Register/transfer domain names at and mail to to get your web/app made/managed as per the budget allocated.
Photopin.Com is a free service netizens, specially bloggers can use for searching millions of free Creative Commons Licensed photographs from Flickr and include them inside your content easily.
BruteProtect is the brand new cloud powered Brute Force attack prevention plugin for WordPress based websites. The plugin identifies and block malicious IPs from accessing your website.
Aqua Page Builder is the brand new WordPress plugin that allows you to build unlimited number of template variations which you can use in your WordPress themes. It provides you same easy drag and drop user interface that you use when working with WordPress Menus and Widgets area admin pages – making you feel right at home with the UI.
Evolution Sidebar Box is the brand new tabbed widget plugin for WordPress. It displays various beautiful tabbed layout for recent blog posts, latest comments, categories & tag cloud, most popular blog posts, archives.
AI Disable Comments, new WordPress plugin provides you an easiest way to disable all approved, pending or spam comment & pings from your WordPress site in just one click. The plugin provides you a check box list where you can select what group (approved, pending, spam) of comments you like to delete. You can also disable comments & trackbacks from your your WordPress site.
Two Factor Auth is the new and really powerful feature that increases your WordPress login page security against Password Theft and Brute Force Attacks. The plugin adds extra security measure with two step authentication that prompts your website users to enter a code emailed to their associated email inbox after they fill up their login credentials and attempt to login to your WordPress site.
This is an awesome WordPress plugins that provides you are an easy classification of plugins activated in your WordPress site. Classification lists indicates which WordPress plugin are safe and which are not so that you can easily know the weak points of your WordPress site and increase its security levels.
Harden WP is new simple WordPress plugin that enables automatic protection against ongoing Brute Force attacks, Bad Bots and also for common known weak points of any WordPress site.
Generally what blog post authors do is that they upload large image files taken from their high resolution cameras everyone and after uploading WordPress crops them in different sizes, a few are used in your posts but those large files are hardly ever used and they take up a lot of storage space on your server. You can easily save your storage space by using a simple WordPress plugin called Lean Media.
WordPress Plugin Repository has a new AdSense plugin called Best Adsense. The plugin is different from all other plugins out there , it provides you with quick and much easy to use features. The plugin simply requires Adsense Publisher ID and Channel (Number) and you can play with all sizes of ads without having to create-copy-paste new ad block code from your Google AdSense account.
Dashboard Links Terminator is a simple WordPress plugin that quickly terminates the top-right corner WordPress logo and its drop down links from your admin area dashboard.
Bootstrap MCE Elements is the brand new Twitter Bootstrap plugin which enables a button inside your visual editor present in content add new & edit pages. The button allows you to insert pre-built Bootstrap compatible code inside your content. Using this new plugin you can easily add Buttons, Wells, Labels & Badges of various sizes and styles into your WordPress blog posts and pages. It also provides you option you to include default Bootstrap CSS for these objects.
If you are a Jetpack user then you must have noticed that everytime you update it or you install it on a new website it automatically activates new modules without asking for your permission. You can easily stop Jetpack from doing so in your WordPress site.
You can set WordPress to automatically logout the idle users after a given interval of time. WP Idle Logout is the new WordPress plugin that one can use for increasing WordPress site security by automatically logging out users with a custom message and redirect to login screen.
We have discussed about many column plugins, this article is on a new column plugin by Konstantin Kovshenin. The plugin provides you a handy shortcode you can use for creating columns inside you posts, pages and other custom content very easily without having to worry about many shortcode formats and options.
Simple On/Off Switch is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to display On/Off status of anything in your website via shortcode. For example: Suppose you are online and your Twitter Hashtag discussions are going, with this plugin you can add custom message in your site that lets your visitors know that Twitter discussions are ongoing and they can participate in ongoing discussion. In the same way you can turn discussion status off when you go offline. The plugin is customizable and you can use it for any purpose for any purpose, for displaying any On/Off status message.
Earlier we discussed about a Beautiful Preloading Screen Plugin You Can Use In Your WordPress Site. Now this tutorial is on a new preloading page which is very easy to use, gets activated as soon you activate the plugin and allows you to use custom colors, and also you can add image in your website’s preloading page.