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Top 5 Popular YouTube Alternative Websites

YouTube is the most popular video sharing website and is also a great platform for individuals but sometimes its not good for some business people especially in business because of certain rules, regulations and also limitations in some areas like its analytics data is too basic, branding, it places ads over your videos which hurts your product branding etc. So if you are looking up for alternatives to YouTube then here are some good and popular websites.

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Send Encrypted & Password Protected Information That Shred After Viewing

Instead of sending sensitive notes in plain text you can send them in an encrypted, password protected format and also you can get notified when they’re been read and then shred.

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How To Use A Live News Ticker Inside WordPress Post Types ?

You can easily place am ajaxified live ticker inside any of your WordPress Post, Page and other Custom Post Types using a simple shortcode [ticker].

Installation & Usage

First install and activate the new Liveticker WordPress Plugin. Upon activation the plugin adds a new menu ‘Liveticker’ in your admin section Dashboard:

  1. Create an initial Ticker Post and allocate it to the initiated Ticker. Now publish the Ticker Post.
  2. Open a post, page, CPT or whatever where you want to place your Ticker.
  3. Use the shortcode [ticker slug] in the text. Remember to replace the word slug with your actual ticker slug from the initiated Ticker you created in earlier step. Save the post.
  4. Now you can create Ticker Posts just by clicking Add New in the Ticker Post-Section.

Screenshot showing tick edit screen:

Screenshot showing content edit with ticker shortcode inserted:

Screenshot showing frontend look with the standard-settings:

Using this new menu you can easily create and manage tickers, you can set ticker refresh interval time, use custom CSS and use own RSS-Feeds for each ticker you created, you can initiate unlimited tickers on your Posts; not in a single post, but in different posts.

Watch YouTube Music Videos Sorted By Your Favorite Artists, Genres And Discover More

Musictonic.Com is a cool web service that lets you find out music videos from multiple sources based on what you are looking for, music videos from your favorite artists, bands and genres. It provides you a quick, user-friendly layout with very minimal advertising.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Olga Korsak About Her Debut Album Release

SPT Olga

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Olga at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Olga Korsak: Hi. My name is Olga Korsak. I was born in Riga, Latvia. I moved to Canada 5 years ago because I had a dream, I really wanted to sing!

I used to be a professional figure skater, I was multiple national Champion and winner of many international competitions around the world. At age 17 I suffered a serious back injury and was forced to leave the ice. I started to take intensive music courses to distract myself and with time I realized that all I want to do is music. There weren`t any serious opportunities for me in my Country so when I got a chance to move to Canada, I thought: “That`s your sign Olga, go!”

That`s how I ended up in Canada. It was very hard in the beginning because I came to Toronto completely alone, no English to help and 100$ in my pocket! I took endless lessons for my voice, piano , pronunciation. I worked so many different jobs to support my training and finally I am so close to make my dream happen!

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I am in Latvia now, working on my first album of originals songs! I am so blessed to be supported with so many great people! I wanna bring smiles on people faces through my music, because the best reward for me is when I see people are moved and touched by my songs!

Unfortunately the album cost big money and with help of my friends and teachers we created a campaign to raise missing funds for my album. People can click the link, watch the video about my life story and how i got where I am right now, chose to pre-order the album or tickets to my concert and help me to collect missing amount of money to finish the album. All the money from pre-orders goes towards actual recording of the album. Check out our campaign:

Shardul Pandey: So currently you are recording your debut album of original songs, when do you think it will be released? Please briefly describe your sound and your debut album ? Tell us about the songs which you have already written and recorded ?

Olga Korsak: The album will be released on March 1st/2014. It will consist of 12 original songs, both music and lyrics are written by me. I am not writing about something I do not feel or not familiar with, all my songs are about some events which touched my life one or the other way. It is hard for me to talk about something what bothering me, about memories or hopes, about happiness or sadness, it is much easier to tell the story using the notes. I hope listeners will find themself in my songs, I do hope I can do some good using my creative work.

We don`t revile for now the name of the album, it will be opened to the public after the first song is released. Please follow the news on my facebook fan page

The style I am using for my music is pop, jazz, art pop, indie pop, baroque pop, soul.

We just started to work on the album, all songs are in a creative process. You can listen some live recordings of the songs on the youtube. I do not like telling what they are about, it is better when the listener discover himself/herself.

Shardul Pandey: OK, the name of your album will be opened to public after the first song is released. Any rough idea of your first song release date, it is a music video release ?

