There are various ways of editing WordPress posts on frontend. Earlier we have also discussed about a plugin that brings post management features to frontend.
But most frontend editor plugins are no more compatible with WordPress 4.0+ releases. In this article we are discussing about the new Pro Writer Lite plugin that allows you to edit posts and pages on frontend, in the format they are.
It doesn’t opens up the HTML code but shows you the text visually.
Start by installing and activating Pro Writer Lite plugin in WordPress
Upon activation visit the frontend of your website and open any post.
You will be noticing the plugin has added a new ‘EDIT POST CONTENT’ button in your admin toolbar.
By clicking this button you can edit your post content and once you are done, click ‘SAVE POST CONTENT’ button.
That’s it. the plugin has no other options and configuration settings. Great for correcting grammar mistakes and small typos.