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How To Enable Any Shortcode In WordPress Comment Form?

The tutorial is on activating WordPress shortcodes functionality in comment’s form so that you can enable your commenters to use some shortcodes (assigned by you) while writing any comments on your website. Shortcode in Comment is a handy plugin for this. The plugin lets enable decide which shortcodes you would like to enable in the comment form.

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Displaying Author List With Bubble Of Total Posts In WordPress

New Author List by lets you display your blog author list with an hover effect that displays a bubble showing number of posts they have written on your website. Author List is a WordPress widget plugin with following features:

  • You can show the Author list through widget.
  • On hover displays author image, the total number of post, user name and gravatar image will be displayed.
  • Site admin can set the limit of authors to display, Gravatar image size to be 24×24, 48×48 or 96×96 pixel and customize the widget title name.

So what all you have to do is install and activate this new WordPress plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page, drag ‘Author List’ widget to sidebar and set Custom Name, Number of Authors to show, Set Author Image Size.

Enable Website Visitors To Listen Radio Of Country Selected By You In WordPress

Now very easily you can add a simple widget in your WordPress site and enable your website visitors to listed to the radio of country selected by you. You select the country and your website visitors can themselves change to various radio stations and listed to music on your website. The widget is fast and loads up very fast.

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Easily Find Almost Every File Format On Internet

TechFileFormat from from Ace.Net.Nz provides you an online utility to find almost any file format. It provides you A to Z alphabet links which when clicked opens up a page showing file format with their full forms. To start visit this URL and you can navigate by clicking alphabets.

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How To Create Your Own WordPress Admin Color Scheme?

Every week new plugin for admin color schemes are populating WordPress plugin repo. Today we are discussing about another interesting plugin that lets you create your own admin color schemes. The plugin is an official WordPress.Org release which enable you to visually create new color schemes with easy color picker.

Creating new color scheme of your favorite colors:

First install and activate Admin Color Schemer plugin, upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Tools -> Admin Colors page and selet colors

You can select color for Base, Icon, Highlight and Notification. You can also click ‘ Show Advance Options‘ link present in there to customize every admin color like: Button, Text (over Base), Body background, Link, Link interaction, Checked form controls, Menu background, Menu text, Menu icon, Menu highlight background, Menu highlight text, Menu highlight icon, Menu current background, Menu current text, Menu current icon, Submenu background, Submenu text, Submenu alt, background, Submenu text interaction, Submenu current text, Bubble background, Bubble text, Bubble current background, Bubble current text, Menu collapse text, Menu collapse icon, Menu collapse text interaction, Menu collapse, icon interaction, Toolbar avatar frame, Toolbar input background.

New Twenty Fourteen Child Theme To Visually Customize Each Element Color

Few days back we discussed about Tweaking Twenty Fourteen WordPress Theme, Making It Full Width, Center Aligned, Etc Etc. Now this tutorial is on new WordPress theme. Anjirai, is new child theme for new Twenty Fourteen. Anjirai is a Tamil word which means a beautiful Wing. With this new awesome WordPress theme you can customize every element’s color of your Twenty Fourteen WordPress theme.

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Automatically Check For Duplicate Post Titles In WordPress

Keeping similar title in more than one blog post is not good for SEO. Duplicate titles, WordPress allows them by default and that is why many a times it happens that by mistake you give same title to multiple posts and you are not aware of that. The functionality is good because you can keep multiple posts with same title and WordPress will automatically generate unique URLs for duplicate posts which is very useful for hobby bloggers but not for pro-bloggers.
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Easily Prevent Duplication Of Tabs In Google Chrome

Prevent Duplicate Tabs, a Google Chrome App. that tells everything from its name and that all what it does. The extension closes old tabs and also prevents you from opening new ones. Tab addiction is something that most web surfers have and many a times people don’t even remember what that have opened thirteen tabs back.

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How To Export Featured Images (Post Thumbnails) In WordPress?

A big headache when exporting your WordPress site content is to take along your site’s featured images. Earlier we discussed about exporting your site menus and now this tutorial is on how you can easily export featured images. By default WordPress allows you to export all text content but there is no option for exporting featured images assigned to your blog post, pages and custom post types etc.

