Category Archives: Homeschool

Social Crawlytics – Free Social Sharing Analysis Tool

Social Crawlytics is free service used to scan website and provide reports on each page for all  major social networks.

They give you there plans out of which two are free and for the third plan which is for super large websites they ask you two contact them for information. As shown in the given image:

Start by logging-in with your Twitter Account. Click Login With Twitter.

It will ask for your permission to authorize Social Crawlytics to use your account. Authorize the app and you will be redirected automatically to your Social Crawlytics Dashboard.

Now enter the URL you want to analyze, click SUBMIT, follow few more steps and get statistical overview of progress of your articles which have fared across Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Delicious, Google+ and Stumbleupon.

Using Google To Search Within A Specific Website

You may use Google to search certain keywords within a specific website. This can be done by writing Site: followed by website’s address and Keywords which you like to search. For Example:

If you want to search Extinction List in Sangkrit.Net : – Extinction List

  • Press Enter

Where Site: is used as a prefix. is the name of the site. and Extinction List is the keyword you are searching for.

Google Can Convert Currencies

You may use Google for converting currencies. For Example :-

If you want to convert 500 Rupees to US Dollar :-

500 INR in USD

  • Press Enter

This would display the converted amount : –

500 Indian rupees = 9.10100 U.S. dollars

In the same way you can convert USD to YEN, EUR to INR etc.etc.

Largest Possible Market Awaits Nexus 7

I am planning to buy Nexus 7 and wait till its India launch instead of buying Apple i-pad-3 now. I have not mentioned any other device as I expect Steve Jobs integrity effect out of Nexus 7 as well. Although Google can do much better by more collaborative approach to India up to the extent of collaborating with Universal Free Education System.

India could be more than welcoming to Nexus 7 as its largest possible market, if retail price remain below INR 10,000 in tie up with some telecom companies and device facilitates free homeschooling in local language. Moreover an exchange offer for old device of user with Internet time may bring additional wonder. Almost everybody out of this largest growing mobile market may then buy Nexus 7.

Facebook Introduced App Center

I just logged in my Facebook account and got a notification “Introducing App Center” on side bar. I clicked it and now I can see a left sidebar showing category group of ALL, WEB & Mobile followed by a list of different categories:

  • Games
  • Entertainment
  • Facebook
  • Lifestyle
  • Music ‘
  • News
  • Photos & Videos
  • Sports
  • Travel & Local
  • Utilities
  • Requests

You must be knowing about each category and what it stands for as Facebook Apps are not new, only App Center is development.
Now I come to header which is showing two blocks on top left corner with these names:

  • Mobile Apps
  • Timeline Apps

Top Right corner of header shows random adds of different apps.

Body section shows two columns:

  • Suggested Apps (left column) Personalized app suggestions for you.
  • Friends’ Apps (right column) Apps that your friends have used recently.

After I scrolled a little I can see a menu of The highest rated and most used apps as follws:

  • Top Rated
  • Trending
  • Top Grossing

After moving back to home I can see icon of App Center in apps menu on left sidebar under groups and favorite section.

First Major Worm To Have A Political Message

WANK stands for stands for “Worms Against Nuclear Killers”

As documented by Julian Assange: Hacktivism is at least as old as October 1989 when DOE, HEPNET and SPAN (NASA) connected VMS machines world wide were penetrated by the anti-nuclear WANK worm. WANK penetrated machines had their login screens altered to:

   W O R M S    A G A I N S T    N U C L E A R    K I L L E R S
 __  ____________  _____    ________    ____  ____   __  _____/
        /    / /    / /        |    | |    | | / /    /
       /    / /    / /__       | |  | |    | |/ /    /
      / / / /    / ______      | |  | |    | |    /
     _  /__  /____/ /______ ____| |__ | |____| |_ _/
            Your System Has Been Officially WANKed     /

  You talk of times of peace for all, and then prepare for war.

Whether Julian Did This To Calm Down US ?

Timing of WikiLeaks’ release on Syria shows some smart move as anonymous comments on saying “Now what will probably happen is the US will want to put a medal on Julian’s neck rather than try to lynch him.” Whatever may be the reason but opening up the governments is always welcome and being smart is equally important in surviving through the battles for freedom.

Wikileaks Releases The Syria Files Having More Than 2.4 Million Confidential Emails

Wikileaks has released information known as Syriafiles. Release was announced today at London’s Frontline club.

Wikileaks says that SyriaFiles have 2.4 million documents with more than 2 million emails from Syrian political entities, ministries and companies. Record dates from August 2006 to March 2012.

