Category Archives: Homeschool

What Is To Be Done?

Set the homepage of your browser to for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet.

Nikolai Chernyshevsky’s novel of this title published in 1863 telling the stories of the new people was favorite of Lenin, who wrote his pamphlet under the same title in 1902. What is to be done has been the eternal question follwing everyone everywhere but its answer becomes different at every stage of evolution. Still answering this everytime you combat coercion. Coercion establishes apartheid as all apartheid has been coercive by nature. Eliminating all that is the hacktivist task everywhere.

Cooperation confirms the hacktivist politics diminishing all coercion by integrating humankind into humanity as a whole. The hacktivist movement has been an emerging class movement. This, by helping all the people to let everyone #OccupyWebspace, can make a mass movement around itself and become invincible forever.

When people across all countries alike #OccupyWebspace by developing publicly useful domains at to get globally distributed through android apps via then accumulates a global exposure that is sold to let a few people get globally glorious.

Through this smartphone stage of internet age it is #OccupyWebspace for 99% and #GetGloballyGlorious for 1%. Set the homepage of your browser to for making websites and start helping everyone around you as people’s personal outlet by charging reasonably.

People’s Personal Outlets Possess The Most Powerful Thing

Having the ideas, to make a program that works, is the supreme thing ever made.

The man considered as most powerful ever throughout the history of the political power is Stalin but the question is that what he considered as the most powerful thing ever. Whom he respected and why?

He respected Lenin utmost but the main question is that what Stalin actually respected about Lenin? There may be many more questions leading to same objective answer. Like what Stalin valued most? What Stalin did actually fear? What Stalin wanted his sons to master at? What Stalin actually disallowed his enemies to have?

All these querries could get satisfied in a single sentence. Having the ideas to make a program that works. We do have that. We are indeed equipped with that most powerful thing on planet earth that can drive the most of unprecedented manpower.

People’s personal outlets possess that power. Sangkrit is such a program leading the greatest ever movement #OccupyWebspace as more than three billion people have registered their domain names to own the internet age by now.

Unlike animals humankind make private property. Registering and developing a domain is the latest of its kind. Everybody could and should get involved into this by signing up for free account making this the movement of everyone for everyone. Upgrading humankind into smartphone stage of internet age is the universal task.

Security Leads To Stagnation

Nobody should continue heading a government or representing a constituency beyond a single term for doing that efficiently.

The representative democracy has been the most accomodating system of governnance prior to the internet age. Now the time has come to move on into a direct democracy but till then the representation must not be made the rotten thing.

Politically the constitutional process is foremost. Still the political security leads to stagnation and the stagnation leads to decay, distorting the core constitutional process itself.

Birgitta has not become a candidate from her secure parliamentary seat, saying that security leads to stagnation. Birgitta Jonsdottir made an example that every sincere politician must be following.

In fact nobody should continue heading a government or representing a constituency beyond a single term for doing that efficiently.

Submission Is The Worst Ever Thing

Sustainable revolution could everywhere begin as quantum ones ultimately growing into a blockchain arrangement altogether.

Sangkrit insists for cooperation and condemns coercion. Coercion demands submission. Submission is the worst thing ever.

Whatever may be your submission but every time this degrades your being a human into your enslavement. Sangkrit doesn’t demand any submission.

If anything could ever get considered as divine, it is not your submission but is your free will. That is individually allocated to everyone and is actually running the world as sum total of everybody’s independent initiatives.

Free will is foremost. Even any faith comes through only that. Most of the people look for submission since they cannot formulate their free will, not knowing exactly what to do businesswise.

Thus they are simply incapable to “occupy the wall street” despite calling themselves “ninety nine percent” because their usual response to stress demands a collapse in norms but that is not going to change the world.

“Ninety nine percent” as “too big to fail” has actually been a lot of the failed ones, who already failed in occupying this world. They certainly can make a revolution but their being majority everywhere has to do nothing with this.

Becoming the crowd is itself a failure. Crowd is chaotic. The worst thing humankind did for subsidizing a chaos is accepting any submissions since success goes systematic.

