WordPress Plugin That Tells Why Your Competitors Are Performing Better Than You

You have content, you have quality but still others who are lacking it are performing better than you. Now you can know what else your competitors are doing that you are not. PressTrends, a WordPress plugin gives you focused benchmarks and suggestions on how to improve your WordPress site.

PressTrends – Analytics Made Simple

I don’t use any SEO plugin, I don’t submit my blog to RSS or blogging directories. What I only do is after writing a post I share it to Google Plus, Twitter and FB and sometimes I don’t do that also but I can see others are helping me out by sharing my content, thanks for that.

This plugin is actually not for me, I just read an article by b Matthew Tschoegl and I think it might be useful for you if you are interested in knowing the difference between you and your competitors.

Using PressTrends you can understand the performance of your site, it gives you suggestions on how you can make your site better by providing analytics benchmarks for every metric and identifying your critical metrics for you. PressTrends makes analytics simple and actionable. It also brings all of your analytics at one place like  SEO, content, interaction etc. Read installation and usage here.

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