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Free Online Flashlight Lamp That Instantly Turns Your Screen At Its Brightest

Free Online Flashlight or you can say it a night lamp. What all it does is provides you instant flash light in a button click and next click turns it off. Might be useful if you are working in a dark room on your laptop and for some time need a little flash of light or whatever.

The bulb simply turns your computer’s screen on it’s brightest setting for producing a less intense, soft light to set a mood or glow.

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BBM Is Now Available For Android & iPhone iOS Users For Free

Popular BlackBerry’s BBM messaging service and the best way of connecting and sharing instant messages, pictures and more free, in real time is also here to accompany popular mobile OS of our times. Recently, BlackBerry announced that they will be releasing BBM for iOS and Android and now you can download it from their website.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Gabriel Lynch

Shardul Pandey Talks

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Gabriel at, please tell our netizens about yourself, your story.

Gabriel Lynch: My name is Gabriel Lynch. I’m an independent Australian musician and songwriter. Music has been a big part of my life since I was a very young. My parents encouraged me to take up the violin when I was five years old. Shortly then I also became a member of the Australian Boys Choir. When I was 8, my dad – a music scholar and classical guitarist – showed me three chords on the guitar and from then onward, I was writing my own songs. By age 13 I had played my first show in a pub in my hometown of Melbourne, and I have never stopped performing since then.

I’m now 26 years old and I have spent most of the last three years making my living out of touring, performing and selling my own self-funded CDs. I’ve played in countries all over Europe, Australia and Asia and last year I was lucky enough to even perform at a festival in Singapore, alongside my heroes Elbow, The John Butler Trio and Architecture in Helsinki.

I’ve worked along some incredible musicians of various styles and genres. For the last three months I was working my improvising chops as a jazz singer with a small band at Bangkok’s renowned music hub, Brown Sugar. I have also been working alongside Australian DJ and composer, Robbie James, to create a new album of electronic music under the name Stray Nation.

At the present time, I’m working as a musician for hire in Bangkok. I’m also in the process of preparing to create a new record of my own (after having great success with my last EP, Dependent State). The finance for my new album will be raised via an online crowdfunding campaign which is a very new concept to me. But it’s also very exciting because I’m using that campaign to challenge myself as a songwriter – everyone who pledges has a chance to choose a song title and topic that I must then write and record for YouTube within two weeks!

Gabriel LynchShardul Pandey: What makes your endeavors unique ?

Gabriel Lynch: The thing that makes my endeavours most unique is the fact that I am totally independent. That means that every tour, every record I make, every project I undertake is self-funded and produced. The other thing that perhaps makes my approach to my work unique is that I am always trying new ways to expand my own horizons. Beyond my own releases and performances, I also love to collaborate and play outside of my comfort zone. In the near future I’ll be releasing a joint electronic music project with Melbourne producer/dj Robbie James called Stray Nation. And, of course, in raising funds for my new solo album, I am asking my audience to help me with the songwriting process by suggesting song titles and topics. They get the opportunity to do this when they pledge their support. I think this brings in a new level of online audience participation and I think that interaction (which is one of my favourite things about playing live) is crucial to creating art that is all the more personal for my followers and supporters.

Shardul Pandey: On what musical projects you are working on? What can we expect from you in the next few years ? Any long-term goals?

Gabriel Lynch: As I mentioned, my main project at the moment is the songwriting exercise/crowdfunding project for my next album. This is a big challenge for me as I will have to pour out a lot of music in a short period of time. I’m hoping to then incorporate the best songs I come up with into the new album. The new album will be recorded in 2014 and will be followed by tours in Asia, Australia and (hopefully) the US for the very first time. I’d be lying if I said I had any strict goals. But my main ambition through everything I do is to make more friends, expose my music to more people and find those individuals who connect with what I do. Music is about sharing and I hope to do that in every way possible. That means playing and performing at every opportunity, continuing to write and create new material for my followers, and collaborating with other artists.

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to share the experience of your first performance?

Gabriel Lynch: I was about 13 years old when I first played live. I was invited by a small collective to participate in an open mic night at a pub in Melbourne. It was a very small affair, but I remember being deeply excited because it was my first time performing my music in front of strangers. It was also exciting to be inside a pub! Of course, my mother had to accompany me to many of my shows when I was under the legal drinking age (18 in Australia). But she was really supportive and ended up taking me to loads of shows throughout my teen years.

