteria (e.g., emails from a specific sender or with specific keywords).
  4. Verification: In some cases, it verifies that you have access to the forwarding address by sending a verification code or link to that address. This is to ensure that you have permission to forward emails to that destination.
  5. Receiving Forwarded Emails: Once email forwarding is set up, any email sent to the original address will be automatically forwarded to the specified forwarding address. The recipient of the forwarded email will see the original sender’s address and the content of the email.
  6. Managing Forwarding: You can usually manage and modify your forwarding settings in the email account’s settings. You can enable, disable, or update forwarding rules as needed.

How To Create Email Forwarding?

Creating email forwarding on your domain name at is a relatively easy process. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you set up email forwarding for your domain:

  1. Log In to Your Account: Open and log in to your account using your username and password.
  2. Access Your Domains: Once you’re logged in, navigate to the “Domains” section of your account dashboard. This is where you’ll manage your domain settings.
  3. Select Your Domain: From the list of domains you own, choose the domain name for which you want to set up email forwarding. Click on the domain name to access its management settings.
  4. Access Email Forwarding Settings: Within your domain management settings, you will find an option related to email forwarding or email management. This will be labeled as “Email Forwarding,” “Forwarding,” or something similar.
  5. Set Up Forwarding Address: In the email forwarding settings, you’ll have the option to add a forwarding address. This is the email address where you want the incoming emails to be forwarded. Enter the full email address you want to use for forwarding.
  6. Configure Forwarding Rules: Depending on the options available in your account, you might have the ability to configure forwarding rules. These rules determine which emails are forwarded and under what conditions. You can usually choose between “Forward all emails” or set up rules based on specific criteria.
  7. Verify Forwarding Address: Sometimes it requires you to verify that you have access to the forwarding address. might send a verification email to the forwarding address, containing a link or code that you need to use for verification.
  8. Save and Confirm: Once you’ve configured the email forwarding settings, make sure to save your changes. Some changes might take a little time to propagate, so be patient.
  9. Test the Forwarding: Send a test email to the original email address associated with your domain. Check if it’s properly forwarded to the designated forwarding address.
  10. Manage and Edit Forwarding: If you need to update, change, or disable email forwarding in the future, you can always return to your domain management settings on and make the necessary adjustments.

Remember that the specific steps might vary slightly depending on the version of dashboard and the options available in your account. If you encounter any difficulties, you can always refer to’s official documentation or reach out to customer support for assistance.

Email forwarding is commonly used for various purposes:

  • Consolidating Emails: Forward emails from different accounts to a single primary inbox for easier management.
  • Temporary Redirection: Redirect emails from an old email address to a new one during a transition period.
  • Team Collaboration: Forward emails to team members for collaboration or delegation purposes.
  • Personal to Professional: Forward personal emails to a professional address for a unified communication platform.
  • Backup: Forward emails to a backup address to ensure you have copies of all incoming emails.
  • Selective Forwarding: Forward specific types of emails, such as newsletters or notifications, to a dedicated address.

It’s important to note that while email forwarding is a useful tool, it’s not a replacement for setting up proper email account management. If you need to send emails from different addresses, you might consider using an email client that supports multiple accounts or using aliases provided by the email service.

Configuring RStudio IDE For Data Scientists, Statisticians And Researchers

RStudio is an integrated development environment (IDE) specifically designed for the R programming language.

The ‘R’ is a programming language and environment primarily used for statistical computing, data analysis, and graphical representation of data. It was created by Ross Ihaka and Robert Gentleman at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, and was first released in 1995. R has gained widespread popularity in the fields of data science, statistics, research, and academia due to its versatility and extensive range of packages for specialized tasks.

The language is typically used through an integrated development environment (IDE) such as RStudio, which provides a user-friendly interface for writing, running, and managing R code. Its popularity in academia, research, and industries like finance, healthcare, and technology has made it a foundational tool for data analysis and research.

In this lesson, you will learn about installing RStudio on your hosting options such as cPanel WebhostingWebhosting PlusVPS, or Dedicated Server.

RStudio provides a user-friendly interface and a set of powerful tools that make it easier for data scientists, statisticians, and researchers to work with R. RStudio is widely used for data analysis, statistical modeling, data visualization, and creating reproducible research reports.

