Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Aditya at SANGKRIT.net, please tell our netizens about yourself.
Aditya Dey: My name is Amit Dey aka Aditya, and like every pal of my age I also have many goals which are needed to be fulfilled in near future. I’ve done my engineering from a reputed Government Engineering College, and now I’m working for a global IT firm. Honestly speaking my passion is not to work in a sophisticated office, rather I wanna explore my hidden talents and wanna provide wings to my opportunities.
Well, you can say entrepreneurship has entered in my veins, and currently I’m working on building a company of my own. Besides I love to write stories, articles. I own many popular blogs, and currently I’m actively working on my Technology News Blog named TechStake. Blogging provides me mental piece from the boring daily office job, and it is also one of my primary sources of earning real money from ONLINE.
Shardul Pandey: How your idea sparked for registering Techstake.org?
Aditya Dey: My name is Amit dey aka Aditya, and I had started my first blog in 2008. At that time ‘Blogging’ was not the thing what it is now. I mainly publish my own articles, poems etc in my blog. I had written many articles on many controversial topics on that blog of mine. My philosophy was very simple and clear, I wanted to showcase my writing skill to the web world. but one day I received a mail from Google, and came to know about Adsense. Then I realized that I could make a good money from my blog.
I was in my college then, so I studied a lot on “How to Earn Money from a Blog”, and then I deleted/stopped writing on that first blog of mine. After that I started many blogs on different niches like Education. Technology, Careers and Jobs, Reviews, Movies etc. In last 5 years I’ve sold many blogs for GOOD MONEY and currently I’m mainly focusing on TechStake.Org . It’s tech news blog, and it covers topics like latest gadgets, product reviews, Android, Social Media, IT-computing and many more.
Shardul Pandey: How much time you spend working on your domain? How do you stay so up-to-date with information that you post on your domain?
Aditya Dey: I have a busy life, that revolves around my friends and families. I’ve a busy OFFICE life too, and it doesn’t allow me to invest/spend that much of hours in blogging. Generally I spend around 2 hours/day in blogging purpose, and I personally think it’s enough to run a blog or two successfully.
That’s an interesting question. Well I blog on a very competitive topic, and it always updates in real-time. I mainly follow the biggies of my blog’s niche like TechCrunch, NDTV Gadgets, Phone Arena, GSM Arena, Times of India etc. I also follow the official websites of various Tech Giants like Google, Nokia, Samsung, Facebook etc. I also follow the social media profile of these companies, blogs and websites.
Shardul Pandey: What domains you visit on a daily basis ?
Aditya Dey: Well, frankly speaking there are many. I usually visit more than hundreds websites a day. I love to surf net from my childhood days. Whenever I get time, I do that. But, if you want me to name my personal favorite websites, then I’ll name Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, YouTube, Times of India, Blogger etc.
Shardul Pandey: What makes your endeavors unique on blogosphere ?
Aditya Dey: That’s a tough question. I think everyone in this blogosphere is unique in their own ways excluding the ones who post crappy duplicate contents. I mainly focus on Quality, and always research a lot before writing articles on any topic. I always try to write detailed articles in order to give all the necessary information to my beloved readers.
Shardul Pandey: What other projects you are currently working on?
Aditya Dey: After 5 odd years I wanna see myself running a successful company of my own and also chilling cum partying with my friends and families. I basically want to include my name in the successful entrepreneurs list of India.
I’m working on my dream project as of now i.e. opening my own startup. I can’t reveal much about that project as of now, but very soon I’ll launch it in India. Currently I’m going through the Company Registration Procedures.
Shardul Pandey: What have you found to be the most challenging part in blogging ?
Aditya Dey: According to me the most challenging part of blogging is to stay updated with the latest algorithm changes. Another one is to balance between helping others for FREE and charging money while offering the same as services.
Shardul Pandey: What efforts you make for driving traffic towards your domain?
Aditya Dey: I don’t make much efforts on promoting my blog or its latest posts. I just do the basics like sharing it on the leading social media platforms like Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Digg. I also comment on a few Comment-Luv enabled blogs, and add my latest posts on a few leading blogging communities like Indiblogger, Blog Engage and a few Facebook Groups too. That’s it. Less is good for me in this case.
Shardul Pandey: Please share some of your teaching you have for aspiring bloggers and newbie domain owners?
Aditya Dey: I wanna give a simple advice to the aspiring bloggers that don’t just Blog for money rather blog for passion. Always think about your reader’s first, and try to post only such articles which would provide value to them Think positive and be unique in your own way. Listen to everyone, but make your own strategies. Copy-Paste contents or strategies are very injurious in the career of blogging.
Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens?
Aditya Dey: Always listen to your heart, and don’t afraid to do and explore such things which you do best. Believe in yourself, and trust me SKY is the Limit for your GROWTH.