Category Archives: System Engineering

Configured Memcached PHP Libraries On Your Server, Next What?

In the previous lessons, you have learned about installing Memcached PHP Libraries and configuring Memcached Daemon on your dedicated server. Now next steps are to configure your apps and websites to use them so that you can get their real benefit.

So once you get the Memcached Daemon and PHP libraries installed on your CentOS-based dedicated server, you are required to configure your PHP application to use Memcached. In case you don’t it, Memcached is going to use your server resources without providing you any of the advantages.

Before starting, the system recommends you take a backup of your websites and then follow the changes outlined below.

WordPress users can take its benefit simply by using a plugin called W3 Total Cache Plugin. Yes, there are many other plugins as well but the system finds it best for most of its users. If in case this plugin doesn’t suit you or it is in conflict with some other plugin you are using, it that’s your case then you can choose some other plugin such as Batcache, Cachify, Memcached-Redux, etc.

In this lesson, you will learn about configuring the first and the best one i.e. W3 Total Cache. Simply start by installing-activating the plugin and then to configure, navigate to the Performance -> General Settings page.

Next, make sure the Enable tickbox is checked and Memcached is selected with the cache method for:

  • Page Cache
  • Object Cache
  • Database Cache
  • Fragment Cache

Once you do this, your website starts to use the Memcached services for imporving the performace of your website at the same time reducing the load on your dedicated server.

How Memcached Daemon Works On Your Dedicated Server?

The loading of files and code on your dedicated server take lots of its resources, this resource usage can be reduced by using an object caching system and when you do that, the performance of your server automatically increases. This happens because then your server needs fewer resources to run web applications.

Memcached is a free high-performance, distributed memory object caching system which is generic in nature. It is planned for speeding up dynamic web applications simply by alleviating your database load.

Earlier you learned about configuring the Memcached PHP Libraries on your dedicated server. Now this lesson will let you know what is Memcached and how you can easily install it on your CentOS-based dedicated server at

On CentOS servers, installation of the Memcached daemon is performed via command line and it is freed of any control panel you may be using such as WHM or cPanel, etc.

How this all works for you?

The cache data is simply stored in the hardware units such as RAM and that can also be used in correlation with a software segment.

As we have explained before, the primary purpose of cache is to increase the retrival of information stored in the form of data by minimizing the requirment to access the lower layers of storage every time a new request is made by the client.

Yes, this data is not the actual data stored on your server but it is a subset of data copied from the databases having the real data fed by your application.

This is like when you keep actual notes in your diary or anywhere else but you remember those notes anyway in your mind. So when the time comes when you need those notes; Instead of opening your diary again and finding them you directly make use of them because you already remember them anyway.

Hence, the main advantage of caching is to speed up loading and minimize the system resource usage that is generally needed to load any request such as a web page of your website or application.

Configuring Memcached PHP Libraries On Your Dedicated Server

The dedicated servers at offer you the option to configure your object caching system in the way that suits you best.

The lesson will guide you on how and why configuring Memcached PHP Libraries on your Linux-based dedicated server benefits you.

Memcached is one free object caching system that can be installed on your server for improving the performance of your website. It only works when you install the daemon, install the PHP libraries and configure your PHP application correctly.

You can easily do all that by following these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage
  5. Open WHM

Next, on the WHM panel follow these steps:

  1. From the Software section on the left, select EasyApache 4
  2. Click the Customize button present in the Currently Installed Packages section.
  3. Click PHP Libraries on the left
  4. Type Memcached in the search box
  5. Click the button to install Memcached on the desired versions of PHP
  6. Click the Review button on the left,
  7. Click the Provision button at the bottom of the page

The installation should be complete now.

Apart from this, you should also know that the same modules can also be installed with yum in SSH. But be very conscious about the naming convention i.e. ea-php72-php-memcached. It must be installed on each version of PHP.

The next coming lesson will help you in the process of installing and managing the Memcached Daemon.

