All Articles by Sangkrit

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4522 Articles

Now You Can Listen Music With Your Friends On Facebook

Facebook launched new music feature. Now you can listen music with your friends on Facebook . If one your Facebook friend plays music then you and a group of other friends can join him and each one can listen the same track at the same time.

How Facebook Music Feature Works?

Check music note in the Facebook chat sidebar to know which of your friends are listening to music. You can listen the same track with your friend by hovering over their name and clicking the listen button and the music will play through the service your friend is using.

You can chat with your friends about what you are listening, others are also free to join that chat and listen along but if you want you may control your listening with others through settings.

A Brief Introduction To The Pirate Bay

The Pirate Bay is the world’s most flexible BitTorrent site. It is the 71st most visited website on world wide web, currently having about five million registered users over four million torrents.

Specialty of The Pirate Bay

Expert in making copyrighted and restricted content freely available to public for sharing and downloading.

Features of The Pirate Bay

  • The Pirate Bay is a well-know place to share copyrighted, stolen or restricted content
  • The Pirate Bay allows you to search for Magnet links which are used to reference resources available for download via peer-to-peer architecture when opened in a BitTorrent client
  • The Pirate Bay allows you to download BitTorrent files also called torrents and small files that contain metadata which is necessary to download the data files from other users.
  • Here you can download torrents under categories: Audio, Video, Applications, Games and yes you can browse more categories.
  • The Pirate Bay allows you to sort content by number, name, number of seeds or leechers, date posted, etc.
  • Here you can upload your torrents and can comment on other’s uploaded torrents.

The Pirated Bay Established In 2003

Swedish anti-copyright organization Piratbyrån (The Piracy Bureau) established The Pirate Bay.

The Pirate Bay is a Separate Organisation Since November 2003

The Pirate Bay in November 2003. It is a separate organization since October 2004. Gottfrid Svartholm and Fredrik Neij were the first to run Pirate Bay. Motion Picture accused them for making the copyright content publicly available.

Birthday of The Pirate Bay: 15 September 2003 (currently 8 year old)

Creators: Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, Fredrik Neij and Peter Sunde

Registration: Free but email is required in few cases.

Languages: The Pirate Bay is available in 35 different languages.

Slogan:The galaxy’s most resilient BitTorrent site


How Amazon Treat Self-Published Authors

If you want to self-publish your book using Amazon then you must know that they drop the price of self published books. That is how they do business. Read this article. However Amazon provides a fast and easy procedure of self publishing and making your content available to millions of customers, they provide you with Kindle Direct Publishing that gives you almost everything to become a self publisher.

VLC Player For Android Beta Is Out In Google Play Store

VLC Player for Android Beta is now available but developers have said that this version is yet not stable for all Android phones and Users. This is BETA version of the port to Android Platform which is intended for power users and hackers. It is slower than the final version. They had given the warning that it might kill your kitten, destroy your house, and start the Mayan apocalypse. So if you are using it then use it at your own risk. VLC for Android Beta works on Android machines with an ARMv7 processor including presence of NEON engine.

Where to Download VLC Android App.?

You can download VLC App. for Android Beta at  Google Play Store. Download here.

What is VLC Player?

VLC media player is a highly portable free and open-source media player and streaming media server written by the VideoLAN project.
It can play almost any media file including most popular formats like MPEG-2, DivX, H.264, MKV, WebM, WMV, MP3 and FLAC etc without any need of external codecs.

Permissions available for VLC Beta Neon Version:

  • App. can read sensitive log data.
  • App. can create Network Sockets.
  • App. can read phone state and Identity
  • App. can write to USB storage and SD card.
  • App. can modify audio settings like volume and route.

Facebook Is Working On Want Button

Facebook is testing Want Button similar to Like Button which is used across all pages on Facebook. Developer Tom Waddington said that a Want Button is added to the Facebook Javascript SDK as an XFBML tag <fb:wants>. Facebook has yet not listed this extension publicly. The button is for the objects marked as products on Open Graph.

Developers may use this new feature of Facebook for creating their Want Buttons  but authorization of any third party application is necessary to make it work.

Facebook Want Button is a Flop or Not?

Facebook Want Button would be quiet different from Facebook Like Button. Like Button shows individual interest but Want Button would be good for business purpose.

On one hand Facebook Like Button shows the user interest in product. Anyone can show his interest on certain product likewise a person who don’t have money to buy Apple I-Pad doesn’t mean that he don’t like it.

And, On the other hand Facebook Want Button would be showing individual’s interest on getting the product or buying it. Hence it reduces ambiguity for advertisers and target audience become more clear.

How Facebook Want Button Works?

