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4522 Articles

How To Temporary Disable The Frontend Of Your WordPress Site?

Disable Site simply disables the frontend of your WordPress site and provides you option to show a custom message or you can use its splash page and all you can instantly in a button click.

How To Start? Simply install and activate Disable Site plugin then visit your admin area Dashboard -> Disable Site page:

And you can do following thing:

  1. Enable Splash Page OR Use Custom Output HTML
  2. You can enable or disable Admin Access (Whether or not administrators can access the site while the splash page is enabled.)
  3. You can enable or disable Authenticated User Access (Whether or not authenticated users can access the site while the splash page is enabled.)

Turn WordPress Visual Editor Bar Sticky & More Useful

When you are writing any long blog post etc and the text grows, the mceToolbar goes away after you scroll down and for using its buttons you again scroll back to top. But now you can make that TinyMCE toolbar stick in a click without losing the symmetry and the beauty of WordPress.

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Replacing Default Post Date With ‘Long Ago’ Style In WordPress

A Long Time Ago” lets you use “Posted x time ago” style which is popular on various social media website like you might have seen “Just now”, “2 hours ago”, “Yesterday”, “on Thursday”, “3 weeks ago”, “1 year ago” around posts. This WordPress plugin does the same thing, it uses same format replacing the default post time style like “Posted on 01/01/2011 at 11:11”.

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ResumUP To Know What Else You Need For Achieving Your Career Goals

ResumUP is a web service designed to show who and what you need to know for achieving your career goals. It generates a step by step career path based on your professional aspirations, network and experience helping you to achieve your career goals.

You can easily start by visiting its website and proceeding via Facebook or LinkedIn account or you can sign-up directly by your email or you can install its chrome application and use your Google Account.

How To Clear Widgets Cache When Using Any WordPress Cache Plugin?

There are many cache plugins site owners use for making their website fast and reducing resource usage and the common problem that comes is they do not know (cache plugins like W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache) when a widget is updated and hence even after you make changes in your website widgets, they keep on showing that old content. In most WordPress cache plugins, caching system is no smarter when it comes to updating widgets.

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There Has Been A Corporate Conspiracy To Fight The Free Software Effect So It Has To Fight Back

The free Software concept such as GPL has demolishing power against software companies, which make huge profits by plundering the ignorant and helpless people across all countries. By now Linux has been most successful mass collaboration in the history of coding a program. Still its overshadowing its operating system GNU has almost been a corporate conspiracy since otherwise they were unable to fight the concept of free software.

The free software effect has not yet been liberated through an independent economy of free software programmers. Once we globally fix-up minimum acceptable wage for per hour of free software support, the world will not remain the same as it has been in software business. There has been a clear-cut corporate conspiracy to fight the free software effect so it has to fight back.

GNU & Android Operating Systems Use Linux As Kernel

When Richard Stallman was writing a new operating system as free software in 1983, he had to name it distinctively but meaningfully in its historical consequence. So he decided to name that something that is ‘Not Unix’. To do so he tried to find out a word ending with ‘nu’. His search ended up at an animal usually found in sub-Saharan forests of Africa named ‘gnu’. Thus the new operating system was named for ‘GNU is Not UNIX’.

Indeed GNU was not UNIX but it needed a kernel to get completed. That was got written by Linus Torvalds in Helsinki in 1991 so named as ‘Linux’. By 2008 using same Linux kernel another operating system for mobile devices got released that is known as Android. Like nobody bothers to call that Linux, nobody is correct in calling GNU also as Linux. In fact Linux has become a widely used kernel in at-least two major operating systems, which actually are GNU and Android.

How To Play Music Using USB Pendrive On Chromebook?

Songist is a free application that works both on ChromeOS & Google Chrome browser and allows you to play songs stored in your USB stick. Using this app you can play music offline using a simple USB drive on your Chromebook. Other chrome users may also use it for playing music stored on their hard disk drive.

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Adding Bottom Right Corner Pop-up Ad Simply With An Image URL In WordPress

Here is quickest way of showing an ad in bottom right corner of your WordPress site simply with an image URL, no other settings to make or set. Pop-up Ads Bottom Right Corner allows you to display add with an image URL and the advertisements pops-up in a windows vista type dialog box and your users may close that by clicking the ‘X’ button.

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How To Collect & Share Videos Directly From Your Google Drive?

Pixorial Video allows you to collect, share and tell stories with your videos directly from your Google Drive. It allows you edit and share videos which you have uploaded to Google Drive. It makes sharing more fast and easy and lets you bring all your videos in the cloud. You can add new videos to your library: mobile, digital, vintage, and even videos from your friends.

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Creating & Sharing Crazy GIFs (Animated Images) Online

PsykoGif is a cloud based webservice that provides you a cool photo booth app you can use for making crazy animations. Using PsykoGif you can very easily create GIFs, save them or share them online in just a few simple steps.


To start what all you have to do is

  1. Visit
  2. Click ‘Create’ button, use your webcam, shoot
  3. Generate and save/share your GIFs

Powerful Tool For Creating New Custom Widgets For Your WordPress Site

Widget Builder, a free WordPress plugin that lets you manually build custom widgets for your WordPress based website. It simply allows you to create predefined content widgets using native WordPress editing interface. The widgets can be used in multiple widget areas or sidebars while being centrally configured.