How To Quickly Setup Your New CentOS Server At

The new dedicated servers at offers you CentOS system that is highly customizable offering you easy to use command panels making it manageable for you to perform important tasks for yourself or your clients.

When you look forward to creating a new CentOS Server space, you need to perform several steps to end up getting a configured server with a working network protocol and SSH access.

This lesson will guide you through the steps for further server setup of CentOS after you purchase a Dedicated Server plan at

First of all, setup SSH as explained in this lesson here, then login with your personal account using this command –

ssh root@server-ip

In the above line, type the IP address of your server replacing the ‘server-ip’ text. When you select an SSH key for authentication, the command looks something like this:

ssh root@server-ip -i path/to/ssh/key

Next, upgrade the server package using this command:

dnf update

Once the process is complete, you will need to clean the cache and clear up the disk space by using this command:

dnf clean all

The initial setup of your server is now complete. Next, learn to host your domain name on your server.

Configure Linux Server For The EPEL Repository

In order to have access to some important traffic monitoring controls, you will need to set up your CentOS system to use the EPEL Repository i.e. Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux.

However, this repository is not officially strengthened or endorsed by CentOS. Instead, it is supported by a bunch of Fedora Core enlistees to handle the packages which are normally used by Enterprise Linux professionals, especially the packages that are not included in either CentOS, Fedora Core, or Red Hat Linux Enterprise.

Possible conflicts on CentOS

Hence, sometimes there might be some chances for this repository to bring some conflicts on a server having common dependencies. To overcome such a situation, before deploying it you must test it on a non-production Linux system running the same servers as the production.

Advantages of EPEL Repository

The biggest benefit of operating the EPEL Repository over any other repository with CentOS is that the binaries are never impaired.

Installation & Configuration

Anyone can easily install it via YUM.

[root@user]# yum -y install epel-release

Once installation completes, you will need to update it

[root@user]# yum repolist

At this juncture, the EPEL Repository becomes ready to use.

Managing The Hostname For Your Linux Server

A hostname is a selectable name for your Dedicated Server or VPS host. These are composed of a sequence of labels attached with dots. Here’s how you can change the hostname of your server by following a few easy steps.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage
  5. Select Settings
  6. Next to Hostname, click Change
  7. Enter the new hostname in the Server Hostname field
  8. Click Save.

Remember, the hostname should meet the requirements of an appropriate hostname before you can save it. Once you save your changes, the new hostname will appear in the Settings section and will start to work like the old one.

Managing Ports On Your Server, Nydus & Port 2224

For a server to function smoothly, port 2224 is kept open by default during its provisioning time.

But at the same time, if your VPS or dedicated server affairs don’t complete due to the reason of a blocked port 2224, you can unblock it and try again after a few minutes.

On Windows servers, you can use the Windows Defender Firewall for unblocking the port. And for Linux servers, the steps are given below.

For unblocking ports on a Linux server you can use firewallD. In case you use a different firewall utility, you will need to change the given sample code.

First of all, connect your server via SSH and then run the following command:

sudo firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=2224/tcp

Followed by these commands:

sudo firewall-cmd –reload

sudo firewall-cmd –list-ports

These two commands are for confirming the ports are cleared i.e. unblocked.

Next, What is Nydus?

It refers to a pair of agent applications (nydus-ex and nydus-ex-api) that functions on your dedicated server and communicates with your server dashboard.

They provide resource metrics and perform the server functions that you’ve requested. The agent listens on port 2224.

Since the server dashboard and its upgrades are dependent on Nydus, so blocking port 2224 – or removing Nydus from your server will stop these features.

In a case, if you accidentally or knowingly remove the Nydus components, you are required to restore them from a backup that you have taken before. If you don’t have a backup, you will need to rebuild your server.

Managing Apache & PHP Modules On Your Server

You can install necessary PHP modules for Apache on your VPS and Dedicated Server and then enable them manually.

