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New Easy Feature For Using WordPress Widgets

Dragging and dropping widgets into sidebars and other widget areas can be tricky sometimes, specially in slow internet connections and if you have many widgets installed. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin that allows you to add click and choose option to WordPress admin page. With this new plugin you have to click a widget and then choose where it should be placed.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Alex Smith

Shardul Pandey Talks To Alex Smith

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Alex at, please tell us about yourself.

Alex Smith: Hey :D I’m Alex Smith. I’m a musician based in Brisbane Australia. I’m currently raising funds for my debut EP although I have been performing under the stage name Your Man Alex Smith since May 5th!

Shardul Pandey: Tell us about your music and your upcoming EP? When do you think it will be released?

Alex Smith: I’m not entirely sure what my ‘thing’ is. Usually musicians have something that makes them stand out from the rest, be it their voice or their instrumentation but I’m still finding my unique sound.

I do however write as honestly as I can. Without honesty, I feel that the music is hard to relate to and that’s one of the most important parts!

While I perform with an acoustic guitar, the album will feature a whole band. I want to immortalize these songs as the best versions they can be!

The EP will really depend on how much success the indiegogo campaign achieves. At a very minimum it will consist of two songs but the bigger the end result, the more tracks I will be able to get on the album! The album is predicted to be released around March 2014

Shardul Pandey: Tell us about the tracks which you have already recorded ? What are the themes?

Alex Smith: I actually don’t know for certain which tracks are going to be on the album. I’m working with a producer and he’s going to decide which has the most potential. Though currently there’s a lot of buzz around ‘Gingerbread Man’ ‘Guilty’ and ‘Tragedy’

Shardul Pandey: What is the story behind your title ‘Your Man Alex Smith’ ?

Alex Smith: Originally I was just going to be Alex Smith but it’s such a common name that I couldn’t get any useful or memorable usernames on sites like YouTube or Tumblr.

I used to have my own vlog and I’d start every episode with ‘Hey guys, it’s your man Alex Smith!’ And I thought that’d be a fun little thing.

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Shardul Pandey: What inspired your passion for music? Have you always enjoyed the art of music?

Alex Smith: My dad is a huge fan of music. He’s been collecting Vinyls for years and the house was always full of classic rock songs. I vividly remember my dad sitting me down in the living room and preparing me to listen to ‘Bat out of Hell’. At first I thought he was just being dad but that song blew my mind. I’ve always really loved music since then.

Shardul Pandey: You are an acoustic singer, you also write songs so did you receive any formal training?

Alex Smith: That’s hard to say. I am self taught on the guitar and piano and predominantly with voice but I’ve been part of a few different choirs and I love musical theatre so I’ve absorbed a lot of valuable lessons from them that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Most recently I played The Sheriff in Underground Production’s ‘Bat Boy: The Musical’ with Nick Hollamby as the Musical Director. Nick’s one of the most prestigious vocal coaches in Brisbane so I paid close attention to everything he had to say!

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to share the experience of your first performance ? You perform no mind or you think about something when your are preforming?

Alex Smith: I remember my first proper performance got egged by a passing car. I’m not sure whether it was just an act of wanton mayhem or whether it was premeditated but it was unsettling to say the least.
I personally think that the best performers are those that reveal part of themselves and are honest with the audience. You need to tell the story otherwise you’re just singing notes. When I sing I try to go back to the place I was when I wrote it. This is usually why I end up singing with my eyes closed.

Shardul Pandey: Any favorite moment you would like to share?

Alex Smith: One of my favourite moments would have to be when I performed at ‘The Zoo’. It was a big deal for me and I had a huge amount of support from the people who enjoy my music. The gig was pretty terrible but the atmosphere was just electric! And I met my girlfriend there.

Shardul Pandey: Are there any other creative mediums you work in?

Alex Smith: As I previously mentioned I used to do a lot of acting on stage as well as a little bit of screen acting but I’ve had to knuckle down and focus on my music career. It’s hard enough to make it even when it’s all you’re doing let alone with other things going on.

Shardul Pandey: Any loves, other then music?

Alex Smith: I’m a pretty big fan of ice cream. Like whenever Tash and I are out, we’ll usually end up getting some. Nothing comes close to music though.

Shardul Pandey: What you do for entertainment? Any peculiar interests?

Alex Smith: I do enjoy movies and I’ve recently started playing GTA V which is very addictive! I also love listening to ‘The Protomen Act Two: Father of Death’ it’s my favorite album.

Shardul Pandey: Excluding guitar is there any other musical instruments you like playing ?

Alex Smith: I like playing piano but I’m not super good at it.

Shardul Pandey: What songs get you moving ?

Alex Smith: I’m so far from a dancer it’s not funny. I usually can’t help dancing to ‘Caramel dansen’

Shardul Pandey: How do you best describe what music is to you?

Alex Smith: Without sounding really pretentious, music is what feelings sound like.

Shardul Pandey: Any other musical projects which you have planned for future ? Any plans for an international tour ?

Alex Smith: I am actually writing a rock opera concept album inspired by the Protomen about a robot created to make music. It’s called ‘Amadeus’ though ‘Amadeus ex machina’ has been considered as a title as well. It’ll be a cross between rock, neoclassical and musical theatre. I’m very excited about it.

I do have plans for an international tour in the sense that I plan to one day but I don’t have nearly enough of a fan base to afford it yet.

Shardul Pandey: What is your web address, do you own a domain ? Where netizens can find lastest news about you and your music ?

Alex Smith: I have:




And I currently have an Indiegogo page open to fund my first album!

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Alex Smith: What are you passionate about? Are you on your way to achieving that/currently doing it? If you’re not, then change something. It’s never too late to turn everything around. You’ve only failed if you stop before you’ve succeeded!

