Tag Archives: WordPress

How To Install Plugins In WordPress?

Plugins are the WordPress addons that can extend it to do almost anything you can imagine. WordPress Plugins Repository is loaded with thousands of free plugin which you can find and install right from your WordPress site’s admin area dashboard. This tutorial provides you a step by step guide on installing new plugins in WordPress.

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How To Stop WordPress Comment Spams With Google reCAPTCHA?

A vast majority of comment spams gets automatically blocked by Akismet, but still you must have noticed that many kinds of spambots that successfully post comments on your website, here comes the use of CAPTCHA to block spam comments. In this tutorial we will provide you some easy steps to enable reCAPTCHA for your WordPress site.

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How To Create A Social Networking Website With BuddyPress?

This tutorial is about creating a powerful and useful social networking website for business, family or whatever. You can easily create one in minutes if you a have a WordPress website. BuddyPress is a free plugin which transforms your WordPress installation in to a social network with powerful social networking features like Extended User Profiles, Activity Streams, Member Account Settings, Friend Connections, Internal Private Messaging, User Groups, Notifications, Site Tracking and there are thousands of good BuddyPress plugins available to extend your networking options & features.

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How To Create Reuseable Photo Galleries In WordPress?

WordPress already has a built-in feature for creating and inserting photo galleries inside your posts, pages, custom post types etc. This tutorial is about a free plugin that extends default WordPress gallery feature and enables you to create re-useable photo galleries which you can edit anytime and keep them saved and easily accessible. Hence, now there is no need of creating same galleries again and again or digging inside your old content to copy old gallery shortcodes.

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How To Create, Send & Track Awesome Newsletters With WordPress?

Newsletter is a really powerful WordPress plugin that lets you easily create & control an awesome newsletter system with unlimited emails, subscribers and newsletter tracking (know when your newsletter is clicked) directly from your WordPress admin area dashboard. The plugin is loaded with lots of options and features which makes it highly customizable but sometime lots of options confuses the new WordPress users. In this tutorial we will make things easy by providing you a quick installation and usage steps for this newsletter plugin.

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How To Use Animated 3D Roll Over Links In WordPress?

3D roll over is a stylish way of adding in-content links (both internal & external) inside your WordPress posts, page and other custom post types. 3D Roll Over Links is the new WordPress plugin that enables you to do this very easily in your website, after activation the plugin automatically starts using the 3D roll animation for each and every link you have added in your website content.

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How To Use WordPress Support Forums To Get Your Problem Resolved?

Just like our domain & hosting support forums, WordPress forums also got a wide range of resources to help you get the most out of it. There are various ways of finding a solution for the problem you are facing with WordPress usage. You can head over to official WordPress.org documentation, you can search for a solution at SANGKRIT.net, you can download our WordPress PDF Guide. If your question is regarding our WordPress post, plugin review or tutorial then use the comment form.

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How To Use Iconic Navigation In WordPress Menus?

Using iconic navigation in WordPress menus means you can assign an icon for each navigation menu item you create via Appearance -> Menus admin page. The icons automatically uses your theme CSS and looks awesome with all WordPress themes. You can either choose an icon from 1400 font icon set provided by the plugin or if you already have icon(s) then you can upload it to WordPress media library and then use it for your navigation menu(s).

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How To Completely Get Rid Of WordPress Comments In One Click?

We have posted a lot of tutorials on customizing the default functionality of comments in WordPress. Like you can enable email notifications only on comment’s reply, you can selectively apply no-follow link relationship for WordPress comments,  turning off comments notifications from reaching your inbox, paginating WordPress comments, how to feature or bury comments in WordPress, disabling comments by referrers and there are many-many more tutorials you can search here. Today in this tutorial we will tell you how to completely disable WordPress comments feature in a click of a button.

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How To Internally Link Your WordPress Scheduled Posts?

WordPress allows you to easily link to existing posts, the ‘Insert Link‘ feature that works from your Add New/Edit post page allows you to insert existing blog post links in a click of a button. But what when you have scheduled a number of posts for future publishing and now you need referencing one of them in the content you are writing. In this tutorial we will discuss about linking any text to your scheduled post.

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How To Automatically Schedule WordPress Posts For Publishing?

Setting up automatic schedules for your posts is a great functionality for multi-author websites. Auto-Schedule Posts, a free WordPress plugin simply enables you to set time intervals between posts. You can either randomize it or select a publishing order. The plugin lets you set all important auto post scheduling parameters, even you can exclude or include manually scheduled posts as per your new auto post scheduling plan.

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How To Enable WordPress Widgets Accessibility Mode?