Internet age has unleashed a better way to succeed without many submissions. You may simply reinvent yourself by systematizing all your self interests in an altered ego before to join the greatest ever collaborative collective i.e. Sangkrit.

Sangkrit involves your independent initiative to let us proceed for an all-inclusive execution respecting everybody’s free will everywhere. It is no more necessary to become anybody’s follower.

Sustainable revolution could everywhere begin as quantum ones ultimately growing into a blockchain arrangement altogether as Sangkrit. shows the proficient way to that. That lets you build own net worth for changing the world.

People’s personal outlets upgrade humankind into smartphone stage of internet age everywhere in a globally distributed order. So that people occupy webspace by developing their domains as private properties upon to get distributed into android apps. That is the new world revolution happening around.

Democracy Might Disintegrate China

The political power used to come through the barrel of the gun but now the right to govern is rigidly wired within the smartphone stage of internet age that is not going to let anyone govern without a popular vote for doing that anywhere in a wired world.

The People’s Republic of China has economically become a global pressure cooker without any political safety valves at home. This is further enhanced by amending the constitution for establishing Xi’s ideas as constitutional positions.

CPC controls the PLA and the government as well in the socalled People’s Republic of China but just like CPSU, endangering its political continuity in future, CPC is critically unprepared to compete democratically in its people’s real republic.

Economic growth in the most populous country, everyday enhances the largest number of public aspirations. All of those cannot ever be manifested through only one party led by only one thought of only one person at the helm of everything. ‘One Country Two Systems’ too brought in a few early ignition points within the country that Taiwan, behaving as another country, was unable to provide.

New democracy might spread by disintegrating the nation from within, as the political face off began in Hong Kong, has duly become its ignition switch. Seeing that well off Chinese already prefer to migrate elsewhere. The belt and road initiative would ultimately result in a bad debt for China without any political equity anywhere left.

Henceforth CPC would allow only a chaos to bring in any political change. That is how a probable political disaster is now constitutionally inbuilt in the order itself.

The political power used to come through the barrel of the gun but now the right to govern is rigidly wired within the smartphone stage of internet age that is not going to let anyone govern without a popular vote for doing that anywhere in a wired world.

Historically Hindu Is The Nation, Not Any Religion

Peace is exclusively reserved only for those people, who are more than willing to fight all their battles themselves.

Unprepared to accept the truth of time, India got a dynasty and democracy altogether. Thereafter whenever people of India are fed up with the dynasty politics, very democratically it is shown the door and whenever they become bored without that, the dynasty was brought back by a popular vote. That politically sustained the divided nation, till the hindu polity adequately grown to govern.

Historically Hindu is the nation, not any religion. There is no place for any religious fundamentalism in their being one nation. All the people of every possible caste and creed beyond this side of Sindhu river, were altogether called Hindus by Arabist invaders.

For a very long period of time, Hindus lived in their denial mode, considering that being the most accomodating people on planet earth, none is ever going to harm them but the world has never been that peaceful. That is why they took so much time to stand up against everything untoward.

The nation consistently suffered every unfought conflict due to its lack of a battle mode. Sikhism was Hindu’s limited resistance to Mughal’s terror. Unfortunately a quit India movement was not made to finally throw them out.

Considering the country Hindu, Muslims categorically refrained from assimilating into its nationality. Complimented by unnecessary appeasements that resulted in Pakistan. Later on Jihadi terrorism was reinvented on that very basis by anglo-american imperialism to get launched locally from the base areas of Pakistan but ultimately it reached West and the things changed forever.

Peace is exclusively reserved only for those people, who are more than willing to fight all their battles themselves.

Profiling Prevention Secures A Political Situation

Sovereign state is separatist as establishment. This cannot ever be open to everyone.

The government of India did decide for not to take in any Rohingya refugees just to avoid any further infiltration of jihadi terrorism. Howsoever inhuman a situation such as this seems but is simultaneously politically correct also.