Shardul Pandey: What is your foremost experience as an artist ? Any favorite moment you would like to share?

Gabriel Lynch: There are a great many to choose from. I think the best moments for me when I receive words of comfort or encouragement from strangers. That sometimes happens when an audience sings along with my songs. It happens when somebody sends me an email to say ‘thank you’ for a song that touched them in a particular way. Perhaps the one experience that comes to mind first was my début performance at Singapore’s Esplanade Theatre. The audience was incredibly enthusiastic and were so excited by the opportunity to sing harmonies with me (something I like to do when I play live – the results are often mixed). They really gave it their all and they were so quick to approach me afterward, one at a time, to introduce themselves and say hello. I think I met a couple of hundred people that night and I’ll never forget it!

Shardul Pandey: Any other creative mediums you work in?

Gabriel Lynch: I stick with music mostly. Although that’s a broad statement. I have several projects on the go and I work as a hired gun for jazz ensembles and cover bands to keep myself busy. But I have recently started writing online for a handful of music websites. The most popular column I have is for Philippines’ DIG Radio site. The column is entitled “All Musicians Go to Hell” and I use it as an opportunity to talk about all things music: performing, music criticism and analysis, tips for other musicians. The fun part is using humour to convey my message.

Gabriel Lynch

Shardul Pandey: How do you best describe what music is to you?

Gabriel Lynch: I think I’d describe it as expression. Simple as that. When I hear music that makes me feel something, irrespective of what, and irrespective of genre, that says to me that the composer has achieved something special.

Shardul Pandey: Who were your biggest musical influences ?

Gabriel Lynch: I’m extremely fond of many different musicians from different backgrounds and periods of history. My favourite contemporary artists are groups like Elbow, Radiohead, Ben Folds and Eels. But I also have a deep love of classical music (Debussy and Elgar are among my favourites) and jazz (Brad Mehldau is one of my heroes). But musically I find my experiences, meeting people and going through the trials of life are some of the best sources of inspiration.

Shardul Pandey: What songs get you moving ?

Gabriel Lynch: The uptempo numbers from Ben Folds Five are usually a good start for music to make you feel energised. Songs like “Kate” and “Song for the Dumped”. I also love Mutemath and their style of bluesy rock. It’s sophisticated and incredibly intense, but a lot of fun.

Shardul Pandey: Any plans for an international tour on your skyline?

Gabriel Lynch: Yes indeed. Once my new album is finished, I’ll be attempting to reach as far and wide as I can. I’ll start with Asia and my home country, Australia. But I’m hoping to get to the US for the first time. This will all take place midway through 2014.

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a musician and how would you like to be remembered ?

Gabriel Lynch: Musically speaking? I suppose it would be my songwriting. I never really thought of myself as a singer, much less a guitarist. But I think I have the ability to express, through melody and song, the things I write about before lyrics even come into the equation. But what really matters, at the end of the day, is that I love working with other musicians. I think my best quality, therefore, is my approach to making music with others. I like to think I make friends of anyone I play along, and having that relationship opens you up to the possibility of creating something very unique and special.

Shardul Pandey: What advice would you give to newbie musicians?

Gabriel Lynch: Be honest in your music. Forget about being cool. Forget about playing the most current and popular style. Be honest and write and play the music that speaks to you. If you’re honest, people listening will be able to find it and that’s how you’ll reach them. That’s how you’ll grow a support base. And it will also make you happy.

Gabriel Lynch

Shardul Pandey: What is your web address, do you own a domain?

Gabriel Lynch: Yes, There are a few other places: Indiegogo Campaign,,,

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Gabriel Lynch: I hope that your readers and all netizens who stumble upon this article and/or my music will give it a chance. Support doesn’t come in the form of money or page ‘likes’. But if you hear what I do, and if it means something to you, you can support me by sharing my songs with your friends. You can support me by following my news. And, most importantly, if you make it known that you like what you hear, then I’ll have all the more reason to come and perform for you the next time I hit the road. And I hope that will be sometime very soon.