Following is the tag released by Tom Waddington for Facebook Want Button:

<fb:want href=”…”></fb:want>

Reaction of Facebook Regarding Want Button

They responded that they are always testing new Platform features, however they have nothing new to announce.

Facebook Has Removed The Home Page Ticker

I just noticed that Facebook removed the home page ticker but some of subscribers of mine are telling that it is still visible on their home page. I just figured out that many others are also experiencing the same as many stories are appearing on Twitter (check latest ones here and here) about the vanished Facebook Ticker. Some are telling it would be back soon like Randy Hamilton. Some are telling that Ticker is back again etc. etc. But it is still not visible on my Facebook home page.

What is a Facebook Ticker?

Facebook Ticker shows you the things  in real time.

Features of Facebook Ticker:

  • It keeps up with the latest news as it happens
  • You can listen to music with your friends
  • You can hover (or click) over a story to join the conversation

Ticker shows live happening stories like status updates, friendships, photos, videos, links, likes and comments. This activity is visible elsewhere on Facebook but Ticker let you see this as soon as it happens.

Top Ten Blocked Websites In China

  1. Facebook.ComFamous Social Networking Website launched in Febuary 2004 which is owned and operated by Facebook Inc.
  2. Google.Com:Google Search Engine is blocked in China. They are using Baidu.Com
  3. Twitter.Com: Famous microblogging service that enables its users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characters called “tweets”
  4. YouTube.Com: YouTube is a famous  video-sharing website all over Internet.
  5. Blogger.Com: Blogger is a blog-publishing service which allows private or multi-user blogs with time-stamped entries.
  6. Technorati.ComTechnorati  is a search engine for searching blogs on Internet.
  7. Dailymotion.ComDailymotion is a French video-sharing website, second largest after YouTube on which users can upload, share and view videos.
  8. Dropbox.Com: Dropbox is a file hosting service operated by Dropbox, Inc. that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, and client software.
  9. Plurk.ComPlurk is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows users to send updates known as plurks through short messages or links, which can be up to 140 text characters in length.
  10. HelloTxt.ComIt allows to post text and media to separate accounts on multiple social networks, publishing platforms, and micro-communication services.

Other Top Blocked Websites In China:


How To Access Blocked Websites In China?

Proxy.Org provides many lists of online proxy websites. The proxy list is reordered randomly every 10 minutes to allow each proxy get some exposure near the top. Click Here And Check Workable Web Proxies.

Measure Performance, Position and Worth Of Any Website

Optimizing Your WebSite Performance

Gomez Instant Test 

Conducts instant test for individual webpages. It tests page performance from the external node location displaying object level details for:

  • DNS Lookup Time
  • Connection Time
  • Interval Time (Request to sever and data received).
  • Content Download Time
  • Redirect Time
  • Analyzes Each Object of Your Page
For using Gomez and gathering more information about it visit here.

Page Speed from Google

Page speed tools from Google analyze and optimize the page speed of your website.  You may optimize your website’s performance by using it.

GT metrix

Another popular site for measuring website performance:

  • Go to GT Metrix
  • Type the site address you like to analyze performance of.
  • Press GO

This will show you the Page Speed Grade and YSlow grade with Page Load Time, total Page Size, Total Number of Requests and also History, Timeline.

If you like to run performance test automatically at different intervals of time then setting up an account at GTmetrix is a good option.


If you like to measure your website loading time in mbps comparing your website with the most popular ones then Vertain is a fast easy way to do it.
  • Click to
  • Type your webpage address.
  • Click Test Speed or press Enter.
  • Wait for few seconds and see what happens.

Web Ranking

Alexa The Web Information Company  Is the best option available to measure your website position over the world wide web.
  • Go to Alexa.Com.
  • Type the website address.
  • Press Enter.
  • Your Traffic Rank is visible now.
  • Click Get Details for more information.
Get Details will gives you the detailed summary of your website on:
  • Your Global Site Rank
  • Your Site Rank in Your Country
  • Reputation i.e. sites linking to your site.
Also includes detailed information on:
  • Reviews
  • Audience
  • Related Links
  • Search Analytics
  • Reach- Estimated percentage of global internet users
  • Page Views- Estimated percentage of global pageviews
  • Page View/User- Estimated daily unique pageviews per user
  • Bounce- Estimated percentage of visits to single page.
  • Time on Site- Estimated daily time on site
  • Search- Estimated visits from search engines.
Other than this Alexa provides Historical Data of your website if it ranks in top 100000 sites on web.
Alexa also provides you with the list of Most popular pages on web. Top 500 websites on web, You can download Alexa Tool Bar Extension to know rank of any website on its address.

