While it is impossible to completely stop aces from copying from your website but still you can harden it by disabling all known and unknown shortcuts of copying text from your website.
Anyone can make his website by registering his domain name and then subscribing to a Managed WordPress plan which can be enhanced with free plugins available in the WordPress plugin repository. This lesson is on a new WordPress plugin that simply disables all known and unknown shortcuts for copying text from your website.
All you need to do is install-activate Disable Copy Paste plugin by the developer Dev Kabir and it will disable:
- The right-click menu
- The F12 and Ctrl+Shift+I shortcuts
- It recognizes opening the developer tools from the browser menu bar and closing the current page
- It can identify the real mobile terminal
- It can identify browser developer tool settings
- It can identify the plug-in forged mobile terminal
- It can identify saving performance for the mobile terminal
- It can identify developer tool shutdown events
The plugin has multiple monitoring modes and supports almost all popular web browsers such as IE, 360, QQ browser, Firefox, Chrome, Edge, etc.
So especially if you are a webmaster or coder and you want to protect your website content then this plugin will let you deny all measures that are used to enter the developer tools. So that the code of your website could get manipulated by any intruder.