I welcome you Shabarish at SANGKRIT.net, please tell our netizens about yourself.
I am Shabarish Balaji from Bangalore,india. I the CEO, Founder, Main Author of BlazeTechTeam. I passionate about technology, because technology has the ability to change the world. I’m 15 yrs old boy studying 10th std. People Call me Gadget Freak or Tech Freak.
How exactly your idea sparked to register blazetechteam.com?
When I was searching for the ways to become an entrepreneur from home, I found that most of the blogs had mentioned that BLOGGING is the best and easiest way to become an entrepreneur from home. I was very passionate on technology so I started blazetechteam.
What is the story behind your domain name blazetechteam.com? What made you choose this domain?
I didn’t have any serious reason for the domain name blazetechteam. Blaze Means faster, Tech means technology, Team means Teamwork.
Whether you work alone or you got people associated for working together?
I work alone because I am currently doing my shootings. After I’m graduated I will start a company and work with team.
What is your business philosophy?
My business philosophy is Smartwork is necessary than hardwork for success.
How much time you spend working on your domain? What efforts you make for driving web traffic towards your website?
In the beginning I was working for almost 6 to 7hrs a day. But now I just working for 1hr a day. I do social media marketing, SEO, Video marketing for traffic. Quality Content is the way for building readership.
What makes your domain unique on Internet?
I don’t blog about breaking news because of time Consuming, this is unique in me.
Is there any other projects you are currently working on?
Yes, I am planning to create more and more high quality content and increase my readership.
Which country you are from? Tell us something about your city?
I am from India. I live in Bangalore. As we all know that Bangalore is known as silicon valley because the technology in Bangalore is very advanced than other cities. My favorite hangout spot in Bangalore is brigade road.
What is your ultimate message for netizens?
My Message for netizens is that smartwork is better than hardwork for success.