Key features of RStudio IDE include:

  1. Script Editor: RStudio provides a dedicated script editor with features like syntax highlighting, code completion, and error checking, which help improve coding productivity.
  2. Console: The RStudio console is where you can interactively run R code and see the immediate results. It provides a workspace to explore and manipulate data on the fly.
  3. Integrated Help: RStudio offers easy access to R’s documentation and help files, making it convenient to get information about functions and packages.
  4. Environment and History: You can view and manage the objects in your R workspace, including data frames, variables, and packages. The history tab keeps track of the commands you’ve executed.
  5. Plot Viewer: RStudio includes a viewer for visualizations, making it easy to interact with and export plots generated using R’s various plotting packages.
  6. Package Management: RStudio simplifies package management by providing tools to install, update, and manage R packages.
  7. Version Control Integration: It seamlessly integrates with version control systems like Git, enabling collaborative work and tracking changes to your code.
  8. Markdown Support: RStudio supports Markdown, a lightweight markup language that allows you to create formatted documents, reports, and presentations with embedded R code chunks.
  9. Shiny Integration: Shiny is a web application framework for R, and RStudio supports developing interactive web applications using Shiny.
  10. R Markdown Reports: RStudio makes it easy to create dynamic and reproducible reports using R Markdown, which combines narrative text, code, and visualizations in a single document.
  11. Integrated Development: It offers a complete development environment with features like code profiling, debugging tools, and support for various R packages.
  12. Customizable Layout: RStudio’s layout can be customized to suit your workflow, allowing you to arrange panes and tabs according to your preferences.

RStudio is available in two editions:

  1. RStudio Desktop: This is the standalone version that you can install on your local computer.
  2. RStudio Server: This version allows you to access RStudio through a web browser on a remote server, making it suitable for collaboration and resource sharing.

How To Install RStudio Via Installatron?

RStudio has become a popular choice among R users due to its intuitive interface, extensive feature set, and strong community support. It contributes significantly to making the R programming experience more efficient and user-friendly.

Installatron is a web application automation and management tool that allows you to easily install and manage various web applications, including content management systems, e-commerce platforms, and development tools like RStudio. Here’s how you can use Installatron to install RStudio:

  1. Access Installatron: Log in to your web hosting control panel (cPanel, Plesk, etc.) where Installatron is available.
  2. Locate RStudio: Look for the Installatron icon or link in your control panel. It’s usually found in the “Software” or “Web Applications” section.
  3. Search for RStudio: Inside Installatron, use the search function to locate “RStudio” in the list of available applications. It might be listed as “RStudio Server” or similar.
  4. Initiate Installation: Click on the “Install” or “Install this application” button next to RStudio.
  5. Configuration: You’ll be presented with a form where you can configure the installation. This might include:
    • Location: Choose the directory where you want to install RStudio. For example, you can install it in a subdirectory like “rstudio” or in the root directory.
    • Version: Select the version of RStudio you want to install.
    • Administrator Login: Set up a username and password to access the RStudio admin panel.
    • Database: You might need to set up a database or database user, depending on the RStudio version you’re installing.
  6. Advanced Options: Depending on your hosting environment and preferences, you might have options to configure settings related to domain, SSL, data directory, etc.
  7. Install: Once you’ve configured the installation settings, click the “Install” or “Install Application” button.
  8. Wait for Installation: Installatron will now automatically download and install RStudio on your server. This might take a few moments.
  9. Completion: After the installation is complete, Installatron will provide you with information about accessing your newly installed RStudio instance, including URLs and login credentials.
  10. Access RStudio: Use the provided URL to access your RStudio installation through a web browser. You should be able to log in with the administrator credentials you set during installation.

Remember that the steps may vary slightly depending on your hosting type, control panel, and the version of Installatron being used. Always refer to the online support and resources provided by on your account interface.

Automating Tasks With Cron Jobs On cPanel Web Hosting & Server

Manually performing routine tasks can be time-consuming and prone to errors. This is where cron jobs come into play. A cron job is a scheduled task that allows you to automate various processes on your server. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the world of cron jobs and explore how you can harness their power within cPanel for a more streamlined and efficient website management experience.

