Highly Customizable Follow Us Social Media Widget For Twitter, Google+ & Facebook

Follow Us Box is new WordPress widget plugin that adds a fully customizable frontend widget for showing follow buttons (not just icons) for Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Simply install and activate it then visit Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets page and drag its widget to a widget area.


Google+ options:

  1. Enable/disable google+ box
  2. Widget width
  3. Widget style

Twitter follow button options:

  1. Enable/disable twitter button
  2. Button size
  3. Show/hide count

Facebook like box options:

  1. Enable/disable facebook box
  2. Widget width
  3. Widget height
  4. Show/hide faces
  5. Show/hide stream

Similar PluginWP MashSocial Wigdet – Showcase All Your Social Profiles Using Mashable Style Social Media Widget For WordPress.

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