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Using Infogeek Admin Themes With New WordPress Color Schemes

Infogeek Admin Themes, another new admin area theme plugin that provides you three new color schemes based on WordPress 3.8 update. Simply install and activate the plugin, then visit your admin area profile page from dashboard user’s menu and you will be seeing three new color schemes: Infogeek Clear, Infogeek High Contrast and XTND ( Extend ).

Infogeek Clear:

Has the white as main color and blue as highlight. Is very clear theme for you backend, if you don\’ like so much the high contrast.

XTND ( Extend ):

A theme very close to the default theme but uses magenta instead of blue! Very nice looking variation!

Infogeek High Contrast:

Has a main color of green-blue ( like the sea ), secondary highlight colors of blue and black. Clear and helps much with distinction amount the different sections of the backend user interface.

Hello Pinky: Symbolize Childhood & Formative Years Of 90’s Generation In WordPress

Hello Pinky, another Hello Dolly style plugin that ymbolizes the childhood and formative years of an entire generation that grew up in the 90’s. The plugin shows up conversations between our heroes, WB’s Pinky and the Brain, appear in the admin notices section of the WP Dashboard – on every page.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Aspyre

Shardul Pandey Talks To Aspyre

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Aspyre at, please tell our netiznes about yourself.

Aspyre: My name is Aspyre. I’m a Canadian born country singer. I started writing songs when I was 8 years old. I always loved singing but I knew just singing wasn’t enough. I always had an interest in guitar but never knew how to play. As fate would have it, I ended up getting a guitar with a broken neck from a friend. He was gonna throw it out, so I decided to see if I could fix it and teach myself. A little wood glue and dedication changed my life forever. I’ve never had a real lesson in my life, but think I’m doing pretty well with it! I know all the odds are against me in this industry but I’m hoping to beat those odds and travel doing a career that I love!

Shardul Pandey: So what are you doing now-a-days ? What musical projects you are currently working on?

Aspyre: Well right now I’m working at a seniors home and pursuing music on the side. I’m completely self-taught on guitar and practice non stop! I’ve dreamed about this since I was a little, and it’s so exciting that I was FINALLY able to start this journey two months ago. So far though, the support has amazed! I’m planning to record an EP in the next few months, so everyone can keep an eye out for that and a music video! I’m always uploading new videos on YouTube (Aspyresings) and new photos on my Facebook page all the time!

Shardul Pandey: How would you describe your sound to people who have not yet heard your music ?

Aspyre: Describing my sound is hard for me to do, but if I had to put it into words, I would say I’m an indie/country singer. My sound is what makes Aspyre so different from the rest.

Shardul Pandey: Any loves, other than music? Is there any other creative mediums you work in?

Aspyre: My two love’s other than music are my miniature Australian shepherd Baxter, and being able to help others any chance I get! I’m also a great sculptor, not just a writer! I can’t draw at all, but give me a ball of clay, and I can make anything.

Shardul Pandey: Any favorite moment you would like to share?

Aspyre: My favorite moments would have to be the first time I ever heard my voice on a recording and realised, I sounded good! How am I unique? My story is a long and special one. I won’t go into detail, but I will say that I’ve been on my own for this entire journey. My parents/family never encouraged me to sing. I taught myself how to play guitar in my basement bedroom with my guitar I found and fixed.

One day I will share my whole story with you:)

Shardul Pandey: What you do for fun & entertainment? Any peculiar interests?

Aspyre: For fun, I don’t go to cinemas or watch tv. I prefer to spend my time surrounded by my closest friends.

I believe time spent with loved ones is a million times more precious than hours wasted on a TV screen.

Shardul Pandey: Tell us about your favorites.

Aspyre:My favorites:

  • My favorite films are Edward scissor hands, SNL’s Superstar and Anchorman.
  • My favorite actors/actresses: Sandra Bullock and Channing Tatum.
  • My favorite singers: Carrie Underwood, Miranda Lambert, Rascal Flatts and Luke Bryan
  • My favorite international artists: I really enjoy european EDM artists. Hardwell, avichi, kaskade.
  • My favorite food will always be pineapple and black olive pizza or simply, a grilled cheese sandwich
  • My favorite travel destination would be hawaii, but I would love to see England!
  • My favorite music festival is Shambhala in British Columbia.
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Shardul Pandey: Best advice ever given? First song ever sung? Secret craving?