Web Worth

Calculate the value of your or others website and blog by using Worth of Web website value calculatorVisit and enter your website/blog name and click Calculate. This will show you up with:
  • Your website’s earning per day
  • Your website’s earning per month
  • Estimated worth of your website

Including information on:

  • Daily Visits on Website.
  • Daily Pageviews on Website.
  • Daily Revenue of Website.
  • Monthly Visits on Website.
  • Monthly Pageviews on Website.
  • Monthly Revenue of Website.
  • Yearly Visits on Website.
  • Yearly Pageviews on Website.
  • Annual Earnings of Website.

Major ISPs That Blocked The Pirate Bay In UK

Today the Helsinki District Court ordered major ISPs to block customer’s access to the famous file sharing site The Pirate Bay.

Here is a list major ISPs that blocked The Pirate Bay in UK:

  • Talk Talk
  • Virgin Media
  • Everything Everywhere
  • Sky
  • BE
  • O2

Why ISPs blocked The Pirate Bay in UK?

Orders of High Court.

Why High Court ruled against famous file sharing site The Pirate Bay?

Due to coalition of record labels including Sony, EMI and Universal etc.

Which ISP yet don’t have a digital blockage of The Pirate Bay?

TPB and BT

Why BT don’t give digital blockage yet to The Pirate Bay?

BT asked for more time (now granted) to respond court’s order.

Have High Court orders affected the file sharing of The Pirate Bay?

Not yet as the latest version of the site setup by the Pirate Party of UK let user continue their sharing.

Reaction of The Pirate Bay?

They posted a “Thank You” message on their website recording their traffic.

Reaction of People?

ISP customers are showing their dissatisfaction. They are moving to smaller internet service provider.

Recording Your Screen

Screenr is a web-based screen recorder used for creating instant screen casts. Using Screenr you can make videos of  your desktop, edit them, share them on different social networks and websites etc. Screenr is free, it don’t need any installation.

Start recording your desktop screen:

  • Go to
  • Click the RECORD button.
  • Adjust the portion to be recorded by re-sizing and moving the frame.
  • Click the Red button to record.
  • When you are done press ALT + D on your keyboard or Green color Done button on the page.
  • Describe screenshot and click Publish.
  • You can Embed the video, publich it on YouTube, download the file etc.

Check this Video Tutorial from Screenr:

[yframe url=’′]

Listen Any Song For Free

You can Listen/Download any song on Internet for free by using BeeMP3. is a free audio search engine locates audio MP3 files over the web. They don’t host any file. Most of the popular songs are indexed to BeeMP3 daily. Around 10000 files are added almost on the daily basis but sometimes it  goes upto 70000-80000.

Here is quick tutorial for downloading and listening songs for free:

  • Go to
  • Type name of the song in search box.
  • Press Enter or click search if it don’t do it automatically.
  • List of similar songs is displayed.
  • Scroll down and look-up for your song.
  • Look the Album, Artist and Genre if given list is confusing.
  • Click the song.
  • A new tab opens-up
  • Scroll down a little.
  • Under the heading DOWNLOAD MP3 FOR FREE type the Capcha or Solve the security question.
  • Press Download MP3
  • Now click the displayed file name to download the song.
  • That’s all.
  • Embedding: Scroll down if you want to embed the song to your site.
  • Copy the embed code and paste it in your website.

How Automattic Makes Money

WordPress is Free, Opensource and Priceless software from Automattic used for creating website, blog or something like that. You can download WordPress from for free.

But you know how Automattic makes money as it gives everything for free. No, it don’t give everything for free but yes most of its applications and the core software WordPress is absolute free for you.

Now lets see how WordPress makes money:-

VIP Hosting

WordPress provides VIP Hosting for major brands like Time Magazine, NewYork Times, CNNBoing Boing and also TechCrunch etc. To know more brands hosted on WordPress VIP Hosting CLICK HERE

WordPress offers you two types of VIP hosting:-

Akismet Anti-Spam Technology

Akismet is an automated spam killer used by millions of blogs. Using this you don’t need to spend long time on deleting spam. WordPress makes money through Akismet as it offers different plans to bloggers for use Akismet.

For using Akismet you have to signup by choosing one of the following plans to get an API key:

  • Enterprise: Costs $50/month. Here you get multiple site access. It is good for companies having low web traffic.
  • Pro: Costs $5/month. It gives single site access. Good for small non-personal sites and blogs.
  • Personal:  Costs $0 to $120/year. Good for non-business personal blogs.
  • High Volume: Companies with or over 100k calls per month pays per call. Costs $100/month minute.