You can enable, disable, or customize such modules using a tool called EasyApache. By using this tool, the PHP and Apache options are rebuilt on the basis of the options you select.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage
  5. Open WHM

The easiest way to upgrade PHP is through EasyApace which you can find in the software section of WHM:

  1. Lookup for EasyApache using the search box on the left section of WHM
  2. Click to open it then click EasyApache (ApacheUpdate) option
  3. This will open the present time Apache Configuration Profile
  4. Click the gear icon for a customized profile option
  5. You will see Apache wizard guiding you through various steps
  6. Here, select the Apache version
  7. Then, select your PHP versions
  8. Next, from the Short Options List, select the features you like to include in your Apache
  9. You can enable the modules you like to add and you can also disable the modules which you don’t want
  10. For more configuration options you may click the Exhaustive Options List
  11. Finally, select the Save and Build option

In the Exhaustive Options List, you can select or deselect various other modules. There is also an option called Save Only that only saves your profile and doesn’t starts the building process.

To start building you will need to click Save and Build option as explained above. Once you click this option, do not close your browser window and wait for the process to complete.

This may take some time depending on the options you have selected and the power of your server. If you are using a small server with limited resources then you should not enable many options at once and instead enable a few options first and then repeat the process for enabling more modules.

Upgrading PHP On Your Dedicated Server

Before upgrading PHP on your VPS or Dedicated Server, you need to make sure that all applications and websites are compatible with the version of PHP you are switching to.

Next, take a backup of all your websites and apps, then follow the given steps.

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage
  5. Open WHM

The easiest way to upgrade PHP is through EasyApace which you can find in the software section of WHM:

  1. Lookup for EasyApache using the search box on the left section of WHM
  2. Click to open it then click EasyApache (ApacheUpdate) option
  3. This will open the present time Apache Configuration Profile
  4. Click the gear icon for a customized profile option
  5. Apache version screen will appear
  6. Select the Apache version you want
  7. Click on the next step button
  8. A screen will appear where you can select the PHP version
  9. Select the PHP version and click the next step button
  10. Follow the next two steps to save, build, and upgrade

The directories you must know:

Directory for the specific references to the PHP directory or extensions:


Directory for the specific references to PHP libraries or extensions:


Directory for the specific references to PHP binaries:


Every version of PHP has its own php.ini file which is found in:


Every time you edit this file, the changes are not transferred to other PHP versions you upgrade to or switch to. Hence, after an upgrade, you also need to change your php.ini file to match it with your newer version of PHP.

Perform Power Cycle When You Lose Access To Server Boot Options

Power Cycle is an option used to immediately disconnect power from your server to power it up again. This is mostly done when you lose access to rebooting options on your server.

Before performing a power cycle you should know that it does not shut down your server applications gracefully and thus could result in data loss.

If you are a Dedicated Server owner, and you want to turn it off and then restart it forcefully, just follow these steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage next to the server you want to restart
  5. Select Server Actions > Power Cycle from the upper-right corner of the page
  6. Click the Request Power Cycle option

Now the power cycle begins and this may take some time, a couple of minutes. Next, when it is finally done the cycle is added to the history list of your server.

The VPS owners need to follow a different set of steps:

  1. Login to your account
  2. Visit your My Products page
  3. Click the Servers option
  4. Click Manage next to the server you want to restart
  5. Select Server Actions > Restart Server

That’s it. These options are useful especially when you are not able to boot your server via SSH. These don’t cause any loss to saved content but you may lose any unsaved files or temporary settings on your server after enforcing a power cycle.

Configuring MySQL Repository On Linux Server CentOS

CentOS offers you no native MySQL package so you need to add it on your own. This you can do by adding a MySQL hosted repository on your Linux System CentOS.

Add the MySQL Yum repository to your system’s repository list. This can be done by installing an RPM that comes with MySQL.

  1. Go to the Download MySQL Yum Repository page ( in the MySQL Developer Zone
  2. Select and download the release package for your platform
  3. Use the yum package manager to install MySQL (yum -y install mysql-server)
  4. Enable the MySQL Daemon Service, use these commands systemctl start mysql followed by systemctl enable mysql

That’s it. Now you may check and make sure that MySQL is up and running, simply use this command – sudo service mysqld status.