Cron jobs are named after the “cron” daemon, a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like operating systems. They allow you to schedule tasks to run automatically at specified intervals, whether it’s daily, weekly, monthly, or even down to the minute.

In this lesson, you will learn about creating and managing Cron Jobs to automate tasks on your hosting options such as cPanel WebhostingWebhosting PlusVPS, or Dedicated Server.

The Advantage Of Using Cron Jobs

  1. Time Savings: Automating repetitive tasks frees up valuable time for more strategic endeavors.
  2. Consistency: Automated tasks are performed consistently, reducing the risk of human errors.
  3. Timely Updates: Cron jobs ensure that updates, backups, and maintenance tasks are executed on time.
  4. Enhanced Performance: Scheduled tasks can optimize your website’s performance and efficiency.
  5. Data Management: Cron jobs can help manage databases, clear temporary files, and perform routine maintenance.

Where You Can Use The Cron Jobs?

General tasks you can schedule with cron jobs:

  1. Scheduled Backups: Automate the backup of your website files and databases regularly.
  2. Content Updates: Schedule content updates, such as publishing new blog posts or articles.
  3. Security Scans: Set up cron jobs to run security scans and checks for vulnerabilities.
  4. Database Optimization: Automate database optimization to improve site performance.
  5. Clearing Cache: Schedule cron jobs to clear cache and temporary files to maintain site speed.

Other tasks done with cron jobs can be:

  1. Automated Tasks: Schedule regular backups of your website files and databases. You can clean up temporary files and cache to optimize website performance and also run security scans and checks for vulnerabilities.
  2. Content Management: Schedule the publishing of new blog posts or content updates. You can automate content archiving or removal.
  3. Database Maintenance: Optimize, repair, or back up databases. Schedule database backups to prevent data loss.
  4. Server Maintenance: Perform routine server maintenance tasks such as log rotation and automate software updates and patches.
  5. Email Campaigns: Schedule the sending of email campaigns to reach your audience effectively. You can also automate email list maintenance tasks.
  6. Data Synchronization: Set up cron jobs to synchronize data between different systems or databases.
  7. File Management: Automate tasks like moving, copying, or archiving files and directories. You can also schedule file cleanup to remove old or unnecessary files.
  8. Renewals & Expirations: Automate the renewal of SSL certificates before they expire.
  9. E-commerce Tasks: Automate inventory updates, product imports, and order processing.
  10. Regular Reporting: Generate and send regular reports to stakeholders.
  11. Server Monitoring: Run scripts that monitor server health and performance.
  12. Social Media Automation: Automate the posting of social media updates at specific times.
  13. Custom Scripts: Set up custom cron jobs to execute specific scripts or commands.

How To Create Cron Jobs On cPanel?

Creating cron jobs within cPanel is generally a five-step process. Simply log in to your account, visit the ‘My Products’ page, and open the cPanel of the hosting or server wherever you want to schedule a cron job. Next, follow the given steps:

  1. Access your cPanel dashboard through your hosting provider.
  2. Look for the “Cron Jobs” icon and click on it.
  3. Select the frequency at which you want the cron job to run – whether it’s once a day, once a week, etc.
  4. Enter the command that the cron job should execute. This can include shell commands, scripts, or URLs.
  5. Use advanced settings to fine-tune your cron job, such as email notifications upon completion.

You should always test your cron job commands before setting them up in production. While specifying file paths, use absolute paths to ensure accuracy. Apart from this, periodically review and update your cron jobs to adapt to changes.

Cron jobs are like your personal virtual assistants, handling routine tasks in the background while you focus on more critical aspects of your website. With cPanel’s user-friendly interface, creating and managing cron jobs becomes a breeze. By automating tasks that would otherwise require manual attention, you can enhance your website’s performance, improve efficiency, and ensure that your online presence is running smoothly around the clock.

Enhance Website Availability By Implementing Secondary DNS

You can prevent downtimes and keep your business constantly online by configuring an additional set of nameservers on your domain name. This secondary DNS server serves as a backup to the primary server, ensuring that domain name resolution remains available even if the primary server experiences downtime or becomes unreachable.

What Is DNS?