Olga Korsak: We are planning to release the first song and a music video at the same day, the date is chosen to be February 1st/2014. We will do our best to keep our promise and be on time. I am so excited about the music video we are shooting in October here in Riga, Latvia. More then 20 talented and most of them already well known people will be working on set. The song is almost ready and I am with excitement looking at the preparation process. I can not wait to work with a young and promising Director Lauris Beinerts. He is also from Latvia but currently working and living in London, Great Britain. So again do not forget to like my facebook fan page and be the First to watch the music video ;)

Shardul Pandey: And what you do for entertainment ? How long have you lived in Latvia and what keeps you there with music?

Olga Korsak: When I am not busy with my music I always use a chance to spend time with my friends or go closer to the nature, nothing re-charge human battery better than trees and lakes! I also like active time spending, in the summer it is running, swimming, biking, hiking but winter time snowboarding, snow ball fighting, dancing. I also read and enjoy good movies, I even taking acting courses and planning in the future to do some acting.

I was born in Latvia and spent 20 years of my life here. I left to Canada almost 5 years ago and now I can honestly say that Toronto became my home. I do miss Riga and it`s small streets, my parents and childhood friends but unfortunately Riga couldn`t give me opportunities to making art. I am so glad I got a chance to record my album here at home, I can spend time with my family and walk those familiar streets again.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Olga Korsak: Dear Netizens, if you do have a dream , no meter small it is or big , do not give up. We have only one life to live and do not let anyone to live it for you! Thank you so much for reading about my project and I can not wait to perform for you! Please visit my Indiegogo campaign to watch the full story about my life and listening me sing.

How To Block Calls In Android ? Top 3 Call Blocker Android Apps

Here are some popular android application you can use for blocking calls and text messages in your Android device.You can block any number or numbers with specific area code, you can report spam for calls, SMS and MMS

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How To Disable All Annoying Stuff & Ads In YouTube Videos ?

Disabling annoying stuff in YouTube means removing all that stuff which appears while watching a video on YouTube. YouTube Options is a powerful Google Chrome extension which charges up your YouTube with cool new options and features. It includes advertisements, annotations, change resolution, display size etc.

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How To Get Lyrics Of Any Song Playing In YouTube, Last FM Etc ?

Yes you can very easily view lyrics of songs playing on YouTube,, Grooveshark and Google Play without any annoying popups, tabs and windows. Lyrics for Google Chrome is a cool chrome app that automatically fetches lyrics from sites like YouTube,, Groove shark and Google Play without any pop ups. Also it enables you to manually search lyrics directly from your YouTube videos page.

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How To Download Facebook Photos In Bulk ?

Facebook already provides you option to download single images but there are no default options for downloading Facebook images in bulk. Bulk Download Images(ZIG) is an easy tool that allows you to download images present in your Facebook photo albums.

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How To Disable Facebook Message ‘SEEN’ Notification From Chat & Messenger ?

Sometime back Facebook introduced a new ‘Seen’ feature that simply notifies its users when their private message or chat is seen by the receiver. You can easily disable Facebook ‘Seen’ notification option from there if you are a Google Chrome user.

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Make Your Facebook Account Fabulous By Removing Ads, Changing Colors And Much More

Yes this is possible to disable Facebook advertisements and enjoy its clean look in your Google Chrome web-browser. Fabulous, a powerful chrome extension allows you to block ads and sponsored stories from your Facebook account. Not only this much but it provides you various more cool features to customize your Facebook account color, background etc.

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Top 3 Great Ways Of Embedding Twitter Tweets In WordPress

Twitter already provides you inbuilt widget creation features. Other than this WordPress also provides you oEmbed for twitter, you can enable oEmbed in your WordPress site from Dashboard -> Settings -> Media page and then you can embed a tweet simply by pasting its URL inside your post or page content.

This article is on few other WordPress plugins that extends tweet embed features in WordPress and allows you to do some more good things with your tweets.

Tweet Blender

Tweet Blender is a popular WordPress plugin that provides you various Twitter Widgets like you can

  • Display your own tweets
  • Display tweets for hashtags
  • Display tweets for twitter lists
  • Display tweets relevant to your post content (like Huffingtonpost)

The plugin supports multiple authors, keywords and hashtags. With Tweet Blender you can display tweets from a single user or a list of users. Also you can display tweets from a certain topic, multiple hashtags or keywords, various lists, authors etc. There is a long list of this plugin features.