Configuring WAF & CDN On Your Dedicated Server & VPS

To configure WAF or CDN, you’ll need to additionally purchase a Website Security alongside your hosting option such as Business Hosting, VPS, or Dedicated Server.

Then, there are a few steps you will need to take to activate the Web Application Firewall(WAF) and Content Delivery Network (CDN) over your websites.

Start by subscribing to a Website Security option. Then, simply login to your account, move to the product page, and follow these steps:

  1. Select ‘Manage All’ given next to Website Security and Backups
  2. Select Set Up under Firewall, for the domain, you want to set up WAF and CDN
  3. For hosting users, the setup completes in a few minutes. But the server users need to follow a few more steps which are given below
  4. Use the link supplied under Internal Domains to make sure your site loads correctly
  5. Login to the account where your DNS is hosted and configure the A Record so it points to the Website Firewall using the IP address listed under your Firewall IP address
  6. Once A Record is updated, the Website Security dashboard will update and show that the service has been activated. This can take up to a day to complete

If you have a firewall on your hosting servers like CSF or ModSecurity, you should allowlist some IPs. Because all connections to your server will pass through this firewall and adding associated IPs to your firewall’s allow list is going to prevent your sites from being blocked incorrectly.

These are the addresses you should allow:,, 2a02:fe80::/29,,

Once WAF is activated, the Content Delivery Network (CDN) automatically starts working.

Reprovisioning Your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server

In the previous lessons of System Engineering, you have learned how to startup working with VPS or Dedicated Server. Now sometimes it happens with the newbies that they mess up with config on their server and in that case when no return is possible or you don’t know the solution you can just rebuild your server to give yourself a fresh start.

For reverting to a clean setup on your Linux Server, you can rebuild it which is also called reprovisioning. This reprovisioning process is done to return your server to a newly purchased state.

Reprovisioning erases all problematic code and content on your server’s hard drive, including all backups, files, everything and this cannot be undone.

To start, simply login to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your My Products page
  2. Click Servers
  3. Next to your server, click Manage
  4. On the upper-right corner, click Server Actions
  5. Select Rebuild Server

Now, follow the prompts on the rebuild your server screen, and then re-set-up your server by following these steps:

  1. Next to your server, click Manage
  2. Enter a name for your server in the Server name field
  3. Select an OS and data center location (if available) and then click Next
  4. Complete the fields for making a username and password
  5. Click Finish

It takes sometimes and your server is rebuilt, configured, and restarted and then you may log in to your server and do whatever you like doing.

Patching Your Linux Server For Security Vulnerabilities

Once your Linux VPS or Dedicated Server is up and running the websites. You’ll need to keep it protected from security vulnerabilities. To do that, keep patching your server regularly.

Develop a monthly or weekly practice of performing this uncomplicated task and it will save you from a lot of hassle thereafter.

To start, you need to connect to your server via SSH, we have discussed it before, read this tutorial. Once you are connected, switch to root user by running this command:

  • sudo su –

and enter your server password. You now have root access.

Next, run the following command:

  • yum clean all
  • yum update

If you have Ubuntu Linux on your server then replace the above two commands with the following one:

  • apt-get upgrade

That’s it. In the case of Windows Server, you need to connect the server via RDC, follow these steps:

  1. Launch Remote Desktop Connection
  2. Enter your server’s IP address
  3. Enter your user name and password
  4. Select Control Panel from the Start menu
  5. Click Windows Update
  6. Click Check for Updates
  7. Complete the steps to update your server

Managed Hosting, Business Hosting, WordPress, and other assisted service plan customers do not need to patch their own servers. It works either automatically or by the support team.

How AutoSSL Secures All Websites On Your Server At

AutoSSL is a free feature of VPS and Dedicated Servers you subscribe from, it can be used as a free alternative to paid SSL certificates. Configuring AutoSSL, you can automatically secure your websites using a Domain Validated (DV) SSL.

