Tag Archives: WordPress

Embed Flickr & Picasa Photostreams In Web Pages As A Flash Slideshow

Use PictoBrowser for embedding your Flickr – Picasa Photos in your website.

What is a PictoBrowser?

PictoBrowser a free web application that displays Flickr and Picasa images on websites and blogs.

How to get a PictoBrowser?

  1. Visit here
  2. If this link doesn’t work then visit http://pictobrowser.com/
  3. Click PictoBuilder at the top left corner of the page.
  4. Enter your Flickr/Picasa username.
  5. Choose images.
  6. Set Tag or Groups.
  7. It outputs some HTML code
  8. Copy that HTML code and paste it in your website or blog.
  9. If you use WordPress then you may paste it inside your posts and pages.

Adding JavaScript Inside Your WordPress Posts

While writing any post change mode from Visual to HTML and paste your javascript there.

Excluding this there are many plugins available which allows you to add javascript in WordPress posts.

You may try this plugin also Custom fields shortcode. Although this plugin hasn’t been updated in over 2 years but it works good without  showing any error in my blog.


Use [cf] shortcode in your post content to show the custom field value without editing any of your WordPress theme files.

For Example:  [cf] FieldName[/cf] returns value of ‘FieldName’ custom-filed.

Check similar plugins here.

Creating WordPress Multisite Network

    • Install WordPress
    • Add the following line just above /* That’s all, stop editing! Happy blogging. */
    • define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
    • Last step enables the Network Setup item in your Tools menu.
    • Go to Dashboard => Tools => Network Setup.
    • Do as directed. It will ask you to choose from the following two network options:
  • Sub-domains — a sub-domain based network in which sub-sites use subdomains. Example: http://lamp.sangkrit.net
  • Sub-directories — a path-based network in which sub-sites use directory path. Example: https://sangkrit.net/lamp
    • If you choose sub-domain network option then you will need to generate wild card from your c-panel check this tutorial: Subdomain Network: Adding A Wild-Card DNS In DNS Server
    • Network details get filled in automatically but you are free to make changes:
  • Server Address: The domain of the URL to access your WordPress installation.
  • Network Title: The title of your multisite network.
  • Admin E-mail:  Super admin’s email address for whole network.
  • Click the Install button.
  • Follow on screen instructions.  It provides you with cold blocks to add on your site’s wp-config.php and .htaccess files and prompts you to create a directory:
  • Create a directory for media file uploads. Directory should be writable by webserver.
  • Add the specified lines to your wp-config.php file
  • Add the specified lines to your .htaccess file
    If you do not have a .htaccess file, then create it in root directory.
  • Clear your browser’s cache and login to your site.
  • From your Dashboard at the top left corner you will see My Sites menu. Now you may visit your Network Administration from My Sites => Network Admin => Dashboard.

Migrating Multiple Blogs To WordPress Multisite

  • Export content of your existing WordPress installations from Dashboard=> Tools=> Export
  • Install WordPress
  • Activate Multisite by adding define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true); in your wp-config.php
  • Open Dashboard of your new WordPress installation.
  • Open Tool=> Network Setup from Dashboard and do as directed.
  • Create blog for each site you like to import.
  • Import each site’s content you exported from old installations from Dashboard=> Tools=> Import
  • Install all themes and plugins of your old site if you like and network activate them.
  • If your old installations have their own domain names then Map domains to your main site using MU Domain Mapping

Embedding RSS Feed In Your WordPress Posts And Pages

Open Your themes function.php and add the following code at the bottom:


function readRss($atts) {
“feed” => ‘http://‘,
“num” => ‘1’,
), $atts));

return wp_rss($feed, $num);

add_shortcode(‘rss’, ‘readRss’);

Save function.php and whenever you need to embed RSS in any of your post or page write the following short code inside your post:

[ rss feed=”https://sangkrit.net/feed” num=”5″ ]

In the above give short code replace https://sangkrit.net/feed with your feed address and in num=5 replace 5 with the number of posts you like to show.

Note: Remember there is no space between [ and rss feed and num=”5″  and  so after you copy the short code; check the space, remove it (if there is some space) and then publish it.

Tips For Successful WordPress Site Submission To Search Engine

  1. You can submit your site to search engines through many resources. You may do so manually. Whatever method you choose search engine welcomes the site if your content is good.
  2. Search engine scans all content whenever a site is submitted. So be sure about content, it should be there in your site.
  3. Your site should have at least 9 posts so that search engine can get something to examine and evaluate.
  4. Never submit your site to same search engine more than once a month. Never let a search engine note your anxiousness.
  5. Always be ready to copy-paste or write a brief description of your site in about 200 words.
  6. Submit those categories that belong to search engine’s directory.
  7. Keep a list of your website’s various “addresses/URLs” .
  8. You can submit your site’s root directory,  various categories and feeds to search engines. This expands your search coverage.
  9. Keep a track of what you have submitted and when to avoid random re submission.