One Command LAMP Server Installation

Installing LAMP Server

  • Open your Linux Terminal.
  • Type: sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
  • Press Enter

Checking the Installation

  • Open a web browser
  • Type: http://localhost/
  • If your browser shows the message: “It Works” then you have successfully installed LAMP

Tasksel Method

Other than the above given method you may use the Tasksel method for installing LAMP server. Use following given commands on your Linux Terminal:

sudo apt-get install tasksel
sudo tasksel install lamp-server


If you need to install PhpMyAdmin for managing your website’s database:

sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin

Trace Anyone By His Email Address

Tracing The Location

  • Open the email send by the person you are trying trace and copy the IP address from header written after Received From.
  • Open Visual Trace Route Website or any other IP tracing website if you know.
  • Scroll down and see the heading Trace The Path To A Network.
  • Paste the IP address on Remote Address text box.
  • You may select from Host Trace and Proxy Trace.

Facebook Search

Person may have a facebook profile which can provide you with useful information like active email address and mobile number.

  • Open Facebook.
  • Type the full email address on the Facebook search Box.
  • This will open the profile of the person using that email address on Facebook.
  • If profile exists but it don’t provide you useful information or the account is left inactive for a long time then just save the image of the person from his Facebook profile.
  • Open this website.
  • Upload the image and search. This may be useful in locating other social profiles with that email address.

Searching People From Pipl.Com

Type the email and search the person. This service may give good results. It will give the names of other social accounts registered on the given email address. Results include pictures, blog posts activity from communities and networks etc.

iGoogle, Google Video, Google Mini & Others Don’t Exist On Google Any More

Google is removing the services which are not core to its business. Popular services like iGoogle, Google Video, Google Mini don’t exist anymore. Following is the listing  of services that Google has successfully removed:

  • Knol
  • Sidewiki
  • Desktop
  • Fast Flip
  • One Pass
  • Aardvark
  • Notebook
  • Google Pack
  • Google Wave
  • Google Gears
  • Image Labeler
  • Patent Search
  • Google Related
  • Subscribed Links
  • Picasa for Linux
  • Google Web Security
  • Google Friend Connect
  • Google Bookmarks Lists
  • Google Search Timeline
  • Different Slide Products
  • Google Flu Vaccine Finder
  • Google Maps API for Flash
  • Google Sync for BlackBerry
  • Mobile web app for Google Talk
  • Picasa Web Albums Uploader for Mac
  • Picasa Web Albums Plugin for iPhoto
  • Renewable Energy Cheaper than Coal (RE<C)

Misleading Language Is Not Science

It is nohow about God Particle on Earth, only fundamental matter of Universe is being researched with specific focus on Higgs boson but media hype has become absolutely otherwise. This is not good for public awareness as they know only that much about advanced research as much is said in public media. Sometime human nature makes scientists to create unscientific cover-ups but misleading language is not science.

Extending Wi-Fi Signals With Coca-Cola Can

Don’t buy new Wi-Fi router, you can extend your Wi-Fi signal range by using a Coca-cola Can:

  • Take an empty Coca-Cola Can
  • Cut the top horizontally.
  • Now make a single vertical cut on one side.
  • Put it on the antenna of your Wi-Fi router.

This will act as a parabolic reflector giving you good signals.

Ubuntu Linux: CD-Record Has No Permission To Open Device

If you are receiving common Linux error: cdrecord has no permission to open the device:

  • Open Terminal
  • Type: sudo chmod 777 /dev/scd0
  • Replace “/dev/scd0” with your device

Remember: chmod 777  grants full permission to a folder. The 777 mask indicates that read, write, and execute permission given to all users.

Shardul Pandey’s Most Popular Posts Of June, 2012

  1. Opposing governments growing attempts to legislate Internet
  2. Governments must know that what does a war on Internet mean?
  3. The future is hacked
  4. Internet protocol permits only technological progress
  5. World Wide Web is the largest market made by Opensource Architecture
  6. Governments consider reverse intelligence (Information Technology) a department
  7. Everybody better learn from us that how to legislate Internet
  8. Internet has organised individual freedoms
  9. My students’ full names are all same to me as I. P. Anonymous
  10. I teach FREEDOM, not mere technology…
  11. FREEDOM becomes unbeatable upon becoming popular utility on World Wide Web
  12. Internet is not a place for copyrights
  13. Internet can only be innovated beyond all possible legislation
  14. Freedom of Internet is very much like freedom of thought
  15. Internet is the movement and humanity is moved

Opposing governments growing attempts to legislate Internet
Individuals accessing Internet feel freedom. Freedom doesn’t come free of cost. Life too is a negligible expense to keep one’s individual freedom intact. Fighting for freedom of Internet is no less personal. Every individual must fight most fiercely to make all governments recognize that Internet has integrated humanity and humanity is immovable after getting its greatest conquest over suppressing states of all sorts in the form of worldwide web. Hackers must not stop here but establish opensource architecture of universe. Internet Protocols are enough to take care of Internet. Rest will be done by developing real technologies instead of inept legislations. Governments of all countries better stay away focussing on their domain that has been ‘laws of land’ and finish pending task of freeing respective states from violence and deception instead of practicing both.

