- Export content of your existing WordPress installations from Dashboard=> Tools=> Export
- Install WordPress
- Activate Multisite by adding define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true); in your wp-config.php
- Open Dashboard of your new WordPress installation.
- Open Tool=> Network Setup from Dashboard and do as directed.
- Create blog for each site you like to import.
- Import each site’s content you exported from old installations from Dashboard=> Tools=> Import
- Install all themes and plugins of your old site if you like and network activate them.
- If your old installations have their own domain names then Map domains to your main site using MU Domain Mapping
Category Archives: Free Press
Embedding RSS Feed In Your WordPress Posts And Pages
Open Your themes function.php and add the following code at the bottom:
function readRss($atts) {
“feed” => ‘http://‘,
“num” => ‘1’,
), $atts));return wp_rss($feed, $num);
}add_shortcode(‘rss’, ‘readRss’);
Save function.php and whenever you need to embed RSS in any of your post or page write the following short code inside your post:
[ rss feed=”https://sangkrit.net/feed” num=”5″ ]
In the above give short code replace https://sangkrit.net/feed with your feed address and in num=5 replace 5 with the number of posts you like to show.
Note: Remember there is no space between [ and rss feed and num=”5″ and ] so after you copy the short code; check the space, remove it (if there is some space) and then publish it.
Tips For Successful WordPress Site Submission To Search Engine
- You can submit your site to search engines through many resources. You may do so manually. Whatever method you choose search engine welcomes the site if your content is good.
- Search engine scans all content whenever a site is submitted. So be sure about content, it should be there in your site.
- Your site should have at least 9 posts so that search engine can get something to examine and evaluate.
- Never submit your site to same search engine more than once a month. Never let a search engine note your anxiousness.
- Always be ready to copy-paste or write a brief description of your site in about 200 words.
- Submit those categories that belong to search engine’s directory.
- Keep a list of your website’s various “addresses/URLs” .
- You can submit your site’s root directory, various categories and feeds to search engines. This expands your search coverage.
- Keep a track of what you have submitted and when to avoid random re submission.
WordPress Blogging From Android, iOS, BlackBerry, Nokia, WebOS
Making your website’s theme mobile compatible or installing any mobile theme for your WordPress site is good but you can also choose from different mobile apps available for WordPress blogging through smartphone.
WordPress for Android
You can use this for publishing new posts to your blog, responding to comments, getting notified and much more from you Android machine.
WordPress for iOS
iOS app lets you write posts, upload photos, edit pages, and manage comments on your blog from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
WordPress for BlackBerry
Post to your WordPress blog from your BlackBerry. Manage comments and media, upload videos and more with this BlackBerry native app.
WordPress for Nokia
Nokia app allows you to edit your existing blog content, add new posts and pages, manage comments, and more — directly from your S60 or Maemo-powered Nokia device.
WordPress for WebOS
WebOS represents a different way to blog. It uses Sliding Panels that makes managing existing content on your blog intuitive and powerful. You can use visual editor for posting content to your blog.
Twitter Introduced Search Autocomplete And Search Within People You Follow
Twitter has introduced new search features.
- Search Autocomplete And
- Search Within People You Follow
In addition to recent updates to searching feature these two new features would be making twitter search more complete by putting you closer to what you are looking for.
Search Autocomplete displays a dropdown set of like keywords while you enter them in the search box. It is more useful if you are searching any topic with hash-tag.
Following list gives a brief introduction to new features. List was released by Twitter with its new search update:
- Spelling corrections: If you misspell a term, we’ll automatically show results for your intended query.
- Related suggestions: If you search for a topic for which people use multiple terms, we will provide relevant suggestions for terms where the majority of that conversation is happening on Twitter.
- Results with real names and usernames: When you search for a name like ‘Jeremy Lin,’ you’ll see results mentioning that person’s real name and their Twitter account username.
- Results from people you follow: In addition to seeing ‘All’ or ‘Top’ Tweets for your search, you can also now see Tweets about a given topic from only the people you follow when you select the ‘People you follow’ view. Viewing Tweets about a topic from just the people you follow is a great way to find useful information and join the conversation.
Here are some tweets showing how people reacted on this new feature:
Twitter Search Adds “Search Within People You Follow”, Autocomplete, Related Results tcrn.ch/Nd2FzW but testing shows poor performance
— Josh Constine (@JoshConstine) July 6, 2012
Twitter search update sounds nice, but unless I can search back on all my tweets since I joined Twitter, I’m not that excited. cc @dickc
— Lance Ulanoff (@LanceUlanoff) July 6, 2012
I’m sure autocomplete is really complicated… but, how about accurate Twitter search results more than a week?
— Robert Hernandez (@webjournalist) July 6, 2012
Features of related search suggestions, search autocomplete and spelling corrections are also available in Twitter for iPhone and Android.
Social Crawlytics – Free Social Sharing Analysis Tool
Social Crawlytics is free service used to scan website and provide reports on each page for all major social networks.
They give you there plans out of which two are free and for the third plan which is for super large websites they ask you two contact them for information. As shown in the given image:
Start by logging-in with your Twitter Account. Click Login With Twitter.
It will ask for your permission to authorize Social Crawlytics to use your account. Authorize the app and you will be redirected automatically to your Social Crawlytics Dashboard.
Now enter the URL you want to analyze, click SUBMIT, follow few more steps and get statistical overview of progress of your articles which have fared across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Google+ and Stumbleupon.
