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Shardul Pandey Talks To Natesh Kirtan

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Natesh Kirtan

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Natesh at, what’s your story?

Natesh Kirtan: Thank you for the opportunity to share my story, Shardul!

I love to chant, especially in the kirtan form, but also other forms. I have been chanting in the kirtan tradition for over 30 years, having first connected with it in late 1979 in the Oakland Siddha Yoga ashram of Swami Muktananda. I became a devotee of Baba and his successors. After being on that path for over a decade, I had a very powerful dream of Ammachi (Mata Amritanandamayi) before I knew anything about her, even receiving a hug from her in the dream, and I a couple years later I finally met her and became her devotee. The name Natesh I received from her many years later. Having these extraordinary beings guiding and transforming my life for the past 34 years has been truly a blessing. I, along with my wife, Monnie, and others, have been leading weekly kirtan in Sedona, AZ, for over 9 years with a group I simply called the Kirtan Wallahs and I’m now finally in the process of creating a beautiful kirtan album, Bliss of Kirtan, with great support from producer and multi-instrumentalist, Ben Leinbach, and many wonderful musicians and singers.

The process of starting a chanting group in Sedona all unfolded initially from me sitting down with the intention to practice some classical guitar pieces in the Fall of 2003 and the next thing I knew I was ‘downloading’ a chant to one of the many Deities, like Rama or Krishna or Durga or Shiva. Then I would forget about playing any classical piece and just be blissfully chanting whatever new chant. After some months of this I really lost all interest in playing any classical pieces anyway because that didn’t compare to the bliss I experienced from chanting and decided it was time to ‘share the bliss’ and started the Kirtan Wallahs.

I’ve also composed over 180 chants since 2003, although I’ve ‘retired’ a bunch of them that I became less enchanted with. It was had to narrow down the field to what to put on this first album!

Shardul Pandey: Tell us about ‘Bliss of Kirtan’ album Project ? How long have you been working on this? How much have you done and when do you think it will be released?

Natesh Kirtan: In one sense I’ve been working on it for close to 10 years, as one of the chants on the album, He Ma Durga, I composed in Autumn, 2003. But in terms of deciding to do a studio album and moving forward with the project, that decision happened in May and with some Grace I’ll be able to release the album in mid to late November.

The Bliss of Kirtan album is first and foremost a kirtan album, with the intention to inspire people to chant along with the call and response format and to invoke ecstatic, even transcendent, states of bliss in the listener, through chanting along or even simply through listening. I’ve intentionally kept the tempos much mellower than I typically do in a live kirtan so that the music can also serve as a backdrop for yoga, meditation and general daily activity.

As I mentioned, Ben Leinbach is an awesome producer, and I have some very talented female singers on the album as well as many excellent musicians contributing on bansuri, sarod, esraj, santoor and cello as well as tabla on some tracks. Sample excerpts from the latest rough mixes for the 8 tracks on the album can be heard at this link.

I’ve been getting wonderful comments from people who have heard some of the album in its present state, using adjectives like profound, sweet, powerful, lovely, lush and blissful, to name a few. Some of the tracks are mantras (or shloks) like Gayatri and Tvameva Mata and others are to the different Deities like Ganesha, Shiva, Krishna and so on. It’s also running very close to the 79.8 minutes maximum recommended for a commercially produced CD.

All the recording is done so we’re in the editing and mixing stage and still have mastering, artwork, physical production and so on to go. We got it this far on short-term borrowed money to take advantage of an opening in Ben’s schedule so now we have to raise money to get it finished and pay back the short term loans. We’ve started a funding campaign on Indiegogo to help make it happen.

After all these years of doing live kirtan and composing chants, I’m really excited about how beautiful this album is turning out for sharing the ‘Bliss of Kirtan’ with the world!

(To be continued…….)

The Useless Web: A Useless But Interesting Alternative To StumbleUpon works similar to The service opens up a new website on every click. But unlike to stumbleupon it opens up completely useless website but that doesn’t mean websites are not interesting. Yes it opens up interesting but useless websites.