Europe is suffering the escalation of jihadi terrorism following the influx of refugees worshipping Arabism in the name of Islam. Post-9/11 George W. Bush ordered racial and fashion profiling at all entry points to prevent any more untoward incidents and succeeded despite getting severely criticised. Such profilings secured the situation locally.

If such a pofiling had been done for filtering out any Sikh involvement in the prime ministerial security after conducting the operation bluestar, assasination of Indira Gandhi, as happened, was impossible. Administratively that was preferable against the racial backlash that actually occured looting, raping and murdering the Sikh population of Delhi and other states after the assasination. If such a pofiling had been done for filtering out any SriLankan Tamils from accessing any proximity to Rajiv Gandhi after the mishap of IPKF in Jaffna, assasination of Rajiv Gandhi, as happened, was impossible.

Sovereign state is separatist as establishment. This cannot ever be open to everyone. Profiling prevention secures a political situation.

Bitcoin Was Brought In To Help Out WikiLeaks

Whether Bitcoin was brought in to help out WikiLeaks or not but it certainly did exactly that.

Although it was not like Linux just to finish any unfinished business such as GNU but quite similarily WikiLeaks and bitcoin also arrived as per an algorithm of spacetime to change the world forever.

Wikileaks and bitcoin made the new age finally began. Altogether they unlocked a previously unseen situation through the history of humankind, ascertaining that internet age is finally going beyond the state-bound phase of civilizations forever. Together they made that irreversible.

Among all the smart creatives around the world none has ever been even comparable with the political brilliance of Julian Assange excepting the inventor of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto, who has indeed excelled him the way that if Julian Assange did appreciate any technology with all his heart, it is only bitcoin.

@JulianAssange tweeted on 14 October 2017 at 10.35 pm “My deepest thanks to the US government, Senator McCain and Senator Lieberman for pushing Visa, MasterCard, Payal, AmEx, Mooneybookers, et al, into erecting an illegal banking blockade against @WikiLeaks starting in 2010. It caused us to invest in Bitcoin — with > 50000% return.”

Interestingly Satoshi Nakamoto, fluent in commonwealth english (very much like Julian Assange) with nothing japanese except his pseudonym, absolutely unbothered about anything at all but bothered about personally requesting Julian Assange for not to use bitcoins to spare it an early wrath of the governments.

Whether Bitcoin was brought in to help out WikiLeaks or not but it certainly did exactly that.

What Actually Makes People Powerful

Personal relations paves the way of public entrapment to get people driven as per any vested interests of selfish people surrounding them. This doesn’t work to enhance people’s power but does diminish that. Failing as impersonal, power corrupts its core. Only oppressors benefit out of all that.

One hundred years back the Bolshevik revolution was made by provoking the deprived majority ideologically to get rid of their elite, proclaiming that the prosperity in any society is built only by depriving the majority. Then they proceeded for demolishing that compulsion but ultimately failed by demolishing the prosperity itself. Truths get managed as the legends are supplied by the lies to make you believe anything.

Sangkrit is making another kind of revolution that is quantum by nature. You need not to be impersonal like that for making this the movement as you personally outreach to your lot of people necessary for accomplishing this.

You yourself lead this everywhere, becoming people’s personal outlet in a globally distributed order, by implementing your own prosperity diminishing other’s deprivation as well. You do so by running the program that actually works.

Read #OccupyWebspace on your android phone from Play Store. Making this the movement requires knowing that much.

Power has been only impersonal but this time this is not so as personally developing a few personal outlets managing a few hundred domains is what actually makes you powerful.

The Story Is Spread Almost Everywhere

To become a good writer, you learn considering everything as event because every entity is an event like every event is the outcome of a storyline in itself.

Storytelling is like entrapment. You make your readers driven by the curiosity allocated at the beginning. Only gradually you let them grasp it and finally you are done with them but they fail to go away. It must be made difficult to them. That is the sign of the most successful storylines.