Premium Features

These are the optional priced per year upgrades offered by WordPress:

  • Be the master of your domain: Costs: $13.00 – $25.00/year. For controlling your online identity you may add your own domain name. Like instead of This feature can be added to you existing WordPress blog.
  • Extra Storage: Costs $20.00 – $290.00/year. This is used by the bloggers whose content is running out of space.
  • Custom Design: Costs $30.00/year. Bloggers use this to customize blog’s fonts with a point-and-click interface. No coding required.
  • VideoPress: Costs: $60.00/year. Uploads your videos, get them converted into different formats including HD etc. Including many more features.
  • Go Ad-Free: Costs $30.00/year. Time to Time WordPress displays Ads on your blog for logged out users. You may turn off the Ads by using this feature.
  • Guided Transfer: Costs $129.00 . This feature is used for transferring a WordPress site.
  • Premium Themes: You may upgrade to premium WP Themes for adding more options to site customization. Pricing for each theme is displayed under the theme on your dashboard.

Google AdSense 

This is what most of us use to make money online by putting Google Adsense on our web content. This is a free program by Google that empowers online publishers to earn revenue by displaying some Ads on their content. As I had already told you that time to time WordPress displays Ads on your blog for logged out users, this is what Google Adsense.

Support Networks

If support forums aren’t enough to solve your problem then you may switch to support networks.


This is WordPress’s security, backup and support. It backup you blog automatically without any security flaw.

Plans and Pricing follows:

  • Basic: Costs $15/Month per site. Gives realtime backup and automatic restore during disaster.
  • Premium: Costs $40/Month per site. Gives back-up restore and continuous security scan.
  • Enterprise: Costs $350/Month per site. Gives solutions for large scale WordPress Installations.

Poll Daddy

This is Online Survey Software with both free and paid plans as follows:

  • Free: This is absolute free for ever not a trial or something like that.
  • Professional: Costs $200/Year.
  • Corporate: Costs $899/Year

Changing Facebook Page’s Username/URL

I Just Changed Facebook Page’s Username. Now URL of Opensource Book page on Facebook  is not but now it is  You may also do so just follow the following steps:

  1. Login to your facebook account.
  2. On the left sidebar, just above the chat faces click the Page of which you want to change the URL.
  3. On the top you will see  three buttons: Edit Page | Build Audience | Help
  4. Click Edit Page 
  5. Form the drop-down menu select Update Info.
  6. On The Third line You will see Username 
  7. On the right side of Username click Change username link
  8. You will seeing your old Username side by you Page name.
  9. Change it, type the new one and click Check Availability.
  10. That’s all. Save the new Username and start using it.

Invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute the Internet

Today Madeleine Albright said that US made worst mistake by attacking Iraq but invading Iraq was not the worst mistake by United States of America as one worse mistake is now going on by unnecessarily trying to legislate and prosecute Internet. It won’t serve any purpose either except making US history the worst thing to read ever for future generations.

A 24 year old British student at Sheffield Hallman University Richard O’Dwyer is about to be extradited to USA for 10 years in prison for making a website sharing online contents. Such things are not less ill-advised than invading Iraq was.

Now the people of all countries require protecting Julian’s freedom forever

Julian Assange already did utmost to open up the stubborn governments. After doing that much for world he has every possible right to save his freedom. Now the people of all countries require protecting Julian’s life and individual freedom forever from the agents of states around the world. It has become just like protecting your own individual freedom for you.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet

No we are not disheartened by electoral results in Egypt. It is not a direct outcome of Jasmine rebellion but is an outcome of Western representative democracy in Egypt. It is still a long-long battle ahead for the people who seek political liberation from the yoke of state.

We are ready to respect any government if that can respect the freedom of individual and Internet. Unfortunately if any government fails in doing that much we are left with no obligation but to resist.

Unleashing the greatest potential of Hindi for growing into largest marketplace on Internet can resolve global crisis

Universal Free Education System in Hindi is unleashing all probability of deprived Hindi population. Opening a school costs a lot in comparison of allocating a public terminal of Internet and that is how Universal Free Education System is configured. Hindi, Chinese, Russian. Spanish and Portuguese all deserve to interact with each other without English medium. Unleashing the greatest potential of Hindi for growing into largest marketplace on Internet can certainly resolve concurrent global crisis.

I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one now on planet earth !

Finally facebook has removed google from its global number one rank slot. It is true TODAY that facebook is number one. It will remain so further or not is of lesser importance. Anyone likes it or not is very personal but facebook is now top-most asset formation on planet earth built almost individually by a proficient programmer’s being devotionally focused for what Steve Jobs often praised Mark Zuckerberg. I congratulate you Mark Zuckerberg for being number one on planet earth. You are excellent.