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Shortcode For Hiding Specific Parts Of Post Content In WordPress

Hide This is the new WordPress plugin that allows you to hide provides some parts of content inside your blog posts and pages using a [hide] shortcode. Using this shortcode you can easily manage inclusions and exclusions for hidden content in three different hiding levels:

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  2. Groups and capabilities
  3. Specific user

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Complete WordPress News Manager Plugin By dFactory

News Manager is the brand new WordPress plugin by It not only adds a news post type but provides you many other features and customization options. The plugin lets you publish, manage and display news, manage date archives, quick AJAX Calendar, Categories, Tags and much more.

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Integrate Default WordPress Gallery With jQuery Modal Popup

PrettyGallery is the new WordPress plugin which automatically integrates default WordPress gallery shortcode ([gallery]) with jquery modal popup.

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Check CPU Performance Of PHP & MySQL Server Right From WordPress Admin Area

With PHP/MySQL CPU performance statistics WordPress plugin you can check your CPU performance of your PHP and MySQL database time to time right from your WordPress  admin area dashboard.

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Virtual Piano: Best Online Piano Instruments With Realistic Sounds & Keyboards

Here are some of the best online services that provides you virtual piano keyboard instruments with good realistic sounds, you may use for playing your favorite melody or for creating completely new ones.

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Burnabrain.Com: Browse New Funny Images & Videos Everyday is a free online service that lets you browse new funny images and videos everyday. It is a weblog powered by WordPress. Provides you various categories for images & videos like CRAZY VIDEOS, FUNNY IMAGES, FUNNY VIDEOS, GAMES, MOTIVATIONAL IMAGES and more.

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How To Quickly Take Notes When Browsing Websites ?

Quick Note is Google Chrome app that provides you easiest option to take notes in in your Chrome web browser. Its as quick & slick as best desktop note-app. You can use it like a simple notepad, scratchpad, clipboard, or for making your todo lists and all lightweight note-taking.

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Image Cleanup: Powerful Tool To Cleanup Unreferenced & Unused Images In WordPress

You can index all unreferenced images and clean them from your WordPress site in order  to save space taken up all unreferenced images and make your website backup quick. Unreferenced images are the images which are not indexed in your WordPress site database and not used anywhere inside your content like blog posts, scripts. backup restore meta data etc.

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Easily Search Anything On All WordPress & Jetpack Connected Blogs World Wide

Using WordPress.Com Search you can search anything on WordPress.Com and self hosted WordPress blogs connected with Jetpack plugin. This way you can easily get to newly posted articles on topic you re looking for. It allows you to browse most recent entries, you can follow the search via RSS or JSON and get notified and more.

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Make Offers & Promotions With Beautiful Topbar Countdown Banner For WordPress

YITH Topbar Countdown is the brand new and most beautiful countdown banner WordPress plugin that fixes up on the top of your website in a click. The plugin provides you a banner in the top of the screen showing a for your offers and promotions. See it in action here.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Marie Parie On Europe Tour

[note]Talk is ongoing live…[/note]

Shardul Pandey Talks To Marie Parie – 3

[heading]← 9 Days Back[/heading]

Shardul Pandey: Hi Marie! How are you ?

Marie Parie: I just did an amazing session with Mariah Carry’s brother in Law Reuben Cannon yesterday for my new song “Kinda Girl” and it was amazing. I’m so excited to bringing R&B pieces to Pop Dance music. I love it.

Shardul Pandey: That’s Great. Have you planned any special events for this tour ?

Marie Parie: This is exciting, I’ll keep it a mystery. Well, I’m going to Europe for Radio and TV interviews. I’m going to meet with amazing people in the industry. Many surprises to come and I’d like to keep the rest of the mystery and have my fans find out about the adventure. I’ll be in touch from France.

Shardul Pandey: Good. Wishing you success and I know you’ll do very well. Good luck to you.

Marie Parie: Thanks. I’ll be in touch from France.

Shardul Pandey: Ok.

Marie Parie: Hi Shardul. I’m in France. I was on the platform of a huge TV Show of Patrick Sebastien “les Annees bonheur” for two days Monday and Tuesday, and it was amazing, all about music and meeting amazing people such as Sylvie Vartan, and more.

French stars for years, that changed french history. Now, today all french TV is talking about Marie Parie who was on one of the most famous touristic avenues in Paris, who can’t buy her beauty products.

I was walking in champs Elysee avenue, the big touristic place, the most beautiful so busy street where all tourist and locals buy beauty products and more when they used to close at midnight and now they obligate stores to close so early as 9pm and stop business and one of the sudden, I stopped near Sephoara at 9 pm, to buy products like beauty stuff and they closed the door and throw everyone out, saying that no one can work after 9pm now. So I started being so agitated telling them to let people go to work. I want them to let people work, and I spoke in French and English saying that it’s not good for tourists who want to buy stuff, France has to change this, they can’t be paying people to stop others working, and fine stores for opening pass 9pm. Many students need to work at night for sure. It was so strange to do such a thing.

Shardul Pandey: To make such a change you do require intervening politically. That demands making that kind of public opinion dominant over the constitutional process there in France. It is up to you to make your decision that up to what extent you are prepared for doing so.

If you take any such decision, I may offer you the technology to make a breakthrough.

(To be continued…….)

Enable Rating Feature In BuddyPress Group Forum Posts

With BuddyPress Rate Forum Posts plugin your BuddyPress site memebrs can rate forum posts. It highlights good posts whereas poor posts are diminished. Highlighted karma points are visible for each site member. Note: The plugin is only for group forums, it is yet not compatible with BuddyPress site wide forums feature.

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