Apart from the users of VPS and Dedicated Servers, the Business Hosting users also get the advantage of AutoSSL. The domain names associated with your VPS or Dedicated Server account automatically get an SSL certificate by AutoSSL unless you have purchased and installed another one. In that case, AutoSSL won’t override the existing certificates but still works for other domains on your server.

After the SSL certificate is installed, the auto-application installer of your server (that allows you to install WordPress and other apps) also lets you choose an HTTPS connection for your website. If you have made or uploaded a website manually then you can manually redirect it to a secure HTTPS connection.

This is done by making a few modifications to your .htaccess file which can be created (if not already present) in the root i.e. public_html directory of the domain you want to secure

If you just created the .htaccess file, use the following code (replacing the with your own domain name) to set up the redirect to the HTTPS version of your website:

RewriteEngine On 
RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?example\.com
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]

At the time you change the primary domain or add another domain to your server, the AutoSSL immediately attempts the installation of an SSL certificate. But for the SSL to install and work successfully, your domain name must point to the server’s IP address.

If you see that the SSL is not working for any domain name or you want to manually activate or deactivate the SSL on some domain, you can do that manually from the SSL/TLS Status page in the cPanel administration area of your server.

Configuring Object Caching System On Linux VPS & Dedicated Servers

Object caching system speeds up any dynamic database-driven website by caching data and objects in RAM. As a result, you get a faster website and a server that handles more traffic in fewer resources.

This is recommended for you especially if you have subscribed limited RAM option on your server. Even if your RAM is high, configuring it will help you reduce the resource consumption of your server.

Memcached is a free object caching system that offers you a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system.

There are 3 parts that need to be present for Memcached caching to work properly on your VPS or Dedicated Server:

  1. The background process i.e. Memcached Daemon needs to be installed on your server and configured to listen on the correct port, and start automatically at server startup
  2. The Memcached PHP libraries must be installed to allow your PHP application suchas WordPress, etc. to communicate with this object caching system
  3. Your PHP application must be configured to use Memcached

Installing & configuring Memcached on your server

Login to your VPS or Dedicated Servers. The installation is done from the command line but it works with all WHM/cPanel also Plesk

First, follow these three steps:

  1. Make sure administrator access is enabled
  2. Connect to your server with SSH
  3. Switch to the root user

Next, start with these commands:

  1. Install Memcached using YUM
    yum -y install memcached
  2. Configure Memcached to start automatically at boot time
    systemctl enable memcached
  3. Change the Memcached configuration to make the service more secure and to configure the amount of RAM to allocate:

Edit the configuration file with your favorite text editor – vim /etc/sysconfig/memcached

That’s how it will look like


It’s important to update the OPTIONS line to bind Memcached with localhost and to disable UDP traffic, protecting from certain attacks:

OPTIONS="-l -U 0"

You also need to configure CACHESIZE to the amount of RAM you’d like to use. This depends on how much total RAM the server has, but 512M to 1024M is often a good place to start:


The modified file should look something like this:

OPTIONS="-l -U 0"

Check and save the file and then use the command – systemctl restart memcached to restart Memcached. This is going to reflect your changes.

The next coming lessons will guide you on how you can test whether Memcached is working or not and also how you can set up PHP libraries and configure your website to use an object-catching system such as Memcached.

Configuring SSL On Linux VPS & Dedicated Servers

To configure an SSL on your server there are mainly three steps: subscribe to it, generate a certificate signing request, and once SSL is approved, install it on your server.

This lesson shows you the step-by-step process of implementing SSL on a Linux-based server.

What is SSL? The SSL certificate establishes encryption over information that is sent to the server. It scrambles data into an undecipherable format that can only be returned to a readable format with a proper decryption key. 

How Does SSL Works? When a client attempts to send confidential information to a Web server, the user’s browser accesses the server’s digital certificate and establishes a secure connection.

