Category Archives: Free Press

How To Insert Bootstrap Glpyhicons & Dashicons In WordPress?

Bootstrap Glpyhicons are the 12×12 icons you can use for your business projects, inside your blog posts, you can use them as visuals for your website’s sidebar navigation, on a purely icon-driven navigation, they fits better next to h2 headings tags, with links etc. Essentially, anywhere you can put current <i> tag icons. Bootstrap Glyphicons uses the same Bootstrap structure (<i> tag for all icons), for using larger Glyphicons you can use an additional icon-large<i class=”icon-large icon-search”></i>.

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How To Disable Your Gravatar Profile Hovercards Across Internet?

By default all Gravatar information is public and it automatically appears on hovercards enabled websites. But if you don’t want to show up your information on websites you have commented on then you can make your gravatar profile private. Simply Log in to your Gravatar account. At the top of your web browser’s screen, click My Account, then click on View My Profile and from the lower right corner of your profile, click Hide My Profile option.

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How To Auto Open MailTo Links In Gmail Compose?

Mailto is a URI scheme which defines the scheme for Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) email addresses. It is used on websites, PDFs and documents etc in the form of clickable links which when clicked opens e-mail compose box in your system’s default email client (like Thunderbird & Outlook etc) without first having to copy destination e-mail address, open an e-mail client and then pasting it there. But now-a-days most people works on cloud and they don’t maintain any local email client. Hence, what they generally do is right click over the mailto link and copy the email address to use in Gmail compose box. In this tutorial we will show you how to automatically open mailto links in your Gmail compose box.

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How To Insert Tabbed Content In WordPress Posts & Widget Areas?

Tabs Shortcode and Widget is a completely new way of inserting tabs in WordPress. The plugin provides you both shortcode generator and sidebar widget for creating beautiful tabs using its nice and easy interface. With this new plugin you can insert tabbed content anywhere on your website like inside your pages, posts & custom post types, widget area and template files.

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How To Change Images & Other Media Files In WordPress?

Replacing image files means you can replace attachment files simply uploading another new file in its place in media library without having to delete, rename and then re-upload files in WordPress. Enable Media Replace works as a big time saver, it enables you to replace images. Using this plugin you can would be able to replace any uploaded media file both from WordPress media library page or Add New/Edit post screens.

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How To Set Featured Images (Post Thumbnails) In WordPress?

In WordPress featured images are used for representing contents like posts, pages, and other custom post types, etc. You can easily assign a featured image (also called post thumbnail) to posts and pages of your website, it is used by many themes and plugins for enhancing the presentation of your content.

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What Is Gravatar And How To Get One?

Gravatars are the globally recognized avatars, it is an image assigned to email addresses which automatically shows up on gravatar enabled websites. For Exmaple: Suppose you have created a WordPress site and invited your friends to join-in, now if they have a gravatar profile and they registers on your website using the same email address, their profile picture and names will automatically start showing up on your website. Gravatar service was created by Tom Preston-Werner. Since 2007, it has been owned by Automattic, the company behind WordPress.

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How To Customize WordPress Post Edit Screen?

Earlier we have discussed about writing your first blog post. In this tutorial we will explain you how to enable hidden features of WordPress post edit screen and customize it. Post edit screen is an admin page from where you write new blog posts (Dashboard -> Posts -> Add New) or edit old ones. Default post edit screen consists of post editor and meta boxes like publish, format, tags, categories and featured image.

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How To Use Custom Facebook Profile Themes?

You can yourself customize the look of your complete Facebook profile and account by activating new awesome themes, just like you do on your desktops and web browsers like Google Chrome & Firefox etc. Online Facebook Theme Gallery provides you a wide range of FB themes and enables you to use your Facebook profile in your style. You can either choose a theme or design your own to personalize your complete Facebook profile, news feed, and timeline display.

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How To Use iOS Style jQuery Scroll In WordPress?

Instead of showing default scroll bar with top and bottom scrolling buttons you can enable a custom iOS style scroll bar with custom colors as per your website’s theme and colors, you can also use a custom border and custom scroll bar dimensions in your WordPress site. WordPress Nicescroll is the new plugin which upon activation transforms default scroll bar with its custom jQuery scroll compatible with destkops, tablets and smartphone devices.

