Chromebox for meetings works over Google+ Hangouts on Chrome OS to carryout videoconferencing, allowing Gmail users to join an online meeting from any of their device. It can be used in sync with Google Calendar and meetings can include up to 20 participants from different locations.
In this lesson you will know how startups can make use of Chromebox, what are its advantages, limitations and how it has been used by popular online startups.
What is Chromebox?
A Chromebox is a computer machine running Google’s Chrome OS, the operating system popular on Chromebooks. The main difference is; a Chromebox is a desktop variant of the Chromebook laptops.
But there are even more differences that makes a Chromebox utilitarian for online startups. Like other devices running over Chrome OS, particularly reinforce a single system application i.e. the Chrome web browser.
Thereby it also relies deliberately over a live Internet connection (i.e. connection via local area network, that can be wireless or an Ethernet port etc) for main operations and data storage.
Chromebox may be classed as little frame element PC aka small form-factor PC that includes one power switch and connections for keyboard, mouse and monitor.
Every new machine is made better so different from the old one, at present; Chromebox features multiple USB ports and more than one display slots compatible with HDMI, DVI, and VGA, useful for startups.
Chromebox models are now available under popular and trusted computer brands such as Google, Dell & Acer etc.
What makes Chromebox useful for online startups?
The power of bringing high-quality video conferencing to any room anywhere in your home or office. The price is reasonable and the functionality is easy which makes it an ideal choice for young companies and online startups.
Chromebox bundle for meetings & video conferencing
Chromebox bundle for meetings i.e. video conferencing is designed to avoid complexities of your meetings by providing different small and large room packages.

The video conferencing bundle can be used from 2 to 8 to 20 people.

It comprises of Full HD Cameras, Microphones, Speakers, Remote Control with full QWERTY keypad on rear, Hangouts where you can chat with up to 15 people at once with all encrypted video and audio streams, Chrome Management & Support and of course the Chromebox with 5th generation Intel Core i7 Processor HDMI, DisplayPort++ 4x USB 3.0 Ethernet with built-in dual band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n.
Chromebox issues that might bother you
License Fees Issue
One most common issue is the license issue which is fair but unfair in-case of big startups, because each user upon a Google for business domain is charged to access the network and services of Google, which still is fair. But the main issue is that even after buying a Chromebox for meeting the owner has to pay some additional annual fee for each Chromebox.
Startup Branding Issue
Another issue that startups may find unfair is, when no meetings are live, it indirectly brands Google. No matter you have paid both for hardware and license fess for each Chromebox. It will continue to display Google’s wallpapers and screensaver, looks nice but gives no way to brand your Startup by customizing images etc.
Timezone & US Address Issue
Third and might be the most bothering limitation is the Timezone issue. You may need a US address to register Chromeboxes, but some of its users are saying that they got their Chromeboxes setup and working fine outside US with no such timezone problems.
Still appreciated by various successful online startups like Pinterest
After interacting with Google Sales and researching about Chromebox from various online sources, advertisements etc, it is clear that Chromebox for meetings is not only used but appreciated by some successful startups like Pinterest.
Matt Throne, Head of IT, Pinterest says, “We’re always using technology to work more creatively, so when I was invited to take part in a beta test for Chromebox for meetings, I jumped on it. The price was right, which is important for a young company. While legacy video conferencing systems can cost millions, we’ve spent a small fraction of that with Chromeboxes. Setting up our 60 devices was easy and people can use them without constant IT hand-holding. They’re now in nearly all of our San Francisco conference rooms, as well as smaller all-hands spaces and in every remote office that has a conference room.“
The Washington and Lee University have installed Google Chromeboxes replacing the crash-prone Windows machines running on screens and now it has become much easier for them to bring news to the campus while it’s fresh.
Hangout to engage better with Chromebox
If you are also looking up for some easy virtual way to organize meetings on air without having to worry about booking some conference hall or making a brick & mortar office then you may join this official Hangout on Air to engage with Chromebox for meetings product experts, participate in a live demo, and also hear how Pinterest embraces their startup culture with better collaboration.