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Text Replace Plugin: Easily Create Shortcuts For Text In WordPress

Text Replace is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to replace text (inside posts, pages, custom post types etc) with some other text. It provides you quick and easy way to create shortcuts to common, lengthy, or frequently changing text, HTML or for smilies. It can be utilized to make shortcuts for frequently typed text, but always remember these things in mind.

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Instantly Check Your Website On Various Screen Resolutions

Responsive websites looks beautiful on all screen sizes. This post is on a simple but useful Google Chrome app Resolution Test for website owners, developers and web-designers so that they can easily test their web pages in different screen resolutions using an option to define various screen sizes.

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Instantly Create Color Palette From Any Image On Internet

Palette for Chrome is an awesome Google Chrome app that lets you instantly generate palette from any image on world wide web. All you need to do is right click image you’d like to use and it generates a 16, 24, or 32 color palette. It also allows you to create custom palettes. Using this cool Google Chrome app you can easily convey colors from your favorite images to your or your client website etc.

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Easily Get All Important Details Related To Any Image On Internet

Image Properties Context Menu is a very useful Google Chrome app that gives you information for all things related to some selected image. Like you can find both location and source of an image, know image’s dimensions, file size etc.

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How To Save Customized WordPress Themes From New Updates ?

Disabling WordPress themes updates is a important hack specially for website owners who edits the core of their WordPress Theme, customize its template files, add analytics, hacks etc.

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Top 3 Web Services For Compressing & Optimizing Images

Optimizing images becomes important especially for netizens who wants to quickly upload and share images on websites, blogs, social media sites & networks or anywhere on Internet.

There are many online service that allows you to easily reduce size of your images upto 80% (and sometimes more) without compromising with photo quality. In this way you can quickly share images anywhere on world wide web, you can make upload process fast and put more images online in a very less time. Also these compressed images becomes lightweight and takes up little disk or server space.

This post lists three cool websites which provides you tool you can use for optimizing your images without affecting their quality:


Image Size Reducer 1

Get Paint

Image Size Reducer 2

Image Optimizer

Image Size Reducer 3

WordPress Users: We have already posted a tutorial on an awesome WordPress plugin that automatically optimizes your website images without affecting their quality. So if you are a WordPress user then refer to this tutorial.

Easily Compress Images & Improve Website Performance Without Affecting Photo Quality In WordPress

WP is a WordPress plugin, good for reducing image file size and improving performance using.

How It Works ? Each image you add to your post automatically runs through, you don’t have to anything.

Does It Works For Existing Images ? Yes you can also add this to existing images in your site by visiting Media Library and clicking the smush it now link.

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Quick Page Edit Toolbar For Managing Your WordPress Site Pages

Page Edit Toolbar is a simple WordPress plugin that adds a toolbar (in WP admin bar) showing list of recently updated pages, links present in the list directs you to edit section of particular page.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Vivek Sharma, Founder Of Filmzone Creations Pvt Ltd.

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Vivek at How are you? On what new projects you are currently working on ?

Vivek Sharma: Hi Shardul. I am good. Hope you are good too.

As you must have heard that I have opened my own production house, Filmzone Creations Pvt Ltd.

And now I am producing and directing many films. Making one film in 8 Indian languages, first of its kind and each language will have different actors, locations and music. Its like creating history. Its a commercial film, black humor on recession.

Shardul Pandey Talks To Vivek Sharma

Shardul Pandey: I am fine. Thanks. Yes, Priyanka told me about your new production house, Filmzone Creations Pvt Ltd.

It seems to be very interesting. So did you always know you were going to be a movie producer ?

Vivek Sharma: Yes, I was a story teller. Ma Saraswati blessed me with creative human ideas. So in my childhood I decided to become director producer writer and I became:)

Shardul Pandey: So how your journey has been, starting from your childhood when you made up your mind to become a director-producer-writer that has finally grown into this climax of yours ?

