How To Anonymously Browse Certain Web Pages Without Signing Out From Your Google Account ?

Instead of signing out from your personal device, alternatively you can easily visit certain web pages anonymously without signing off from your Google Account.

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How To Check Your Content Uniqueness Before Publishing It In Your WordPress Site ?

Copyscape has launched its new premium plugin that allows you to check your blog post and other content uniqueness by searching it on web for duplicate content. The plugin uses Copyscape Premium API for checking the duplicate content on the web so you should have a premium copyscape account to use this plugin in your WordPress install.

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Replace Default Plugin, Theme & Post Editors With Fast AJAX Powered Editors

WP Editor is a powerful WordPress plugin that replaces the default WP plugin, theme including the page/post editor with new fast AJAX powered editors that provides you a rich working environ. The plugin completely reworks default WordPress file editing capabilities using AJAX to retrieve files and folders. WP Editor automatically sets a new standard for speed and reliability in a web-based editing atmosphere.

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How To Add Precise Custom Spacing Between Lines Inside Your WordPress Posts & Post Types ?

Like in various office documents you can easily insert line spacing simply by pressing a button. Now you can easily insert space between lines in  your WordPress blog posts, pages and other content types by using Spacer, a free plugin that adds a spacer button in visual editor present in add new/ edit content pages.

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How To Automatically Uppercase The First Alphabet After FullStop In WordPress ?

While working in various office document like Liber Office Writer etc, they automatically capitalizes the very first letter after full stop. Now you can use a similar feature in your WordPress site’s posts, pages and other content types.

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How To Show Your Live Skype Status Updates & Contact In WordPress ?

Using Neat Skype Status (Custom Images and AJAX) you can show your Skype status  in your WordPress site. The plugin provides you a simple light Skype for your WordPress site. You can use it in post, page, as widget or float it with Official or Custom Images showing your online status updates without reloading the page.

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Wikipedia Style jQuery Based Archive List Widget For Your WordPress Site

Just like jQuery Categories List Widget about which we have discussed in last article, this tutorial is on a similar plugin created by the same author having same feature but this plugin is for displaying jQuery based post archive listingjQuery Archive List Widget provides you a widget and shortcode with filter to display a collapsible archive list in your website’s sidebar or any other widget area.

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Wikipedia Style jQuery Based Category List Widget For Your WordPress Site

You might have observed in Wikipedia and other Mediawiki based websites; they provides you jQuery based category listings, you can browse the sub categories simply by clicking the plus(+) button which expands the category list. This article is on a simple WordPress widget plugin that provides you a jQuery based category listing widget.

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Create Beautiful WordPress Forms Visually In Minutes Without Writing Any PHP, HTML Or CSS

Using Visual Form Builder you can easily create beautiful and fully functional forms in just a few minutes using all visual actions from your admin area dashboard. You don’t need to know HTML, CSS and PHP for this.

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How To Display Custom Alert Messages Inside Your WordPress Posts, Widgets And Other Content Types ?

You can very easily create and display alert inside your WordPress blog posts, pages and even widgets. Easy Alert Shortcode allows you to do so in a very easy way, using this plugin you can turn any text inside your content to an alert simply by enclosing it in the [alert] shortcode, also you can use different colors in your alert messages.

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How To Automatically Reset All Passwords During Emergencies In WordPress ?

Here is a new, powerful and easiest way of resetting all user passwords of your WordPress site and email them automatically to your user’s email accounts. Now during emergencies you can automatically reset all user passwords (including admin password) instantly in just a click.

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Few Funny & Interesting Features Of Google Search

Google Gravity AffectGoogle Gravity shows Gravitational force affecting Google’s Home Page. Simply visit the URL and watch Google falling from top to bottom then getting shattered in to small pieces.

Google Gravity

You Can Do A Barrel Roll: Typing ‘Do a barrel roll’ in Google Search Box Rotates it on its own axis


Google MentalPlex: Search simply by thinking without typing anything in search box. Follow this URL

Google Mental Plex

Google Turned into a Playable Guitar: You can play Guitar in Google using your mouse and keyboard. Follow this URL and start playing.

Google Guitar

You Can Play Popular Pacman Game: Visit to and start playing version of this famous game.

Google Pacman Game

You Can Tilt Google Search Results Page Simply type Tilt and see what happens.

Google Tilt

How To Easily Convert PDF To Excel Spreadsheet Online ?

Using Pdftoexcel.Org you can easily convert your PDF (Portable Document File(s)) to excel spreadsheets by following two very easy steps. So first of all visit Pdftoexcel.Org and then follow the given steps.

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How To Enlarge The First Alphabet Of WordPress Blog Posts & Custom Post Types ?

Drop Caps is an old WordPress plugin that many bloggers use for making the first alphabet larger than the normal font size of your website content. It works for posts, pages and comments  Although the plugin hasn’t ben updated in over 2 years but still it works fine in latest WP release i.e. 3.5.1 . I have already check it and it is working fine. The plugin comes with some cool CSS styling and lots of other options.

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How To Easily Create Shortcodes In WordPress?

You can easily create and add custom code as a shortcode inside your WordPress blog posts, pages and other shortcode supported areas without creating any new plugin file or adding shortcode hacks in your theme functions etc. My Shortcodes is a free WordPress plugin that lets you create custom shortcode elements or you can download and install shortcodes made by other My Shortcodes users.

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How To Generate A Secure Password While Adding Or Updating New Users In WordPress ?

Simple User Password Generator simply adds a secure password generator button on WordPress Add New & Edit User pages, using this new button site administrators can easily generate a secure password for their users.

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Top 15 Websites To Search For Images Which You Can Use In Your Blog Posts

Here is a list of some popular websites where you can search for different kinds of images from various categories which you can use with your blog posts as featured thumbnails or content related photographs but remember to cross check the license and always give required credit to images you use in your website.

WordPress JavaScript Editor For Adding Custom JavaScript To Your Website

Custom JavaScript Editor plugin is a powerful official WordPress release that add a JavaScript editor  you can use for easily adding custom Javascripts in your WordPress install direct from your admin area dashboard.

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