Accessibility on web means the websites containing web pages that everyone can use. WordPress also keeps Accessibility commitment so that anyone can easily get access to pages. This is not just for impaired and handicapped users but this is also for handicapped devices.

For Example:

Suppose you are accessing your website from a smartphone device or may be you are using any old Internet browser or if you are located on a place with very slow Internet connection or whatever.

WordPress widgets page also provides you accessibility option. You can easily turn it ON/OFF in situations where you cannot move your widgets with drag and drop feature.

Turning on ‘Accessibility Mode‘ through WordPress ‘Screen Options‘ option present in top right corner of your WordPress admin screen will make things much easier for you.

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Widgets page with Enabled Accessibility Mode displays all widgets with an ‘Add‘ button. Clicking the ‘Add‘ button on a widget opens up a new page where you can use dropdown menu for choosing a widget area (for that specific widget). Another drop down menu lets you select the widget position.

How To Use WordPress Widgets?

WordPress Widgets are the functional blocks mostly used in sidebars for adding content and features. Now-a-days WordPress Widgets are not just limited to sidebars but there are many good themes which provides you with more widget areas like Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme has three different widget areas: First is the primary sidebar (on left), second widgets area is content sidebar (on right) and the third widget area is present on the footer and hence widgets can be added on all there widget areas.

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How To Schedule Multiple Post Actions In WordPress?

Scheduling WordPress posts is a common functionality but what when you like scheduling other actions like turning a post unsticky or auto closing the comments after a few days. In this tutorial we will show you how to easily schedule all other sorts of actions associated with WordPress posts and post types.

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How To Post To WordPress From Anywhere On World Wide Web?

WordPress provides a ”Press This” bookmarklet which allows you to easily post links, text and other information to your WordPress site on the go. The bookmarklet can be used from your bookmarks bar, it has the capability to quickly create new WordPress post entries on fly.

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Top 5 Plugin Types Every Blogger Needs After Installing WordPress

After installing WordPress, there are a couple of plugins you should install to make your WordPress blog more useful and awesome for your website visitors. After WordPress is installed there are a couple of modules every blogger needs to use in his website like social sharing features so that you readers can easily share your content and help you in increasing your reach, a related posts feature will enable them to browse other useful content from your website, social links will enable them to follow you on social networks like Twitter, Facebook and Google+ etc. A PinIt button over you images will allow them to easily pin good images of your website to their Pinterest pinboards, a SEO plugin will let you see how exactly your post looks like in search results and you can use choose good keywords which are searched more often etc.

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How To Make A Static Website Using WordPress?

Sometimes people need only a static website of few pages. Many don’t want to update their websites regularly by making new blog posts instead they only use a website for showcasing some important thinks like details about their business, social media links, projects with about and contact page etc. The best thing about WordPress is that you can use it for creating any type of website like a blog, a static website, a social network, a webstore or all in one or whatever. In this tutorial we will be show you how to use WordPress as a static website.

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How To Bulk Schedule WordPress Drafts For Publishing?

Have you ever ended up writing a number of drafts or imported a bunch of drafts from other website or may be you have written various sequence wise tutorials and now you want to publish them. Default WordPress draft publishing feature is good for publishing a few drafts but when you have a long list of WordPress posts with draft status then manual publishing takes a lot of time even with the Quick Edit option. WordPress Draft Scheduler is a good solution in such cases, this WordPress plugin enables you to schedule all your WordPress drafts in bulk for future publishing with time interval defined by you.

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How To Bulk Forward Dates Of WordPress Scheduled Posts?

Forwarding all WordPress scheduled posts simply means you can bump dates of all scheduled posts to a number of days. Great utility for the bloggers who plan for very long and schedule a number of posts in advance for future publishing. For Example: Suppose you have scheduled 7 posts for the next week but incidently something new happens and you plan to spend next 3-4-days on covering and posting all exclusive information about that event.

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How To Browse & Install WordPress Themes?

New WordPress update of 3.9 provides you a stunning new theme browser that makes you search for a new theme more fast, fun and easy. Using the new theme browser you can browse new and old free themes as per your taste. You can easily filter beautiful themes with their free boundless supply coming from WordPress theme repository.

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How To Write Mathematical Equations Using LaTeX In WordPress?

LaTeX is a popular WordPress.com feature. It is a widely used typesetting system, very good for formatting mathematical formulas and equations etc. In this tutorial we will show you how to enable latex support in your self-hosted WordPress site. Official WordPress.com’s LaTeX support can easily be enabled with Jetpack plugin. First make sure Jetpack is active on you WordPress installation and then follow the given steps.

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