DNS is the Domain Name System which is also known as Domain Name Server. Its work is to convert alphabetical names called Domain Names into numeric IP addresses so that the end user can simply remember the domain name and not the IP addresses.

For example: What happens when someone gives you his contact number? He tells you a set of numbers. If the domain name system wouldn’t be there on the internet then people would have to give numbers instead of domain names just as it happens in the case of mobile numbers. DNS is the spine of the internet, it works everywhere on the web.

To access DNS you simply need to sign in to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your Domain Portfolio
  2. Tap on your domain name
  3. Select Manage DNS
  4. Manage DNS for any domain

What Is Secondary DNS?

Secondary DNS offers you an additional set of name servers to keep your website live in case primary DNS is down.

It is a backup or redundant DNS server that works in conjunction with the primary DNS server to provide domain name resolution services.

The primary DNS server is responsible for maintaining the authoritative DNS records for a domain, translating human-readable domain names (like into IP addresses that computers use to locate resources on the internet.

Here you can enter the name servers or IP address to make your domain open your website or let you send emails. In general, you have two name servers that you get while subscribing to a hosting option at, and in most plans, it is automatically updated by the system.

In special cases of Dedicated Servers etc, you need to update it on your own or with the help of the online support team. This is called working with the DNS.

How Secondary DNS Works?

This additional set of name servers of secondary DNS keeps your domain’s zone file backed up automatically to that second set of nameservers.

If the first i.e. default set of nameservers goes down, the secondary DNS automatically sends a request to the backups that have a zone file identical to the primary set of nameservers.

  1. Backup & Redundancy: When you set up secondary DNS, you configure another server with a copy of the authoritative DNS records from the primary server. This secondary server essentially acts as a backup.
  2. Load Distribution: Secondary DNS doesn’t just function as a backup; it can also help distribute the DNS query load. When users or devices request DNS information, the load can be shared between the primary and secondary servers, helping to distribute network traffic.
  3. Failover Protection: If the primary DNS server experiences an outage or becomes overwhelmed, the secondary DNS server can still respond to DNS queries, ensuring uninterrupted access to websites and services.
  4. Global Accessibility: Secondary DNS servers can be strategically placed in different geographical locations. This can improve the response time for users in various regions and enhance overall DNS performance.
  5. Zone Transfer: The process of keeping the secondary DNS server up to date with the latest DNS records from the primary server is called a “zone transfer.” This ensures that both servers have consistent and accurate DNS data.
  6. Configuring TTL: Time-to-Live (TTL) values in DNS records determine how long a DNS query result can be cached by other DNS servers. When configuring TTL, consider that changes made to DNS records might take time to propagate across all DNS servers.

Secondary DNS is an essential component for maintaining the high availability and reliability of domain name resolution services. It ensures that even if the primary server faces issues, users can still access websites and online resources without disruption.

How To Use Secondary DNS?

In order to use secondary DNS, you must have’s Premium DNS on your domain. To add premium DNS simply visit your domain portfolio on your products page at

Next, select the domain name to open its management and you will see an option to subscribe and enable the Premium DNS. Once you are subscribed to Premium DNS, it will provide you the option to use secondary DNS on your website.

10 Reasons Why You Should Try Email Marketing At

Email Marketing is a vital digital strategy. It involves sending targeted emails to subscribers, offering direct communication and personalized content. It’s cost-effective, measurable, and fosters customer engagement.

It builds brand loyalty and boosts conversions by delivering relevant information straight to recipients’ inboxes. In today’s competitive landscape, email marketing remains an indispensable tool for successful digital communication and customer relationship management.

Email Marketing Plan at is a premier email marketing platform due to its user-friendly interface, extensive features, and proven results. With its intuitive drag-and-drop builder, it’s easy to design eye-catching emails.

It offers powerful audience segmentation, ensuring targeted content delivery. The platform’s analytics track open rates, clicks, and subscriber behavior for optimization. It integrates seamlessly with other apps and e-commerce platforms, enhancing workflow efficiency. Moreover, its scalability accommodates businesses of all sizes, from startups to enterprises. With a reputation for reliability and innovation, It soon becomes the top choice for successful email marketing campaigns for its customers.

