Brand and customize the WordPress administration area for clients or for personal use.
- Easily display your custom images and styles for the login screen, admin header and footer.
- Easy to use for anyone familiar with WordPress with basic CSS and html skills.
- At its simplest it only requires you to activate and then replace three images with your own.
- Photoshop templates are included to help you with that.
Installation & Usage
Install and activate Custom Admin Branding

Change Colors The options that support color change have a swatch next to the form field. You can either click the color swatch or click into the form field. Doing so will bring up a palette of color options. You are not restricted by the choices in the palette. You can enter any 6 figure hexadecimal color code. You must however precede your code with the pound sign (#).
Customizing Images There are four images that you can customize:
- Login Form Logo
- Login Form Login Button Background
- Admin Header Logo
- Footer Logo
All of the default images are in the images folder which is in the custom-admin-branding plugin folder. To change an image:
- Create your custom images with the provided Photoshop templates. (They are in the psd-image-templates folder)
- Upload your custom image(s) with the built in uploader or store them elsewhere and enter in the url that points to the image.
- Click the save changes button at the bottom of options page.
Please note that the optimal size for the header logo is 32px by 32px. You may have an image longer than 32px but not higher as it will break the layout. If your image is longer than 32px please enter the width of the image in the supplied field.
Changing the Admin Footer Content The custom footer is designed for you to put your logo and some helpful information for your client. The optimal image size is 32px by 32px.
The footer text field will accept all text and most html. I use this area to point a link back to my site or a support page for my clients.
Custom CSS A new feature is the ability to add your own custom css. This field can be used to change any css rule present in the admin. These will not apply to the login page however.