Aspyre: Everything happens for a reason. Never give up, and never stop trying because clouds will always go away. Sunshine is only hidden as long as you let it.
My first favorite song that I remember is ‘don’t be stupid’ by Shania twain. My all time secret craving is candy! Cotton candy, rock candy, sour candy,… Etc..

Shardul Pandey: How do you best describe what music is to you?

Aspyre: Music to me is what water is to a fish. With out it, I couldn’t make it through my day. I wouldn’t be able to travel anywhere, I wouldn’t be able to keep a smile on my face when others pulled me down. I couldn’t go to sleep at night or wake up in the morning. Music is what I live and breathe for. Music is everything to me.

Shardul Pandey: What songs get you moving ?

Aspyre: Red- taylor swift, Killin it- krewella, Get down – Kairo kingdom, Chicken fried – Zach brown band

Shardul Pandey: According to you, what are easy and hard parts of singing ?

Aspyre: The easiest part of singing for me,is simply just the singing part! But I do find that it is harder for me to play certain or difficult guitar rhythms while I sing.

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a performer and how would you like to be remembered?

Aspyre: My strengths would have to be my strong vocal range and vibrato. Similar to Carrie Underwood. I hope to be remembered by my unique sound!

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to give any advice to newbie musicians?

Aspyre: Never put your self down or worry what others think of your music. Confidence is everything these days.

Shardul Pandey: Any new plans for an international tour on your skyline?

Aspyre: I have some plans for a tour around the southern united states for summer 2014, but I haven’t even released my EP yet so it’s still up in the air where I will end up in the future!

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

Aspyre: My ultimate message to everyone: never give up!! Always follow your heart with a positive attitude and outlook. People will always be waiting to pull you down, but if you don’t let them, you will rise to the top!! Never let anything tell you that your dreams are not possible.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To Mr Sinis

Shardul Pandey Talks

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you Sinis at, please tell our netizens about yourself.

Mr Sinis: First of all I thank you for the time you spend to interview. I’m Mr Sinis and I’m 25 years old. I’m from Spain and live in London. Music is a passion that all we have inside us. So grabbed a pen and was starting to write my experience. All songs are part of me and if you want to learn me more, just listen them. The first touch with Music Industry made by my first album The S-MASK, two years ago.

Shardul Pandey:  Would you like to briefly explain your sound to people who have not yet heard your music?

Mr Sinis: If I’m pop-dance singer,at first album my manager and music producers suggest me to try something different.
Made an album with different kind of music, with central characteristic ”dance”.

Shardul Pandey: What yo are doing now a days? What musical projects you are working on and what we can expect from you in next few years?

Mr Sinis: I already upload my new work, a song called ”Dimwind”, maybe I will compete in Eurovision by representing Spain. I can’t tell more about my future work but i can promise to my fans the best.

Mr SinisShardul Pandey: How do you best describe what music is to you?

Mr Sinis: I cant describe it but I’m full in love with pop-house-trance music.

Shardul Pandey: What is something you learned recently about singing, and what are you learning about right now?

Mr Sinis: The area of music industry is too hard, also the acceptance of the world.

Shardul Pandey: Do you try giving messages in your songs? If so, what are they?

Mr Sinis: All my songs have meanings but you have to find it alone.

Shardul Pandey: Do you have any plans for an international tour on your horizon?

Mr Sinis: Not yet but I hope soon.

Shardul Pandey: What makes your endeavors unique ? What’s next for you? Tell us if you have any long-term goals?

Mr Sinis: I suppose that the hidden identity is what makes me unique and trying to touch the world with that

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a singer and how would you like to be remembered?

Mr Sinis: Cause my ugliness goes me back, so I wear mask. It gives me the strength to stand up. I would like to remember me as ”The man with the mask”.

Shardul Pandey: According to you, what are cushy and hard parts of singing?

Mr Sinis: As songwriter, I believe is a good job and the difficult is to catch the crowd with my words.

Shardul Pandey: Who were your biggest musical influences?

Mr Sinis: All top singers Jackson, Madonna, Lady gaga, Jennifer Lopez, Iglesias, Martin, Rihanna…

Mr SinisShardul Pandey: What is your foremost experience as an artist?