Subscribing to this email marketing plan is highly beneficial for individuals, businesses, and organizations looking to effectively reach and engage with their audience. Here are ten key reasons highlighting the importance of subscribing to this email marketing plan:

  1. Direct and Personal Communication: It allows you to communicate directly with your audience. Unlike social media or other platforms, emails are delivered straight to the recipient’s inbox, giving you a more personal and direct channel of communication.
  2. Targeted Audience Reach: It often provides tools for segmenting your audience based on factors such as demographics, purchase history, and behavior. This enables you to send highly targeted and relevant content to different groups of subscribers, increasing the chances of engagement.
  3. Cost-Effective: It is often more cost-effective than traditional advertising methods. With this well-structured email marketing plan, you can reach a large audience without spending a fortune on advertising campaigns.
  4. Higher Engagement: When people subscribe to your email list, they are showing an active interest in your content or products. This means that your emails are more likely to be opened and engaged with, leading to higher click-through rates and conversions.
  5. Conversion Opportunities: Emails allow you to include calls-to-action (CTAs) that encourage subscribers to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for an event, or downloading a resource. This can directly impact your sales and lead generation efforts.
  6. Brand Building: Consistent and valuable email communication helps in building your brand’s identity and credibility. By providing helpful content, you establish yourself as an authority in your niche.
  7. Measurable Results: It provides detailed analytics that allows you to track the performance of your campaigns. You can see metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates, which can guide you in refining your strategies.
  8. Automation and Scalability: It comes with automation features that allow you to schedule emails in advance and trigger responses based on user actions. This makes it easier to manage campaigns and nurture leads at scale.
  9. Retention and Relationship Building: It isn’t just about acquiring new customers; it’s also about retaining existing ones. Regular and engaging emails help maintain a connection with your audience, fostering a long-term relationship.
  10. Compliance, Data Protection & Adaptability: It ensures compliance with data protection regulations (like GDPR) and provides features to manage subscriber preferences and unsubscribe requests. It is tailored to fit your specific needs and goals. Whether you’re a small business or a large enterprise, you can find a plan that suits your budget and objectives.

In a digital age where communication channels are abundant, email marketing remains a tried-and-true method of engaging with your audience on a personal level. Subscribing to this email marketing plan offers a strategic and efficient way to cultivate relationships, drive conversions, and achieve your marketing goals using the easiest possible interface.

Elevate Your Website’s Security Standards With Fully Managed SSL Service

The new Managed SSL Service at saves you from the technical steps of installing and implementing HTTPS over your domains.

What Is Managed SSL Service?

It handles the installation, configuration, management, and renewal of SSL(Secure Socket Layer) certificates on your websites and the service ensures that your website stays safe and secure on the internet.

The Managed SSL Service also saves you from common encryption errors such as:

  • SSL not found error
  • Mixed-content error
  • HTTPS redirect failure error
  • SSL certificate mismatch error

SSL certificates are essential for securing data transmitted between a user’s browser and a website’s server, ensuring that sensitive information such as login credentials, personal details, and payment information is encrypted and protected from malicious actors.

What Is Managed SSL Service Offers You?

Here’s an overview of the features that Managed SSL Service offers:

Installation & Setup

Managed SSL Service providers handle the entire process of obtaining and installing SSL certificates on your website. This includes generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), validating domain ownership, and configuring the server to use HTTPS.

Automatic Renewal

SSL certificates have an expiration date, typically ranging from a few months to a year. If you leave this option on, the Managed SSL Service ensures that your certificates are automatically renewed before they expire, preventing any disruption in your website’s security.

Certificate Types

Managed SSL services offer various types of SSL certificates, including Domain Validated (DV), Organization Validated (OV), and Extended Validation (EV) certificates. They can also provide Wildcard and Multi-Domain (SAN) certificates to secure multiple subdomains or domains.

Security & Trust

Managed SSL services offer SSL certificates from reputable Certificate Authorities (CAs) that are recognized and trusted by web browsers. This ensures that your website is not flagged as “Not Secure,” and users can browse your site with confidence.

SEO Benefits

Search engines, including Google, consider HTTPS as a ranking factor. Having an SSL certificate can positively impact your website’s search engine rankings, leading to improved SEO performance.

