WordPress dashboard widgets like ‘At a Glance’, ‘Recent Activities’ and ‘WordPress News’ etc, you can easily hide them by user capabilities in your WordPress website. Great for simplify dashboard on client websites.
New WordPress plugin WP Links Page allows you to easily create dynamic links gallery showing screenshot of each link in your WordPress site. The plugin is programmed to automatically create screenshots of links and save you from the process of hardcoding links and finding right image for each website. Continue reading Create Dynamic Links Gallery With Images In WordPress→
You might have noticed ‘Link to Us’ text boxes having text and link content in them, some websites also provides you video embed code, image embed code and advertisement codes inside boxes which when clicked automatically selects all text inside them so that user can copy and make use of it. Continue reading Creating One Click Select All Text Boxes For Frontend Display In WordPress→
In this lesson we will show you how to display any widget in context to another website on your WordPress multisite network.
In context to another website means you can run any widget displaying data not from the main website but from another website of your choice that belongs to your multisite network.
There are various plugins to display recent posts, post by tag, category, RSS, post type etc. This lesson is about a more interesting plugin that enables you to show recent video embeds you have made inside your WordPress posts using iFrame. Continue reading Display Latest Video Embeds From WordPress Posts→
In this lesson you will learn how to get back lost or accidentally deleted text widgets on your WordPress based website.
You should know that when WordPress theme is changed, all unused text widgets are automatically moved to ‘Inactive Widgets’ section in your admin area widget’s admin screen. You can also manually keep unused text and other customized widgets saved in ‘Inactive Widgets’ section to use them in future. Continue reading Easily Recover Lost Text Widgets In WordPress→
Now you can make in-post and widget buttons appear in the style of admin area buttons. Earlier we have discussed about changing frontend admin bar color as per admin dashboard color scheme, we have also discussed about creating your own admin color scheme.
Conditional logic solution is new logic design for empowering site admins to keep good control over most areas on their WordPress website. It provides you control for modifying what users can and cannot do. You can also control visibility of your content according to user, group of users and currently in use page template. Continue reading Complete Conditional Logic Solution For WordPress→
Just like Mediawiki has one separate page for each article. WordPress also has separate pages for blog posts, post types and other content types. So why not use a search box showing dropdown suggestions for each article on your website instead of dropping down already searched keywords, tags etc. Continue reading Create Blazingly Fast Dropdown Search Box For WordPress→
Unlike to traditional popular posts plugins, Most Read Posts in XX days lets you to show popular posts in specified number of days. You can show post hits, counts, featured image and set the number of items to show. Continue reading Easily Show Most Read Posts On ‘X’ Days In WordPress→
Breadcrumbs are the trail navigation paths displayed on user interface of any web page or application. Breadcrumbs typically appear horizontally across the top of a web page, often above or below the content title.
There are tons of core widgets WordPress provides you and that sometime results a messy and slow widgets admin page. In this lesson we will show you how you can disable and hide core widgets from Appearance -> Widgets screen and theme customizer. Continue reading Easily Disable Unnecessary Core Widgets On WordPress Admin Panel→
You can set a widget to be displayed till specified date and time on your WordPress site.
Earlier we have discussed about controlling widgets visibility on different pages and sections on your website. We have also discussed about using Jetpack Widget visibility module that allows you to control on what places your widget appear on.
Smart Posts Widget is a WordPress plugin that allows you to display WordPress posts in various orders, filters and styles. It can show Recent post, Random posts, Category wise posts, Tag wise posts, lets you display thumbnails and customize their size, you can add before after widget text, use in line CSS, custom post sorting and much more with is one widget. Continue reading Smart WordPress Posts Widget To Show Any Post Type In Various Filters And Styles→
CMSE Copyright Footer is the new widget plugin authored by WebsiteDons.com. The plugin provides WordPress site owners with a simple and easy to use widget that automatically adds copyright information in footer widget area.
A single sidebar or footer can easily be divided into multiple columns and multiple widgets can be added there. For example: Suppose you want to display a recent posts widget next to ad text widget in your website’s sidebar.