Category Archives: Homeschool

You Are A Netizen

You are reading this because you are a netizen. This is your utmost universal value. Comparing to this your citizenship is a very local issue.

Netizens are globally connected. Together being Sangkrit they are empowered as invincible everywhere.

Sangkrit is the collaborative collective that lets you become self-led in the course by posting all statements here at addressed to you and you ought to cooperate to become like that.

Thus you are homeschooled to become a freedom fighter for yourself so that you carry your freedom on the go through this smartphone stage of internet age.

Book The Bankers For NPA

Bankers must be prosecuted for Non Performing Assets as they are regularly paid for not to let that happen. Even in some cases, the defaulters are on the run but the banks are very much here so prosecute them.

Mismanaging the hard earned public money is a crime and when the governments pump in more public money for saving such banks, the crime deliberately doubles. Netizens everywhere must resist that with all their might for protecting their own worth. Bankers are to get booked for NPAs.

Respect The Householding Spouse

The householding spouse should be given a regular right over half of the income of the working spouse during the marriage and not after that. That is the due respect the householding spouses deserve for indirectly making the greatest possible contribution into the global business as a class without ever getting paid for it.

The time has come to amend this everywhere by necessary legislation. Alimony should better be abolished as this is disrespectful to the dignity of individual.

Keep Public Offices Independent Of Any Personal Interests

Any serious allegation subject to criminal proceeding is adequate for immediately discharging anyone from any decision-making position involving the public interest. It is equally applicable in any conflict of interest like situation.

Anyone holding any public position of making decisions must not be under any serious allegation subject to criminal proceeding or under any conflict of interests involved. Public offices must stay independent of any personal interests.

Housewives Must Make A Revolution

Contributing most to the world economy as a class, housewives are not paid for their works.

Respecting them most Sangkrit invented house husbands to comply with them. Sangkrit’s program of cleaning, cooking, programming and blogging as constant way of life for everyone involved is exactly that.

Ideally this is made around housewives’ way of life with necessary value addition into this through the internet age. Housewives of the world must make a revolution by spreading this everywhere and they shall be making money in the fast lane of internet growth.

Housewives may very well start earning also simply by following Sangkrit. This suits to them most. They might most suitably start working as people’s personal outlet of internet growth engine by sending an email to

The work is simplest and best for. They would be helping people around them in registering, transferring and hosting their domains at in complete internet infrastructure with online support and global exposure.

Internet Monopolies Work Better

Dream the best as you may easily own that upon registering as domain at and the rest could become your reality once you go ahead developing your domain by regularly investing your time and money into it.

Upon internet if you do better than others, you are sure to monopolise your trade.

That is how the internet monopolies always work better and that is why Sangkrit is very protective about internet monopolies.

Do Not Ever Fall Short Of Your Chances

Individuals mostly fall short of their utmost chances and keep struggling within their gaps. Hastily they go for a lower profit booking in life for not to lose any upcoming opportunity because of their constant fear for survival.

Once you stop fearing for that you overcome all that. Sangkrit is a public program ascertaining that.

The System Compliance Has No Alternative

The Supreme Court of India reasonably intervened to reinstate CBI Director back into his position just to facilitate for his ouster as properly done. He was duly ousted after one day by a vote of Justice Arjan Kumar Sikri as the delegate of the Chief Justice of India along with the vote of the Prime Minister of India within the authorised panel for doing that.

CBI is not the only institution in India but there are several other institutions also and all those together (including CBI as well) make the system that runs the Republic of India.

CBI Director Alok Varma’s defiance by resignation for not joining as the Director General of Fire Services, Civil Defence & Home Guards, established further that the system was right in its appropriation about him. He was of no further use in compliance. Although he too is free to take the political path if he likes.

Above all the Prime Minister of India is politically mandated to run the government of India until defeated by a vote of confidence in Lok Sabha or by next general elections of Lok Sabha. Till then the Union Cabinet is a manifestation of his political choices and due to that the whole government of India duly remaines his domain.

Long before Rajiv Gandhi publicly told the press upon a confusion caused by the Secretary of External Affairs in India that they would soon be seeing a new one. Despite all the historic hue and cry then too the Prime Minister of India was politically correct with his that statement.

Allegations Must Get Made Only In Respective Court Of Laws

Allegations must get made in respective court of law and the respective court of law must take cognizance of any allegation made outside that by issuing notices to the concerned parties said to be involved.

Any genuine allegation must get made in the respective court of law to get followed seriously. Allegations made outside the court of law are only political gimmicks so should not be considered as genuine.

Internet Doesn’t Discriminate

Unlike all superstitions and politics, the internet protocol nowhere indulges in any sorts of apartheid. This doesn’t discriminate among peoples at all.

Still any superstitions or politics want to circumvent this for discriminating among netizens. That ought to get fought fully well by the peoples across all the countries alike. Sangkrit facilitates for that.

India And China Are Unique Neighbours

India and China are unique neighbours. Once both the countries’ leaderships grasp this truth, together they might succeed in shaping the global future of humanity.

First of all they must not fail to trust and respect each-other’s integrity and sovereignty. This can only be done by treating Pakistan like Taiwan and Tibet like Kashmir. Their such an understanding can enhance their own prosperity along with the prospects of world peace.

Mostly The Bureaucracy Defeats The Political Mandates

The governments must make the use of public transport, government schools and government hospitals compulsory for the civil servants along with their family members as it is their crime if these do not function properly. Mainly their inefficiency is responsible for the defeat of every government through elections.

Mostly the bureaucracy defeats the political mandates. Therefore making the use of only public services mandatory for civil servants could become the simplest way of reforming the public life.

For implementing this, using the private cars, private hospitals and private schools are to be kept prohibited for their families, making such a case a sufficient cause for their suspension and termination from the civil services.

Startup To Disrupt

Sangkrit encourages you to think about changing any ways of doing things altogether to startup to disrupt.

Higher the level of disrupt you may do may make your startup more successful.

This could begin simply by registering your idea of doing things differently as your domain at and regularly investing into that only.

Politics Is A Technical Failure

Whenever people fail to resolve technologically, politicians get a chance representing them. Thus through this smartphone stage of internet age, the politics remains nothing more than a technical failure.

Like the failure in reasoning used to spread superstitions while science used to pave the way beyond that, the politics too gets formed in this gap and apartheid in all possible formats is continued everywhere due to that.

Ultimately technology would make a total solution so that no gaps are nowhere left in any situation for the politics to continue like that with the emergence of the internet of everything.

Free The Economy From All Taxations

Sangkrit insists for freeing the economy from all taxations by taxing only the transaction volume of the currencies under the inflation mode along with distributing a basic income as daily dividend to the users without running any central banks.

The governments have to amend after the emergence of digital currencies running on internet, which have already outnumbered all the political currencies in the world.

Populate Domains Upon The System At

Populating domains is the key to internet growth. works as internet growth engine. It is the program of Sangkrit upon internet that is capable for generating one billion globally distributed self employments via self education in its growth.

Every humankind must make full efforts by working as the people’s personal outlet of everywhere towards upgrading entire humanity into the internet age.

You populate domains upon the while work as the people’s personsl outlet of so that by helping the client activity there you make money for extending online support. That is way, Internet is going to work henceforth. You have to make this happen.