Support & Troubleshooting

Managed SSL services often provide technical support to address any issues related to SSL certificates. They can help with setup, configuration, and troubleshooting to ensure your website’s security is maintained.

Compatibility & Updates

Managed SSL services ensure that your SSL certificates are compatible with modern web standards and are regularly updated to meet evolving security requirements.

Compatibility with CDN & Load Balancers

Managed SSL services can help you configure SSL certificates for content delivery networks (CDNs) and load balancers, ensuring that your entire website’s traffic is securely encrypted.

Simplified Management

By outsourcing SSL management, website owners can focus on other aspects of their business without worrying about the technical details of certificate installation and renewal.

PCI Compliance

For websites that handle online payments, an SSL certificate is essential for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance.

Green Padlock Symbol

An SSL certificate displays a green padlock symbol in the browser’s address bar, indicating that the connection is secure. This symbol builds trust with users and can potentially increase conversions on e-commerce sites.

Managed SSL Service is a convenient option for website owners who want to ensure the security of their visitors’ data without dealing with the complexities of SSL certificate management. It allows businesses to focus on their core activities while benefiting from enhanced website security and improved user trust.

How Managed SSL Service Works?

Authentication is the keystone of SSL protection. After you subscribe to a Managed SSL, the system itself validates your domain and issues an SSL certificate to ensure your website only takes a secure connection.

Once the system configures the SSL certificate on your domain and verifies that everything is accurate, you receive an email saying that your website is now successfully running over a secure HTTPS connection.

The service offers you Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates via Managed SSL Service. You can purchase a certificate for a single site or a multiple-domains certificate i.e. SAN SSL that secures one primary plus four additional domains i.e. a total of five domains.

Get The Speed Of Server & Ease Of cPanel On ‘Web Hosting Plus’

Web Hosting Plus is basically a more powerful form of cloud hosting infrastructure that offers you the ultra-fast speed of a server with a super simple control panel. It is a perfect fit for those who don’t have technical skills but still need a powerful hosting option.

All Web Hosting Plus Plans Include:

  1. 99.9% uptime
  2. Daily backups
  3. All HTTPS (SSL) URLs
  4. 24/7 security monitoring
  5. One-click website installer
  6. A very easy-to-use control panel
  7. Round-the-clock customer support

It comes with several benefits designed to enhance the performance, scalability, and reliability of websites and applications. It has been specially programmed for users who don’t want to get into the complexities of a Dedicated Server or VPS but at the same time, they need more control and powerful resources for running their websites.

The Key Benefits of Web Hosting Plus:

  1. High RAM: By subscribing to Webhosting Plus, you can host high-traffic websites on high RAM that starts from 4GB to 32GB that else you only get on servers, this time it has been brought to the hosting in order to make website management easier for everyone.
  2. Extraordinarily Powerful Resources: You can host multiple websites on the same hosting, up to 200 websites with separate databases. It offers you up to 400GB of extendable storage with a power of 16 CPUs. Yes, this time it is really happening on web hosting, from a simple control panel and no complexities of a server, you are getting the power of multiple CPUs.
  3. SSL Encryption: Without any extra charge you get unlimited SSL i.e. HTTPS encryption on all websites you host on Webhosting Plus. The little green lock on every URL of your website lets your visitors know that you’ll keep their data safe. Now SSL is not just security but Google and other search engines have made it a ranking factor. This trust seal will work across all domains you will host on Webhosting Plus.
  4. Scalability and Flexibility: Web Hosting Plus allows you to easily scale your resources up or down based on your website’s needs. This ensures that you can handle increased traffic during peak periods and scale back during quieter times.
  5. High Performance: Web Hosting Plus utilizes virtualization technology to distribute resources across multiple servers. This results in improved website performance and faster loading times, as the workload is balanced across the cloud infrastructure.
  6. Reliability and Uptime: With resources distributed across multiple servers, Web Hosting Plus offers high availability and redundancy. If one server experiences issues, another can take over, minimizing downtime.
  7. Resource Allocation Control: Web Hosting Plus provides more control over resource allocation. You can allocate CPU, memory, and storage based on your website’s requirements, optimizing performance and cost.
  8. Pay-as-You-Go Pricing: Web Hosting Plus often follows a pay-as-you-go model. This means you only pay for the resources you use, making it a cost-effective option for businesses that experience variable traffic patterns.
  9. Easy Management: Web Hosting Plus typically includes a user-friendly control panel that allows you to manage your cloud resources, monitor performance, and make necessary adjustments.
  10. Automatic Scaling: Some Web Hosting Plus plans offer automatic scaling based on traffic spikes. This means that when your website experiences a sudden increase in traffic, the cloud infrastructure can automatically allocate additional resources to handle the load.
  11. Enhanced Security: Web Hosting Plus often includes security features such as firewalls, monitoring, and data encryption. Powerful security measures help protect your website and data from potential threats.
  12. Global Content Delivery: Web Hosting Plus may offer content delivery network (CDN) integration, allowing your website’s content to be delivered from servers located strategically around the world. This improves website loading times for users in different geographical locations.
  13. Backup and Disaster Recovery: Web Hosting Plus often includes automated backup and disaster recovery options. This ensures that your data is regularly backed up and can be quickly restored in case of unexpected issues.
  14. Developer-Friendly Environment: Some Web Hosting Plus plans offer developer-friendly features like easy integration with popular development tools, languages, and frameworks.
  15. 24/7 Customer Support: Web Hosting Plus typically provides round-the-clock customer support to assist with any technical issues or questions you may have about your hosting plan and interface.