Looking for your own ‘once upon a time somewhere’ you have to find out your actual time and space to let the tale begin. As a storyteller you must find this out as the story is spread almost everywhere in everything seen throughout the time of your storytelling. Following that you will come to know that where to end.

Every entity is made of some story, whether it is the house or household man, his table or the tree. Giving them that respect helps you in getting any idea of that, fulfilling your storyline, as per its necessity.

The stories are spread everywhere. You have to pick just any untold one.

The User Experience Must Never Face Any Inconsistency

What Steve Jobs craved for was an all out indulgence in designing the perfect user experience above all as integrated whole without any inconsistency in the product.

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt appreciated Apple in his book ‘The New Digital Age’ that Apple makes only one phone and whenever any prpblem occurs with it, their engineers just do not go home till it is finally resolved. This seems not to be so now.

A few days back through more than half a dozen incidents reported from Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Japan, Greece and Canada also about the swelling of battery in iPhone 8 Plus up to the extent of opening of the phonecase, it is now evident that even the legacy of Steve Jobs is finally buried at Apple.

Apple did that after its initial success also only to officially cry for a return of Steve Jobs later on, who was deliberately thrown out prior to that. In fact Steve Jobs was hardest to please and so is his legacy as well.

What Steve Jobs craved for was an all out indulgence in designing the perfect user experience above all as integrated whole without any inconsistency in the product. That is a lesson of eternal value in any business.

At all the people’s personal outlets must grasp the core thing out of this while independently serving the people. Worry free packages sold by the them must always remain worry-free to the end user. The user experience must not ever face any inconsistency.

Last year similarily Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 troubled its users with the burning of battery while charging and this year Apple’s iPhone 8 Plus battery is swelling out of the case. It is indeed foolish to buy such low configuration devices at so high costs because of the brand name when those are configured that badly considering the end user a fool.

Becoming The People’s Personal Outlets

Wear the great slogan of the hacktivist movement #OccupyWebspace along with web address as the chanting chestline on your T-shirt that you yourself get printed.

Signup for your free account and read #OccupyWebspace on your android phone from Play Store to earn respect as the people’s personal outlet by providing complete internet infrastructure, online support and global exposure to everyone everywhere. Thus you establish actual leadership through the internet age in cooperation with others like you.

Bringing everyone’s business online is the biggest business going on, which becomes easy to startup and even easier to shut down because of monthly/annual payment options available at, making it individually optional and easiest upon everyone involved so you may most easily startup individually into internet industry to independently expand also that easily with online support from without entrapping yourself anywhere or anyone into a wage slavery.

Wear the great slogan of the hacktivist movement #OccupyWebspace along with web address as the chanting chestline on your T-shirt that you yourself get printed. Backcover of your android phone is another place of putting your signboard so that appropriate people may approach you anywhere.

You grow as a smart creative readily available indeed to anyone in need. Doing that you engage others as well in the business of upgrading humanity as per the standards of the smartphone stage of internet age. Exactly you let others also become the people’s personal outlets.

You do so to let them work for themselves by working for humankind in complete cooperation with each-other under your leadership of affluence. Following human technology people’s personal outlets (such as yours) as the building blocks of Sangkrit, learn building business in complete cooperation by awarding fellowships among themselves for innovation and promotion, excelling with each-other only in upgrading humankind into internet age.

Once your group of people’s personal outlets registers 100,000 domains altogether, you earn your personal app free to lead globally thereafter. The same goes for everyone involved. So that everybody works together and grows together.

Suppression And Separatism, Both Are Equally Condemnable By Humankind

Catelonia is the country first made in Spanish mindset that includes Catelans and non-Catelans alike. That is why Spanish government wants to prevent all outside people from forming any active understanding regarding the separatist subject, which has officially been suppressed by state.

Swiss government made an offer to mediate but that was refused by the Spanish government. Spanish law even prohibits news publishers from sharing abroad for free.

That is how even google news is not able to have any spanish news version. Local naturalness, formed only by the free will of individuals, is sustainable. Integrity of humankind is even then a globally valid greater fact of internet age that can never be superceded under no circumstance.

