Waging the war was easy but ending this independently seems impossible. Therefore the whole world should come forward to help into this so as not to get destroyed in its unending outcome.
Tag Archives: India
China’s Playing Pakistan Can Make India Recognize Taiwan
India and China should better refrain from wasting their historic chances against each-other as this has been a favourite game plan of the West that the two neighbours are getting entrapped to play. Contrarily by coming together they can consolidate their prospects even better instead of spoiling everything in struggling with each-other.
Provocative measures are not going to serve the two neighboring countries. China’s playing Pakistan can make India recognize Taiwan. Is this even worth trying? Whereas India-China Informal Summits independently possess all the potential to drive the world the way that suits best to the peoples of two countries. Not enjoying this understanding is a sheer waste of their historic time that is already arrived.
NATO’s Very Existence And Further Expansionism Provokes A World War.
Staying decently distant from all the international conflicts by being neutrally nice to all the nations alike has been India’s historically correct choice and only that is correct for every other country also. So if the United Nations has to continue in business, this must ban all military alliances at once. Instead only UN should exercise an international Peace Keeping Force for anywhere.
NATO was not necessary. This was established under the pretext to prevent Communism from spreading into Europe. Then why this military alliance is continued to be in existence even when there was no such notional threat anywhere? Actually NATO’s establishment played provocateur to bring Warsaw pact into existence and thus the cold war did begin in the world. Still its very existence and further expansionism provokes another world war.
NATO’s very origin did undermine the relevance of then recently established United Nations Organization. UNO was proclaimed to be the ultimate design of preventing another world war, whereas NATO was an instrument of making that kind of a war.
India Is Increasingly Required Staying World’s Neutral Space
India’s increasing prosperity must have a purpose of stabilising the world into an order of peace. Not only Ukraine and Russia but Tibet, Taiwan, Japan, China, Iran, Afghanistan and even Pakistan can also benefit from a neutral India; not aligned with any countries in any conflict at any point of time.
Historically the West didn’t understand this but that too is gradually coming to understand now. India is increasingly required staying world’s neutral space actually a lot more than Switzerland was necessary earlier.
Despite All Divisions
It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be (so should be) of an Indian origin.
Democracy doesn’t disintegrate a country but actually integrates as gradually happened in America since a long time back and in India since not so ling time back. Whereas initiating into a totalitarianism actually disintegrates instead of integrating any nation as happened in China a long time back and gradually happening in Turkey now a days. Democratically adhering to a constitutional process helps forming the actual public unity.
Furthermore the Internet has a potential even for integrating different peoples beyond all political or superstitious divisions including that of any countries, constitutions or any set of beliefs. America and India are the best of examples of such a course and are capable of setting the best example furthering a common course as well. It is not merely a coincidence that America’s next to next head of state could be of an Indian origin.
The oldest and the largest of all concurrent democracies can do a lot together by collaborating themselves in furthering cooperation among democracies. Healthcare, software and warfare are concurrently relevant industrial avenues for enhancing diplomatic cooperation among democracies.
Furthering Cooperation
The scope of furthering cooperation doesn’t end anywhere. Any wiser people always avail this.
If India and America stand solidly together, Taiwan can help Tibet and Hong Kong in furthering its democratic objective in China, completing all parties’ unfinished business.
Altogether they might help Tibet in restoring its sovereign borders with both its neighbours China & India. Altogether they might help Hong Kong in shedding any separatism for liberating a Bastille of democracy within China, where the Chinese people are politically imprisoned for more than half a century after a military occupation by the Communist Party of China.
Behaving Business-wise
Different worlds remain different despite unnecessary efforts of assimilating them altogether. Only business binds them together. Without that their crossing paths cause only ill-wills and accidents. China, Europe & Arab need help amicably.
Randomly killing people cannot be called any religion the way hurting the faith of any people is no freedom of expression and the forces forcing their people to migrate, must not get recognised as the governments.
This cannot be done without resolving the conflict of interests between Russia and America. India can help the US in resolving any mutual doubts with Russia that can even facilitate a fruitful cooperation in defence production within India at least. The US can further collaborate with Russia in enhancing a repairing recourse of political integration between Arab and China covering the whole of the Indian Ocean making India lead at its core.