SSL authenticates the identity of a website. It contains the following information: 

  1. The certificate holder’s name & public key 
  2. The certificate’s serial number and expiration date 
  3. The digital signature of the certificate-issuing authority

How to install SSL on your VPS or Dedicated Server?

  1. Open account
  2. Visit your Products page
  3. Select SSL Certificates 
  4. Select Manage for the certificate you want to use
  5. Under Download Certificate, select a Server type and then select Download Zip File.

Launch your dedicated server:

  1. Visit your Products page
  2. Click the Servers tab
  3. Next to the account, you want to use, click Launch
  4. From the management interface, next to cPanel Site,
  5. Click Manage Server (WHM) and click Proceed

Upload & Install SSL certificate

  1. Search SSL on the left sidebar menu on WHM cPanel
  2. Click Install an SSL certificate on the domain
  3. Type your domain name in the first field
  4. Click the Browse button
  5. Select and upload your SSL certificate
  6. Click Install button

When you choose the browse and upload option, the empty fields are auto-discovered and filled from the SSL you are uploading. Once SSL is installed you may redirect your HTTP site to an HTTPS connection.

Testing Linux, Apache, MySQL, & PHP On Your VPS Or Dedicated Server

In the previous lesson, you learned about configuring the super admin access to your server.

Next, while launching a new web application project or a simple website you will need to make sure that the server versions of Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP are compatible with the application you like to build or install on your VPS or Dedicated Server.

At, you always get an up-to-date server so you won’t be facing any such compatibility issues here. But, there are commands to check different versions of commonly installed services on your LAMP Server (VPS or Dedicated) running CentOS, Ubuntu, or Fedora.

Simply run these commands to check your versions of Linux, Apache, MySQL & PHP:

Apache: /usr/sbin/httpd -v or httpd -v

Server version: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) Server built: Oct 9 2020 11:35:25 Cpanel::Easy::Apache v3.26.8 rev9999

Apache on cPanel: /usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -v

Server version: Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) Server built: Oct 9 2020 11:35:25 Cpanel::Easy::Apache v3.26.8 rev9999

Curl: rpm -q curl


Bash: bash –version

GNU bash, version 4.1.2(1)-release (x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>

Exim: exim -bV

Exim version 4.84 #2 built 9-Oct-2020 15:02:41

Glibc: ls /lib/libc-*


Kernel: uname -r


PHP: php -v

PHP 5.4.33 (cli) (built: Oct 7 2014 11:48:26) Copyright (c) 1997-2014 The PHP Group Zend Engine v2.4.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2014 Zend Technologies

MySQL: mysql -v

Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 213432 Server version: 5.5.40-cll MySQL Community Server (GPL)

CentOS/Fedora: cat /etc/redhat-release

CentOS release 7.6 (Final)

Here, Linux is the operating system you are using on your VPS or Dedicated Server, Apache is the most popular HTTP server used on the public internet, MySQL is the database that contains all text and password information of your website and PHP is the programming language used to code web applications.

These most commonly used services need to work on your server so that you can build websites and web applications on your domains.

Making Highlevel Changes To Your Linux VPS Or Server

Before making high-level changes such as installing new applications or setting up server configurations, you will need to make sure that super admin i.e. sudo (also called as ‘root’) access has been enabled on your Linux-based VPS or Dedicated Server.

To do it, login to your account and follow these steps:

  1. Visit your ‘Products‘ page
  2. On your ‘My Products‘ page, click ‘Manage
  3. In the account ‘Dashboard‘, select ‘Settings‘ option at the top of the page
  4. Select ‘Enable Admin Access’ (this is root account sudo access) 
  5. Now click ‘Save

In the settings section, you will see that admin access is now enabled on your server.

Next, to enjoy the privileges of super admin, you will need to switch to the root user. But be careful you now can do anything having super admin access, and now it is really easy for you to mess up your server. 

To switch to sudo i.e. root user, follow these steps:

  1. Enable root access for your server (you have already done that in the above mentioned steps)
  2. Next, connect your server via SSH
  3. Run this command: sudo su –
  4. Enter your server password

You now have the root access.

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