Setting up automatic schedules for your posts is a great functionality for multi-author websites. Auto-Schedule Posts, a free WordPress plugin simply enables you to set time intervals between posts. You can either randomize it or select a publishing order. The plugin lets you set all important auto post scheduling parameters, even you can exclude or include manually scheduled posts as per your new auto post scheduling plan.
How It Works?
- The plugin keeps track of posts and catches them as soon author clicks the ‘Publish‘ button
- It holds them till they reach the proper publication time, which is defined by your parameters.
The publication can be set for certain hours, can be limited to certain days, you can set a minimum time period between posts and manually select days to publish or not to publish posts.
How To Use Auto-Schedule Posts Plugin?
All auto-scheduling parameters can be set by the admin from the plugin’s options page. Install and activate Auto-Schedule Posts plugin. Upon activation visit your admin area Dashboard -> Settings -> Auto-Schedule Posts page and select your parameters.