Together India, Russia and America can facilitate training in diplomacy & warfare for democracies at every other place.
Staying Battle-ready
Staying battle-ready is a necessary constant for the soverigns alike. There is no variable for that. That is how any peace offensive never worked well in statecraft.
Contrary to Doklam standoff of 2017 in Bhutan, India’s prior leaderships historically failed to move forward for helping out any neighbours -such as Tibet, Persia and Gandhar- upon any foreign aggression, invasion and occupation so India suffered severly in the long run. India’s own unfinished battles also fated to bleed forever because the leaders mandated to lead were averse to war.
Tibet was occupied but not Taiwan. Even a successful warlord like Mao did not adventure to attack Taiwan although occupied Tibet. Saddam Hussein was toppled but not Kim Jong Un. The outgoing US President Donald Trump even befriended Kim Jong Un.
Behaving business-wise while staying battle ready is essential for saving humankind from all ill-will and violence. Thus; despite all divisions; India, America and every other responsible people can better be doing altogether.
Break The Line Before It’s Late
Peoples of all the countries are compelled to fully cut-off from each-other just because their governments didn’t stop doing any business with China before it’s gone late. Now the whole world is facing its worst. Just because a Wuhan virus was not stopped then and there before its becoming a full-fledged Chinese epidemic while the world didn’t cut-off all ties that timely with China to not let it become a global pandemic. Such a social distancing was immediately necessary.
India is gone under a complete lockdown to not lose through impending pandemic times. Still India’s imposing the world’s biggest ever lockdown is not enough to save humanity but a global lockdown alongwith massive medical identification and treatment in isolation of all the persons exposed to it is awaited. That must not get delayed. Asia is endangered. Europe and America are under unprecedented attack. Break the line before it is late.
Avoid All Foreign Travels For The Time Being
India is appropriately geared up to avoid all foreign contacts for the time being. Other countries might also follow the suit since all countries can still change the course of this pandemic.
To cope with the escalation in domestic and international situation, the Government of India notified the cancellation of all non-official visas till 15th of April in 2020 while closes its Myanmar border as well along with advising its people against any non-essential travel abroad.
A few hours after the decision made in a high powered Group of Ministers meeting yesterday, the Bureau of Immigration under the Ministry of Home Affairs today notified the new norms as follows:-
In supersession of all earlier advisories issued on this subject the following visa restrictions are issued for implementation –
i. All existing visas issued to nationals of any country except those issued to Diplomats, Officials, UN/International organizations, Employment, Project visas stand suspended till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
ii. Visas of all foreigners already in India remain valid. They may contact the nearest FRRO/FRO through e-FRRO module for extension/conversion of their visa or grant of any consular service if they choose to do so.
iii. Visa free travel facility granted to OCI card holders shall be kept in abeyance till April 15, 2020. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of any foreigner for onward journey to India.
iv. Any foreign national who intends to travel to India for compelling reasons may contact the nearest Indian Mission for fresh visa.
v. All incoming travelers, including Indian nationals arriving from any destination and having visited China, Italy, Iran, Republic of Korea, France, Spain and Germany on or after February 15, 2020 shall be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days. This will come into effect from 1200 GMT on March 13, 2020 at the port of departure of such travelers.
vi. International traffic through land borders will be restricted to designated Immigration Checkposts with robust medical screening facilities. These will be notified separately by Ministry of Home Affairs.
2. In addition to the above visa restrictions the following travel advisory is hereby issued in accordance with instructions of Ministry of Health & Family Welfare –
i. Indian nationals presently abroad are advised to avoid non-essential travel. They are hereby informed that they can be quarantined for a minimum period of 14 days on their arrival in India.
ii. All Indian nationals are strongly advised to avoid all non-essential travel abroad. On their return they can be subjected to quarantine for a minimum period of 14 days.
Immigrants Must Abide With Local Naturalness
“The crisis will last until it is recognozed everywhere that (Muslim) migration is the Trojan Horse of terrorism.”
