Increase BuddyPress Networking With Friend Of Friend (FOAF) Connections

Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) is a new block present inside each member’s profile page and displaying a “Friend of a Friend (FOAF)” display. BuddyPress network admins having BP friends feature enabled then your friends will have their friends. Their friends will also have friends and then again these friends will have friends. So there becomes “social paths” inside your members friends lists. It visualizes nearest path to the member whose profile is visited by another member in your BuddyPress site community and as the world is small and you’ll see that most users know each other – because their friends are friends and so on.

How To Use Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) In WordPress?

Install and activate Buddypress Friend of a Friend (FOAF) plugin then follow the steps:

  1. Open a profile of a friend, a friend of a friend or a friend of a friend of a friend
  2. To see how it works :-)

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  • New block inside buddypress profile page (automatically integrated) that tells you whose friend the visited user is
  • Shortcode: Create a page using the shortcode [buddypressfoaf_show_potential_friends] that shows excerps of friends of your friends that are not yet your friends
  • Widget: Show a random user (friend’s friend or random user if you do not have friends)

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