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Auto Resize High Resolution Images During Uploads In WordPress

In general, most WordPress website owners use software and online apps for resizing their high resolution images before uploading and using them inside their website content. Earlier we have discussed about WP plugin which compresses images in WordPress in-order to improve your website’s performance without affecting the image quality. Today in this tutorial we will show you how to extend default WordPress image uploading functionality and make it auto resize your images to a size defined by you.

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How To Highlight Code Syntax With Crayons In WordPress?

There are many syntax highlighter plugins out there in WordPress plugin repository and WordPress also provides you a simple feature for highlighting code inside your posts and pages. All you have to do is switch from ‘Visual’ to ‘Text’ mode, select the syntax and click ‘code’ button. In this tutorial we will show you how to use a more beautiful option i.e. using crayons for highlighting syntax in WordPress.

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How To Embed Entire YouTube Channel As Playlist In WordPress?

YouTube Plugin for WordPress provides you tons of awesome features for integrating YouTube with WordPress together. In this tutorial we will show you how to use this plugin to embed an entire YouTube channel as a playlist in your WordPress site. First thing you should know that if you have a YouTube video URL and you want it to embed in WordPress then all you have to do is paste the complete URL on its own line.

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Top 5 Plugins To Break WordPress Post Content In Tabs

Enclosing WordPress post content inside responsive tabbed sections is a convenient way of displaying long blog posts. Using a tabbed layout you can easily break up your articles information and show them a small space keeping your advertisements display all the time. In this tutorial we are listing some of the best tabs plugins designed for WordPress posts and post types.

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How To Create A Vertical Tabbed Slider In WordPress?

Vertical Tab Slider is a very attractive and easy plugin to create a simple good looking tabbed slider which auto-rotates according to defined interval of time and also enables your website visitors to rotate the images and description by manually clicking on the tabs, you can also set it to pause slides on hover (mouse over).

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How To Create Free Responsive WordPress Image Sliders With Soliloquy Lite?

Responsive WordPress Slider – Soliloquy Lite is a good plugin for easily creating beautiful, simple and responsive image sliders in minutes. Soliloquy, the popular responsive WordPress sliders plugin is now available in its Lite form which is free and you can download it from WordPress plugin repository. The plugin is lightweight, user friendly and in this tutorial we are providing you a step by step guide on its usage.

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How To Add Image Captions In WordPress?

Image captions is the text added below the image specially used for showing a small intro, location or any other minor detail about the image. A few days back we have discussed about wrapping text around images in WordPress, now today we will show you how you can add captions on images you insert in your WordPress posts, pages and other custom post types.

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How To Enable Responsive WordPress Social Sharing Buttons?

Responsive Social Sharing Icons is the brand new responsive WordPress social sharing buttons plugin recently launched by A common problem you all must have noticed in social sharing icons is that they break up into two or more lines in small screen devices, the reason is they are not responsive. We have discussed about lots of social sharing plugins but this new WordPress addon works out of box and provides you a completely responsive design of social sharing icons. See it live working here.

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Top 5 WordPress Plugins To Better Registration Process

WordPress has built-in option to enable public registration. The feature works in all single WordPress sites, WordPress multisite networks and BuddyPresss based social networking websites. One can easily enable registration by logging into WordPress admin area then navigating to Dashboard -> Settings -> General page and ticking the option ‘Anyone can register’. In this tutorial we are providing you a list of some good and free WordPress plugins we have tested for extending and customizing default WordPress registration process.

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How To Unlock All Secrect Facebook Emoticons?

Facebook Secret Emoticons is a Google Chrome extension which unlocks your access to all secret emoticons in Facebook. It simply extends default Facebook chat and emoticons functionality and you get a quicker and easier access to all secret emoticons. So what is an emoticons? An emoticon is a metacommunicative pictorial representation of a facial expression which is generally used on websites and books etc where actual human body language is absent.

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How To Watch Your Security Cameras (Web Cams & CCTV) From Chromebook?

The tutorial is for people having their own webcam & CCTV security system based on for instance Motion or Zoneminder. You can now manage it from Chromebook or from traditional Chromium for Linux & Google Chrome web browsers. CCTV View is a Google Chrome extension which provides you a quick and easy way to watch your cameras, you can watch upto 20 webcams directly from your Chrome browser. It allows you to configure your security cameras or webcam image URLs. It can easily be accessed with one click on it’s icon present right next to Google Chrome’s address bar. Clicking the icon pops a window showing all configured cameras.

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