Mr Sinis: My foremost experience is to walking around the people with mask and strange make up, during a video clip.

Shardul Pandey: What does success mean to you?

Mr Sinis: To sing in front of 1,000,000 people.

Shardul Pandey: What advice would you give to newbie musicians?

Mr Sinis: Don’t copy. believe in yourself

Shardul Pandey: Any loves, other than music ?

Mr Sinis: There are many thing, ski, water sports… but most of all my girlfriend.

Shardul Pandey: Do you own a domain name?

Mr Sinis: I do:

and soon at


Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens?

Mr Sinis: As crazy as is your dream, make it real. Because one day you will regret for not to try it.

Digitally Imported Free Online Electronic Music Streams From Over 60+ Genres

Digitally Imported is an Internet Radio service specially for dance music lovers. This is is FREE radio stations site where you can listed to live dance music from more than 60 different genres, 65 music channels providing best electronic music. The service also have a premium subscription providing you better quality music without any ads.

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Fast Elegant On Hover Social Sharing Buttons For WordPress

AR Simple Social Share, the new social sharing plugin for WordPress provides you a new style of social sharing buttons. Unlike to other sharing buttons, AR Simple Social Share shows up its sharing buttons when someone hovers the customizable message ‘Share On Social Networks’ or whatever you write there.

This new lightweight social sharing plugin comes packed with various visibility control options you can use for showing sharing buttons in posts, pages, excerpts etc. The plugin also provides you a Shortcode [ar-simple-social-share] for displaying sharing buttons manually anywhere you like.

Simply install and activate the plugin, upon activation the plugin automatically displays sharing buttons on single post pages. You can control visibility, select font, text, icons etc by visiting its settings page (Dashboard -> AR Social Share).

Classic Grey WordPress Admin Color Schemes For Everyday Use

New Grey Admin Color Schemes for WordPress 3.8’s admin area from gives your WordPress site admin new classic grey color schemes that will not make your bored after few days like other colorful schemes. Install and activate Grey Admin Color Schemes plugin. upon activation the plugin adds four new color schemes you can change from Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile page.

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Shardul Pandey Talks To K.C. Loy

K.C. Loy

Shardul Pandey: I welcome you, please tell our netizens about yourself.

K.C. Loy: I always remember choosing paths least traveled. Usually for the adventure it promised, but mostly ‘cos the rest seemed so boring. Yes! ‘Boring’ is one disease I’ve tried to avoid like a plague. Music, Dancing & Performing came naturally. I felt at home on the stage, even at the age of 5.

I think I can still remember the audience, my parents and of course my teacher, by the pews, all waiting with bated breath. I loved it when they broke into smiles and applause. That little flame kept the embers in my heart, glowing, soft & warm up until the day I realized, long after I’d chosen this path, “This is where I am supposed to be! Dreaming – Creating – Performing!”

I started off as a Composer of music for Advertisements & Television, moving on to Bollywood with the Hindi feature I.Proud to be Indian.

I Co-produced a Marathi feature  film “Pak Pak Pakaak” along with Composing the songs, I also assisted in the Story development & Screenplay. “Pak Pak Pakaak” went on to win 8 of The Maharashtra State awards including Outstanding Music, of course.

Well, awards are all nice but I was still missing out on something… direct audience.
All my works have all been, innocently, goading me towards performing my originals to a live audience and of course publishing them.

So, here I stand, Mic ready and Band all tuned up, to sing for you something Raw and Earthy.

Shardul Pandey TalksShardul Pandey: Please briefly explain your sound to our netizens who have yet not heard your music?

K.C. Loy: I am an indie singer-songwriter. So naturally my songs are Lyric and melody based. I love to perform my songs Raw, Organic and straight from the heart. There’s a story in every one of them and of course, they’re sing-able and fun.

Shardul Pandey: What keep your endeavors unique?

K.C. Loy: My compositions are straight from my heart to your heart and nothing in between. Every one of my gigs, is like my first and last gig… I just go all out. My audiences reciprocate with such great vibe, it makes me more powerful, creating an electric atmosphere.

Shardul Pandey: On what musical projects you are working one? What can we expect from you in the next few years? Any long-term goals?