Says Viktor Orban, the Prime MInister of Hungary.
Muslims are mainly refugees, immigrants and converts in Europe and elsewhere while local acceptance about them is dangerously diminishing because of superstitions, separatism and terrorism associated with aggressive Arabism.
The faith of Islam is said to be Quranic so imitating Arabs has only been an additional enforcement through culturally devastating Arab invasions of other societies during their subjugations to Arab occupations. It is a matter of fact that initially Arabs opposed Islam before intstigating their predatory wars with the pretext of expanding this religion. It is the time to set them apart.
Linguistic diversity along with cultural integrity in Europe is of a similar character as it is in India. That is why the Indian tragedy manifests a chronology making European Islamophobia additionally evident. The invading Arabized minority enslaved natives for centuries, whom they called Hindus. Hindus id est Indians were a diversified nation of multiple religions so welcomed Muslims as well but conversion-minded Arabized Muslims mainly failed in reciprocating that. Even after migrating into India they preferred staying separate and continued calling the rest of not converted people as Hindus excepting themselves as Muslims. Thus considering the rest of people altogether as a counter-religion.
Later on Arabized Muslims as minority in India got the country divided for forming Pakistan by eliminating the native not converted Hindu minority in reoccupied areas in the name of a direct action as per their two nations theory. Although Muslims were no nation but a religion. Even Arabs are not any one nation but mere a foreign language. So soon thereafter the Bangla Mukti Sangram was fought to safeguard the local naturalness in East Pakistan. Now the Kashmir problem is a naked example of genocidal Arabized crimes against the native not converted minority of Kashmiri Pandits in the valley. The very existence of the Organisation of Islamic Countries establishes very well that nations are made out of local naturalness instead of Islam or Arabism.
Recently India refused to take in any Rohingya Muslim refugees. Thereafter Citizenship Amendment Act was brought in for giving citizenship to the people except Muslims whoever had come in to India prior to 31 December 2014 upon being oppressed for religious reasons in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan. Similarly “Turning Muslims Away, Poland Welcomes Ukrainians” has been a headline in The Wall Street Journal on March 26, 2019. It is not any Islamophobia but a realpolitik of preventing aggressive Arabism.
Muslims ought to abide by local naturalness in their own countries instead of imitating Arabs as any occupying force by unnecessarily naming themselves in Arabic if they are not Arabs. Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world. Its fifth President Megavati Sukarnoputri is a Muslim but without naming herself or her people in Arabic. Confusing with an Arab identity has nothing to do with being a Muslim somewhere else. Only a true adherance to local naturalness is going to help Muslim migrants and refugess anywhere in reestablishing themselves with dignity.
Immigrants move in anywhere seeking better opportunities for themselves so they must abide with local naturalness everywhere. Arabs are no more an occupying force anywhere and there is no Arab nation to take Muslims back as theirs. Contrarily most of the refugees have come out of Arab countries as a few places there became inhabitable.
A decade ago historically neutral Switzerland became the first European country that banned building minarets on mosques along with wearing burqa by Muslim women and now witnessing a public campaign to consider banning Muslims from praying in public places.
Islam is not aggressive Arabism. The faith need not ever be abiding with Arab aggressions as that makes Muslims’ assimilation in any society almost impossible.
Indo-Chinese Informal Summits Would Become Of Global Importance In Future
Narendra Modi and Xi Jinping might have unresolved differences along with adverse commitments but they are close enough to cooperate without colliding and that is great enough for determining the age of Asia to begin with. They have completed another wondeful meeting at Mamallapuram in south India. This was their second informal summit.
They met in Wuhan in central China for their first informal summit in April 2018. Such regularly organized informal summits between India and China without any official agenda works pretty well for both the ancient most civilizations and their leaderships.

Gradually these informal summits would acquire utmost global value in practice as both the rerising countries would independently be competing to regain their global worth lost through their past subjugations. Informal summits between the top leaders of India and China are of utmost importance not only for Indian and Chinese peoples but for every other people also on the planet Earth. As together from time to time, both the leaders might formulate a few multilateral mechanisms as well to get pursued globally by both the governments avoiding their conflict of interests. Since both the countries are sincerely determined to disallow their differences from deteriorating their relations.