How to start creating new widgets with widget builder plugin?

Install and activate Widget Builder plugin than follow the given steps:

Step-1 Visit Widget Builder’s create widget screen and create your widget

Step-2 Now visit Appearance -> Widgets page and see for your new listed widget

Step-3 Now use your custom widget by dragging it to a widget area

The plugin is compatible and tested on both single and multisite installations. It allows you to create both frontend and admin area (dashboard) widgets. Its main features are:

  • MU Compatible
  • Create admin dashboard widgets NEW!
  • Link the image
  • Title and Description
  • Customize “Read More” link text
  • Very versatile. All fields are optional.
  • Supports override of template so that you can override the template for your theme!

IconSmash – Explore & Download Free Icons From Cloud

IconSmash is webservice that lets you explore free icons. It has hundreds of thousands of free icons all ready for download. You can enjoy awesome icons on various categories like for fun, business, holidays, Christmas, and create stunning presentations using these great pieces of clip-art.

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Cloud Based MP3 Cutter, Jointer, Converter & Recorder

Here are some good web services from, the applications allows you to cut, join covert or record audio files. Using these apps you can cut out a piece of music for creating ringtones & alarmtones etc, you can merge multiple audio files into a single track, you can convert audio files online from one format into another or record a voice using a microphone.

Online Audio Cutter

Online Audio Cutter allows you to effortlessly cut out a desired musical fragment from an MP3 file or a file in other formats, in order, for example to set it up as a customized ringtone for your mobile phone. Our web application is free; it was designed for a single purpose, which makes it easy to use unlike complicated professional audio editors.

audio cutter

Features: Support of all major audio and video formats, Create your own iPhone ringtones, Cut sound from a video file, Fade-in and fade-out functions

Online Audio Joiner

Online Audio Joiner is designed to merge several songs (mp3, m4a, wav, etc) into a single track. The program is absolutely free and operates online; therefore you don’t need to install it on your computer. Just open the browser and start merging.

audio jointer

Features: Seamless Merging, Cross-fade, Support of Most Audio and Video Formats, User-Friendly Interface, Interval Adjustment, Merge Unlimited Number of Songs.

Online Audio Converter

Online Audio Converter allows converting audio into a wide range of major formats such as mp3, wav, ogg, m4a, m4r, flac. Because the audio files are converted online, you don’t have to install the software on your computer. Just open the browser and start converting.

audio converter

Features: Support of All Major Formats, Multiple Files Support, Extracting Sound from a Video, Advanced Conversion Settings, Tag Support.

Online Voice Recorder

audio recorder

Online Voice Recorder is a free simple application which records sound from microphone. After recording you can trim the sound and save it to your computer.

Easy Cloud Based Video Cutter For Cutting Sections Of Any Video

Online Video Cutter provides you an easy feature of cutting videos and removing unwanted parts from them. It supports most video formats and also allows you to cut videos from YouTube.

video cutter

To start, visit, click ‘Open a file‘ button for uploading video from your hard drive, cut and save.

Powerful Offline Reddit Client For Chromebook Users

Reditr – The Best Reddit Client is a desktop based Chrome application developed for Reddit with an intuitive column design with fast browsing. The application allows you to view multiple subreddits at once via column interface, view one subreddit in great detail via stream interface, you can instantly reply to any message or post you see without leaving the page, provides you with automatic draft saving feature so you never lose what you’ve typed on Reddit again.

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Reviewgine Affiliate: New WordPress Theme Specially Designed For Affiliate Marketing Websites

Reviewgine Affiliate is a free WordPress theme built for the next generation of affiliate marketing websites. It provides you many customization options, comes with a great SEO, cutting-edge design, integrated widgets, advanced theme options and an advanced review system is all you need for starting making money online.

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Adaptive Image Optimization For Responsive WordPress Sites

Image optimization becomes very important for responsive WordPress site because your website is being viewed on smaller, slower, low bandwidth devices then all desktop-centric images loads very slowly, cause UI lag, and hence cost you and your visitors unnecessary bandwidth and money. This tutorial is on adaptive images plugin that fixes this thing.

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Top 3 WordPress Plugins For Listing Child Pages On Parent Page

Unlike to posts, WordPress pages allows you to create sub/child pages of any page. This is done from page attributes widget present on Dashboard -> Pages -> Add New page. By default WordPress doesn’t provides you any option for listing child pages but most WP themes allows you to show them as dropdown menu in navigation. Now this article is on few good WordPress plugins you may use for listing child pages on their main parent page so that you can make things easy for your visitors specially if you are not showing them on navigation.

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Easily Upload, Share, Backup & Sync Photos To Google+ Via Offline Chromebook App

First thing you should know is that this application works only on ChromeOS. It will not work on regular Google Chrome or Chromium browsers installed on other operating systems. So for Chromebook users, Google+ Photos is an application made by Google for uploading and sharing photos to Google+ easily from Chromebook. The application also works offline and keeps all your photos backed up, automatically organized and ready to share

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How To Analyze Your Google+ Social Performace & Get Insights?

+Analytix is a Chrome extension that provides you a very easy tool for analysing your Google+ performance like it provides you the insights about +1’s, resharing, number of comments and views.  The application is really very easy to use. Simply add it in your Chromebook or your Google Chrome web browser then launch it. It instantly opens up a new page were you can type any Google+ profile URL and grab the insights.

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