Category Archives: Free Press

Popup Express: Beautiful Lightbox Popup With Email Subscription Box For WordPress

Popup Express is the brand new WordPress plugin whiche enables you to easily display a beautiful email form on popup lightbox. The popup form appears in front of your content in a lightbox overlay and makes an offer to your website visitors asking them to signup for your email list. You can turn it on/off in a button click and increase your subscribers.

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How To Set Custom Width For Tiled Photo Galleries In WordPress?

With Jetpack Tiled Galleries you can display your image galleries in three new styles: a rectangular mosaic, a square mosaic, and a circular grid. All three gallery styles are beautiful, specially the Tiled Mosaic but in some full width WordPress themes a common problem comes, default width of gallery. Sometime width defined by the theme is less than website’s actual width and in that case gallery automatically aligns itself and starts showing space on other sides which looks odd. Tiled Galleries are built to fill your theme’s content width but occasionally themes forget to set the $content_width variable in functions.php and hence Tiled Galleries auto defaults to 500px wide. This tutorial explains you how you can easily edit the gallery width according to your website’s layout.

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Top 3 Plugins For Renaming Media Files Along With Their URL Slugs In WordPress

Media File Renamer is the best plugin for renaming your image and other media files from media library. The good thing about this plugin is that when you rename files physically by updating their titles, the plugin automatically updates theirs links inside your posts. It simply update all references (like img, src, url) to the media file in its associated post. But also there are other plugins designed for media renaming with more or less features.

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How To Add User Ranking System In WordPress Comments?

Simple User Rank Comments provides you another easy way of increasing time on site using a simple game of competition. This new plugin creates and displays user rank titles based on there comment count. User ank is auto display after pseudo in comments.

How To Use Simple User Rank Comments Plugin?

The plugin is easy to use, simply install and activate it. After activation visit your admin area Dashbaord -> Comments -> All Ranks for modifying and creating new user ranks.

After adding ranks, click the ‘Save Changes’ button then open a post with comments and see how it looks like.

For manually adding user rank in your comment’s template file you can use the following code:

<?php if(function_exists('get_user_rank')) {
    echo get_user_rank();
} ?> 

Automatically Fix Up All Posts & Images After Data Import Etc In WordPress

Fix my posts! is the new WordPress plugin that lets you automatically repair all your posts and images after data-import or at the times when your database get messed up. It becomes more useful at the times when you you import posts/images from another CMS using direct SQL, it simply allows you to run an automatic wizard where it auto repairs some basic things on all of your posts one by one.

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Offline HTML5 Based Image + Vector Editor For Chrome & Chromebook

Sketchpad 3.3 is a powerful image & vector editor that can work offline in your Google Chrome browser. The editor is built in HTML5. Using this chrome app you can experiment with images by painting new elements into the composition, you can add notes, you can manipulate graphics, you can overlay text on anything, move backwards and forwards in time infinitely through changes you make.

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How To Enable Shortcode Generator For WordPress Easy Digital Downloads?

Earlier we have discussed about the plugins that lets you add shortcode boxes showing all active shortcodes of your website. Now this tutorial is on a new plugin that makes things go more easy. EDD Shortcode Menu is the new addon for popular Easy Digital Downloads plugin. This new addon simply activates a TinyMCE button for generating shortcodes of Easy Digital Downloads right from the visual editor present in add new & edit post pages.

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Top 5 Markdown Editors For Google Chrome & Chromebook

Here are some good editors you can use for writing text, creating notes, copy-pasting important text from web pages or whatever online or offline. Like md everywhere is an ofline editor that works directly from your desktop and enables you to write ‘Markdown’ texts anywhere. Another good app Drive Notepad, this application works with Google Drive. With Drive Notepad you can view, edit all types of text documents right inside your chrome browser. Also it includes syntax highlighting for many scripting and programming languages. Other apps include Memo Notepad, an easy editor for writing your quotes and notes, Quick Note is a fast and sleek desktop notepad app, Writebox is an offline distraction-free text editor.

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Supercharge Your WordPress Site With Free Blue Hat Turbo CDN

Now you can easily and instantly super-charge your WordPress based website with Blue Hat content delivery network plugin which comes FREE. It offers loss-less image optimization, JavaScript/CSS compression, parallel download optimization, database optimization and much much more. The plugin also supports offloading your static media files to various cloud delivery networks including, Blue Hat Cloud Delivery Network, Amazon CloudFront, and Rackspace CloudFiles. You can know more about it on its home page at

How To Use Blue Hat CDN In WordPress?

Install and activate Blue Hat CDN plugin the follow the steps:

  1. After activation click the Blue Hat CDN menu item on the left hand side of your /wp-admin/ and then from the main Blue Hat CDN control panel page, choose the Settings tab to supply the plugin with your preferred CDN credentials and settings.
  2. Once you have supplied the Blue Hat CDN plugin with your preferred CDN credentials and settings, then proceed back to the main control panel tab and click the “Scan and Sync My Website’s Static Media Files To CDN Now” and that will begin the scan/sync/optimization process.
  3. That’s it, you’re all done! Its one-button click process that turbo charges your website with the Blue Hat CDN plugin! Once the initial scan/sync/optimization process is completed, your website should then be running at ultimate speed, and you can confirm this by visiting the frontend homepage of your website and clicking the view source button in your web browser to see the optimizations that the plugin has made to your final website HTML output.