Facebook Introduced App Center
I just logged in my Facebook account and got a notification “Introducing App Center” on side bar. I clicked it and now I can see a left sidebar showing category group of ALL, WEB & Mobile followed by a list of different categories:
- Games
- Entertainment
- Lifestyle
- Music ‘
- News
- Photos & Videos
- Sports
- Travel & Local
- Utilities
- Requests
You must be knowing about each category and what it stands for as Facebook Apps are not new, only App Center is development.
Now I come to header which is showing two blocks on top left corner with these names:
- Mobile Apps
- Timeline Apps
Top Right corner of header shows random adds of different apps.
Body section shows two columns:
- Suggested Apps (left column) Personalized app suggestions for you.
- Friends’ Apps (right column) Apps that your friends have used recently.
After I scrolled a little I can see a menu of The highest rated and most used apps as follws:
- Top Rated
- Trending
- Top Grossing
After moving back to home I can see icon of App Center in apps menu on left sidebar under groups and favorite section.
Now You Can Listen Music With Your Friends On Facebook
Facebook launched new music feature. Now you can listen music with your friends on Facebook . If one your Facebook friend plays music then you and a group of other friends can join him and each one can listen the same track at the same time.
How Facebook Music Feature Works?
Check music note in the Facebook chat sidebar to know which of your friends are listening to music. You can listen the same track with your friend by hovering over their name and clicking the listen button and the music will play through the service your friend is using.
You can chat with your friends about what you are listening, others are also free to join that chat and listen along but if you want you may control your listening with others through settings.
Facebook Is Working On Want Button
Facebook is testing Want Button similar to Like Button which is used across all pages on Facebook. Developer Tom Waddington said that a Want Button is added to the Facebook Javascript SDK as an XFBML tag <fb:wants>. Facebook has yet not listed this extension publicly. The button is for the objects marked as products on Open Graph.
Developers may use this new feature of Facebook for creating their Want Buttons but authorization of any third party application is necessary to make it work.
Facebook Want Button is a Flop or Not?
Facebook Want Button would be quiet different from Facebook Like Button. Like Button shows individual interest but Want Button would be good for business purpose.
On one hand Facebook Like Button shows the user interest in product. Anyone can show his interest on certain product likewise a person who don’t have money to buy Apple I-Pad doesn’t mean that he don’t like it.
And, On the other hand Facebook Want Button would be showing individual’s interest on getting the product or buying it. Hence it reduces ambiguity for advertisers and target audience become more clear.
How Facebook Want Button Works?
Following is the tag released by Tom Waddington for Facebook Want Button:
<fb:want href=”…”></fb:want>
Reaction of Facebook Regarding Want Button
They responded that they are always testing new Platform features, however they have nothing new to announce.
Facebook Has Removed The Home Page Ticker
I just noticed that Facebook removed the home page ticker but some of subscribers of mine are telling that it is still visible on their home page. I just figured out that many others are also experiencing the same as many stories are appearing on Twitter (check latest ones here and here) about the vanished Facebook Ticker. Some are telling it would be back soon like Randy Hamilton. Some are telling that Ticker is back again etc. etc. But it is still not visible on my Facebook home page.
What is a Facebook Ticker?
Facebook Ticker shows you the things in real time.
Features of Facebook Ticker:
It keeps up with the latest news as it happens You can listen to music with your friends You can hover (or click) over a story to join the conversation
Ticker shows live happening stories like status updates, friendships, photos, videos, links, likes and comments. This activity is visible elsewhere on Facebook but Ticker let you see this as soon as it happens.
Multiple Login For Facebook
Tired of writing your long Email address on Facebook login page ! Never mind, reading this tutorial you may starting logging-in to Facebook using multiple username:
- First is your main Email address associated with your account.
- Second is your mobile number associated with your account. So you may login as Email: your mobile number Password: **********
- Third is your Username that you have chosen from Account Settings=>Username=>Edit. Mine is shardul.pandey so I can login to Facebook as : Email: shardul.pandey Password:**********
Facebook Password Is Not Case Sensitive
Many of you try to give strong password to your Facebook account by giving some Upper Case and some Lower Case characters. It’s useless Facebook takes all same. Facebook password is not case sensitive.
Facebook password is not case sensitive means that you can Login to your Facebook account either by Caps-Lock ON or Caps-Lock OFF and it doesn’t matter if you write some alphabets Upper Case and Some Lower Case.
If your Facebook password is opensourcebook then you can write it in many ways like as shown below:
- opensourcebook
- OpenSourceBook
or whatever you like.
Changing Facebook Page’s Username/URL
I Just Changed Facebook Page’s Username. Now URL of Opensource Book page on Facebook is not www.facebook.com/OpenLAMPbooK but now it is www.facebook.com/opensourcebook You may also do so just follow the following steps:
- Login to your facebook account.
- On the left sidebar, just above the chat faces click the Page of which you want to change the URL.
- On the top you will see three buttons: Edit Page | Build Audience | Help
- Click Edit Page
- Form the drop-down menu select Update Info.
- On The Third line You will see Username
- On the right side of Username click Change username link
- You will seeing your old Username side by you Page name.
- Change it, type the new one and click Check Availability.
- That’s all. Save the new Username and start using it.
I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one now on planet earth !
Finally facebook has removed google from its global number one rank slot. It is true TODAY that facebook is number one. It will remain so further or not is of lesser importance. Anyone likes it or not is very personal but facebook is now top-most asset formation on planet earth built almost individually by a proficient programmer’s being devotionally focused for what Steve Jobs often praised Mark Zuckerberg. I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one on planet earth. You are excellent.