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How To Use Managed WordPress For Writing Lessons, Treatises & Essays As Blog Posts?

Managed WordPress at is a packaged service that lets you create and manage any kind of website you want with all built-in SEO, security, and backup software.

To start your website you will need to register your domain name and then subscribe to a Managed WordPress plan. Once you do that, the automated process will guide you to the admin area of your website where you can create new pages and posts.

This lesson is about using WordPress to write long articles as blog posts. For very long articles such as essays and lessons with multiple headings, you need to add a table of contents at the top of the post to ease things for your readers.

Create A Category

The category feature on your WordPress site lets you create a hierarchical structure of categories that you can assign to your posts. Suppose you are willing to post lessons on a certain subject. Simply create a category in the name of the subject and then assign all lessons to that specific category. This is done while writing posts from the Posts -> Add New screen.

You can also add a link to the category on your website from the Appearance -> Menus page. The category link can be obtained from the Posts -> Categories page where you can also manage all other categories on your website.

Enable Table Of Contents

Next, each article will have its own headings so to make a table of content simply install a WordPress plugin called Automatic TOC – Table of Contents. Next, all you need to do is paste a shortcode [toc] in your post wherever you like the table of contents to appear and it will automatically create and display a TOC from all heading tags you have used in your post.

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