Suppression and separatism, both are equally condemnable by humankind. Sangkrit condemns apartheid in all formats.

Separatism Doesn’t Resolve Anything

Spain disintegrates due to its inherent colonial consistency that is still evident in its king. It is a failure of their democracy. Many more European states might face many similar circumstances.

The problem is not that Spain disintegrates. The way solution is not that Catalonia is not Spain. Tibet may not be China or Scotland was not England.

The way Hong Kong aspires for democracy but China fails in accomodating that, what Catalonia would do afresh for Catalans, if independent, is a geopolitical question that nobody bothers to answer.

The colonial consistency must breakdown at some point of time but annihilating all apartheid includes separatism as well. Separatism doesn’t resolve anything. This uploads mere a political hype that fades away with time into coercion of a new kind.

Are You Looking For Employment?

If you are looking for an employment, you better start building your net worth by simply changing your world in three steps: –

  1. Signup for your free account to start making websites and apps for yourself and others as well.
  2. Read the book #OccupyWebspace on your android phone from Play Store.
  3. Download android app Shardul Pandey from Play Store to connect direct with System Administrator. lets you work for yourself across all countries alike.

Signup for your free account to startup. Wherever you are, you work by helping people around you in bringing their business online. Doing that you become the people’s personal outlet delivering complete internet infrasructure, online support and global exposure to them then and there. You do great business as bringing everybody’s business online, is going to become the greatest ever business.

You are always prepared for developing any websites or apps for others because independent developers, from around the world, help you in doing that and whomsoever you show the path of getting emplyed like this, bring you increasingly more business. Accordingly you pay them fellowships for any cooperation in innovation and promotion.

The work goes great. You help humankind in upgrading life and business as per the standards of the smartphone stage of internet age and from every corner of the planet Earth, the work comes looking for you upon your personal app.

Android Rate Of Globalization

Leave your laptop behind as your android phone works adequately well. Unburdening of this kind is quite helpful. Everybody is busy only with a smartphone. This is very businesswise.

We are passing through the smartphone stage of internet age towards the internet of everything. People get really busy with smartphones and most of those are run upon android. That is how android is emerging into ultimate marketplace for the most of goods and services, you use.

Through this smartphone stage of internet age, the growth rate of android is globalizing humankind at the top of everything else. Therefore any business must consider getting distributed via android apps. Independent individuals having account work everywhere as personal outlets facilitating all that.

Registering or transferring a domain of your choice at is made easy at and downloading android app Shardul Pandey from Play Store, connects with the System Administrator direct for business. He helps you make your domain publicly useful and getting that distributed through android apps to make your business.

The creator of Windows Bill Gates is still the richest individual on planet Earth and he does not use any iphone but like the creator of Linux Linus Torvalds, he too has preferred using an android phone. That is the case with every sensible person aware of evolving powers around.

Will I Make Money If I Start My Website?

Yes, you can. Even if you sell nothing yet you can make money from your website by placing Google AdSense on your website. But then you will have to devote some time to your website on regular basis.

Your posts can make money for you only if you post useful or interesting content, choose a niche that interests you and try to engage your visitors on your website, the more you write, the more interest your website will hold and the more people are going to browse it.

Continue reading Will I Make Money If I Start My Website?

Is Keyword Research Important Before Posting Articles On Your Website?

No. Keyword targeting has become irrelevant after Google Hummingbird update which works on the concept of semantic web search. It pays more attention to the sentence or conversation or meaning instead of taking only keywords into account.

Continue reading Is Keyword Research Important Before Posting Articles On Your Website?

The Best Thing You Can Do When Your Baby Is Born

People write birth story, they take newborn pictures, they fill out baby books, they prepare scrapbook of monthly pictures, they bake cookies for nurses, they gather addresses, they send out announcements, they post all this on social media, they tell everyone.

Don’t become a supplier of content for other websites, one very important thing you must not forget at this important time of your life is to secure the domain name of the newborn.

Continue reading The Best Thing You Can Do When Your Baby Is Born