It’s important to note that while these benefits generally apply to Web Hosting Plus, the specific features and advantages may vary depending on the hosting option you choose and any additional services or features Web Hosting Plus offers at the time of your inquiry.

Who Needs Web Hosting Plus?

Anyone who needs the power and resources of a server in an easy control panel. Web Hosting Plus can be beneficial for a wide range of individuals, businesses, and organizations with varying needs and goals. Here are some examples of who can benefit from Web Hosting Plus:

  1. Small and Medium-Sized Businesses (SMBs): SMBs often have fluctuating website traffic. Web Hosting Plus scalability allows them to handle sudden traffic spikes without investing in dedicated hardware.
  2. E-commerce Websites: Online stores experience varying levels of traffic, especially during sales events or holidays. Web Hosting Plus can ensure optimal performance during peak times.
  3. Startups: Startups may have unpredictable growth patterns. Web Hosting Plus allows them to start small and easily scale up as their user base expands.
  4. Websites with High Traffic Variability: Websites that experience unpredictable traffic patterns, such as news sites, event registration portals, and blogs, benefit from Web Hosting Plus has the ability to handle traffic fluctuations.
  5. Developers and Agencies: Developers and agencies often work on multiple projects with different resource needs. Web Hosting Plus allows them to allocate resources as required for each project.
  6. Apps and Web Services: Apps and web services that need to be accessible and responsive from various locations benefit from Web Hosting Plus content delivery network (CDN) capabilities.
  7. Companies with Global Audience: Businesses catering to a global audience can utilize Web Hosting Plus to deploy servers in different regions, reducing latency and improving user experience.
  8. Resource-Intensive Applications: Applications that require significant computational power or storage can take advantage of Web Hosting Plus’s ability to allocate resources on demand.
  9. Testing and Development Environments: Web Hosting Plus provides a cost-effective solution for creating and testing development environments without investing in physical infrastructure.
  10. Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery: Organizations seeking robust backup and disaster recovery solutions can use Web Hosting Plus to store critical data offsite and quickly recover in case of emergencies.
  11. Collaborative Projects: Teams working on collaborative projects can benefit from Web Hosting Plus’s ability to facilitate easy access to files and resources from multiple locations.
  12. Growing Websites and Apps: Websites or applications that expect to grow over time can leverage Web Hosting Plus scalability to accommodate increased traffic and resource requirements.

Web Hosting Plus goes beyond the basics and offers additional features and resources to enhance your website’s performance, security, and functionality. But it is important to assess your specific needs, budget, and growth expectations when considering the Web Hosting Plus option.

While Web Hosting Plus offers many advantages, it may not be a suitable fit for very small-budget websites, in such a case you may try regular cPanel Hosting.