Other than the informal summits of the top leaderships of both the countries, cultural exchanges among both the peoples via business, leisure and marriages could also consolidate their further potential pretty well beyond the concurrent imagination.
The European Dream Would Rest In Indian Reality
The European dream is almost similar to the Indian reality. That is why the European Union must get focused for strengthening Indo-European ties to succeed.
India And China Are Unique Neighbours
India and China are unique neighbours. Once both the countries’ leaderships grasp this truth, together they might succeed in shaping the global future of humanity.
First of all they must not fail to trust and respect each-other’s integrity and sovereignty. This can only be done by treating Pakistan like Taiwan and Tibet like Kashmir. Their such an understanding can enhance their own prosperity along with the prospects of world peace.
The China Crisis
Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts.
The Soviet Union collapsed by unnecessarily exerting itself everywhere in its super power syndrome instead of pursuing the welfare of its own people within the homeland. Contrarily China has become cash-rich by following that wisdom of consecutive leaderships but now its government has also proceeded on that hegemonial path where the Communist Party of China might itself cause its collapse without anything foreign involved.
What threatens CPC more, democracies in the West and in nearby India, or its own proclaimed adherence to Marxism-Leninism and Mao Zedong Thought?
Exceeding the Deng restrainment, now cash-rich CPC has started economically exerting itself beyond the borders of the People’s Republic of China almost everywhere at the expense of the Chinese workers. Workers in China are exploited utmost. It is up to the extent that for decades every other capitalistic corporation used to establish its production lines in China.
This is making Chinese students from the working class background increasingly find solace in the writings of Marx and Mao. Reading radical classics thoroughly exposes the sham of Communist system to them. Gradually public experience configures their own consistency sparking independent imaginations among most of them. This makes the system seem increasingly more inconsistent with the vows of its own adherance.
Half a century back CPC pumped Maoism into India that is yet bleeding because of this. Although India reasonably refrained from retaliating by pumping in anything from Dalai Lama to democracy in return. Nor India embraced Taiwan as tit for tat to cope with China encouraging Pakistan. Whereas China brought in Russia also into this. Still not exerting unnecessarily is going to become India’s clear advantage in the future. Encouraging Pakistan has made what of the United States of America is evident in itself.
Inconsistencies within the People’s Republic of China are increasingly evident everywhere from Xinjiang and Tibet upto Hong Kong in contradiction to the Republic of China at Taiwan. Any system collapses because of its internal inconsistencies rather than any outside conflicts. This was proved true through the collapse of the Soviet system and this is going to be true with the Chinese characteristics as well.
Mixed Way Of Life Is A Must
Forming another state is like increasing apartheid among humankind up to the extent that coercion gets multiplied.
Instead of crying for another state one should work hard by respecting the free will of the individuals for establishing the plurality in society on the basis of the sanctity of social pricacy of every individial citizen. One must learn living with every difference of origin and opinion.
Staying together is what Arab and Europe need learning from India. Forming another state is like increasing apartheid among humankind up to the extent that coercion gets multiplied.
Enemies of all the people are struggling hard for staying in charge of all possible coercion and apartheid. Only technology can stop all of them with all that.
Superstitions and politics subjugate people but technology emancipates. Sangkrit insists for a mixed way of life everywhere as that is a must for consolidating the absolute human force altogether to occupy outer space before it is too late here.
Historically Hindu Is The Nation, Not Any Religion
Peace is exclusively reserved only for those people, who are more than willing to fight all their battles themselves.
Unprepared to accept the truth of time, India got a dynasty and democracy altogether. Thereafter whenever people of India are fed up with the dynasty politics, very democratically it is shown the door and whenever they become bored without that, the dynasty was brought back by a popular vote. That politically sustained the divided nation, till the hindu polity adequately grown to govern.
Historically Hindu is the nation, not any religion. There is no place for any religious fundamentalism in their being one nation. All the people of every possible caste and creed beyond this side of Sindhu river, were altogether called Hindus by Arabist invaders.