Vivek Sharma: Well I can give a brief points as I am writing a book on my journey. Mahanagry 1094 up, details will be in that.

But it started from Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh from where I did my masters in physics.

Trained in martial arts..a football player.

Stage dance performer.

And a dream of making difference in people’s life..

Came to Mumbai with Rs. 250 in pocket.

Struggled..worked hard…learnt a lot from common people and survived on my own.

Lived in pipe lines, spent nights in watchmen’s cabin…corridors..station platform..

But zeal to achieve pushed me to continue. And here I am:)

Shardul Pandey: Likewise you are working on many big movie projects so when you are planning to announce your next film. I mean, would you like to give any rough idea of next big announcement from Filmzone Creations Pvt Ltd. ?

Vivek Sharma: Filmzone creations will be announcing 3 big projects around December..but pre-productions have already been started.

Shardul Pandey: I read somewhere (but I did not save the references) that Yash Johar And Karan Johar were not sure to use Rani Mukerjee’s original voice in Kuch Kuch Hota Hai. It was you who stood by her and forced makers to use her real voice. Is it true or a rumor?

Shardul Pandey Talks To Vivek Sharma

Vivek Sharma: Yes I convinced Karan and Yash uncle to retain Rani’s original voice and stood by her. Worked very hard on her dubbing. I was the post production designer for ‘Kuch Kuch Hota Hai’. I did as Yash ji and Shakhan(srk) wanted me to.

Shardul Pandey: You started your career from ‘Kuch Kuch Hota hai’, worked in various capacities and then ‘Bhoothnath’ was your directorial debut. So what was it like to film your debut movie? Was it different from other experiences you’ve had?

Vivek Sharma: I was blessed to have worked with great talents like Mahesh Bhatt, Shah Rukh Khan and many others. I learnt and learnt and learnt. When I was starting Bhoothnath I had no fear. It was clear what I wanted. Amit ji and shri Ravi Chopra supported me through out. I can not ignore contribution of Juhi ma in my life and in my career. She has been there for me as a guide as a sister. Yes making film on your own is different than designing filmz for others. Its an awesome feeling to witness to see your own creation. :) I loved it. I will always cherish it.

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Shardul Pandey: Bollywood seems to be experiencing a renaissance of sorts, with new directors and new subjects ? Would you like to say anything on that ? Any advice for future filmmakers?

Vivek Sharma: I consider this phase of Hindi cinema THE WORST phase where anybody is making film and anybody is becoming a star. Cinema is a platform for talents and artists which has disappeared completely. Its very sad. Corporate and certain banners have made it a mere business thing.

I feel we as film makers must make filmz which has good content and better craft. New film makers should not get into this trap of so called “new age cinema” its the worst phase.

Shardul Pandey: Sometime back I read on Filmzone Creations social media news feed that you are launching a Music Company ?

Vivek Sharma: Yes, Filmzone Creations is launching its music company as I have many film projects, in many languages and trying to bring back Indian classical and melody back on the horizon, a good class music is a promise.

Shardul Pandey: Movie making can be a time-consuming job so would you like to explain the time commitment you put into your movies. What do you do for entertainment? Do you have any peculiar interests?

Vivek Sharma: I am not just a film maker, I am a shayar too:)I am ready with my shayri book which will be published soon.

I love music so I am not only discovering new singers and music directors but also learning classical music.:)

I love sports. I cycle a lot. I am a fitness freak, very regular in gym.

I use every second of my life to create, share and cherish:)

Shardul Pandey: Where netizens can find you on Internet, your official blog is no more active ? Do you own a domain as being online actually means having a domain of your own because that is your real web-address, it saves you from straying homeless on Internet ?

Vivek Sharma: I was writing on the same platform where Mr Bachchan was writing blogs. My blogs were widely read but bigadda sites crashed and now I will write on “vivek sharma’s creative gallery” which will be launched soon but people can find me on my page “Vivek sharma’s official fan page” on Facebook.

