
“If you decide to generate income from your…

“If you decide to generate income from your blog, then don’t be shy about it. If you’re going to put up ads, then really put up ads. Don’t just stick a puny little ad square in a remote corner somewhere. Puny little ads don’t earn money, and big fat ads in the middle of your blog posts look terrible! But if you want to make money as a blogger, you need to make sacrifices.”

-Steve Pavlina

Requiring your users to Facebook Like Google+1 or…

Requiring your users to Facebook Like, Google+1 or Tweet about your site to reveal premium content.

Make your site go viral by requiring your users to Facebook Like, Google+1 or Tweet about your site to reveal premium content. Simply wrap the content you want to protect with the [viral-lock] shortcode and the content will be protected until the users shares your page. Viral-Lock is the first of its kind to combine Facebook, Google+ and Twitter to give maximal viral impact. More likes and tweets = More money for you –