Governments must know that what does a war on Internet mean?
We are not worried that most of the governments across all countries are gearing to wage a full-fledged war on independence of Internet but I am concerned that unlike them we have no leaders who may proclaim war or ceasefire so what will happen if it starts? It may go on up to any extent till the final victory of every anonymous hacker on planet. I hope that their remaining intelligence will make them understand that what chaos such a war may cause up on them.

The future is hacked
The future is hacked and anonymous reached almost everywhere. Governments are going to protect you from reality since Internet made you vulnerable to truth.

Internet protocol permits only technological progress
Whosoever is unhappy online must take technological route to resolve the situation. Internet protocol permits only technological progress. Internet is hardcore technological subject so we are not going to allow anyone to contaminate science by legislating politically.

World Wide Web is the largest market made by Opensource Architecture
World Wide Web is the largest market made by Opensource Architecture. Governments have also come here. Most of them now have google, facebook and twitter accounts. They send mails from g-mail and access global data from google servers. Still they don’t realize the poverty of governance that what they are capable of due to departmentalizing IT?

You can’t do more than putting your people under embargo on Internet. If you will do that even the history shall put you under embargo forever.

Governments consider reverse intelligence (Information Technology) a department
Governments consider reverse intelligence (Information Technology) a department and expends a lot of money on running it. So that they run outdated websites on misconfigured proprietory code. Such morons may sure make a few laws for coup d’état also

Governments yet don’t know much about opensource architecture so think that they can do legislation to world-wide-web. Poor fellows who failed to see that IT was reverse intelligence changing flow of information forever towards people and thus can never work as a department of government. But they did so and allocated huge budgets to run this show of absurdity almost everywhere. Result is known to whole world that United States America reached up to bankruptcy when Apple had more cash than government had and when prosperity of google and facebook gave almost no relief to US people who went ahead to occupy Wall Street. Now perhaps they want Internet also to serve as government department. Let them learn a few lessons here.

Everybody better learn from us that how to legislate Internet
You have to become us. It is that simple since only we can teach and train you in the art of legislating Internet so better get trained in dominant web-technologies now. But believe me that once you patiently get trained trough all this, you would not only leave web-space free but forget forfeiting freedoms of all sorts legislatively. We are just like that.

Internet has organised individual freedoms
Internet has organised individual freedoms across all age-old political barriers. If now you consider it as updated politics you shall feel better.

My students’ full names are all same to me as I. P. Anonymous
When you get involved within dominant web-technologies, you find that entities are merely IP addresses in contemorary Internet regime that is ruled by us anonymously.

I do not remember my students’ names. My students’ full names are all same to me as I. P. Anonymous. It is similar to any south Indian name. Only surname changes whenever they start livin’ with another computer. To me and you tall of them are always anonymous while inside Internet they remain just IPs and I appreciate for the respect they owe to me for the education they got. It has been all about freedom. I teach nothing beyond that.

I teach FREEDOM, not mere technology…
What I teach is actually FREEDOM and technology is only a tool for that. What you pay back is also FREEDOM as some money makes it work better.

FREEDOM becomes unbeatable upon becoming popular utility on World Wide Web
Websites and their users make winsome combinations on Internet not only in making money but in making independence as well. FREEDOM becomes unbeatable upon becoming popular utility on World Wide Web. So make it so more often than not.

Internet is not a place for copyrights
Internet is neither a place for copyright acts and nor for any legislatively made-up acts as it is a place to copy and distribute all possible utilities freely as per its protocol.

Internet can only be innovated beyond all possible legislation
Internet is a different kind of place altogether. You cannot legislate it but can innovate it endlessly further beyond all possible legislation. I hope you may understand its course by this very nature of it.

Freedom of Internet is very much like freedom of thought
Integrating humanity unprecedentedly internet has emerged as mega-mind of humankind so restricting it legislatively is almost like controlling your thoughts by some sort of thought police.

Internet is the movement and humanity is moved
Human-being wants to remain anonymous just to avert the tyranny of states while at the same time wishing to re-occupy the planet Earth just to prevent precious resources of humanity from getting wasted in the hands of states. It is humanity that has moved subsequently once Internet has become its movement. Now nothing can ever stop it from going on forever.

Searching A Specific File Format In Google

On Internet there are millions of files with different formats. Google recognizes them and hence you may search web for a specific file format. Likewise if you want to search certain book in PDF format then you should type the book’s name (in double quotes) followed by filetype and then book’s format in Google’s search box as show in the following given example:

Example: If you want to search book After The Software Wars in PDF format on world wide web:

Type as show below in Google’s search box

“After the Software Wars” filetype:PDF

Extinction List

First knowledge genre on Earth has poclaimed that following things are destined to extinct through ongoing evolution of humanity:

  • Necktie
  • Wrist watch
  • School
  • Office
  • Economy of displacement
  • Representative democracy

If you think anything else should be added to this extinction list then edit it here with reason. Don’t have any reason; never mind references and reasons are optional there.