Screenshot showing Tweets archive page: [view more screenshots here]

Installation & Usage:

After activation specify your configuration settings from Dashboard -> Settings -> Tweet Blender admin page. You will be needing to authenticate to Twitter and allow read-only access to tweet stream (present under the Status tab).

The plugin provides you widgets you can use in your sidebar, shortcodes to use inside your posts/pages and templates to use inside your theme files.

Fetch Tweets

Fetch Tweets is another plugin for fetching and showing Twitter tweets. With this plugin you can display tweets by specifying username, search results, keywords, Lists and yes you can show up combined results by adding multiple rules.

For displaying the fetched tweets the plugin provides you Widget, Shortcode, PHP Code and Custom Templates.

Installation & Usage:

Install and activate the plugin then follow the given steps:

  1. After activation you can set a rule from Dashboard -> Fetch Tweets -> Add Rule by User Name or Add Rule by Keyword.
  2. For using its widgets visit Appearance -> Widgets and use Fetch Tweets by Rule Set. You can set the rule in the widget form itself.
  3. The plugin also provides you shortcode to use in your posts, pages. Use the shortcode
    [fetch_tweets id="123"]

    Replacing 123 with your rule ID. Rule ID can be found in the Fetch Tweets admin page in your dashboard.

Screenshot showing widget settings: [view more screenshots]

For more usage instruction refer to the Other Notes section here.

Rotating Tweets (Twitter widget and shortcode)

As clear from its name, the plugin provides you widget and shortcodes for displaying Twitter Tweets. It is used for displaying one tweet at a time with rotation which means one tweets gets automatically and smoothly replaced by the other. Display is responsive and it shows up the recent tweets even if Twitter is down. Check out the plugin working here.

Installation & Usage:

After activation you can use its widget from Appearance -> Widgets page or you can display it via shortcode (inside your posts and pages etc) like:

[rotatingtweets screen_name='your_twitter']

The plugin allows you to decide how you want to show up tweets, you can set the number of tweets to display, you can include retweets and replies and even display a follow button if you like.

Checkout its its shortcode parameters here.

You can also set Tweets rotation speed and animation type to use in Tweet rotation.

How To Create A Twitter Application ?

Most of the above plugins uses Twitter Application, API so following are he instructions on how you can create your Twitter Application, it takes a few minutes:

  1. Visit My applications page on the Twitter website. Login with your Twitter username and password.
  2. If you don’t already have a suitable ‘application’ then create one from the Create an Application page. It’s normally best to use the name, description and website URL of the website where you plan to use Rotating Tweets. You don’t need a Callback URL if you are setting it up for the plugins discussed here.
  3. After clicking Create your Twitter application, click on Create my access token.
  4. Now copy the Consumer keyConsumer secretAccess token and Access token secret from your Twitter application page and use it wherever required.

Randomly Browse Appropriate Websites As Per Your Mood

Yes you can instantly open appropriate websites as per your mood by using Wild Mood Swings, a free online service that provides you a tool to pick up the mood you are in and then a click of button takes you to a new but appropriate website according to selected mood.

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Easily Create Stunning WordPress Mobile Landing Pages Using Easy Drag & Drop Interface

MobileChief – Mobile Site Builder is a cool mobile site creator plugin for WordPress. With this plugin you can easily create stunning mobile landing pages with an easy AJAX based drag and drop interface. This is not a Mobile Theme plugin that automatically optimizes your site for mobile devices but it allows you to create new content in new mobile sites, it provides you the power to create mobile sites.

Installation & Usage: Install and activate MobileChief – Mobile Site Builder plugin. After activation it adds a new menu in admin section of your WordPress site. Using this new ‘Mobile Site Builder’ admin menu you can start creating mobile site, manage plugin options.

Creating Mobile Sites:


Editing Mobile Page:

Mobile Sites Page:

You can easily create unlimited Mobile Sites each with unlimited pages from a single WordPress installation. Even each mobile site can have it own theme, options, pages and content etc. All themes are Mobile optimized for all small and large devices, even looks good on big screens and laptops.

