Category Archives: Free Press

Changing Facebook Page’s Username/URL

I Just Changed Facebook Page’s Username. Now URL of Opensource Book page on Facebook  is not but now it is  You may also do so just follow the following steps:

  1. Login to your facebook account.
  2. On the left sidebar, just above the chat faces click the Page of which you want to change the URL.
  3. On the top you will see  three buttons: Edit Page | Build Audience | Help
  4. Click Edit Page 
  5. Form the drop-down menu select Update Info.
  6. On The Third line You will see Username 
  7. On the right side of Username click Change username link
  8. You will seeing your old Username side by you Page name.
  9. Change it, type the new one and click Check Availability.
  10. That’s all. Save the new Username and start using it.

I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one now on planet earth !

Finally facebook has removed google from its global number one rank slot. It is true TODAY that facebook is number one. It will remain so further or not is of lesser importance. Anyone likes it or not is very personal but facebook is now top-most asset formation on planet earth built almost individually by a proficient programmer’s being devotionally focused for what Steve Jobs often praised Mark Zuckerberg. I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one on planet earth. You are excellent.