Creating An Additional User Role To Sit Between Administrator & Editor On Your WordPresss Client Websites

It is always good to handover the website to your clients with an additional user role that has privileges somewhere between the site admin & editor and now it is a click away. 

Webmaster User Role is a WordPress plugin that automatically creates a new user role with permissions between admin and editor.

It provides your clients only with permissions they need to manage their website and removes all dangerous permissions that bring their website down.

Earlier we have discussed about tracking all activities on your client websites so that you can easily provide the right solution on time and know what exactly went wrong.

Webmaster User Role plugin is also a very plugin to use on your client websites. This plugin in addition to stream (website activity tracker plugin) will make things much easier for you and your clients.

So what exactly Webmaster User Role plugin does?

It works both for WordPress admin area and with some popular third party applications.

Webmaster User Role 1

In WordPress admin area:

  • Hide / Remove Settings menu
  • Hide / Remove Plugins menu
  • Hide / Remove Tools menu
  • Hide / Remove Users menu
  • Disable theme installation
  • Disable theme switching
  • Hide / Remove Appearance > Editor
  • Disable WP core updates
  • Hide non-essential dashboard items

3rd party plugin compatibility

  • Advanced Custom Fields (Elliot Condon) – hide ACF menu, only admins/developers should be modifying ACF definitions/rules/fields
  • Contact Form 7 – user can only read contact form submissions
  • Gravity Forms (RocketGenius) – user can view form entries but not edit forms or create new ones
  • iThemes Security – hide iThemes security menus
  • Sucuri Scanner (Sucuri) – hide security scan information
  • TablePress – Show/Edit/Import/Export TablePress content (all tabs except plugin options)
  • Ultimate Branding (WPMU Dev) – hide branding menu
  • Yoast SEO – hide Yoast SEO settings menu (also hide the SEO metabox when editing pages/posts by upgrading to Webmaster User Role Pro)

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