Shardul Pandey: Got it about your weblog. Yes they scaled down their social networking and blogging services in July,2011.

It is always better to work from the domain your own because there you get to ultimately control everything that happens in your webspace and others get excluded from doing anything without your permission.

Shardul Pandey Talks To Vivek Sharma

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Vivek Sharma: Message for all the lovely netizens that.. make a positive difference in you, in the society and in the world. Its one life. Live and cherish. Create and gift. Share and luv :)

Shardul Pandey: And from personal experiences what do you say to young people out there struggling to get into the film industry?

Vivek Sharma: I never consider journey as “struggle”. Its a process, its all about passion for cinema. I think youngsters should spend more time with themselves rather than sitting in coffee-house or in gym. They should read more. They must use their energy in constructive work and most important is focus dedication and faith.

(To be continued)

Easily Add Random Animated Image (GIF) Widget In WordPress

WordPress Random Animated Gif is the new WordPress plugin you can use for displaying cool random GIFs in your WordPress site posts, pages, custom post type, widget areas etc. It randomly grabs GIF froms and displays it in your website.

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Easily Find & Organize Group Meetups Near Your Area is Internet’s popular network of meetup groups & communities (with #335 Alexa Rank) that allows netizens to find, create and organize group locally in their area.

One can easily find their interest group near them and meet face-to-face. Everyday 9,000+ groups get together in local communities. Its main objective is to revitalize local community and help netizens to self-organize themselves into local groups that are powerful enough to make a difference.

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How To Add Native Fullscreen Button In WordPress ?

You can easily add a Fullscreen button anywhere in your WordPress site. Native Fullscreen is free WordPress plugin by The plugin allows you to show a native fullscreen button which when clicked shows true fullscreen mode of your website. Without flash. It provides you a widget and a shortcode for displaying fullscreen button. The plugin uses default CSS of your WordPress theme and hence its button matches to your website.

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How To Insert Links Which When Clicked Display PopUps In WordPress ?

Alligator Popup is allows you to insert simple links which displays simple popup windows when clicked. This is a common feature used in millions of website especially for displaying advertisements.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Andrew Lee, Founder Of Envolve

Andrew Lee: Hi! Shardul, Are you a developer? We have some exciting news for you! Envolve has built a new platform, called Firebase, that lets you build real-time, collaborative applications in just a few lines of code. Have you ever wanted to completely customize the way chat works on your site? Now you can.

Firebase lets you build *any* real-time application — from chat apps, to shared whiteboards, to multiplayer games, to collaborative text editors. It’s an API, so you have complete control over how your app works, and you have full access to the data from any device.

For an explanation of what Firebase is and how it works, check out this short screencast. You can also try our quick 5 minute tutorial that will walk you through the API.

Thousands of apps are already using Firebase, including Klout, BitTorrent, TED, Codecademy, and Atlassian. We’d love to power your app as well.

As always, please reach out to me if you have any questions.

Shardul Pandey: Hi!, Thanks for sharing this information. I will certainly go through your new platform.

Klout, BitTorrent, TED, Codecademy, and Atlassian are popular services and I am glad that they are using Firebase.

Great with your success. I wish to congratulate you on this. Good luck to you.

(To be continued…….)

Make WordPress Content Management Easy With CodePress Admin Columns Plugin

Codepress Admin Columns is a free WordPress plugin which allows you to customize your admin section columns.

Website owners professionally running WordPress blog have large amount of content to manage like lot posts, pages, custom post types, media and more but default WordPress content list page (like Posts -> All Posts) provides you only few basic columns.

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How To Activate Responsive Iframe oEmbeds In WordPress ?

Iframely Responsive Embeds is the new WordPress plugin that extends WordPress oEmbed brings you the responsive embeds which means the embeds will automatically resize if you are using a responsive WP theme.

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