Screenshot showing main control panel where you scan/sync and optimize your static media files:

Screenshot showing settings panel where you choose your preferred optimization features:

Main Plugin Features Include:

  • CDN File Offloading – offload your static JavaScript, CSS, and image files to your preferred cloud delivery network for ultra low latency delivery! Supports Blue Hat Cloud Delivery Network, Amazon CloudFront, and Rackspace CloudFiles!
  • Loss-less Image Optimization – uses Yahoo!’s SmushIt image optimization service to further optimize your static images without losing quality.
  • JavaScript/CSS Compression – uses a combination of Google Closure Compiler, JSMin and CSSMin to squeeze down JavaScript and CSS files.
  • HTML Compression – compresses the final HTML that is outputted to your visitors web browser by removing line breaks, tabs and spaces.
  • Pre-fetch DNS Optimization – uses pre-fetch DNS optimization technique to speed up DNS lookups for your website visitors.
  • Parallel Download Optimization – spreads your static media files across multiple CDN hostnames to bypass browser simultaneous download limitations.
  • Database Optimization – helps keep all your database tables optimized by running OPTIMIZE TABLE query on them on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
  • Auto-Scan/Sync Feature – scan and sync your static media files to your preferred CDN on a frequent basis automatically without needing to setup a cronjob.
  • Easy One-Click Setup – easy to setup and use, simply click one button and you’re done! No cronjobs, or server configuration changes to make!
  • COMPLETE FREE!!! – this plugin is completely free and is licensed under GNU GPL v3 license terms which means you can use it free forever!

Latest Development Of Popular BuddyPress Gifts Plugin

BuddyPress Gifts latest 2014 is the latest development of popular BuddyPress plugin, Buddypress Gifts. With this new plugin you can send a gift image and message to member in BuddyPress profile using activity stream function. With this new plugin member can choose a gift from gift box in others member gifts tab and type a message to receiver member. Receiver member can delete or reply message using activity stream function in own profile. Administrator can upload delete and edit gifts item in backend admin dashboard.

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New Quick Empty Trash Button For WordPress

Quick Empty Trash lets you very quickly and easily empty trash of any post type in WordPress. So instead of following default steps for emptying trash bin you can use this new button. Quick Empty Trash simply adds an ’empty trash’ button to every post type’s list table like Posts -> All Posts & Pages -> All Pages etc so that you can empty trash for that post type in one click without having to load the list of trashed posts first. Good for the users with slow internet connections.

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How To Easily Edit Your Facebook Look Back Video?

A few days back, for celebrating its 10 years on Internet, Facebook launched a new feature that automatically created videos for Facebook each user showing a lookback of your time on Facebook. The video is based on photos, posts and other updates you made to your profile and is called Look back. But many a times it happens that you are not fond of anything on your your lookback video, may be an image etc but now problem because you can edit it.

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How To Display Sticky Posts On WordPress Category Pages?

Displaying featured/sticky posts on homepage is very easy. You can make a post sticky right from the ‘All Posts’ page using the Quick Edit option but the functionality is limited for home page only which means by default you cannot feature any posts on category pages or in other words you cannot make sticky posts for categories (by default). Now this tutorial is on an awesome plugin called Category Sticky Post, the plugin simply allows you to mark any post to be placed at the top of specified category archive page. The plugin extends sticky posts functionality for categories.

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How To Accept Stripe Donations On Your WordPress Site?

Stripe platform is increasingly getting popular among netizen.In this tutorial we will be discussing how you can add stripe donation buttons in your WordPress and accept donations easily. Install and activate Stripe Donations plugin then visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Stripe Donations and enter your Stripe API Key.

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How To Get Your WordPress Hosting System Information Right From The Dashboard?

Sometimes it become very important for webmasters to know their hosting system information, specilly while purchasing any new premium plugin or asking for some solution in support forums etc, you might need some related system information regarding your WordPress hosting environ. This tutorial is on a WordPress plugin that automatically gathers and provides you with all important hosting system details like the version of PHP, upload limit and similar data.

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How To Display Your Dribbble Portfolio In WordPress?

Dribbble is a network to share, promote, discover, and browse design. It is a community of designers like Web designers, graphic designers, illustrators, icon artists, typographers, logo designers, and other creative types where they can share small screenshots (shots) and show their work, process, and projects they are working on. Now this tutorial in on new WordPress plugin that simply lets you display your shots as Portfolio in your WordPress site using shortcodes. See it working preview here.

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Easily Add Custom WordPress Admin Menus For Training & Branding Purposes

With new Easy Admin Training plugin you can add new custom admin menus and provide your customers with training, details of your products, services etc. This way you can increase your brand awareness and profit and at the same time support your clients too. To Start with Easy Admin Training plugin, first install and activate it in your WordPress site. After activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> EAT admin page and enable the plugin by entering the licence key (A free, limited version Licence key is provided there itself, simply copy paste it).

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How To Display Top Authors Of Your WordPress Site In New Stylish Way?

You can encourage your blog authors to publish more content for your website by displaying their name in a stylish top author widget that automatically shows author with most published post. This is an awesome feature for multi-author WordPress blogs. Stylish Top Author Widget is the new WordPress widget that lets you do this very easily in a beautiful, stylish way with animation.

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How To Hide Update Reminders Without Disturbing Main Update Feature In WordPress?

Whenever any new update (core, themes or plugins) is available, WordPress admin section automatically starts showing its notification. After the release of 3.8 version, some updates are made automatically but if you have disabled automatic updates then it shows the number of available updates available in admin dashboard menus. This tutorial provides you the hack that simply removes these notifications without disturbing the main updates functionality (so that you can update your WordPress installation whenever you like).

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How To Automatically Extract & Add Tags From Post Content In WordPress?

Tired of manually adding tags to your blog posts, you can automatically extract and add them from the content to the content. WP FixTag is the new WordPress plugin that automatically add tags to your posts.

Tags can be defined by the site administrator or you can just leave it to extract tags directly from the post content and automatically add them to your post . Yes, the plugin works all automatically whenever you publish a new post or edit & update old posts.