K.C. Loy: Right now I’m working on releasing my first single LIFE IS… it’s a ‘Baul’ (songs sung by minstrels/ fakirs of Bengal) influenced song. It’s simple and yet deeply philosophical. The melody is infectious and just keeps ringing in your head. Making the video is fun but also the hardest part. However it’s promising to be colourful!

I plan to release more songs in the following months. I want to take my Sound all around India… and then the world. My long-term goal would be to hear strangers sing my songs, that would be like receiving a Grammy or whatever great music award exists.

Shardul Pandey: Would you like to share the experience of your first performance?

K.C. Loy: I remember each one of my first performances, however there’s one particular performance that changed my life. Some years ago, at Rang Bhavan, we were performing originals for “The Concert for Freedom”. The first row of “rockers” wanted to listen to Iron maiden, etc. and kept hooting/ swearing at us. We were furious and some of us wanted to break their skulls. Just then my girlfriend(when I peeped off stage) whispered “sing for those who want to listen to you!” And that hit me like… BOOM! I then focused on the 500 odd, behind the guys in the first row. I realized, they were singing along and cheering for us. Wow! That day on, I never lost my cool on stage.

Shardul Pandey: What is your foremost experience as an artist? Any favorite moment you would like to share?

K.C. Loy: Life as an artist is made up of great moments and terrible ones. From the moment you get an interesting idea that has great potential, to the moment you’ve completed the song, is one big buzz. Now, this buzz, gets to its highest point when the audience shows its love. If, however, the audience hates it, the buzz goes down but it somehow, doesn’t usually die. It’s like your baby, your own flesh and blood. I’ve had all these moments many a times over.

Shardul Pandey: What other creative mediums you like working in?

K.C. Loy: I love writing short stories (mostly because I never actually had the patience to write a ‘long’ one). I have a bunch of them that I intend to publish sometime next year. Professionally, I have written screenplays for two Marathi films and many thriller TV shows. I love capturing faces in the sun with a DSLR. I work with a 500D and hope to upgrade soon.

Shardul Pandey: How do you best describe what music is to you?

K.C. Loy: Music is a ‘Miracle’ for me. I never can guess when I’m going to compose a tune or write a song. It just hits me when I least expect and flows till I’m all out. Then I look at it and wonder “Why” I wrote it? And the reason, if I find one, never answers the “How”.

Shardul Pandey: Who were your biggest musical influences?

K.C. Loy: SD & RD Burman, Salil Choudhary, Hridaynath mangeshkar, Beatles, Cliff Richards, Pearljam, Ian Anderson and so many more.

Shardul Pandey: What songs get you moving?

K.C. Loy: Simple songs with lyrics, usually get me moving and tracks with large symphonies.

Shardul Pandey: Any plans for an international tour on your horizon?

K.C. Loy: Nothing planned but of course… as I mentioned earlier, I intend to take my songs to world.

Shardul Pandey: What you feel is your strength as a musician and how would you like to be remembered ?

K.C. Loy: My melodies and my lyrics are my strength. I would like to be remembered as a person who spread hope through his songs.

Shardul Pandey: What advice would you give to newbie musicians?

K.C. Loy: Follow your heart!

Shardul Pandey: What is your web address, do you own a domain ? Where netizens can find latest news feed about you and your music ?

K.C. Loy: Yes, I am also on:

Shardul Pandey: What you do for fun & entertainment? Any peculiar interests?

K.C. Loy: I love to trek, find a spot in the mountains and read a book. Or watch movies at home.

Shardul Pandey: What is your ultimate message for netizens ?

K.C. Loy: Go on and check out all the songs on youtube/vimeo as you like, but ‘Don’t’ forget to BUY indie music online ‘cos that’s the only way you make sure the artist survives and keeps creating songs for you.

Changing Frontend Admin Bar Color As Per New Admin Color Schemes In WordPress

Now new WordPress version provides you 8 different color schemes, few days back we have also discussed about Adding Some More Admin Area Color Schemes and how you can Randomly Change WordPress Admin With Various Colors Schemes. You can select your favorite color scheme from Dashboard -> Users -> Your Profile page but that doesn’t changes the color of admin barin the front-end, it remains same on all color schemes. This tutorial is on new WordPress plugin that one thing automatically, it simply changes the color of admin bar in front-end on the basis of selected color scheme.

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