Phonix: New Fully Responsive Business WordPress Theme With Clean Layout

Phonix is the brand new WordPress theme with simple, clean and fully responsive layout loaded with beautiful features of customization and slider etc. Its responsive layout makes it compatible with smartphone devices, perfect for business websites.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Carly Krantz, A Southern Rock Singer

Shardul Pandey Talks To Carly Krantz

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Carly at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Carly Krantz: My name is Carly Krantz and I’m a southern rock singer from Atlanta, GA. I’ve been playing piano a writing music since I was a kid but I wasn’t always able to sing. It was something I decided I wanted to do in high school, so I joined choir and practiced 24/7 until I sounded even halfway decent. When I turned 21 I joined a band called Kenotia and we signed to Sumerian Records out of LA. We released our ep You’ve Dug Your Grave, Now Lie in It in October 2007 and had multiple songs on MTV’s The Hills. After Kenotia disbanded I started working with different producers and writers in Atlanta and really focused on my songwriting. After working with so many talented musicians I finally found my musical niche in country/southern rock music. I’m currently working on my first solo ep and I hope I have it recorded by the end of this year. You can keep up with my shenanigans at

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to briefly explain your sound, your First EP to people who have not yet heard your music ? How long have you been working on this project for ? Tell us about the songs which you have already recorded/written ?

Carly Krantz: My sound is southern rock/country influenced. I’ve always loved the Allman Brothers, Lynyrd Skynyrd and even Kid Rock’s newer stuff because I feel like it’s a good solid mix of country and rock and that’s what I hope to capture with my ep. I’ve been writing with a very talented writer named Jeff Silver who lives in Atlanta and we have been working on this batch of songs for a good 6 months, but really I’ve been working towards this specific project for the past couple of years, experimenting and trying to find where my voice belongs.

The songs I have now are different from any songs I’ve written in the past not just because of content but even just the thought process behind them. Being in an indie rock band, you kind of have the liberty to just say what’s on your mind, but when you’re writing mainstream music and especially country music, you really have to put in a lot of thought as to what you’re saying and how you’re saying it. Sometimes Jeff and I will spend an hour on writing just one line, which is something I’ve never done before but you can definitely see the quality difference in the lyrics i’m writing now as opposed to lyrics I wrote 5 years ago. As far as lyrical content, the songs are loosely based on me but are more relatable to the general public and that’s something I’ve never done before. I used to write songs so specific to my situation that I think it may have been hard for people to relate to but the songs I have now can be enjoyed by anybody.

Shardul Pandey: You said that your most important goal is to finish writing songs in Nashville with top country songwriter. Do you have any ultimate goals ? Success can mean many different things so what does success mean to you ?

Carly Krantz: My ultimate goal is and always has been to be able to make a decent living off of music and to be able to tour most of the year. I’ve never specifically wanted to be a superstar, I’ve always just wanted to be able to do music full time. If I could look into my future a few years, what I’d really like to see is me touring 500 person venues and writing for other artists. I don’t need a label, if that comes along it’s a bonus. I just want music to be my career. Success can mean a lot of different things to different people, and I think someone is successful when they’re completely happy and satisfied with what they’ve achieved.

Shardul Pandey: So how our netizens can help you finish and record your EP with professional musicians and producers ?

Carly Krantz: I really struggled with the idea of a fundraising campaign for myself, it’s not something I decided overnight. I hate asking for help and I especially hate asking for money but when I got the invite to Nashville and Atlanta, I knew I wasn’t going to be able to travel, record and pay musicians unless I reached out for assistance. The main reason I gave in and created my campaign was because Indiegogo creates a reward system for both parties, so not only are people donating to me but I also get to give them things in return. People can see what my campaign is all about here:

And yes, donations help me immensely but even just sharing the link on Facebook is a huge help!

The most important thing I want to leave people with is that this ep is something I’ve wanted to do my entire life, my music on my terms the way I want to do it. It’s something I’ve been working towards for the past 13 years and to get to finish this ep would be a dream come true. I truly appreciate every one’s help whether it was money, sharing my links or just a general appreciation for the music I’ve created, it means the world to me and it’s not something I’ll ever take for granted. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you!!!

How To Use Unique Custom Mouse Pointers In WordPress ?

You can easily activate a custom mouse pointer for the visitors who access your website in the frontend. Unique Cursor is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to select a custom mouse pointer.

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How To Enable Featured Images For WordPress Categories, Tags & Other Taxonomies ?

Featured Images for Categories is the brand new WordPress plugin that enables you to set featured images on your blog’s default and custom taxonomies like categories, tags and other custom taxonomy types etc. Not only this much but then you can easily display a gallery styled block of images using a widget or shortcode.

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Automatically Reformat WordPress Content Optimized For Apple iPhone, iPod Touch & Android Viewing

iWPhone is the new WordPress plugin that enables a mobile theme and reformats your WordPress based site content for better optimized viewing on Apple’s iPhoe, iPod touch and also Android devices. The plugin automatically detects the device and shows up your content in a cool mobile theme.

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