For a very long period of time, Hindus lived in their denial mode, considering that being the most accomodating people on planet earth, none is ever going to harm them but the world has never been that peaceful. That is why they took so much time to stand up against everything untoward.
The nation consistently suffered every unfought conflict due to its lack of a battle mode. Sikhism was Hindu’s limited resistance to Mughal’s terror. Unfortunately a quit India movement was not made to finally throw them out.
Considering the country Hindu, Muslims categorically refrained from assimilating into its nationality. Complimented by unnecessary appeasements that resulted in Pakistan. Later on Jihadi terrorism was reinvented on that very basis by anglo-american imperialism to get launched locally from the base areas of Pakistan but ultimately it reached West and the things changed forever.
Peace is exclusively reserved only for those people, who are more than willing to fight all their battles themselves.
A Domainer In India Can File Income Tax Return Under Section 44 AD
Register your idea of doing business as a domain at http://system@sangkrit.net to start selling with online support from system@sangkrit.net that is charged hourly per terminal. Make and receive all payments only via your personal bank account and if you are not receiving more than ₹20000000 per annum you are free to take presumptive route to income tax under section 44 AD giving your domain name as your business name.
Only 6% of your total receipts is considered as your profit when you receive all money as business direct into your bank account so you are liable to pay tax on that before 15th of March every year without any accounts or deductions involved.
A Government Without Appeasement Is The Greatest Democratic Achievement
India is one and open to everyone.
The most evident distinction, concurrently shown to world, is that India is one and open to everyone. China, Arab, Europe and even America should learn a lot from India that how different people, speaking different languages, following different faiths, should live that peacefully together in such a close cooperation to make a better society. Not only that much but moreover that even in a such diverse society, politically making a government without any appeasement is democratically that easy.
A government without appeasement is the greatest democratic achievement. Although unprecedented in India also for the time being due to pseudo-secularism prevailing for sometime but India is finally changing to become that great again.
India Is One And Open To Everyone
India is one and is open to everyone while gated community is reality everywhere else.
The global companies headquartered in USA are astonished with certain announcements going on. India is going to become their ultimate destination as undoing all divisive designs, very idea and entity of India is unfailingly one, the way this has been open to everyone.
Actually the US lost its leadership of globalization with Edward Snowden exposing their misuse of internet control. Now with the victory of Donald Trump they have that naturally downgraded themselves into just another nation struggling to hold their sovereign state altogether.
China being a closed society cannot lead the globalization of internet age. India is one and is open to everyone while gated community has become a reality everywhere else.
India Validates Thumb Impression As Sole thing To Transact
Evolving Aadhaar into internet of everything, India now validates your thumb impression as sole thing to transact.
For the first time, India got a government without any politics of appeasement that works and now this government has finally enforced the country into internet age to curb the parallel black money economy by eliminating black money as this has been mandated for by the people of India.
For centuries, thumb impression has been the signature of the illiterate. Now it is made most modern way of making payments. Evolving its Aadhaar base into internet of everything, India now validates your thumb impression as sole thing to transact financially.
With its ease of usage, anyone may just walk into any store without carrying any cards or cash and buy things by transacting any of the linked bank accounts by own thumb impression without bearing any additional charges.
India’s Expanded Role In The Changing World Order Is To Get Determined By The Success Of Its Digital Drive
India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once.
₹ 1000 currency note is no more a valid tender and India is no longer same after complete state control over cash transactions so going back is now politically impossible. India’s digitization is a task quite comparable with Soviet industrialization not because Stalin did that ruthlessly but because Russia was otherwise unprepared to play that kind of role through the second world war and thereafter.
Concurrently India is under a political thrust to move into internet age at once. It is being made feasible with a complete focus upon it. Such an immediate future would certainly emerge with a force of disrupt. Incidentally India is emerging with real force of disrupt as the top-most leaders of business and politics such as Mukesh Ambani and Narendra Modi are adequately disrupting their areas of operations.
Disrupting the parallel economies has been a core challenge to the governments but doing that in India made Modi the man of moment. He led the Time’s person of the year although the US business, ignoring Indian public opinion, decided to declare their elected president Trump as winner of their title.
The Republic of India doesn’t depend anymore on Nehruvian dynasty heading INC as only sustainable political option since BJP as the political configuration of RSS has successfully shown the political sustenance through Indian democracy. For the first time all the politics of appeasement politically collapsed through last Lok Sabha elections.
Irrespective of any religions, people of India were considered as Hindu by the foreigners living beyond Indus river. Hindu is the name of humane integrity that keeps the humankind peacefully together despite their believing differently in different things. Still Hindus and Muslims naturally live in India altogether exposing pseudo-Arabism of Pakistan that claimed it as impossible but finally failed even to keep its Muslims’ population altogether. That is the historic proof that Pakistan has finally failed as a nation. It is quite clear everywhere that religion is no more a cementing force to keep the humankind altogether but technology has exactly that kind of caliber.
Making people understand is the only troublesome task as most of them are tended to settle down dead as data in history. They are generally afraid of going into complete details and that primary fear keeps them away from making their own decisions. Making decisions makes you awesome.
India’s expanded role in the changing world order is to get determined by the success of its digital drive so that must not get diluted for political reasons as now India’s democracy is destined to get strengthened by the success of its digital drive and not by the success of its political opposition.
India Is The Global Opportunity Of Humanity
Unlike China’s corrosively closed future, democratic India could open up as the global opportunity of humanity spread between China and Arab, across many countries alike, assimilating many peoples altogether, making a common market including all of them.
Going through a storyline mostly grips you in attachment with a particular side of context damaging your independent observing awareness. This happens more often than not like whenever you watch a movie, game or news. Try practicing chess by playing from both the sides to balance your observing awareness for seeing neutral. Seeing neutral is the most difficult but true vision.
This time SAARC has survived by refusing a summit in Islamabad as India is emerging in the interest of south Asia and world. Abolishing all apartheid India integrates humanity fully well that include the most of Muslims also in south Asia. India sustainably stood, where even Arab failed and Europe didn’t succeed so there was no reason to let Pakistan occur. Now unlike China’s corrosively closed future, democratic India could open up as the global opportunity of humanity spread between China and Arab, across many countries alike, assimilating many peoples altogether, making a common market including all of them. What troubles all these prospects is a failed state named Pakistan that was artificially forked on discriminating basis of political Islam that goes up to the extremism of Islamic State with atom bombs threatening the humankind. Human history won’t ever absolve Anglo-American imperialism of United Kingdom and United States of America for inciting this evil against humanity.
Enforcing Arab culture everywhere in the name of a religion historically brought an apocalyptic havoc on different civilizations thrusting constant influx of refugees worldwide. Women and children suffer utmost. Humanity bleeds across all countries alike.
The most important necessity in this constantly coercive circumstance is to keep the homeland security intact everywhere. There is no other way to keep a constant check except to start profiling all Arabic style individual names to begin with an effective vigil against extremism, avoiding all mishaps in ensuring homeland security. Failing in doing that endangers the public security of humankind. Any failure in keeping the order intact is the worst crime on planet earth so homeland security failures must not go unpunished.
Free men and free women love free internet but they cannot stay free without a free homeland for their civilizations so that certain evilizations, which are very much disrespectful for the freedom of women, children and internet, just cannot ever end humane harmony.
Hindi Is Destined To Become The Largest Market Worldwide
If you do require learning another language and you are not well versed in Hindi, you must learn this because Hindi is globally best language to write and speak besides the fastest growing Indian economy becomes many times more accessible in Hindi. Hindi has always been the real gateway to India. Availing the internet share the languages deserve, Hindi is destined to become the largest market worldwide.
India has emerged as second largest base of internet because it is expanding in Hindi faster than in any other language. China is now number one but because of not being a democratic society, new people are not going to get assimilated among the Chinese speaking populations although the prospects of Hindi are very much open across all the countries. The numbers of Hindi speaking people are growing everywhere. They would soon become the most substantial portion of the global economic setup.